Exam Details

Subject case work and counseling: working with individuals
Exam / Course school of social work (sosw) - master of social work
Organization indira gandhi national open university
Exam Date December, 2015
City, State new delhi,

Question Paper

1. Describe with relevant examples four as given by Perlman as components of case work.


Elaborate on the psychoanalytical approach and techniques in counselling.

2. "Relationship is the soul of social casework". Justify with suitable instances.


What is the relevance of interviewing in social case work Highlight different models of interview.

3. Answer any two of the following questions in about 300 words each

Discuss the relevance and challenges to case work practice in India.

Describe the stages of problem solving process.

Explain the content and structure of process recording from your field experience.

Discuss briefly the core and generic interviewing skills.

4. Answer any four of the following questions in about 150 words each

Mention different forms of case records.

Discuss in brief the task of counsellors in the planning stage.

Bring out the limitations of principle of confidentiality.

Describe briefly barriers to effective communication.

Enlist some Dos and Don'ts of interviewing.

How can you handle 'silence' during counselling session

5. Write short notes on any five in about 100 words each

Sublimation and displacement

Qualities of an effective communicator

Aversion therapy

Transactional Therapy

Interpretation of dreams

Difference between counselling and psychotherapy

Systematic desensitization

Supportive techniques


  • basic social science concepts
  • basics of counseling
  • case work and counseling: working with individuals
  • community organization management for community development
  • disaster management
  • fields of counseling
  • hiv/aids - stigma discrimination and prevention
  • introduction to life characteristics and challenges
  • introduction to philanthropic social work
  • introduction to psychological basis of counseling
  • origin and development of social work
  • professional social work - indian perspective
  • relevance of social case work in counseling
  • social group work: working with groups
  • social work and criminal justice
  • social work and social development
  • social work intervention in correctional settings
  • social work practice in tribal development
  • social work practicum and supervision
  • social work research
  • tribal society
  • tribals in india
  • understanding the tribals
  • women and child development
  • working among the poorest of the poor