Exam Details

Subject Clinical Pathology And Parasitology
Exam / Course B.Sc. In Medical Laboratory Technology (Bmlt)
Department School of Health Science (SOHS)
Organization indira gandhi national open university
Exam Date June, 2015
City, State new delhi,

Question Paper

Answer TRUE or FALSE:

The filariform larva is the infective stage for man in pin worm infection.

Plasmodium falciparum causes cerebral malaria.

ZN stain is used to detect AFB in sputum.

The promastigote stage of Leishmania donovani is seen in the sandfly vector.

Paragonimus westermani causes hematuria.

Fill in the blanks:

Total absence of sperms in seminal fluid is called

The normal value for CSF sugar is

Filariasis is caused by

The infective stage for man in Plasmodium vivax is

The presence of blood in faeces is called

2. Write briefly on the following:

Cyst of E. histolytica


LD Body

Bile salts in urine

Ovum of pin worm

3. Write short notes on any four of the following:

CSF cell count

Bence Jones protein


Ascaris lumbricoides


Answer any three questions:

Name the parasites causing filariasis in India.

Describe with diagrams the life cycle of the Filarial worm.

Discuss its Laboratory diagnosis.

Name the causative agent of Amoebiasis.

Describe with diagrams the life cycle of this parasite.

Discuss Laboratory diagnosis of Hepatic amoebiasis.

Name the Ketone bodies found in urine.

List the available tests to detect these.

Principle and procedure of Rotheras' test.

7. Describe seminal fluid examination for macroscopic and microscopic examination. Write format of report submission.


  • Centre for Corporate Education, Training & Consultancy (CCETC)
  • Centre for Corporate Education, Training & Consultancy (CCETC)
  • National Centre for Disability Studies (NCDS)
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  • School of Health Science (SOHS)
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  • Applied Hematology
  • Applied Histopathology And Cytology
  • Applied Serology, Immunology And Microbiology
  • Automation Of Laboratory Services
  • Basic Haematology
  • Basic Human Sciences
  • Clinical Biochemistry
  • Clinical Pathology And Parasitology
  • Histopathology And Cytology
  • Immuno-Haematology And Blood Banking
  • Immunology
  • Micro-Biology
  • Organization Laboratory Management And Applied Biochemistry