Exam Details
Subject | anthropology | |
Paper | ||
Exam / Course | m.phil | |
Department | ||
Organization | central university | |
Position | ||
Exam Date | February, 2013 | |
City, State | telangana, hyderabad |
Question Paper
TIME: 2 Hours Max. Marks: 1"
Write your. Hall Ticket Number in the OMR Answer Sheet given to you. Also write the Hall Ticket Number in the space provided above.
This Question Paper has two parts, viz., Part-A for 50 marks and Part-B for 25 marks.
There is negative marking in Part-A. Each wrong answer carries -0.33 marks.
Answers are to be marked on the OMR answer sheet following the instructions provided there upon.
Answers in Part-B should be written in English and in the space provided after each question.
Handover the OMR answer sheet along with this question paper intact at the end of the examination to the Invigilator.
No additional sheets will be provided. Rough work can be done in the question paper itself/ space provided at the end ofthe booklet.
Use of non-programmable calculator is allowed.
1. The scientific name of Modem Man is
A. Homo erectus rudolfensis
B. Homo erectus javanensis
C. Homo sapiens sapiens
D. Homo sapiens neanderthalensis
2. Who is called as Father ofIndian prehistory
A. H.D. Sankalia
B. Robert Bruce Foote
C. John Marshall
D. Mortimer Wheeler
3. The Characteristic tool types of lower Palaeolithic period
A. Microliths
B. Blade and Burins
C. Hand axes and Cleavers
D. Ground and polished tools
4. 'Generally the idea of organization is that of people getting things done by planned action. This is social process, the arrangement of action in sequences in conformity with selected social ends'. This statement was by
A. A.R Radcliffe Brown
B. B. Malinowski
C. Raymond Firth
D. E. Evans Pritchard
5. The key word in the definition of culture given by E.B Tylor is
A. ethnographic sense
B. acquired
C. belief
D. members of society
6. In L.R. Morgan's scheme of 'Savagery, Barbarism and civilization', Civilization is characterized by
A. Invention of speech
B. Domestication of animals
C. Phonetic alphabet and writing
D. Cultivation of maize by irrigation
7. The biological needs of man and their specific cultural responses were spelled out by
A. M. J Rerskovits
B. Franz Boas
C. Julian Steward
D. B. Malinowski
8. Producing descriptive account of a culture at a particular time is
A. Emic description
B. Ethnography
C. Ethnology
D. Etic description
9. Potlatch as practiced by Kwakiutl is
A. Gift Exchange
B. Redistributive exchange
C. Generalized reciprocity
D. Ceremonial exchange
10. The fifth schedule ofthe Indian constitution provides for
A. Establishment of autonomous district councils
B. Establishment ofconsolidated fund ofIndia
C. Establishment of Tribes Advisory Councils in some states.
D. For promulgation ofSC and ST atrocities act
11. Within a Jati, there exist exogamous groups known as
A. Varna
B. Caste.
Sub caste
12. Thebar commission submitted a report in 1961 on
A. Special multipurpose tribal blocks
B. Scheduled areas
C. Policy of assimilation
D. Most backward tribal communities
13. 'Acephalous' refers to
A. societies devoid ofclass system
B. societies devoid ofcaste system
C. societies which do not possess segmentary lineage system
D. societies which do not possess centralized political authority
14. Adelphic polyandry is a form of marriage in which the
A. co-wives are sisters
B. co-husbands are brothers
C. co-wives are unrelated
D. co-husbands are unrelated
15. Agnates are persons
A. descended from a common female ancestress
B. descended from a common male ancestor
C. descended through both male and female ancestors
D. related through marriage
16. The theory of 'animatism' is associated with
A. E.B. Tylor
B. L. H. Morgan
C. R.R. Marrett
D. J.F. McLennan
17. Band organization is typical of
A. hunting-gathering societies
B. agricultural societies
C. Fishing communities
D. urban societies
18. One ofthe following is not a diffusionist
A. F. Ratzel
B. J.J. Bachofen
C. Elliot Smith
D. F. Graebner
19. The term 'emic/etic' is associated with
A. Fred Eggan
B. Kenneth Pike
C. Edward Sapir
D. F.G. Lounsbury
20. The two-fold distinction of classificatory and descriptive kinship terminology was made originally by .
A. R.R. Lowie
B. G.P. Murdock
C. E.B. Tylor
D. L.R. Morgan
21. The practice of naming which refers to a person according to his or her relationship with a child is known as
A. teknonymy
B. couvade
C. amitate
D. fictive kinship
22. Who among the following is associated with the theory ofculture and personality?
A. Kardiner
B. Linton
C. Cora DuBois
D. All the above
23. Who among the following suggested that we should regard culture as a mechanism by which individual variability is organised and structured according to the characteristics ofthe social system:
A. A.F.C. Wallace
B. Ruth Benedict
C. Margaret Mead
D. None
24. Who among the following had a considerable influence on evolutionary and archaeological perspectives in the USA?
A. L.R.Morgan
B. V.G. Childe
C. Leslie White
D. Edward Sapir
25. The notion of 'binary opposition' is important in
A. Structuralist theory
B. Psychoanalysis
C. Interpretative anthropology
D. Neo-evolutionism
26. The approach which stressed the differences and particularities of each culture as a result of its specificity and divergent historical development is known as:
A. Historical particularism
B. Specific historicism
C. Cultural determinism
D. 'Boasism'
27. The contribution of Malinowski, Firth and Herskovits stand out for
A. Development ofeconomic anthropology
B. Comparative studies of rural-urban societies
C. Studies of law and justice in simple societies
D. All the above
28. The method ofcontrolled comparison is given by
A. Fred Eggan
B. Evans-Pritchard
C. Elliot Smith
D. Erickson
29. Who among the following is a close collaborator of Karl Marx?
A. Friedrich Engels
B. Marcel Mauss
C. A.I. Lenin
D. Joseph Stalin
30. The concept of'liminality' is associated with anthropological studies on
A. Shamanism .
B. Sickness and healing
C. Ritual
D. Youth dormitories
31. Politics uses mostly a caste's
A. Hierarchical relations
B. Interpersonal relations -kinship, marriage, commensality, etc.
C. Economic relations with other caste
D. Traditional political authority
32. One ofthe following is not trait a of Little tradition
A. Presence of religious specialists
B. Mostly followed by illiterate masses
C. Oriented to 'this world' only
D. Under developed political economy
33. Empirical research means
A. Research based on empires
B. Research based on the data by someone else
C. Research based on the data collected through fieldwork
D. Data based on philosophical formulations
34. Basic aim offieldwork in anthropology is
A. To find out about other societies
B. To gain insider's views
C. To gain a comparative understanding ofnatives
D. All the above
35. Which ofthe following is qualitative?
A. Family types and their proportions in a village
B. Decision making processes in a community
C. Statistical significance between crime and education levels
D. Relationship between age and number ofbirths among married women
36. Fusion and Fission is the structural feature of
A. Andaman islanders
B. Trobriand islanders
C. Nuer ofAfrica
D. Bhils ofIndia
37. The process in which gradual and systematic culture change takes place is called
A. Multi-lineal Evolution
B. Assimilation
C. Steady appropriation
D. Acculturation
38. The book "Patterns ofculture" followed this approach
A. Social-structural
B. Integrationist
C. Diffusionist
D. Psychological
39. Indian society in the past
A. was unstable
B. was very friendly
C. mobility ofindividuals or groups did not exist
D. witnessed mobility of individuals or groups
40. Caste system stresses on
A. Social equality
B. Social inequality
C. Sharing resources together
D. Equity
41. Movement ofpeople from place to place without permanent settlement is known as
A. Migration
B. Social mobility
42. Society in rural India is
A. Urban
B. Egalitarian
C. Agrarian
D. Primitive
43. Social mobility takes place only
A. in advanced countries
B. among the rich
C. under capitalism
D. none ofthe above
44. Levi-Strauss' Savage Mind is all about
A. Primitive mind
B. myth
C. logic
D. binary opposition
45. Jajmani system was first discussed by
A. William Wiser
B. T.O. Beidelman
C. Robert Redfield
D. Milton Singer
46. Who among the following is not a structural Marxist?
A. Althusser
B. Godelier
C. Meillassoux
D. George Marcus
47. One ofthe following three is correct:
A. Geology, social structure and Marxism are regarded as three mistresses by Levi-Strauss
B. Geology, psychology and Marxism are regarded as three mistresses by LeviStrauss
C. Geology, psychoanalysis and Marxism are regarded as three mistresses by Levi-Strauss
D. Geology, social psychology and Marxism are regarded as three mistresses by Levi-Strauss
48. Social distance scales are also known as
A. Bogardus scales
B. Thurstone scales
C. Rating scales
D. Ranking scales
49. Componential analysis deals with
A. Definitive attributes
B. The way in which the definitive attributes are combined
C. The way the definitive attributes are ordered
D. All the above
50. The ink-blot test was developed by
A. Henry A. Murray
B. Spindler
C. Rorschach
D. Inkles
QUESTION NO. I (Marks: 10)
Write an Essay on any ONE ofthe following in 350 words.
Discuss the significance of fieldwork in anthropological research and explain the scientific principles underlying it.
Define evolution. Discuss how the theory of evolution accounts for the historical progression of socio-cultural systems.
Write a short essay about the contribution ofClaude Levi-Strauss.
Explain the interrelationship between Sanskritization and westernization.
QUESTION NO. II (Marks: 15)
Write short-note on any THREE of the following. All the questions carry equal marks.
Culture of poverty
Emic and etic approaches in anthropology
Apollonian and Dionysian cultures
Participant observation
Structured interview
Age-area approach
TIME: 2 Hours Max. Marks: 1"
Write your. Hall Ticket Number in the OMR Answer Sheet given to you. Also write the Hall Ticket Number in the space provided above.
This Question Paper has two parts, viz., Part-A for 50 marks and Part-B for 25 marks.
There is negative marking in Part-A. Each wrong answer carries -0.33 marks.
Answers are to be marked on the OMR answer sheet following the instructions provided there upon.
Answers in Part-B should be written in English and in the space provided after each question.
Handover the OMR answer sheet along with this question paper intact at the end of the examination to the Invigilator.
No additional sheets will be provided. Rough work can be done in the question paper itself/ space provided at the end ofthe booklet.
Use of non-programmable calculator is allowed.
1. The scientific name of Modem Man is
A. Homo erectus rudolfensis
B. Homo erectus javanensis
C. Homo sapiens sapiens
D. Homo sapiens neanderthalensis
2. Who is called as Father ofIndian prehistory
A. H.D. Sankalia
B. Robert Bruce Foote
C. John Marshall
D. Mortimer Wheeler
3. The Characteristic tool types of lower Palaeolithic period
A. Microliths
B. Blade and Burins
C. Hand axes and Cleavers
D. Ground and polished tools
4. 'Generally the idea of organization is that of people getting things done by planned action. This is social process, the arrangement of action in sequences in conformity with selected social ends'. This statement was by
A. A.R Radcliffe Brown
B. B. Malinowski
C. Raymond Firth
D. E. Evans Pritchard
5. The key word in the definition of culture given by E.B Tylor is
A. ethnographic sense
B. acquired
C. belief
D. members of society
6. In L.R. Morgan's scheme of 'Savagery, Barbarism and civilization', Civilization is characterized by
A. Invention of speech
B. Domestication of animals
C. Phonetic alphabet and writing
D. Cultivation of maize by irrigation
7. The biological needs of man and their specific cultural responses were spelled out by
A. M. J Rerskovits
B. Franz Boas
C. Julian Steward
D. B. Malinowski
8. Producing descriptive account of a culture at a particular time is
A. Emic description
B. Ethnography
C. Ethnology
D. Etic description
9. Potlatch as practiced by Kwakiutl is
A. Gift Exchange
B. Redistributive exchange
C. Generalized reciprocity
D. Ceremonial exchange
10. The fifth schedule ofthe Indian constitution provides for
A. Establishment of autonomous district councils
B. Establishment ofconsolidated fund ofIndia
C. Establishment of Tribes Advisory Councils in some states.
D. For promulgation ofSC and ST atrocities act
11. Within a Jati, there exist exogamous groups known as
A. Varna
B. Caste.
Sub caste
12. Thebar commission submitted a report in 1961 on
A. Special multipurpose tribal blocks
B. Scheduled areas
C. Policy of assimilation
D. Most backward tribal communities
13. 'Acephalous' refers to
A. societies devoid ofclass system
B. societies devoid ofcaste system
C. societies which do not possess segmentary lineage system
D. societies which do not possess centralized political authority
14. Adelphic polyandry is a form of marriage in which the
A. co-wives are sisters
B. co-husbands are brothers
C. co-wives are unrelated
D. co-husbands are unrelated
15. Agnates are persons
A. descended from a common female ancestress
B. descended from a common male ancestor
C. descended through both male and female ancestors
D. related through marriage
16. The theory of 'animatism' is associated with
A. E.B. Tylor
B. L. H. Morgan
C. R.R. Marrett
D. J.F. McLennan
17. Band organization is typical of
A. hunting-gathering societies
B. agricultural societies
C. Fishing communities
D. urban societies
18. One ofthe following is not a diffusionist
A. F. Ratzel
B. J.J. Bachofen
C. Elliot Smith
D. F. Graebner
19. The term 'emic/etic' is associated with
A. Fred Eggan
B. Kenneth Pike
C. Edward Sapir
D. F.G. Lounsbury
20. The two-fold distinction of classificatory and descriptive kinship terminology was made originally by .
A. R.R. Lowie
B. G.P. Murdock
C. E.B. Tylor
D. L.R. Morgan
21. The practice of naming which refers to a person according to his or her relationship with a child is known as
A. teknonymy
B. couvade
C. amitate
D. fictive kinship
22. Who among the following is associated with the theory ofculture and personality?
A. Kardiner
B. Linton
C. Cora DuBois
D. All the above
23. Who among the following suggested that we should regard culture as a mechanism by which individual variability is organised and structured according to the characteristics ofthe social system:
A. A.F.C. Wallace
B. Ruth Benedict
C. Margaret Mead
D. None
24. Who among the following had a considerable influence on evolutionary and archaeological perspectives in the USA?
A. L.R.Morgan
B. V.G. Childe
C. Leslie White
D. Edward Sapir
25. The notion of 'binary opposition' is important in
A. Structuralist theory
B. Psychoanalysis
C. Interpretative anthropology
D. Neo-evolutionism
26. The approach which stressed the differences and particularities of each culture as a result of its specificity and divergent historical development is known as:
A. Historical particularism
B. Specific historicism
C. Cultural determinism
D. 'Boasism'
27. The contribution of Malinowski, Firth and Herskovits stand out for
A. Development ofeconomic anthropology
B. Comparative studies of rural-urban societies
C. Studies of law and justice in simple societies
D. All the above
28. The method ofcontrolled comparison is given by
A. Fred Eggan
B. Evans-Pritchard
C. Elliot Smith
D. Erickson
29. Who among the following is a close collaborator of Karl Marx?
A. Friedrich Engels
B. Marcel Mauss
C. A.I. Lenin
D. Joseph Stalin
30. The concept of'liminality' is associated with anthropological studies on
A. Shamanism .
B. Sickness and healing
C. Ritual
D. Youth dormitories
31. Politics uses mostly a caste's
A. Hierarchical relations
B. Interpersonal relations -kinship, marriage, commensality, etc.
C. Economic relations with other caste
D. Traditional political authority
32. One ofthe following is not trait a of Little tradition
A. Presence of religious specialists
B. Mostly followed by illiterate masses
C. Oriented to 'this world' only
D. Under developed political economy
33. Empirical research means
A. Research based on empires
B. Research based on the data by someone else
C. Research based on the data collected through fieldwork
D. Data based on philosophical formulations
34. Basic aim offieldwork in anthropology is
A. To find out about other societies
B. To gain insider's views
C. To gain a comparative understanding ofnatives
D. All the above
35. Which ofthe following is qualitative?
A. Family types and their proportions in a village
B. Decision making processes in a community
C. Statistical significance between crime and education levels
D. Relationship between age and number ofbirths among married women
36. Fusion and Fission is the structural feature of
A. Andaman islanders
B. Trobriand islanders
C. Nuer ofAfrica
D. Bhils ofIndia
37. The process in which gradual and systematic culture change takes place is called
A. Multi-lineal Evolution
B. Assimilation
C. Steady appropriation
D. Acculturation
38. The book "Patterns ofculture" followed this approach
A. Social-structural
B. Integrationist
C. Diffusionist
D. Psychological
39. Indian society in the past
A. was unstable
B. was very friendly
C. mobility ofindividuals or groups did not exist
D. witnessed mobility of individuals or groups
40. Caste system stresses on
A. Social equality
B. Social inequality
C. Sharing resources together
D. Equity
41. Movement ofpeople from place to place without permanent settlement is known as
A. Migration
B. Social mobility
42. Society in rural India is
A. Urban
B. Egalitarian
C. Agrarian
D. Primitive
43. Social mobility takes place only
A. in advanced countries
B. among the rich
C. under capitalism
D. none ofthe above
44. Levi-Strauss' Savage Mind is all about
A. Primitive mind
B. myth
C. logic
D. binary opposition
45. Jajmani system was first discussed by
A. William Wiser
B. T.O. Beidelman
C. Robert Redfield
D. Milton Singer
46. Who among the following is not a structural Marxist?
A. Althusser
B. Godelier
C. Meillassoux
D. George Marcus
47. One ofthe following three is correct:
A. Geology, social structure and Marxism are regarded as three mistresses by Levi-Strauss
B. Geology, psychology and Marxism are regarded as three mistresses by LeviStrauss
C. Geology, psychoanalysis and Marxism are regarded as three mistresses by Levi-Strauss
D. Geology, social psychology and Marxism are regarded as three mistresses by Levi-Strauss
48. Social distance scales are also known as
A. Bogardus scales
B. Thurstone scales
C. Rating scales
D. Ranking scales
49. Componential analysis deals with
A. Definitive attributes
B. The way in which the definitive attributes are combined
C. The way the definitive attributes are ordered
D. All the above
50. The ink-blot test was developed by
A. Henry A. Murray
B. Spindler
C. Rorschach
D. Inkles
QUESTION NO. I (Marks: 10)
Write an Essay on any ONE ofthe following in 350 words.
Discuss the significance of fieldwork in anthropological research and explain the scientific principles underlying it.
Define evolution. Discuss how the theory of evolution accounts for the historical progression of socio-cultural systems.
Write a short essay about the contribution ofClaude Levi-Strauss.
Explain the interrelationship between Sanskritization and westernization.
QUESTION NO. II (Marks: 15)
Write short-note on any THREE of the following. All the questions carry equal marks.
Culture of poverty
Emic and etic approaches in anthropology
Apollonian and Dionysian cultures
Participant observation
Structured interview
Age-area approach
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