Exam Details

Subject imsc in optometry & vision sciences
Exam / Course ima/imsc
Organization central university
Exam Date 2013
City, State telangana, hyderabad

Question Paper

1. Cell biology means
A. how molecules interact in cells
B. how tissues and organs ofan individual organism function and interact
C. how cells function
D. how nucleus interact
2. Hepatitis is an inflammatory condition of:
A. Brain B. Liver C. Kidneys D. Heart
3. The function oftRNA is to
A. Transport of amino acids for protein synthesis
B. Carry codons to the ribosomes
C. Translate RNA
D. Transcribe the DNA code
4. Whichofthemetalbelowhas thehighestdenSity?
A. Iron B. Calcium C. Silver D. Gold

5. The four main elements in the human body are
A. sulphur, nitrogen, oxygen and hydrogen
B. carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and hydrogen
C. carbon, sulphur, nitrogen and hydrogen
D. carbon, sulphur, oxygen and hydrogen
6. A "body continues to be in its state of rest or uniform motion in a straight line unless acted upon by a.force" is a statement of
ofmotion B.Newton'slaw ofgravitation

Newton's law of friction D. Newton's first law of motion

A.1,0 B.1,1 C.0, 00 D.1,00
8. An object is placed 20 cm away from a curved surface ofradius ofcurvature, RC=10 cm and refractive index, RI= 2.0. Ifthe RIofairis 1.0, thenthe image ofthe objectwill be formed at:
A. 20 cm B.40cm C. -20cm D.-40cm
9. What is the speed oflight of #.. 550 nm in a fused quartz ofrefractive index, n
A. 2xl08 mlsec B. 3x108 mlsec C. 4x108 mlsec D. 5.5x108 mlsec
Three coplanar vectors are expressed with respect to a certain rectangular co-ordinate systemofagivenreferenceframe -3i-2j andc=2j. Thevalue of"r", which is the sum ofthese vectors is: A.i+j B.i-2j C.i-j D.i+2j

The average translational kinetic energy per molecule in a gas at room temperature, 300 oK is:

A. 2.7xl0-21 J/molecule B. 6.2lxl0-21 J/molecule
C. 3.lxlO-21 J/molecule D. 4.l4x10-21 J/molecule
12. The value of"y" for monoatomic, diatomic and polyatomic gases are:
A. 1.67. 1.33, lAO B. 1.33, 1.67, lAO
C. lAO, 1.67, 1.33 D. 1.67, 1.40, 1.33
13. The moment ofinertia for a solid sphere about the diameter and solid cylinder about the cylindrical axis is:
A. 2MR2/5, 2MR2/3 B. MR2/2, 2MR2/5
C. 2MR2/5, MW/2 D. 2MR2/3, 2MR2/5
14. In the Bohr model ofthe hydrogen atom, the electrons circulate around the nucleus in a path ofradius, 5.lxl0·11 m at a frequency, v 6.8xl015 rev/sec. The current flow rate is:
A. 1.1xlO·2 Amp B. 1.1xl0·3 Amp
C. 1.1xl0-4 Amp D. I.lxl0·5 Amp
15. Find the correct pair among the following pairs ofvector multiplication:
A. i. i=1andixi= B.j. j 0 and j x j
C.k.k-1andkxI= D.k.i=0andkxk=0.
16. Plants require Magnesium for:
A. Holding cells together B. Transpiration
C. Photosynthesis D. Development ofCell wall

17. The protein coat ofa virus is called:
A. Cosmid B. Plasmid C. Capsid D. Plastid
18. What reaction combines small molecules to form large molecules
A. Anabolic reaction B. Catabolic reaction
C. Anabolism . D. Hydrolase reaction
19. This hormone is secreted from pancreas when glucose levels are low in the blood
A. Leptin B. Glucagon C. Insulin D Adiponectin
20. Reproduction in most ofthe bacteria is by a process known as
A. Binary fission B. Budding C. Sexual D. Sporulation
21. Whichone oftheseisacorrectsequence oftheflow ofgeneticinformationina biological system:
A. Replication, Translation, Transcription
B. Replication, Translation
C. Translation, Transcription, Replication
D. Translation, Replication, Transcription
22. Which one ofthe following is correct about Cosmid?
A. Extra genetic material in mycoplasma
B. Circular DNA found in bacteria
C. Extra DNA in bacteria
D. Fragment ofDNA inserted in bacteria for forming copies.
23. During translation initiation in prokaryotes, a GTP molecule is needed in
A. association of308, mRNA with formyl-met-t RNA
B. associationof50S subunit ofribosome withinitiation complex
C. formation offormyl-met-Trna
D. binding of30 subunit ofribosome with mRNA
24. In Drosophila, the sex is determined by:
A. The ratio ofpairsofX-chromosomes to the pairs ofautosomes
B. X and Y chromosomes
C. Theratio ofnumberofX-chromosomesto the sets ofautosomes
D. Whether the egg is fertilized or develops parthenogenetically
25. What does "lac" refer to in lac operon?
A. Lactose B. Lactase
C. Lac insect D. The number 1,00,000
26. The maximum number ofhydrogen bonds that a ofwater can have is
A. 1 B.2 C.3 D.4
27. For a 10% solution ofNaCI in 100 mI, you need Grams 6fNaCI
A. 10.0 B. 5.85 C. 58.5 D. 100.0
28. All the terminator codons begin with the nucleotide of
A. Adenine B. Uracil C. Guanine D. Cytosine

29. Which ofthe following is the richest source ofenergy in our diet?
A. Proteins B. Fats and oils C. Fibre D. Carbohydrates
30. The sequence of structural gene in lac operon concept is
A.lacY,lacZ,lacA B.lacZ,lacY,lacA
C.lacA,lacY,lacZ D. lac lacZ, lacY
31. The bacteria, E.coli, doubles in 20 rnins. How many bacteria are present at the end of2 hours, ifyou start with 1,000 E.coli bacteria?
A. 32,000 B. 128,000 C.16,000 D.64,000
32. Which ofthe following molecules functions to transfer information from the nucleus to the cytoplasm?
A. DNA B. RNA C. Proteins D. Lipids
33. The Gram negative bacteria detect and respond to chemicals in their surrounding by
A. Lipopolysaccharide B. Muramic acid
C.Porins D. Volutin granules

34. Averycommonindicator ofwaterpollution is:
A. Entamoeba histolytica B. Escherichia coli
C. Eichhornia crassipes D. Lemna paucicostata .
35. One ofthe environmental effects of"Green House Gas" is:
A. An increase in the temperature B. An increase in atmospheric
C. An increase in rainfall D. An increase in Oxygen production
36. In a zero-order reaction for every 10° rise oftemperature, the rate is double D. Ifthe temperature is increased from 10°C to 100°C, the rate ofthe reaction will become
A. 64 times B. 128 times C. 256 times D. 512 times
37. The best vacuum obtained so far in the laboratory is 10·10 mm Hg. How many molecules of the gas remain per cubic cm at 27 °C in the chamber?
A. 2.5 x 1010 B. 2.5 X 1011 C. 2.5 X 1012 D. 2.5 X 1013
38. If the length" I " and the radius" r " ofacooperwirehaving aresistance, isdoubled, the new resistance ofthe wire will be:
A. Y2 R B. 2R C. ¥.i R D.R
39. A capacitor of 1000 tJ.F is connected to a DC source of voltage 100 V. The energy stored by the capacitor is:
A. 2 J B. 20 J C. 200 J D. 2000 J
Theattractionforcebetweentwo wirescarryingcurrent isdefinedinterms ofNt/ length. Suppose two 1 meter long wires, separated by a distance, is 1m and carrying equal current, then the force of attraction is: A.2xlO-7Ntlm B.4xlO-7Ntlm C.2xl07Ntlm D.4xlO7Ntlm

Time required for 100 percent completion ofa'zero order is

A. 2k/a B. a/2k C. aIk D. ale

Imageformedbyapair ofconcaveandconvexlenses are:

A. Virtual and Real B. Real and Real
C. Real and Virtual D. Virtual and Virtual

If the incident light falling on a reflecting surface, which is rotated by an angle then the angle ofthe reflected light will be:

A. a B. 2 a C. D. a
44. Down's syndrome is an example ofa chromosal abnormality called:
A. Trisomy B. Monosomy C. Deletion D. Inversion
45. Scurvy is a disease caused due to:
A. Deficiency B. Radiation C. Mutation D. Infection
46. Which ofthe following is never contained in food chain?
A. Consumer B. Habitats C. Herbivore D. Omnivore
Water soluble vitamins are: A)Vit.C &Vit.B B)Vit. B& Vito D Vit. C Vit. E Vit.D Vit.E

The presence of starch in potato can be detected by

A. Cell stain B. Iodine solution C. Biuret reagent D. Benedicts solution
49. Ethyl benzene CANNOT be prepared
A. Clemmensen reduction B. Wurtz reaction
C. Wurtz-Fittig reaction D. Friedel-Crafts reaction
50. The following always happens in a chemical reaction
A. A color change occurs B. A gas is given off
C. Heat energy is absorbed D. A new substance is formed
51. On electrolysis acids release:
A. Ions B. Mesotrons C. Neutrons D. Positrons
52. Quicklime is a common name for which ofthe following chemical?
A. CaD B. Ca(OH)2 C. CaCh D. CaC03
53. Normality is a term used in the context for:
A. Mixtures B. Acids C. Organic solvents D. Inorganic solvents
54. Hydrolytic reaction offat with caustic soda is known as:
A. Esterification B. Saponification
C. Carboxylation D. Acetylation
55. NaH is an example of:
A. Ionic Hydride B. Covalent hydride
C. Complex Hydride D. Interstitial hydride
56. Tne percentage ofnitrogen in ammonia is
A. 32 B. 82 C. 55 D.25
57. C2H6 is an:
A. Alkane B. Alkali C. Alkyne D. Alkene
58. Ribozyme is:
A. RNA without phosphate B. RNA with sugar
C. RNA with enzyme activity D. RNA with extra phosphate

59. Bacteria that converts nitrates to nitrites and then nitrites to free nitrogen are known as:
A. Nitrogen Fixing bacteria B. Ammonifying bacteria
C. Saprophytic bacteria D. Denitrifying bacteria
60. Which one ofthem is a monosaccharide:
A. Sucrose B. Lactose C. Galactose D. Maltose
61. The most abundant protein in the animal world is:
A. Insulin B. Trypsin C. Collagen D. Haemoglobin
62. Thickening ofarteries due to the deposition offat is known as:
A. Thrombosis B. Rhinitis C. Stenosis D. Atherosclerosis
63. Rickets can be prevented by taking:
A. Carrots B. Oranges C. Calciferol D. Green leafy vegetables
64. Bile salts are produced in the liver but stored in:
A. Liver B. Lungs C. Pancreas D. Gall Bladder
65. Islet ofLangerhans are found in:
A. Kidney Cortex B. Spleen C .Anterior Pituitary D. Endocrine Pancreas
66. Hemoglobin retains oxygen and releases it in:
A. Lungs B. Heart C. Tissues D.Liver
67. The Fahrenheit and Celsius scale readings oftemperature coincide at:
A. -40°C B. 460°C C. O°C D. -2730°C
68. If no heat is transferred into or out of a system, then it is known as:
A. Isobaric B. Isochloric C. Adiabatic D. Isothermal
69. Mustard belongs to the family:
A. Solanaceae B. Cruciferae C. Poaceae D. Amaryllidaceae
70. Tobacco mosaic disease is caused by
A. Bacteria B. A virus C. Genetic abnormalities D. Radiation
71. The study ofbiodiversity means
A. how animals carry out their functions
B. interactions of animals with each other their physical environment
C. variety of living forms and animal habits
D. animal structure and function
72. Motile zygote ofPlasmodium occurs in
A. Human RBCs B. Human liver
C. Gut offemale Anopheles D. Salivary glands of Anopheles
73. Which ofthe following animal belongs to class Crustacean:
A. Cockroach B. Cyclops C. Mosquito D. Grasshopper
74. Which one is not a symptom ofdiabetes:
A. Loss of weight B. Excessive thirst C. Excess urinationD. Night blindness
75. Hepatic portal system collects blood from
A. Liver B. Lungs C. Kidney D. Alimentary canal


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