Exam Details
Subject | social exclusion & inclusion. | |
Paper | ||
Exam / Course | m.phil | |
Department | ||
Organization | central university | |
Position | ||
Exam Date | 2011 | |
City, State | telangana, hyderabad |
Question Paper
M.PbU (CCDtre for tbc StDdy of Social ExclusloD aDd Iad.sive Policy)
lime: 2 Hours Max. Marks: 75
This qDestiOD paper cODtnlDs 4 I'le.se count tbem. It bas two pnrts, viz. Part-A for 25 Marks nad Pnrt-B for 50 Marks.
Thc cDtraDee test paper sbould aot be takeD oat of tbc cumlnation baiL
Part-A CODsists of 25 mDltiple choice qaestioaL Eaeb correct answcr carries
"ONE" mark.. There is negatil'l: marking for every wrong answer tal the rate of
0.33 marks. ncre is, hOl'ever, DO negative marking for tbe questions Dot
Part-B qaestions sboald be answcred OD a separatc answcr book sDpplied iD tbc cumiDatloD ball. Additioaalsheets may be provided.
Part-A aDd Part·B .nswcr scripts sbould be tied togethcr before bandiDg tbem ovcr to tbc coDcerned lavigUator.
PART (For a Maximum of25 Marks)
Write thc concet answer (AIB/CID) in the braeket:
I. The Wreched ofthe Earth was wril1en by Paulo Friari Franz Kafka Albert Camus DJ Franz Fanan
2. Two CWIJIn!s WDS wriUen by A)C. P. Snow Paul Wallace M.N. Srinivas G.S. Guryc
3. Burakumin, a marginalized community resides in which ofthe following countries?
New Zealand Srilanka C)lapan Brazil
4. Which of the following social sections does not come under the category of Scheduled
Castes? Hindu Dalits Sikh Dalits Buddhist Dalits Christian Dalits
S. One oCthe following is an important feature oC73" Amendment Act Periodic elections Cor local bodies Local bodies cannot be dissolved Special protection oC school teachers in runI1 areas None
6. What Congress andGandhi have done to tile UnJouchobles was written by
Ramaswamy Naikar
India Stinki..g was wrinen by Gccth:uamaswomy Medhapatkar
Malegaom Report is associated with Microfinance Urbanisation
Ambcdkar Kmtshiram
AnlOthathiroy SanthaSinha
Child labour Tax refonns
9. Who is the Chairpc:rson oCthe National Commission for Minorities in lodia? Mohammed Shafi Qureshi H. T. Sangliana Dinakaran Tejpal Singh
10. What is the percentage ofCcmale literacy according to 2001 census in India? 69"/0 4S% S4.16% 6S%
11. Jamia Millialsiamia University has been given the status ofminority institution in Feb, 2011 March, 2011 Jan, 2011 none
12. Who started the journal called Ta!rzib.ul.Akhlaq Muhamad Ali Jauhar Syed Ahmed Khan Mohammad Ali Jinnah None ofthem
13. The Color a/Violence: Cultural Identities was wriUen by Austosh Varshncy Sudhir Kakar Imtiaz Ahmad none l
14. Grameen Bank was introduced by Muhammad Yunus Vikram Akula Malcolm Harper None
IS. Who is not linked with the concept of'social capital' Coleman Bourdieu Putnam none
16. End0/History was written by Romil. Thapar David Harvey Francis Fukuyama E. P. Thompson
Hilary Silver is associnted with the study of Social Rights Social Policy Social Exclusion All ofthe Above
Komaram Bhccm is well known for A)Rights ofScheduledCas1cs B)Rights ofScheduledTnbes Rights ofChristian Minorities All orthe Above
19.1he EndofPovertywaswrinen by Jaffrey Saches Amnrtya Sen Jean Drez.c Saroj Pachouri
Rene Lenoir was associated with Inclusive Policy Social justice Equity Dl Social exclu!-ion
Abolition ofScavenging Act wa.' hrought about in the 1994 1997 1991 1993
When did Dr. B. R. Ambcdkar submitted a memorandum to the Simon Commission to
safeguard the Interests ofDcprcsscd Classes? 1919 1928 1930 1942
Which ofthc following scholars argued that caste is an institution unique to the Hindus in
his work Homo Hierarr:hicSl A.M. Shah T.N. Madan G.S. Ghwye Louis Dumont
24. When was the Morley Minto Rcronns introduced in India? 1909 1919 1928 1931
25. The economic refonns was first initiated during the priministeMip of
Manmohan Singh B) P. V. Narasimho Ran
Rajive Gandhi D) V. P. Singh
PART-B (Fora Maximum ofSO Marks)
The following question is COMPULSORY. It carries 20 Marks 20X 1 =20
. Bring out the dilfcrcnces between disciplinary and multidisciplinary modes of social enquiry and show its significance forthe study ofsocial exclusion?
Answer any TWO ofthe following questions. Eaeh question carries IS MmI<s IS X2 30
Examine the ehanging ehlll'llC1cr of social poliey in India in the context of transition fiom social welfarism through market refom,s.
What is the meaning post-fordism? Explain its signifi=cc for the globalizing world?
Critically examine the reasons for the inc= in fttroeitics against dalits despite several legal protections? Recommend steps for better inclusion of dalits in the main stream life.
Explain the political context of the Srikrishn. committee and discuss its recommendations for scp:1r.1IC Telang.no statehood?
S. Examine the exclusionary pro« ss (If Muslims and discuss the viability of the policy
initiatives taken by the Indian government with regard to Muslim community?
6. Explain the conflictual relation between democracy and development in India?
M.PbU (CCDtre for tbc StDdy of Social ExclusloD aDd Iad.sive Policy)
lime: 2 Hours Max. Marks: 75
This qDestiOD paper cODtnlDs 4 I'le.se count tbem. It bas two pnrts, viz. Part-A for 25 Marks nad Pnrt-B for 50 Marks.
Thc cDtraDee test paper sbould aot be takeD oat of tbc cumlnation baiL
Part-A CODsists of 25 mDltiple choice qaestioaL Eaeb correct answcr carries
"ONE" mark.. There is negatil'l: marking for every wrong answer tal the rate of
0.33 marks. ncre is, hOl'ever, DO negative marking for tbe questions Dot
Part-B qaestions sboald be answcred OD a separatc answcr book sDpplied iD tbc cumiDatloD ball. Additioaalsheets may be provided.
Part-A aDd Part·B .nswcr scripts sbould be tied togethcr before bandiDg tbem ovcr to tbc coDcerned lavigUator.
PART (For a Maximum of25 Marks)
Write thc concet answer (AIB/CID) in the braeket:
I. The Wreched ofthe Earth was wril1en by Paulo Friari Franz Kafka Albert Camus DJ Franz Fanan
2. Two CWIJIn!s WDS wriUen by A)C. P. Snow Paul Wallace M.N. Srinivas G.S. Guryc
3. Burakumin, a marginalized community resides in which ofthe following countries?
New Zealand Srilanka C)lapan Brazil
4. Which of the following social sections does not come under the category of Scheduled
Castes? Hindu Dalits Sikh Dalits Buddhist Dalits Christian Dalits
S. One oCthe following is an important feature oC73" Amendment Act Periodic elections Cor local bodies Local bodies cannot be dissolved Special protection oC school teachers in runI1 areas None
6. What Congress andGandhi have done to tile UnJouchobles was written by
Ramaswamy Naikar
India Stinki..g was wrinen by Gccth:uamaswomy Medhapatkar
Malegaom Report is associated with Microfinance Urbanisation
Ambcdkar Kmtshiram
AnlOthathiroy SanthaSinha
Child labour Tax refonns
9. Who is the Chairpc:rson oCthe National Commission for Minorities in lodia? Mohammed Shafi Qureshi H. T. Sangliana Dinakaran Tejpal Singh
10. What is the percentage ofCcmale literacy according to 2001 census in India? 69"/0 4S% S4.16% 6S%
11. Jamia Millialsiamia University has been given the status ofminority institution in Feb, 2011 March, 2011 Jan, 2011 none
12. Who started the journal called Ta!rzib.ul.Akhlaq Muhamad Ali Jauhar Syed Ahmed Khan Mohammad Ali Jinnah None ofthem
13. The Color a/Violence: Cultural Identities was wriUen by Austosh Varshncy Sudhir Kakar Imtiaz Ahmad none l
14. Grameen Bank was introduced by Muhammad Yunus Vikram Akula Malcolm Harper None
IS. Who is not linked with the concept of'social capital' Coleman Bourdieu Putnam none
16. End0/History was written by Romil. Thapar David Harvey Francis Fukuyama E. P. Thompson
Hilary Silver is associnted with the study of Social Rights Social Policy Social Exclusion All ofthe Above
Komaram Bhccm is well known for A)Rights ofScheduledCas1cs B)Rights ofScheduledTnbes Rights ofChristian Minorities All orthe Above
19.1he EndofPovertywaswrinen by Jaffrey Saches Amnrtya Sen Jean Drez.c Saroj Pachouri
Rene Lenoir was associated with Inclusive Policy Social justice Equity Dl Social exclu!-ion
Abolition ofScavenging Act wa.' hrought about in the 1994 1997 1991 1993
When did Dr. B. R. Ambcdkar submitted a memorandum to the Simon Commission to
safeguard the Interests ofDcprcsscd Classes? 1919 1928 1930 1942
Which ofthc following scholars argued that caste is an institution unique to the Hindus in
his work Homo Hierarr:hicSl A.M. Shah T.N. Madan G.S. Ghwye Louis Dumont
24. When was the Morley Minto Rcronns introduced in India? 1909 1919 1928 1931
25. The economic refonns was first initiated during the priministeMip of
Manmohan Singh B) P. V. Narasimho Ran
Rajive Gandhi D) V. P. Singh
PART-B (Fora Maximum ofSO Marks)
The following question is COMPULSORY. It carries 20 Marks 20X 1 =20
. Bring out the dilfcrcnces between disciplinary and multidisciplinary modes of social enquiry and show its significance forthe study ofsocial exclusion?
Answer any TWO ofthe following questions. Eaeh question carries IS MmI<s IS X2 30
Examine the ehanging ehlll'llC1cr of social poliey in India in the context of transition fiom social welfarism through market refom,s.
What is the meaning post-fordism? Explain its signifi=cc for the globalizing world?
Critically examine the reasons for the inc= in fttroeitics against dalits despite several legal protections? Recommend steps for better inclusion of dalits in the main stream life.
Explain the political context of the Srikrishn. committee and discuss its recommendations for scp:1r.1IC Telang.no statehood?
S. Examine the exclusionary pro« ss (If Muslims and discuss the viability of the policy
initiatives taken by the Indian government with regard to Muslim community?
6. Explain the conflictual relation between democracy and development in India?
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