Exam Details
Subject | anthropology | |
Paper | paper 1 | |
Exam / Course | civil services main optional | |
Department | ||
Organization | union public service commission | |
Position | ||
Exam Date | 2012 | |
City, State | central government, |
Question Paper
Wrlto sboJ't .notes .on the following in about. i&O words
each l2x5=-60
How 'nntuniJ .election' acts on vtuia.tion? ·
of.acquiring a sPowe in 'simpler societies
Post,.moderniam in Anthropology
Ro1Ativo doting miohod1
Adaptivo radiotior., ln context. or t.volution
2. (al Dis.was race crossing in hum.ans with suitable
examples. .2.0
Distlnguish between Religion, Magic and Scionco. 20
Di.&cu.ss the role of ABO blood group 3>:stom io
rotovi ing cases of di,pued paternity. • 20
Compare and c:o ni:rott t.he skull. or and
Oiacuss the typology and distribution of UpP.er
·Pala eolithic <:lh;ures in India. 20
What a're lethal and a1.1b-lethal gono• Expl??. 20
l. f!i"lf.,f&d IR ll!Gfv1q1
150 Ti 12x5oGO
4. ??escri.be type& ofldnship groups formed on the
basis of dUTcrcnt. prindp1ca. 20
??Give I. comparntivo account of voria,t.ions i..o
hemoglobin level o.nd r,ospiro.tory !unctions: among
tho popula.tions living undo.r different.
onvh-onmonto.1 atToasoa.
Commant bria.Oy on tbe phylogenetic ·positio.n. o£
Au&tralopithednee. 10
IS. Write abort. .notc,1 on u,e following l..o o bout 150 word&
•••h 12x6•60 I
ls tam.Uy tt aochtl institution?
Applications of Anthroyometry in designing
,loY Band11nd'Tribal societies· Jtd1 Gcneti??counselling
7 Epidcmjologkai anthroIX>logy
o .
How does improvod aetobic fitness incroaso
exercise toler??nce in warm humid ell.mates
suit.ab lo examples in, v.p-portof yoU r t
Whot •ro the tool.I. or d8.ta collection Dl1cu1s
the odvantagea and Umltationa of
partic.ipnnt.-obaervationa aa nl... tOChniqu& of data
Oi$CUS8 the
chromosomal o.beffntiQns and
or Klinefelter and Turner
Explain any two biological theories or a.seing bosed
on purposeful event. ..
What lll'O tho bMes ot,ociat·stratificotion 7 Di8euH
with examples.
Explain tho contept or 'Status• and 1Role' in
s. Briefly d.isc189 tho important Quao, for the,
v??.ri1. .lon.s ln oocu.rre.nce and inten.lity of parasitic
diseases among ditfe.rc·oi. populntlOi,,s. 20
J:br" Wbo.t. ore the genetic effects of cm: aanguinlty
Givo examples.
Brlony dlaouu the applic11tl9u oi Uio lc.nowlo(lso or
humG.n o•teology In forensic 1nvoatfptloiu. 20
Wrlto sboJ't .notes .on the following in about. i&O words
each l2x5=-60
How 'nntuniJ .election' acts on vtuia.tion? ·
of.acquiring a sPowe in 'simpler societies
Post,.moderniam in Anthropology
Ro1Ativo doting miohod1
Adaptivo radiotior., ln context. or t.volution
2. (al Dis.was race crossing in hum.ans with suitable
examples. .2.0
Distlnguish between Religion, Magic and Scionco. 20
Di.&cu.ss the role of ABO blood group 3>:stom io
rotovi ing cases of di,pued paternity. • 20
Compare and c:o ni:rott t.he skull. or and
Oiacuss the typology and distribution of UpP.er
·Pala eolithic <:lh;ures in India. 20
What a're lethal and a1.1b-lethal gono• Expl??. 20
l. f!i"lf.,f&d IR ll!Gfv1q1
150 Ti 12x5oGO
4. ??escri.be type& ofldnship groups formed on the
basis of dUTcrcnt. prindp1ca. 20
??Give I. comparntivo account of voria,t.ions i..o
hemoglobin level o.nd r,ospiro.tory !unctions: among
tho popula.tions living undo.r different.
onvh-onmonto.1 atToasoa.
Commant bria.Oy on tbe phylogenetic ·positio.n. o£
Au&tralopithednee. 10
IS. Write abort. .notc,1 on u,e following l..o o bout 150 word&
•••h 12x6•60 I
ls tam.Uy tt aochtl institution?
Applications of Anthroyometry in designing
,loY Band11nd'Tribal societies· Jtd1 Gcneti??counselling
7 Epidcmjologkai anthroIX>logy
o .
How does improvod aetobic fitness incroaso
exercise toler??nce in warm humid ell.mates
suit.ab lo examples in, v.p-portof yoU r t
Whot •ro the tool.I. or d8.ta collection Dl1cu1s
the odvantagea and Umltationa of
partic.ipnnt.-obaervationa aa nl... tOChniqu& of data
Oi$CUS8 the
chromosomal o.beffntiQns and
or Klinefelter and Turner
Explain any two biological theories or a.seing bosed
on purposeful event. ..
What lll'O tho bMes ot,ociat·stratificotion 7 Di8euH
with examples.
Explain tho contept or 'Status• and 1Role' in
s. Briefly d.isc189 tho important Quao, for the,
v??.ri1. .lon.s ln oocu.rre.nce and inten.lity of parasitic
diseases among ditfe.rc·oi. populntlOi,,s. 20
J:br" Wbo.t. ore the genetic effects of cm: aanguinlty
Givo examples.
Brlony dlaouu the applic11tl9u oi Uio lc.nowlo(lso or
humG.n o•teology In forensic 1nvoatfptloiu. 20
- agriculture
- animal husbandary and veterinary science
- anthropology
- botany
- chemistry
- civil engineering
- commerce and accountancy
- economics
- electrical engineering
- geography
- geology
- indian history
- law
- management
- mathematics
- mechanical engineering
- medical science
- philosophy
- physics
- political science and international relations
- psychology
- public administration
- sociology
- statistics
- zoology