Exam Details

Subject Clinical Pathology And Parasitology
Exam / Course B.Sc. In Medical Laboratory Technology (Bmlt)
Department School of Health Science (SOHS)
Organization indira gandhi national open university
Exam Date June, 2016
City, State new delhi,

Question Paper

Answer True or False.

Sugar level in CSF is decreased in pyogenic meningitis.

Pinworm is called Enterobius Vermicularis.

In P. falciparum, all stages are seen in peripheral blood smear.

H. nana requires no intermediate host.

Haematuria denotes the presence of RBCs in urine.

Fill in the blanks.

Knott's concentration method is to detect

Hookworm causes anaemia.

Gametocytes are crescent-shaped in

Fouchet's test is to detect in the urine.

Sputum for acid fast bacilli is detected by stain.

2. Write briefly on the following:

Benedict's Test

Rothera's Test

B. Coli

Study of Parasitology

Granular casts

3. Write short notes on any two of the following:

Urine Microscopy

Microscopic Examination of Semen


4. Write briefly about the following:

Types of proteinemia

Differentiation of malarial parasite in peripheral blood

Define Ketonuria.

Describe the different qualitative methods to detect ketonuria.

Name the conditions in which ketonuria occurs.

Enlist three tape worms which cause diseases in man.

Describe with the help of diagrams the life cycle of any one of them.

Discuss their laboratory diagnosis.

Define Glycosuria.

Enumerate the various qualitative and quantitative tests for estimating the sugar in urine.

Describe one quantitative test for glucose.

Name the malarial parasites affecting man.

Describe with diagrams the life cycle of any one of them.

Describe the lab-diagnosis of cerebral malaria.


  • Centre for Corporate Education, Training & Consultancy (CCETC)
  • Centre for Corporate Education, Training & Consultancy (CCETC)
  • National Centre for Disability Studies (NCDS)
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  • School of Gender Development Studies(SOGDS)
  • School of Health Science (SOHS)
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  • School of Tourism &Hospitality Service Sectoral SOMS (SOTHSSM)
  • School of Translation Studies and Training (SOTST)
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  • Staff Training & Research in Distance Education (STRIDE)


  • Applied Hematology
  • Applied Histopathology And Cytology
  • Applied Serology, Immunology And Microbiology
  • Automation Of Laboratory Services
  • Basic Haematology
  • Basic Human Sciences
  • Clinical Biochemistry
  • Clinical Pathology And Parasitology
  • Histopathology And Cytology
  • Immuno-Haematology And Blood Banking
  • Immunology
  • Micro-Biology
  • Organization Laboratory Management And Applied Biochemistry