Exam Details
Subject | electrical engineering | |
Paper | paper 2 | |
Exam / Course | civil services main optional | |
Department | ||
Organization | union public service commission | |
Position | ||
Exam Date | 2001 | |
City, State | central government, |
Question Paper
Select any THREE of the followmg read them carefully and identify the correct and the mcorrecl ones. Justify your answer usmg not more than 200 words m each case
While a lead compensator reduces system bandWldt" a lag compensator on the other hand
mereases the system bandWIdth
IllS necessRIIlo use preampl1ficati on and fillenng before data procesSing
Tap changmg transfonners arc used in power systems, espeCIally to control reactive voll
For the correct reproduction of the picture on the screen ofa televiSion, illS deslfed that the
SCatllllng at the recelver and transmitter are synchrolllzed
WhatlS the fundamental difference between a subroutine call and an mlenupl request? Is it
p ossibl e to employ a common memory slack for b oth?
For the network shown m Fig 2 oblam the complex bus bar voltage al bus 2 at the end of the first iteration. Use the Gauss -Seidel method. Line Impedances are m pu. Given
Bus llS slack bus Wlth 1.0LOO J -596 J 1.46, IV,I 12
Assume 1.02LOO and LOO
J 0.06 Q.Cl2 JQ,03
fig. Z
Explam how a Buchholz relay protects a lransfonner
WhallS the proportion m which n-type and p-type both havmg conductiVity of 10 ohm" be nuxed so as to produce a fully compensated selll1conductor at room temperature? Mobility of electrons and holes m are 0.14 and 0.05 respectively at room temp eralme
Explam the followmg m connection with power systems Ferranti mfiru te lme, Peterson coil, 10 ad bus
Cal culate the mffil1mum power by a solar cell at an mtensity of 200 W1m' Given V""x 0 14 V and lm.x rnA. Also calculate the cell effiaency If the area is 4
While manufacturing IC, the Si wafer lS oXIdized time and agam. What functions can an
oXIde layer perfonn dunng and after the manufacture? What role lS played by dislocations which gel generated dunng the growth of the smgle crystal and dunng procesSIng of the wafer? 20
Explam, whatlS meant by the tenn Blind Speed m MTI (Movmg Target Indicator) radar What 1s the method 0f overconung the problems 0f blind sp eed m radar?
What do you understand by the tenn Satellite Commull1cation Package? Explam m bnefthe working of satellite repeaters muse
Select any THREE of the followmg statements, read them carefully and Identify the correct and the mcorrect ones. Justify your answer usmg not more than 200 words m each case
In order to mcrease the distance between poles, carrymg long distance transnusslOn line, alummum conductors should be strengthened by stram-harderung
Routh-Hurwitz and continuous fraction stability entena tell whether the system lS stable or unstable. They do not tell anything about the relative stability of the system
Usmg energy audit and energy management teclmiques, one aVOid or postpone the msta!lati on of costly peaky generation
In pulse compreSSlOn radar, one gets a higher maXImum range capability and a better range resolution
The conductivity of mtrinSlc at room temperature lS 3.3 x 10" obin" m" A bndge lS available which can measure I m changes m reSiStance. With what accuracy can this Si be used to measure the temperature m the range from O°C to 100°C? The energy band gap m Si is I I eV The Boltzmann constanl, k I 38 x 10.23 J and the electroll1c charge, e I 6 xIO· 19C
Great a block diagram for a differential enco ding and deco ding system Explam how it works by showmg the encoding and decoding for the sequence 001111010001 Assume that the reference digitlS a bmaty I Show that error proportion cannot occur
With reference to the colour televlSl0n transmlSSlon and reception, explam hue and saturation, and colour subscriber
Discuss the effect of temperature on the rel ative dielectric constant 0f a maten
The semi-maJor axlS and the senu-mmor axlS ofan elliptical satellite orbit are 25000 km and 20000 km respectively
Deternune the ap ogee and pengee distances
Explam; how energy lS lost at a sharp bend m a fibre What do you understand by the tenn DisperslOn, as applied to optical fibre?
If the program counter 1S always one count ahead of the memory location from which the machine code is bemg fetched, how does the nucroprocessor change the sequence of program execution with aJump mslruction?
List the sequence of memory transfers reqU1red to process an mdirect-addressmg
mode mslruction, when the mstruction is a control type (for example Jump Unconditionally). How many memory cycles are needed?
Explam Wlth the help of flow chart procedure for solution of exact coordination equations
Discuss the baS! c pnnc1ples mvol ved m distance protection and describe how it is applied to transfonner feeders
Select any THREE of the followmg read them carefully and identify the correct and the mcorrecl ones. Justify your answer usmg not more than 200 words m each case
While a lead compensator reduces system bandWldt" a lag compensator on the other hand
mereases the system bandWIdth
IllS necessRIIlo use preampl1ficati on and fillenng before data procesSing
Tap changmg transfonners arc used in power systems, espeCIally to control reactive voll
For the correct reproduction of the picture on the screen ofa televiSion, illS deslfed that the
SCatllllng at the recelver and transmitter are synchrolllzed
WhatlS the fundamental difference between a subroutine call and an mlenupl request? Is it
p ossibl e to employ a common memory slack for b oth?
For the network shown m Fig 2 oblam the complex bus bar voltage al bus 2 at the end of the first iteration. Use the Gauss -Seidel method. Line Impedances are m pu. Given
Bus llS slack bus Wlth 1.0LOO J -596 J 1.46, IV,I 12
Assume 1.02LOO and LOO
J 0.06 Q.Cl2 JQ,03
fig. Z
Explam how a Buchholz relay protects a lransfonner
WhallS the proportion m which n-type and p-type both havmg conductiVity of 10 ohm" be nuxed so as to produce a fully compensated selll1conductor at room temperature? Mobility of electrons and holes m are 0.14 and 0.05 respectively at room temp eralme
Explam the followmg m connection with power systems Ferranti mfiru te lme, Peterson coil, 10 ad bus
Cal culate the mffil1mum power by a solar cell at an mtensity of 200 W1m' Given V""x 0 14 V and lm.x rnA. Also calculate the cell effiaency If the area is 4
While manufacturing IC, the Si wafer lS oXIdized time and agam. What functions can an
oXIde layer perfonn dunng and after the manufacture? What role lS played by dislocations which gel generated dunng the growth of the smgle crystal and dunng procesSIng of the wafer? 20
Explam, whatlS meant by the tenn Blind Speed m MTI (Movmg Target Indicator) radar What 1s the method 0f overconung the problems 0f blind sp eed m radar?
What do you understand by the tenn Satellite Commull1cation Package? Explam m bnefthe working of satellite repeaters muse
Select any THREE of the followmg statements, read them carefully and Identify the correct and the mcorrect ones. Justify your answer usmg not more than 200 words m each case
In order to mcrease the distance between poles, carrymg long distance transnusslOn line, alummum conductors should be strengthened by stram-harderung
Routh-Hurwitz and continuous fraction stability entena tell whether the system lS stable or unstable. They do not tell anything about the relative stability of the system
Usmg energy audit and energy management teclmiques, one aVOid or postpone the msta!lati on of costly peaky generation
In pulse compreSSlOn radar, one gets a higher maXImum range capability and a better range resolution
The conductivity of mtrinSlc at room temperature lS 3.3 x 10" obin" m" A bndge lS available which can measure I m changes m reSiStance. With what accuracy can this Si be used to measure the temperature m the range from O°C to 100°C? The energy band gap m Si is I I eV The Boltzmann constanl, k I 38 x 10.23 J and the electroll1c charge, e I 6 xIO· 19C
Great a block diagram for a differential enco ding and deco ding system Explam how it works by showmg the encoding and decoding for the sequence 001111010001 Assume that the reference digitlS a bmaty I Show that error proportion cannot occur
With reference to the colour televlSl0n transmlSSlon and reception, explam hue and saturation, and colour subscriber
Discuss the effect of temperature on the rel ative dielectric constant 0f a maten
The semi-maJor axlS and the senu-mmor axlS ofan elliptical satellite orbit are 25000 km and 20000 km respectively
Deternune the ap ogee and pengee distances
Explam; how energy lS lost at a sharp bend m a fibre What do you understand by the tenn DisperslOn, as applied to optical fibre?
If the program counter 1S always one count ahead of the memory location from which the machine code is bemg fetched, how does the nucroprocessor change the sequence of program execution with aJump mslruction?
List the sequence of memory transfers reqU1red to process an mdirect-addressmg
mode mslruction, when the mstruction is a control type (for example Jump Unconditionally). How many memory cycles are needed?
Explam Wlth the help of flow chart procedure for solution of exact coordination equations
Discuss the baS! c pnnc1ples mvol ved m distance protection and describe how it is applied to transfonner feeders
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