Exam Details

Subject social exclusion & inclusion.
Exam / Course m.phil
Organization central university
Exam Date February, 2013
City, State telangana, hyderabad

Question Paper

UNIVERSITY OF'HYDERABAD ENTRANCE EXAMINATION, FEBRUARY, 2013 M.Phil., Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policy Time: 2 Hours Max. Marks: 75 IHall Ticket Number
L This question paper contains 5 pages. Please count them. It has two parts, viz., Part­A for 25 and Part-B for 50 marks.
The entrance test paper should not be taken out of the examination hall.

Part-A consists of 25 multiple choice questions. Each correct answer carries ONE mark. There is negative marking for every wrong answer at the rate of 0.33 mark. There is, however, no negative marking for questions not attempted.

Part-B questions should be answered on a separate answer book supplied in the examination hall. Additional sheets may be provided.

Part-A and Part-B answer scripts should be tied together before handing them over to the invigilator.

Part-A (For a maximum of25 marks)

Write the correct answer in brackets:
Q. 1. During which era has the term 'social exclusion' gained popularity in France?
A.1960s B.1970s C.1980s D.1990s
Q. 2. Who stated, "The popularity ofthe term 'social exclusion' was partly the result ofthe unpopularityinFrance oftheBritishconcept ofpoverty"?
A. Arjan De Haan B. Amartya Sen
C. Naila Kabeer D. Hilary Silver.
Q. 3. In which year was the Prevention ofCorruption Act formed?
A. 1989 B.1978
C. 1988 D.None ofthe above
Q. 4. Who is elected as the Chairman ofUnited Nations' Panel of Extemal Auditors for the Year Q.$. What is India's average annual and std. deviation real GDP growth rate
A. VinodRai B. Ban Ki Moon
C. Chidambram D. None ofthe above

A. 8.4 B.5.3
C. 8.9 D.None ofthe above
Q. 6. Whose quote is this -"Never doubt that a small group ofthoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has"?
A. Kofi Annan B.Jeffrey Sachs
C. Margaret Mead D.Cynthia Enloe
Q. 7. Which ofthe following community practices polyandry in India?
A. Ho and Thoti B. Garo and Toda
C. Santhal and Yenadi D.None ofthe above
Q. 8.When was the National Policy for Senior Citizens drafted?
A.2011 B.2012 C.1996 D.None
Q. 9. Theorists who focus on class inequalities, racial inequalities and gender inequalities are classified as theorists.
A. Structural-functionalist B.Critical-conflict
C. Symbolic interactionist D.Social stratification
Q. 10. Reservation for SCs and STs for promotion in govemmentjobs is associated with which of the following amendments in the articles ofthe constitution
A.116 B.117
C.118 D.119
Q. 11. Where and when was the Muslim OBC organization founded?
A. Maharashtra, 1981 B. Uttar Pradesh, 1980
C. Maharashtra, 1978 D. None ofthe above
Q. 12.Which bill was drafted to enhance State accountability and check identity based violence?

A. Communal Violence Bill, 2011
B. Rajasthan Control ofOrganised Crime Bill, 2006
C. Andhra Pradesh Control ofOrganised Crime Bill, 2006
D. Maharashtra Control of Organised Crime Act, 1999
Q. 13. Which ofthe following conventions are not ratified by India?
A. Convention ofBiodiversity and Hague Service Convention
B. Refugee Convention and Social Security convention
C. Chemical Weapon Convention
D. All ofthe Above


Q. 14. What is the Youth Employment rate for 15-24 age group in India as per World Social Security Report,2011?
A. 56.4 for male and 21.4 for female, 2008
B. 59.3 for male and 28.1 for female, 2008
C. 51.0 for male and 21.1 for female, 2008
D. None ofthe above
Q. IS. Which commission was set up by the government to examine the present laws to protect the safety and dignity of Women?
A. Justice Verma Commission
B. Justice Sawant Commission
C. Justice Punnaiah Commission
D. None ofthe above
Q. 16.Which state has made legislation on utilization ofSCs and STs Sub-Plan?
A. Kamataka B.Andhra Pradesh
C. Madhya Pradesh D.None ofthe above
Q. 17 Alberuni was famous scholar in the court of .
A. Mahmud of Ghazni B.Mohammed Ghori
C. Ala-us-din Khilji D.None ofthe above 18. The Clash ofcivilizationandtheremaking ofWorldOrder was written by
A. Samuel O. Huntington B.Talal Asad
C. Anthony Giddens D.None ofthe above
Q. 19. Where was the first mass movement started by Mahatma Gandhi in India?
A. Champaran B.Bardoli
C. Chaura Chauri D.Dandi
Q. 20. Who is the author ofMuslims in Indian Economy?
A. Omar Khalidi B.Zoya Hassan
C. Tahir Mahmood D.None
Q. 21. Which ofthe following is not considered for Direct Benefit Transfer, launched on 1st Jan, 2013?
A. Public Distribution System
B. Dhanlakshmi Scheme
. C. Indira Gandhi Matrutva Sahayata Yojana

D. Post-Matric Fellowship
Q.22. Which ofthe following combination of states constitutes the highest Muslim population in India?
A. Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, and West Bengal
B. Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal
C. Andhra Pradesh, Kerala, Uttar Pradesh
D. Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Bihar
Q. 23. The Making of The English Working Class was written by
A. E.P. Thompson B.S.Raj Dhooleka
C Pavan Kumar D.None ofthe above

Q. 24. People without History: India's Muslim Ghettos was written by
A. Jeremy Seabrrok and Imran Ahmed
B. Christophe Jaffrelot
C. Imtiaz Ahmad
D. None of the above
Q. 25.Who was the first economist to advocate a 'rolling plan' for developing countries?
A. A.K.Sen
B. G.Myrdal
C. P.C.Mahalanobis
D. Rosenstein-Rodan
Part B (For a maximum of50 Marks) Section
Answer one of the following. Itcarries 20 marks. x 20
Q. 1 "To call discrimination 'wrongful' is merely to add emphasis to a morally-laden term" Argue this remark with example(s). What are different types of discrimination? Challenge the concept of Indirect Discrimination OR
Q. 2. What do you understand by the concept of Social Exclusion? Elaborate with example(s). Discusstherole ofreligioninshapingwomen'sspaceinsocialfabric.
Section -II
Answer any THREE of the following questions. Each question carries 10 marks. x 10 30)
Q.1. Explain the terms Matriarchy and Patriarchy? Discuss the attributes which differentiate sexes (first, second and third) by placing them in the ladder ofsocietal hierarchy.
Q.2. Has Old Age Home become a necessity in modem age? Elaborate justifying your position with examples.
Q.3. Why has Financial Inclusion become a catchphrase in the present economy? Establish its relationship with poverty debates, if it has any.
Q.4. Elaborate how religion contributes to social exclusion and discrimination in India.
Q.5. Illustrate reasons for opposition to and effectiveness ofproportional representation in the society.
Q.6. What does a declining sex ratio in urban India indicate? Explain reasons for high sex ratio among Muslims.


  • anthropology
  • applied linguistics
  • centre for english language studies
  • comparative literature
  • dalit adivasi studies & translation
  • economics
  • english
  • gender studies
  • hindi
  • history
  • indian diaspora
  • philosophy
  • political science
  • sanskrit
  • social exclusion & inclusion.
  • sociology
  • telugu
  • translation studies
  • urdu