Exam Details

Subject cognitive science
Exam / Course ph d
Organization central university
Exam Date 2011
City, State telangana, hyderabad

Question Paper


M. PbiL (Cognitive Seienee)
and Pb.D. (NennJ and Cognitive Sciences)
Marks: 75
Time: 2.00 Ius. Hall Ticket No.l

I. Please enter your lIall Ticket Number on Poge 1 as well as the OMR Ibeet without fail
11. Read carefully the following instructions:
This Question paper bas Two Sections: Section-A and Section-B
I. Section-A consists of25 objective questions ofone mark each. There is negative marking or0.33 marks ror every wrong anlwer. The marks obtained by the candidate in this part will be used for resolving tie eases.
2. Section-B consists of 50 objective type questions ofone mark each. There is
DO negative marking in this section.
3. Answers are to be marked on the OMR answer sheet following the instrnctions provided there upon.

Calculators arc permitted. Logarithmic tables arc not allowed.

All questions are to be answered.

Hand over both question booklet and the OMR sheet at the end ofthe

This booklet bas 17 pages

Directions: Each question belowconsists offour words. Three ofthem are relnted in meaning. Find the odd one out.
A. duplicity
B. ascend3ney
C. guile
D. chi=cry
A. contrition
B. remorse
C. credence
D. penitence
A. temperance
B. sobriety
C. celibacy
D. oblivion
A. whittle
B. wheedle
C. cnjole
D. coax
5. A.abracadabra
B. venal
C. voodoo
D. inC3D13tion
A. choleric
B. querulous
C. petulant
D. equitable
A. donnant
B. latent
C. nostalgic
D. inert
A. copious
B. profuse
C. myriad
D. gauche
A family consists of seven members S. V. There are three married couples. Q is an enginecr and falber ofT. U is grandfather of T and is a contractor. R is daughter-in-law of S who is a nurse by occupation. V is 1"s uncle who is a professor. There is onc student, one home maker, and one doctor in Ibe lamily. The student is unmarried and R is Ibe sister­in-law ofQ. Answer questions 9 to 13.
9. Who is husband?

A. V



10. Who is 1"s aunt?
A. S
B. P
C. U
D. None oflbe above
I1. What is Ibe profession of
A. Homc maker
B. Nurse
C. Doctor
D. eilber or
12. Which oflbe following are married couples?
D. None oflbe above
13. Which oflbe following is defmitely a group offcmale members?
D. None oflbe above
14. In the correctly worked out multiplication problem below, each letter represents a different digit. What is the value of
P2Q x Q =212Q
A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. None of the above
15. A box oftwenty pens has an .vemge cost ofRs. 22 per pen. Thcre are eleven red pens having an .vemge cost equal to the .ver.ge cost ofthc pens in the box. Thcre are seven blue pens having an .ver.gc coast ofRs. 20 per pen. What is the .vemge cost oflhe two green pens?
A. Rs.29
B. Rs.25
C. Rs.21
D. None ofthe above
16. Whieh among the following is the simplification ofthe expression

c. a2+b2_2ab
D. b2_.2
17. IfREASON is coded as 5 and BELIEVED as what is the code number for GOVERNMENT?
A. 6
B. 8
C. 9
D. None ofthe above
18. Whieh is the main parameter oflightrays ofdifferent colours that cause them to appear coloured to you?
A. Wavelength
B. Intensity
C. Amplitude
D. Phase
19. Main energy processing centre ofa living cell is
A. Nucleus
B. Mitochondria
C. Ribosome
D. Vesicles
ofthefollowingis wrong? Differentisotopes ofFluorinehave

Same number ofe1CCtroDS

Same number ofneutrons

Same number ofprotons

S:une atomic number

21. If 8Volts applied to a resistor caused a current flow of2Ampere what will be the current when 4Volts is applied?
A. 0.5Amp

C. RAmp
D. lAmp
22. According to the theory ofevolution
A. Humans evolved from chimpanzees
B. Hum:ms and chimpanzees have a common ancestor
C. Humans an: the ultimate evolved species
D. Humans are superior to viruses
23. What is the main mode ofinformation transfer between neurons?
A. Chemical
B. Electrical
C. Mechanical
D. Magnetic
24. Romeo has placed a ladder oflength 5m to climb and reach the window ofJuliet's room. The base ofthe ladder was placed against a stone 3m from the wall so as not to slip. How high is the window to Juliet's room.
D. None ofthe above
25. Which ofthe following statements aretrue aboutthe graph ofy
I. The graph does not cut the :c-axis.
II. The graph is entirely above the :c-axis.
III. The graph touches the :c-axis.
IV. They-axis is the line ofsymmctry for the graph.
V. The graph cuts the :c-axis at two distinct points.

B. I and II only
III alone

IV and Valone

SEc.-nON B
Directions: In the following sentenecs a word is underlined. From the givcn altcnmtivcs choose the one which best substitutes thc underlined word.
26. The piece is really a sonnet ridieulinf. the late Primc Minister.
A. elegy
B. dirge
C. melodrama
D. burlesque
27. Although charging intercst is contrary to the law, the landlords contravene lhis by accepting a compulsory donation.
A. circumvent
B. escape
C. circumspect
D. prcvent
28. Without that circumstance, he would have beenjailed.
A. happening
B. extenuation
C. cxpediency
D. emergency
29. Thegreatest ofallthecities oftheRamayanawasthefamoll.'Ayodhya.
A. historical
B. fabled
C. fabulous
D. celestial
30. He was filled with terrific glee to see his students struggle with the questions he set them.
A. great
B. abundant
C. fiendish
D. intense
31. It is more likely to be a momentous discovery than the result of:l conccrted effort to find it
A. casual
B. ordinary
C. consequential
D. fateful
32. I saw him as old, corrupt and irretrievabJy evil.
A. inertly
B. irredeemably
C. irreproachably
D. irresolutely
33. The General Election gave the party no such authority.
A. mandate
B. pennission
C. power
D. clout
Directions: There are two gaps in each of the following sentences. From the pairs of words given, choose the one that fills the gaps most appropriately. The first word in the pair should fill the fust gap.
34. The past visual experiences of looking at paintings can trigger a of varied emotions intensified by the recognition of the language, thus probably engaging both hemispheres ofthe brain.
A. jet, aesthetic
B. multitude, graphic
C. cascade, pictorial
D. gush, n:a1istie
35. Austmlia has a ven= of on its edges -cities, rivers and beaches -but at heart itis
A. nonchalance, outlandish
B. familiarity, bizarre
C. impropriety, cccentric
D. hostility, friendly
36. Simon's of the Brazilian foresl is one of the best-known in British history.
A. occurrences
B. discovery, episodes
C. fascination, fiction
D. creation, stories
37. A tcchnology has been estnblished throughout the ncighbouring territories to detect any attempts at
A. search, replication
B. watch, copying
C. link-up, malpractice
D. beacon, negligence
38. Students must make the from writing for themselvcs to writing with others in mind for a college
A. transition, assignment
B. forbearance, debate
C. altercation, projcct
D. switch, cntrustment
39. Understanding how data and research can personal cxperience is the first step towards writing effective
A. diverge, content
B. complement, evidence
C. supplcment, narratives
D. divulge, source materials
40. Within the limits of the company claims that they can adapt models to specific customer requiremcnts.
A. feasibility, standard
B. facility, stock
C. capability, atypical
D. chance, various

41. Gender is a physical characteristic that has remained, by its very nature, a difference between hurnans living in almost any self-sustaining and community.
A. general, mcial
B. ubiquitous, rcgenemtive
C. invasive, stimulating
D. variable, hurnanising
Directions: Study the data and answer the fi'llowing questions.
Four young girls Raji, Prcrna, Vaidchi and Arthi arc friendly with four young boys Salish, Krish, Virnal and Prakash. Satish and Virnal arc good friends. Vaidehi's boyfriend does not like Salish and Virnal. Prcrna's ooyliiend is friendly with Satish. Salish does not like Raji. (Questions 42
42. Who is Raji's boyfriend?
A. Virnal
B. Satish
C. Pmkash
D. Insufficient data
43. Salish's girlfriend is
A. Vaidehi
B. Raji
C. Prcma
D. Arthi
44. Whieh ofthe following is definitely false?
A. Raji does not like Satish.
B. Vaidehi's boyfriend is Pmkash.
C. Prcrna is not Virnal's girlfriend.
D. Pmkash and Krish arc very good friends.
45. IfVaidehi does not like Krish then who is Raji's boyfriend?
A. Salish
B. Krish
C. Pmkash
D. Virnal
46. Ifin a certain language, 943 is coded as BED and 12448 is coded as SWEET, how is 492311 coded in that language
D. None ofthe above
Geological Survey of India will send two teams ofsurveyors to the Himalayan Range. Each team will consist ofat least three persons. The tearns \ill be constituted from seven persons, Amla, Bharathi, Catherine, Dcyyani, Esther. F"lhima, and Gargi. These persons lII'C experts in one of the areas of Map Surveying. Data Interpretation, Paleontology and Seismology. Every group must have at least olle P"leontologist and a Seismologist. Amla and Bharnthi are Map Surveynrs and they cannot be together. Deyyani and Esther lII'C Seismologists. Catherine and Deyyani cannot be together and Gargi and Bharnthi are always in the same group. Fathima is a Paleontologist
Now answer the questions
47. IfFathima is in the same group with Bharathi, then Catherine must be specialized in
A. Data Interpretation
B. Paleontology
C. Seismology
D. None ofthe Above
48. IfFathima cannot go, then what must be the specialization ofGargi?
A. Paleontology
B. Seismology
C. Data Interpretation
D. Map Surveying
49. IfDeyyani cannot be in the same group as Fathima, then who must always be in the group ofFathima?
A. Amla
B. Bharathi
C. Catherine
D. Esther
SO. If Catherine is in the area of Data Interpretation, then who must always be in the same group as Catherine?
A. Bharathi
B. Devyani
C. Esther
D. Fathinta
51. IfBharathi is not in any ofthe groups, then who can be in the same group as Amla?
A. Gargi and Esther
B. Catherine and Esther
C. Catherine and Fathima
D. or or
52. There is a five digit number. The fourth digit is 4 greater than the second digit, while the third digit is 3 less than thc second digit. The first digit is thrice the last digit. There are three pairs whose sum is II. Find the number.

D. None ofthe above
53. A vessel contains five red h3l1s and seven white balls, which are identical in size. One ball is drawn from the vessel each time and is not replaced. What is the probability that 2 white halls are drawn in succession?
A. 217
B. 1/6
C. 7/22
D. 491144
54. One-halfofa number is 17 more than one-third ofthat number. What is the number?
55. Given below are the pereent increases in length and percent decrease in breadth respectively in a rectangle. Which of the combinations gives the least percentage of change in area?
A. 10,10
B. 20,0
C. 15,45
D. 12,8
56. Two sides of a plot measure 32 metres and 24 metres and thc angle between them is perfect right angle. The other two sides measure 25 metres each and the other three angles arc not right angles. What is the area ofthe plot (in square metres)?
B. 534
C. 696.5
57. Four strnight lines arc drawn at random in a plane, no two ofwhicb arc parallel and no ofwhich intersect at a point. is the maximum number oftriangles fonncd?
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
58. Which is the false statement about light and sound?
A. Both light and sound require media to propagate
B. Both light and sound can diffract
C. Bolb light and sound can be reflected
D. Both light and sound can bave different velocities in different media
59. The cell mcmbranc ofall organisms is made of
A. Carbohydrate
B. Protein
C. Phospholipids
D. Polysaccharides
60. Ifan inorganic solution tastes very sour what is lbc likely status of its pH?
A. Insufficient data
B. is high
C. is low
D. is 0
61. Ifa mass of I kg falls from a height in 9.8 see. How long will it take fora mass of2 kg fall from the same height?
A. 19.6sec
B. 9.85Oc
C. 4.9sec
D. l1.8see
62. Which are the main elements that makc up living cclls?
A. C3l"bon, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Hydrogen, Silicon
B. Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Hydrogen, Phosphorous
C. Carbon, Sulphur, Oxygen, Hydrogcn, Phosphorou,
D. C3rbon, Sulphur, Oxygen, Hydrogen. Silicon
63. Which among the following is the differentiation ofthe function
A. In(x)
B. x
C. I
D. t!
64. Ends of a conducting wire are connected to a voltmeter. 1 is initially in a position away from a magnetic field. Now you move the conduclor directly inlo a magnetic ficld and keep it there. You will observe the following in the volt mcler during the process.
A. The voltage reading gradually increases in magnitudc and then reaches a steady non zero valuc and stays at that value
B. The voltage reading, which was initially zero increases in magnitudc and then gocs back to zero
C. There is no change in the vollage reading during thc process
D. Voltage reading kceps oscillating between positivc and negative values while the conductor is in the magnetic field
65. Equal mass of two liquids A and B arc hcaled for the same duration under similar conditions. Temperature ofA is double that ofB at the end ofthe treatment.
A. We can say nothing about thc specific heat capacily
B. A has higher specific heat capacity than B
C. B has higher specific heat capacity than A
D. Specific heat capacity of A and B depends on the time for which the heating was done
66. Two strands ofDNA are held together by
A. Covalent bond
B. Ionic bond
C. Hydrogen bond
D. Van der Waals foree
67. Ifa bee is travelling straight from its hive to a eluster of flowers with velocity v mlsec for halfthe total time to reaeh the flowers, 2v mlsec for quarter ofthe time 3IId vf2 mlscc for the rest to the time, what is bee's average velocity?
A. vmlsec
B. 7v/8 mlsec
C. 5v19 mlsec
D. 9v/8 mlsec
68. If in a series the po. term divided by the term yields the samc rutio as the q" tcrm divided by the tcrm, thcn the scrics is in:
A. Arithmetic Progression
B. Geometric Progression
C. Both AP and GP
D. None ofthe above
69. What does the number 1000 in binary system (in base stand for in the decimal system?
A. 2000
B. 500
C. 8
70. IfIf=c' for some intcgers B and C thcn the value ofthe small.,.t posnive integer 1 mustbe:
A. 64
B. 81
C. 36
D. 8
71. Ifx> then which ofthe following decreascs as x increases?
A. (x-1Yx
B. (.xZ-IY.xZ
C. lIe .xZ-x)
72. The Dumber of oscillations made by a simplc pendulum is inversely proportional to the square root of its length. A pendulum makcs 80 oscillations per minute. How many oscillations will it make, ifits length is made 4 times the original?
A. 40
B. 18
D. 57
73. If velocity of sound is 400mlscc in a medium and the frequency is 100 Hz. What is the wavelength7
B. 4m
C. 40,00Om

themotherandthefather ofanoffspring hmedifferenttraitsbecause ofdifferent versions"fa gene(alleles) then the offspring

will exhibit traits of both alleles

is not affected by the alleles ofth. parents

need not exhibit traits of both the alleles

will exhibit mothers allele

75. Solution A contains 20"10 ,olume) of an acid and another solution B has 55% (by volume) of the same acid. How muob of each and in Iitres must be taken to obtain 100 liters ofa48% solution ofthe acid?
A. 20:80
B. 25:75
C. 24:76
D. 30:70

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