Exam Details

Subject geology
Paper paper 1
Exam / Course civil services main optional
Organization union public service commission
Exam Date 2002
City, State central government,

Question Paper

IAS Mains Geology 2002
Paper I
Section A

Answer any three of the following, each within 200 words: (20 × 3 60)

What is geochronology? How is it used for the benefit of the earth-science studies?

Show how structure and lithology are o architects of morphology of landforms.

What is Geographic Information Systems and how is it applied for societal benefits?

Plunge of folds and direction of movement in fault-planes can be traced by some lineations.There are other lineations as well produced during folding/faulting episoles. Describe these lifleations.

Why are volcanoes associated with ‘Ring of fire’ Discuss the genesis of a volcano and write a note on their products

Describe: (30 × 2 60)

Geomorphological studies can be applied to Prospecting of minerals, civil constructional studies.

Aerial photographs and satellite imageries considerably assist the economies of a country.

Answer the following questions

How are faults identified in the field?

Classify faults based on their geometry and movement.

Which landform types are produced by faulting (20 × 3

Section B

Write on any three of the following, each within 200 words (20 × 3 60)

Evolution of suture-lines of Cephalopods

What are Outlier, Window, Tatrot beds and Gangamopteris?

Upper Cretaceous-Lower Eocene igneous activity in India

Ground-water recharge

Write critical notes on the following (15 × 4 60)

Geological history of Graptoloids

Fossil-study and Palaeoclimate inference

Lower Gondwana flora

Progressive changes in the evolution of horse

Answer the following questions

Litho-, chrono-and magneto-stratigraphic studies suggest different aspects of stratigraphy. Comment

Describe the Precambrian stratigraphy of Peinsular India

Answer the following questions

While certain rocks are excellently water-bearing, others do exist without containing a drop of water. Discuss if this is possible

Answer the questions

What aspects a geologist should investigate for selecting a tunnel site on a hill-slope?

Which rocks are chosen for heavy construction purpose


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