Exam Details

Subject geology
Paper paper 1
Exam / Course combined geo-scientist and geologist
Organization union public service commission
Position hydro geologists
Exam Date 2016
City, State central government,

Question Paper

1. Describe the following in about 100 words each, with
brief sketches, wherever necessary

Levees and their role in flood control

Differences between unsupervised and

supervised classification.

Mechanism of parasitic folds

Conditions leading progressive deformation to Conditions leading to progressive deformation

Concept of geodesy and crustal movement

Gravity anomaly of mid-oceanic ridges

Sargur Schist Belt

Concurrent Range Zone

Rajahmundry Formation

Derived fossils

2. Compare the produced by glaciers and river,. produced by glaciers and rivers.

Explain the term "'Spectra] reflectance• and
describe its significance. Also, give a detailed
account of the spectra of various rocks,
vegetation, soil and water.

3. Explain Davis cycle of erosion and landscape

Explain the causes and effects of variation of
scale in aerial photographs.

Give an account of the types of lineaments and
the role of remote sensing in mapping them.

4. Discuss the mechanism of stress and strain in

elastic and plastic deformation.

Discuss in detail the time relationship between

cryataUization and deformation of mineral grains.

5. What are joints Explain the mechanism of

joint formation and explain the type of joints

with neat sketches and their significance.

Discuss the mechanism and significance of

mylonite and cataclastic deformation.

What are the stereographic projections

Explain the use of cyclographic 11tcreographic

projection to analyse stress and strain in rocks.

Describe in detail the thickness of various
layers of the Earth's interior, their composition and physical properties with neat sketches.

Explain the geological features and accretionary wedges of the lithosphere and
sketch.asthenosphere with a neat sketch.

7. Describe the seismic belts and seismic zones of the Indian Subcontinent.

Describe paleomagnetism and its application

for determining paleoposition of India.

Discuss the theory and concept of plate
tectonicss with neat sketches.

8. "Late Cretaceous was a period of varied facies
in the Indian Subcontinent." Discuss the

statement giving examples.

In a stratigraphic sequence, evolutionary
lineage of species B and C and ranges of
N and O are shown. Divide the sequence
into biostratigraphic zones based on both
and Which of the zones should be preferred for correlation and why?

9. Give a broad classification of Siwalik Group in

tabular form and mention the

fossils in each division.

Briefly describing the lithologic succession of
Bagh Beds, link the stratigraphic sequence with the episodes of marine transgression-regression.

Name the areas in Peninsular India affected by

Permian marine transgression, briefly

describing the lithology and fossil content.

10. Discuss, with examples, how microfossils are
used as tracers of deep-sea currents.

Discuss the evolutionary changes that took
place in facial sutures and glabella of trilobites.

11. Describe the method of separation of foraminifera from soft shale or mudstone.

What is pallial sinus in a bivalve Discuss the habitat of bivalves having pallial sinus.

What is dimorphism in foraminifera Write the
morphological difference in the foraminiferal
forms which originate due to dimorphism.

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