Exam Details

Subject geology
Paper paper 2
Exam / Course combined geo-scientist and geologist
Organization union public service commission
Position geologist
Exam Date 2017
City, State central government,

Question Paper

Double refraction


Liquid immiscibility

Mantle Xenoliths



Normal regression in a sedimentary environment

Climatic arkose

Urban Heat Island

Reservoir Triggered Seismicity

Briefly describe the composition, internal structure and the characteristic optical properties of Amphibole group.

How would you explain the phenomenon of pleochroism in some anisotropic minerals How would you determine the scheme of pleochroism of such minerals under the petrological microscope

"Present day Earth U a differentiated planet. Yet, the geochemists use bulk Earth composition."How is the bulk Earth composition estimated For a difTerentiatcd Earth, how is its age of formation estimated

How would you explain the change s in rheoiogical behaviour of Earth's mantle with increasing depth

Discuss the important petrological tools that arc used to understand the origin and evolution of igneous rocks.

Briefly discuss the on gm and significance of Komatiites. Give examples of their occurrence in India.

What are continental flood basalts Discuss briefly their salient mineralogical and chemical characteristics.

Discuss briefly, with the help of neat diagrams, the origin and significance of exsolution textures in feldspars.

Describe the concept of equilibrium in the context of textural, mineralogical and chemical changes in metamorphic rocks.

Comment on Ultra High Pressure metamorphism.

Describe metamorphic facies series with the help of suitable diagrams.

Discuss the role of fluids in metamorphism with suitable examples.

Illustrate with neat, labelled sketches, the primary sedimentary structures that are likely to develop from varying conditions of deposition from simultaneous transport of sandy bedload and muddy suspension load in water medium. Comment on the possible depositional environment of such structures.

With neat, labelled sketches, show the development of characteristic facies sequence in a meandering fluvial depositional system.

Illustrate with a neat sketch, sedimentary basins in a convergent margin oceanic setting. How would you recognize such settings from sedimentary rock records.

Comment on the variations in parasequence stacking patterns with base level changes.

Elaborate on the geological, geophysical, geotechnicat and other parameters that are considered while carrying out seismic zonation and seismic micro-zonation of a region.

Discuss the specific requirements for pre-disposal management of waste from mines and beneficiation plants of radioactive ores.

Describe the process of land degradation and elaborate on the causes and types of land degradation,Cite appropriate examples for each type.

Citing examples, give an account of point and non-point sources of pollution.

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