Exam Details
Subject | imsc in optometry & vision sciences | |
Paper | ||
Exam / Course | ima/imsc | |
Department | ||
Organization | central university | |
Position | ||
Exam Date | 2011 | |
City, State | telangana, hyderabad |
Question Paper
IM.Sc.Qptometry VIsion Science
Hall Ticket Number
Time: 2 hours .Total mark.: 75
Thle booklet 1JlIGM. P1_ check thoroughly for all the pallM.
Enlar the Hell ticket number on the tl,.t page of thle booklet .. _II on the OMR eheeL
The... Ie negative IIlIlrldng. For each wrong ane_r 0.33 marka will be decluctad.
The... a... two PARTS In the qu_tlon papar -PART A (Qu_tlon noa. 1-211) and PART B (Queatlon noa. 26-75). In cue of a tie, marka obtained In PART A will be coneldered for reaoIvlng the tie.
II. Celculato,. a... not parmlttad
1. The single strand ofa double stranded DNA fragment bas 60 guanine bases and 30 adenine bases. The totaJ number ofdeoxyribose sugar molecules found in the double stranded DNA will be:
30 B) 45 C)90 180
2. The series ofevents during protein synthesis is
I. Bonds form between amino ""ids
mRNA altIIChes to a ribosome
codons and anti-<:odons link
!RNA bring amino acids to the ribosome
3. Ifthe enthalpy cbange for a relICtion is zero, aOo is equal A)Mf • C)TMf
4. Red colourod signal is used in railways bealuse:
It is euily recognised IIld IIllIlIctcd
It signifies danger
It looks good
It bas • longer wavelength snd can be seen from • distance
S. Alkanes baWl • general formula of: A)c"H2a+2 O)c.H..
Milk is deficient in Vitamin C Vitamin A Vitamin B2 O)VitaminK
What is the energy storage molecule? A)ATP Adenosine oxidate Phospholipids AGP
What isthedensity ofsnobjectwith• volume ofISmLsnd• massof42g,am.? 0.3S2g1mL B)2.80glmL 630 glmL IOOOglmL
An exampleofchemical property is: Density Mass C)Acidity Solubility
Elevsted levels ofalcohol in the blood leads 10
Slower reaction time Good learning skills
Improved glucose sbsorption in the cells Improved memory
II. Wiler snd alcohol csn be partly sepsrated from each other by distillation becslse they have
melting points densities boiling points viscosities
Which ofthe three elements belong 10 the Noble Gas?
fluorine. chlorine IIld bromine helium. neon IIld srgon
lithium. sodium snd potassium hydrogen. oxygen snd nitrogen
The difference in atomic size ofsodium snd chlorine is mainly due 10 the difference in the
A)numberofneutrons B)number ofelectrons
number ofprolOns mass ofeach atom.
14. H,SO.bu a sram equivalent wt of
98 49 147 196
IS. Which one beloop to the claa ofHa1ogcns:
A)Hg I C)Al Au
16. In nuc1cul of"'Ca40 then: are:
40 proloIII and 20 electJolls 20 protons and 40 electrons
20 proloIIIlIld 20 neu1Ioos 20 proloIII and 40 neutrons
17. Which one is not a crystalline solid?
A)NaCl Ice C)GI... D)KOH
18. Most burning plastics produce
nitrogen dioxide sulphur dioxide carbon moooxide hydrogen
19. Optics is the study of:
Optical fibers Camera Light D)Coloun
20. A balanced diet consists of
Proteins, carbohydrates IIld hydrocarbons Fats, proteins and carbohydrates..
Fats, proteins and hydrocarlxms Fats, carbohydrates and hydnicarbons
21. What are the components ofDNA?
Susan. bases, prolcins Susan. phosphates, bases
Phosphates, bases, polypeptides Phosphates, proteins, polypeptides
22. The function ofcapillaries are to
Carry hlood h&ck to the bean
Carry blood away fiom the heart
Allow carbon dioxide to pass from the blood to lbe tissues Allow nuuients to pass from the blood to the tissues
The boiling pointof_in Fahrenheit scale is: 273 B)212 180 0)200
it for roIIIIionaJ motion, u muo it for IiDaIr molion: A)Gravity Torque C)WeiBbt D)Incrtia
DenlduntiOll ofenzym.. it not by?
exceu mzyme low pH hip pH loss ofoptimum temperature
26. ThcIe two subslanccs required to break down hydrogen peroxide by II18II8'" .K
Oxygen ond water Water ond carbon dioxide
Oxygen and carbon dioxide Oxygen ond food
A food chain always starts wi1b 8 •..•• A)camivore herbivore predotor D)prodll....
WhIII substance is made by photosynthesis? carbon dioxide chlorophyll C)water glucose
Which ofthe following is 8 by-product ofrespir8liOll for animals? oxygen nitrogen C)cellulOK carbon dioxide
Acid solutions have 8 pH value ot•... Equal to 7 Between S ond 9 More than 7 Less than 7
Which ofthe liIJee substances II'C acidic?
viDegsr, baking soda and oven cleaner bleach, baking soda and limewater
vinegsr, Coke ond lemonade baking soda, Coke and lemonade
What happens when water i. added to an acid solution?
The pH decreases and the acidity increaaes The pH rises ond the acidity increases The pH ri... and the acidity dec:reues. The pH ond the acidity dec:reues
n-two gues lie responsible for ClIIISing8Cid rain
Sulphur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide Nitropn dioxide and ClIIbon dioxide
Carboft dioxide and oxypn Sulphur dioxide and..boo dioxide
In • precipitation reaction, when two oolutiOlll lie mixed
There iJ • color change A gas iJ formed
An insoluble solid iJ formed Heat energy iJ given out
A catalyst iJ • substance which speeds up reactiOlll
involvillll only liquids is IIIed up in 1he reaction
iJ nolllled up in the reaction involvillll only gues
Which of1he following yields amioo acids upon digestion? Fats and oils Proteins CarbohydnItes Fibre
Dietary compooeot needed for body growth and repair is Fibre Fat Protein Carbohydrate
Most plastics lie made from chemicals obtained from natura1gas biogas crude nil plant material
Plastics lie produced by • chemical reaction termed as: polymerization condensation neutralization substitution
The process by which sugars present in fruit and vegetables can be converted into alcohol? Fractionation Distillation Cracking Fermentation
Substance present in yeast which conversion ofsugar into alcohol? A)A vitamin A minenI A carbohydrate An enzyme
Which of1he metals following isllled inradiation protection shields? Lead Aluminium C)Men:ury Copper.
Which oflbe elements shown is. non-metal? Chromium Potassium Phosphoros Cobalt
44. Water bas ---bonding
Hydrogen C)CovaIent
45. Which ofthe following is the sweetest sugar'l
Fructose Glucosc C)Galae:tosc D)Lactosc
46. A process by which constant body tempcndIIrC maintained is
Autoregulation Thcnnoregulalion Transpinltion Hacmorcgulation
47. Meningitis is an inflammatory disease of
A)Kidncy Eye C)Brain D)Hcart
48. The basis ofsickle cell disease is:
Infection B)Gcnetic Injury Deficiency
49. Active transport within the body requires
Optimum tempcndIIrC Energy Gradient D)Hcat
50. The sum ofall chemical reactions in the body is tcnncd:
Homcostasis Physiology
Dynamic feedback Metabolism
51. To make 100 ml of2.5 M Glucose solution, grams ofGlucose (c.Hl2o.) is requilcd
A)36 90 C)45 54
52. Light year is related to:
Speed Distance C)Encrgy Intensity
Light can travel in VlICUum but sound cannot travel in vacuum, because:
Light waves arc not electromagnetic in nature
Sound waves arc electromagnetic in nature
Light waves are electromagnetic in nature
Speed ofsound is slower than light
The boilinJ! point ofwater in Fahrenheit scale is: A)273 B)212 180 200
SS. Membnme SUInlIIIIding. vacuole is c:alled: Tonoplast Nucleoplast Pmtoplast Vacuoplast
56. The =iprocal ofWllVelcngth is called: A)Frequency Wave velocity Amplitude Wave number S7. Which one oftbem is not. scalar quanlily? Time Temperawre Velocity Volume S8. A point mutation comprising !besubstitutionofpurine by • pyrimidine is c:alled Deletion Transition Transversion Translocation
S9. Which region ofvisible ligbt has shortest wavelength? Violet Red C)Green Blue
Solanum IJlberoswn is !be Latin name for A)Potalo B)Tumip Swede Brinjal
Ellotbeiinic processes:
Absorb energy
Give offenergy
Have no energy change
Unpredictable energy change ofan exothermic process
'Adaptation' ofeyes in dark is due to:
Depletion orvision pigment in rod Depletion ofvision pigment in CODes C)Repletionofvisionpigmentin IOIs D)Repletionofvisionpigmentin CODes
Which ofthe following vitamins is water soluble u well u anti-oxidant'l Vitamin-BI Vitamin-A Vitamin-D Vrtamin-C
During strenuous exercise; glucose is converted into: Glycogen Pytuvic Acid Starch Lactic Acid
Dialysia is uoed for !be of Kidney faiJurc Heert waoImess ClBraine1i_. 11)Livere1i_.
An example ofmel8ll0pr0tein is A)Cuein Ceruloplo_io Cl Gelatin SaImiDe
67. The 1I:ti0ll ofpepsin requires a medilDD which i.
A1I<aIiDe Neutral 68. The final product ofanaaobic respinllion i. ClAcielic Salty
Metbanol Pyruvate 69. NOII-JeX chromosomes ere called: ClEthanol O)Stan:h
monosomes an:bosomes 70. The .ite wbero most of!be ATP i. genc:rated in endoplasmic miculumB) mitochondria 71. Most of!be CO2 that i. transported in blood Cl autoaomes a cell i. !be Cl nucleus pbenosomes golgi appiIiatus
i. dissolved in the plasma i. bound to hemoglobin Cl as bicazbonate ion is cazbonic acid
Whicb non-metal elementi. a conductor ofelectricity? Phospborus Sulpbur Cl Carbon Iodine
This partof!becell is responsible for making starch Cell wall Chloroplast ClVacuoie Nucleus
Plants use which gas during respiration? stan:h carbon dioxide Cl oxygen water
7S. Which of!be following gas produced when cigsrettes ere smoked?
Nitrogen Oxygen Cl Carbon monoxide Carbon e1ioxide
Hall Ticket Number
Time: 2 hours .Total mark.: 75
Thle booklet 1JlIGM. P1_ check thoroughly for all the pallM.
Enlar the Hell ticket number on the tl,.t page of thle booklet .. _II on the OMR eheeL
The... Ie negative IIlIlrldng. For each wrong ane_r 0.33 marka will be decluctad.
The... a... two PARTS In the qu_tlon papar -PART A (Qu_tlon noa. 1-211) and PART B (Queatlon noa. 26-75). In cue of a tie, marka obtained In PART A will be coneldered for reaoIvlng the tie.
II. Celculato,. a... not parmlttad
1. The single strand ofa double stranded DNA fragment bas 60 guanine bases and 30 adenine bases. The totaJ number ofdeoxyribose sugar molecules found in the double stranded DNA will be:
30 B) 45 C)90 180
2. The series ofevents during protein synthesis is
I. Bonds form between amino ""ids
mRNA altIIChes to a ribosome
codons and anti-<:odons link
!RNA bring amino acids to the ribosome
3. Ifthe enthalpy cbange for a relICtion is zero, aOo is equal A)Mf • C)TMf
4. Red colourod signal is used in railways bealuse:
It is euily recognised IIld IIllIlIctcd
It signifies danger
It looks good
It bas • longer wavelength snd can be seen from • distance
S. Alkanes baWl • general formula of: A)c"H2a+2 O)c.H..
Milk is deficient in Vitamin C Vitamin A Vitamin B2 O)VitaminK
What is the energy storage molecule? A)ATP Adenosine oxidate Phospholipids AGP
What isthedensity ofsnobjectwith• volume ofISmLsnd• massof42g,am.? 0.3S2g1mL B)2.80glmL 630 glmL IOOOglmL
An exampleofchemical property is: Density Mass C)Acidity Solubility
Elevsted levels ofalcohol in the blood leads 10
Slower reaction time Good learning skills
Improved glucose sbsorption in the cells Improved memory
II. Wiler snd alcohol csn be partly sepsrated from each other by distillation becslse they have
melting points densities boiling points viscosities
Which ofthe three elements belong 10 the Noble Gas?
fluorine. chlorine IIld bromine helium. neon IIld srgon
lithium. sodium snd potassium hydrogen. oxygen snd nitrogen
The difference in atomic size ofsodium snd chlorine is mainly due 10 the difference in the
A)numberofneutrons B)number ofelectrons
number ofprolOns mass ofeach atom.
14. H,SO.bu a sram equivalent wt of
98 49 147 196
IS. Which one beloop to the claa ofHa1ogcns:
A)Hg I C)Al Au
16. In nuc1cul of"'Ca40 then: are:
40 proloIII and 20 electJolls 20 protons and 40 electrons
20 proloIIIlIld 20 neu1Ioos 20 proloIII and 40 neutrons
17. Which one is not a crystalline solid?
A)NaCl Ice C)GI... D)KOH
18. Most burning plastics produce
nitrogen dioxide sulphur dioxide carbon moooxide hydrogen
19. Optics is the study of:
Optical fibers Camera Light D)Coloun
20. A balanced diet consists of
Proteins, carbohydrates IIld hydrocarbons Fats, proteins and carbohydrates..
Fats, proteins and hydrocarlxms Fats, carbohydrates and hydnicarbons
21. What are the components ofDNA?
Susan. bases, prolcins Susan. phosphates, bases
Phosphates, bases, polypeptides Phosphates, proteins, polypeptides
22. The function ofcapillaries are to
Carry hlood h&ck to the bean
Carry blood away fiom the heart
Allow carbon dioxide to pass from the blood to lbe tissues Allow nuuients to pass from the blood to the tissues
The boiling pointof_in Fahrenheit scale is: 273 B)212 180 0)200
it for roIIIIionaJ motion, u muo it for IiDaIr molion: A)Gravity Torque C)WeiBbt D)Incrtia
DenlduntiOll ofenzym.. it not by?
exceu mzyme low pH hip pH loss ofoptimum temperature
26. ThcIe two subslanccs required to break down hydrogen peroxide by II18II8'" .K
Oxygen ond water Water ond carbon dioxide
Oxygen and carbon dioxide Oxygen ond food
A food chain always starts wi1b 8 •..•• A)camivore herbivore predotor D)prodll....
WhIII substance is made by photosynthesis? carbon dioxide chlorophyll C)water glucose
Which ofthe following is 8 by-product ofrespir8liOll for animals? oxygen nitrogen C)cellulOK carbon dioxide
Acid solutions have 8 pH value ot•... Equal to 7 Between S ond 9 More than 7 Less than 7
Which ofthe liIJee substances II'C acidic?
viDegsr, baking soda and oven cleaner bleach, baking soda and limewater
vinegsr, Coke ond lemonade baking soda, Coke and lemonade
What happens when water i. added to an acid solution?
The pH decreases and the acidity increaaes The pH rises ond the acidity increases The pH ri... and the acidity dec:reues. The pH ond the acidity dec:reues
n-two gues lie responsible for ClIIISing8Cid rain
Sulphur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide Nitropn dioxide and ClIIbon dioxide
Carboft dioxide and oxypn Sulphur dioxide and..boo dioxide
In • precipitation reaction, when two oolutiOlll lie mixed
There iJ • color change A gas iJ formed
An insoluble solid iJ formed Heat energy iJ given out
A catalyst iJ • substance which speeds up reactiOlll
involvillll only liquids is IIIed up in 1he reaction
iJ nolllled up in the reaction involvillll only gues
Which of1he following yields amioo acids upon digestion? Fats and oils Proteins CarbohydnItes Fibre
Dietary compooeot needed for body growth and repair is Fibre Fat Protein Carbohydrate
Most plastics lie made from chemicals obtained from natura1gas biogas crude nil plant material
Plastics lie produced by • chemical reaction termed as: polymerization condensation neutralization substitution
The process by which sugars present in fruit and vegetables can be converted into alcohol? Fractionation Distillation Cracking Fermentation
Substance present in yeast which conversion ofsugar into alcohol? A)A vitamin A minenI A carbohydrate An enzyme
Which of1he metals following isllled inradiation protection shields? Lead Aluminium C)Men:ury Copper.
Which oflbe elements shown is. non-metal? Chromium Potassium Phosphoros Cobalt
44. Water bas ---bonding
Hydrogen C)CovaIent
45. Which ofthe following is the sweetest sugar'l
Fructose Glucosc C)Galae:tosc D)Lactosc
46. A process by which constant body tempcndIIrC maintained is
Autoregulation Thcnnoregulalion Transpinltion Hacmorcgulation
47. Meningitis is an inflammatory disease of
A)Kidncy Eye C)Brain D)Hcart
48. The basis ofsickle cell disease is:
Infection B)Gcnetic Injury Deficiency
49. Active transport within the body requires
Optimum tempcndIIrC Energy Gradient D)Hcat
50. The sum ofall chemical reactions in the body is tcnncd:
Homcostasis Physiology
Dynamic feedback Metabolism
51. To make 100 ml of2.5 M Glucose solution, grams ofGlucose (c.Hl2o.) is requilcd
A)36 90 C)45 54
52. Light year is related to:
Speed Distance C)Encrgy Intensity
Light can travel in VlICUum but sound cannot travel in vacuum, because:
Light waves arc not electromagnetic in nature
Sound waves arc electromagnetic in nature
Light waves are electromagnetic in nature
Speed ofsound is slower than light
The boilinJ! point ofwater in Fahrenheit scale is: A)273 B)212 180 200
SS. Membnme SUInlIIIIding. vacuole is c:alled: Tonoplast Nucleoplast Pmtoplast Vacuoplast
56. The =iprocal ofWllVelcngth is called: A)Frequency Wave velocity Amplitude Wave number S7. Which one oftbem is not. scalar quanlily? Time Temperawre Velocity Volume S8. A point mutation comprising !besubstitutionofpurine by • pyrimidine is c:alled Deletion Transition Transversion Translocation
S9. Which region ofvisible ligbt has shortest wavelength? Violet Red C)Green Blue
Solanum IJlberoswn is !be Latin name for A)Potalo B)Tumip Swede Brinjal
Ellotbeiinic processes:
Absorb energy
Give offenergy
Have no energy change
Unpredictable energy change ofan exothermic process
'Adaptation' ofeyes in dark is due to:
Depletion orvision pigment in rod Depletion ofvision pigment in CODes C)Repletionofvisionpigmentin IOIs D)Repletionofvisionpigmentin CODes
Which ofthe following vitamins is water soluble u well u anti-oxidant'l Vitamin-BI Vitamin-A Vitamin-D Vrtamin-C
During strenuous exercise; glucose is converted into: Glycogen Pytuvic Acid Starch Lactic Acid
Dialysia is uoed for !be of Kidney faiJurc Heert waoImess ClBraine1i_. 11)Livere1i_.
An example ofmel8ll0pr0tein is A)Cuein Ceruloplo_io Cl Gelatin SaImiDe
67. The 1I:ti0ll ofpepsin requires a medilDD which i.
A1I<aIiDe Neutral 68. The final product ofanaaobic respinllion i. ClAcielic Salty
Metbanol Pyruvate 69. NOII-JeX chromosomes ere called: ClEthanol O)Stan:h
monosomes an:bosomes 70. The .ite wbero most of!be ATP i. genc:rated in endoplasmic miculumB) mitochondria 71. Most of!be CO2 that i. transported in blood Cl autoaomes a cell i. !be Cl nucleus pbenosomes golgi appiIiatus
i. dissolved in the plasma i. bound to hemoglobin Cl as bicazbonate ion is cazbonic acid
Whicb non-metal elementi. a conductor ofelectricity? Phospborus Sulpbur Cl Carbon Iodine
This partof!becell is responsible for making starch Cell wall Chloroplast ClVacuoie Nucleus
Plants use which gas during respiration? stan:h carbon dioxide Cl oxygen water
7S. Which of!be following gas produced when cigsrettes ere smoked?
Nitrogen Oxygen Cl Carbon monoxide Carbon e1ioxide