Exam Details
Subject | geology | |
Paper | ||
Exam / Course | combined competitive examination | |
Department | ||
Organization | Jammu Kashmir Public Service Commission | |
Position | ||
Exam Date | 2011 | |
City, State | jammu kashmir, |
Question Paper
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1. Thcsuccession ofgondwanaswas firstgivenby:
Medlicot W. King
Cater Bowen
2. Champion gncisS belongs to
Archean Gondwana
. Cuddapahs Kumools
3. Nallamalai series belongs 10
Kumool group Dharwar group
Cuddapah group Gondwana group
4. Richerts Scale is used for the measurement of
Intensity ofEarthquakes Intensity ofVolcanoes
Intensity ofWmds Intensity orRiver flow
5.. Raghavapuram shales are considered to be equivalent to:
Gondwanas Cuddapahs
Kumools Dharwars
6. Siallayerconsistingof:
Silica andMagnesium SilicaandAluminium
Silica and Iron Silica and Sodium
7. Lower Gondwana mainly represents
Ptillophyllum flora Glossopteris flora
Mollusca fauna Brachiopoda fauna
8. Gorgeisa:
Wide river valley Narrow river valley
Wide glacial valley Narrow glacial valley
9. The major source ofworkable deposits ofmica in India is found in:
Ncllore pegmatites Kadloor sandstones Nagari quartzites Panyam limestones
10. Bauxitedeposits ofAndhraPradesh issituatedin:
Kumool district Nalgonda district
Visakhapatnamdistrict Krislmadistrict
11. Solid angle forms due to the intersection ofany:
Two faces only Three faocs only
Two or more than two faces Three or more than three faces
12. The main characterstic feature to distinguish barite from calcite is
Lustre Cleavage
Sp. Gravity Streak
13. Ochre is used in manufacture of:
Refractory Cement
Paints Glass
14. All the faces ofPyramid compulsorily meets the
a-axis b-axis
c-axis none ofihe above
15. Chemicalrompositionoflliminitc:
16. Gibbsite is the ore of:
Iron Managanese
Ahminiurn Lead
88D-24008-8 4
17. Beryl is commercially known as
Moonstone Emerald
Peridot Ruby
18. Abrasive mineral
Apatite Calcite
Fluorite Corundum
19. The most common reservoir rocks for Petrolewn are
Limestones Sandstones
Shales Conglomerates
20. The hanlness ofthe fluorite mineral is
Three Four
Five Six
21. Bowen is associated with
Metamorphic facies Plate tectonics
Reaction series Originofthe earth
22. Sills are type ofigneousbodybelongsto
DiscoIdant Concordant
Extrusive All ofthe above
23. Vesicular andAmygdaloidai structures are found in
Plutonic rocks Volcanic rocks
Hypabyssal rocks Sedimentary rocks
24. Trachyte is a volcanic equivalent of;
Gabbro . Granite
Syenite Dolerite
25. Mynnekite is an intergrowth of:
Nepheline and Feldspar Quartz and Plagioclase
Orthoclase and Plagioclase Quartz and Orthoclase
26. Ophitic texture is generally seen in
Gtanile Pegm.atite
Diorite Dolerite
27. Prophyritic Texture is
EquigrannuJartexture InequigranuJar texture
Sedimentary texture Intergrowth texture
28. Leucocratic Rocks are
Lightcolorrocks Darkcoloredrocks
Medium colored rocks None ofthe above
29. DwUterockconsistingof:
OnlyPyroxenes OnlyAmphiboles
Only Olivine Only Micas
30. Arkose isa:
Igneous rock Sedimentary rock
Metamorphic rock Volcanic rock
31. An example ofarenaceous rocks
Breccia Mudstone
Sandstone Shale
32. Basal pinacoid faces always meets the
a·axis lraxis
c-axis noneoftheabove
880-24008-B 6
33. An example ofevaporite
Felspar, Quartz Chert
Barite, Quartz, Magnetite Gypsum
34. Rudaceousrocks ofroundednatureisdescribedas;
Conglomerates Breccias
Tillites Sandstones
35. Chnracteristic mineral ofchamockite is
Hypersthene Hornblende
Biotite Chlorite
36. Marble is fonned due to contact regional metamorphism of;
Shales Sandstones
Limestones Breccia
37. Which oflbe following is not a clastic rock
Limestone Breccia
38. Which OIIe oflbe following rock is devoid ofquartz?
Granite Granodiorite
Rhyolite Basalt
39. Quartz typically shows
Straight extinction Oblique extinction
Symmelricalextinction Unduloseextinction
40. Chloritecharaeterizeslowestzone ofmetamorphismwhilehighestzone ofmetamorphism characterized by
Kyanite Sillimaoite
Andalusite Hypersthene
SSD-14008-B 7 (Tu.... Over
41. True dip is measured on a strike with an angle of:
30" 45"
60" 90"
42. The axial plane in recumbent folds is
Inclined Parallel
Vertical Horizontal
43. Orthoclase and Microcline minerals optically similar in most ofthe properties except in the
Pleochroism Colour
Isotropism Twinning
44. The pressure acting equally on all sides ofsolid is
Litho-static Atmospberic
Confining Hydrostatic
45. Kyanite mineral occurs in the
Sheet form Bladed form
Acicular form Fibrous form
46. In chevron fold hinges are
Sharp and angular Crest is broad and flat
Limbs are nearly horizontal Rounded
47. Alimitedarea ofolderrockscompletelysurrounded byyoungerrocks is:
Outlier Inlier
Overlap Offlap
48. A surface oferosion non-deposition is indicated by
Joints Faults
Folds Unconformity
SSD-24008-B 8 49. Siderites are:
Anironore A manganese ore
Analuminumore A copper ore
50. Sedimentary rocks consisting ofthe sand grade material is described as
Rudaceous rock Argillaceous rock
. Arenaceous rock Silt rock
51. Joints parallel to the direction ofthe dip ofthe formation are
Dipjoints Strikejoints
Diagonal Bedding
52. Both the limbs are dipping in the same direction with the same dip, then the fold is called as
Synunetrical fold Asymmetrical fold
Isoclinal fold Recumbent fold
53. Heave is a eomponent of:
Unconformity Joint
Fold Fault
54. . Radial drainage is a eharacteristic of:
Basin Dome
S)n:line Monocline
55. An anticlinal uplift that has no distinct trend is called
Dome B""in
Anticline Syncline
56. The boundary between the core and mantle is
Asthenosphere Gutenberg discontinuity
Mohorivicdiscontinuity Lowvelocityzone
57. Moraines are considered as
Wmddeposits River deposits
Glacial deposits Marine deposits
58. Deltas are examples of:
Eoliandeposit Glacialdeposit
Marine deposit Fluvial deposit
59. The instnnnent used to detect earthquake is
Goniomcter Tcrrarneter
Seismograph Refactometer
60. The theory ofcontinental drift was suggested by
Wegner Fermer
Bowen Rutley
61. Which one ofthe following is formed by the action ofwind?
(Al Ventifacts (Bl Moraine
Atoll Naturallevees
62. Amajorunconformity isgenerallymarkedbythepresenceof:
Granitic outcrop Volcanic eruptions
Conglomerate bed Schist belt
63. Karst topography is associated with
Limestone Granite
Shale Quartzite
64. Exfoliation isa form of:
Physical weathering Chemical weathering
Biological weathering Metamorphism
S8D-24008-B 10 65. Tsunamis are the ocean waves caused by
Cyclones Hwricanes
Earthquakes Oceanic currents
66. Fluvial deposits are of:
Volcanic deiXlsits River deposits
Wmd deposits Ocean deposits
67. Ring shaped drainage is a characteristic of:
Trellis Radial
ArmuIar Parallel
68. Entire land area from which precipitation reaches a stream
Drainage basin Catchment area
Watershed Nane ofthe above
69. Cut-offloopo.fastreamthatbecomesacrescent-shapedbody ofwater:
Point bar Riverterraee
Oxbow lake None ofthe above
70. Transverse profile ofa glaciervalleyis in
S-shape U-shape
V-shape a-shape
71. In-<:harmel deposits accwnulating on the inner banks ofa stream during normal flow:
Point bar . Riverterrace
Oxbow lake None ofthc above
72. Tectonic Breccia occurs along the
Foldaxes Joint plane
Fault planes Contacts ofUnconformities
73. Parallel ridges that develop perpendicular to the prevailing wind direction;
transverse dunes longitudinal dunes
parabolic dunes none ofthe above
74. Thesurfacelayer ofcloselypackedslonesleftbehindafterdeflation iscalled;
Sand dunes Desert pavement
Saltation Alluvial Fans
75. IftheDrainagedensity is2-4thenthedrainagetexture is;
Very fine Fine
Coarse Very coarse
76. Afluvialsandbarconnectingthemainland toanoffshoreisland iscalled;
Spit Hook
Bay Barrier Tom bolo
77. Lakes formed in desert areas due to wind blowout are called;
Fresh water lake Cirque lake
Crater lake Playa lake
78. Crystallography is directly related to
Petrology Mineralogy
Stratigraphy Structural geology
79. Three horizontal axis can be seen in
Tetragonal system Isometric system
Hexagonal system Triclinic system
80. Octahedron crystal consisting of;
Two faces Four faces
Six faces Eight faces
55D-24008-B 12
81 . In Monoclinic system
Two axis are inclined Only one axis is inclined
Three axis are inclined No axis is inclined
82. Match Box can be imagined as a crystal and it can be described in the
Cubic system TelIagonai system
Hexagonal system Orthorhombic system
83. Parameters was proposed by
Dana Hauy
Weiss MilIcr
84. Contact goniometer is used forthe measurement of;
Synunetry elements ofa crystal Axial ratio ofa crystal
General symbol ofacrystal Interfacial angle ofa crystal
85. Prism always occurs asan
Open form Closed form
Both open and closed forms NOl)e ofthe above
86. The crystal system having isotropic substance is;
Tettagonal Monoclinic
Cubic Hexagonal
87. Gypsum crystallizes in
Tetnlgonal Monoclinic
Cubic Hexagonal
88. Nonnal class oforthorhombic system is
4m2/m2lm 21m 21m 21m
21m 21m 21m 4/m
89. Diamond crystallizcs in
Cubic system Tetragonal system
Monoclinic system Triclinic system
90. Citrine mineraI belongs to
Quartz family Feldspar family
Gamet family Epidote family
91. Mineral having hardness in Moh's scale:
Corundum Quartz
Topaz Onhoclase
92. Pyro-clectricity is exhibited by mineral
'Iburmaline Calcite
Quartz Fluorite
93. The refractive index ofCanada balsam is
1.50 1.54
1.486 1.65
94. The nicol prism is madc of;
Quartz Barite
Tounnaline Calcite
95. Ifthe multiple twins arc found aligned parallel then they are called as
Polysynthetic twins Glidingtwins
Cyclic twins Contact twins
96. Fe-AI rich garnet;
Pyrope AImaOOine
Spessartite Grossularite
. SSD-24008-B 14
97. Calcite is a rnineral of:
Sodimn carbonate Potassiwn carbonate
Calciwn carlxmate Magnesiwn carbonate
98. Chemical compQsition ofthe Barite mineral is
Ba SO•.2H,O BaCl,
99. Amorphous variety ofquartz mineral is
Amethyst Tridymite
Opal Agate
100. Cross-hatched twinning is generally seen in
Orthoclase Microcline
Albite Anorthite
101. Paleontology is the study of:
Plants Animals
Fossils Planets
102. Age ofthe Earth is:
4.5 million years 4.5 billion years
450 million years 450billionyear.;
103. Fonuniniferabelongs to the phylwn
Protozoa Arthropoda
Coelenterata Mollusca
104. fossils indicate the record of:
Present life Future life
Past life Present and future life
105. Age ofthe spirifer;
Ordovician to recent Ordovician to silurian
Silurian to Permian Ordovician to Jurassic
106. Cidaris belongs to Phylum.
Echinodermata Brachiopod
Mollusca Arthropoda
107. Karst Topography is generally seen in
Granitic Terrain Sand Stone Terrain
LimestoneTerrain LateriticTerrain
108. Heart shaped test is found in:
Cidaris Hemisler
Micraster Spirifer
109. Thc most favourablccnvironment for the preservationoffossils is:
Terrestrial Lacustrine
Fluvial Marine
110. The foraminifers belongs to the class
Sarcodina Sporozoa
Flagellata Mastigophora
III. Devonian is the agc of:
Reptiles Manmals
Trilobites Fishes
112. Thebody oftheTrilobitesisdivided inlo:
4 parts 3 parts
2 parts Single part
88D-24008-8 16
113. Age ofthe Phacops is:
Ordovician to Carboniferous
.114. Pelecepoda belongs to the phylum
115. TheshapeoftheCuddapah basin is
116. Intertrappean beds are within the
Deccan traps
117. TypeareaofPunjabsaltrangerepresents:
118. Diamond bearing rocks belongs to
Banaganpalli series
Kundiar series
119. 'Indices' was proposed by:
120. Neyveli lignite deposits belongs to:
Cambrian Lower Devonian
Mollusca Coelenterata
Linear Rounded
Dharwars Gondwanas
Ordovician Cambrian
Paniarn series Cheyyar series
Hauy Milltt
Tertiary Eocene
17 [Tum Over
1. Thcsuccession ofgondwanaswas firstgivenby:
Medlicot W. King
Cater Bowen
2. Champion gncisS belongs to
Archean Gondwana
. Cuddapahs Kumools
3. Nallamalai series belongs 10
Kumool group Dharwar group
Cuddapah group Gondwana group
4. Richerts Scale is used for the measurement of
Intensity ofEarthquakes Intensity ofVolcanoes
Intensity ofWmds Intensity orRiver flow
5.. Raghavapuram shales are considered to be equivalent to:
Gondwanas Cuddapahs
Kumools Dharwars
6. Siallayerconsistingof:
Silica andMagnesium SilicaandAluminium
Silica and Iron Silica and Sodium
7. Lower Gondwana mainly represents
Ptillophyllum flora Glossopteris flora
Mollusca fauna Brachiopoda fauna
8. Gorgeisa:
Wide river valley Narrow river valley
Wide glacial valley Narrow glacial valley
9. The major source ofworkable deposits ofmica in India is found in:
Ncllore pegmatites Kadloor sandstones Nagari quartzites Panyam limestones
10. Bauxitedeposits ofAndhraPradesh issituatedin:
Kumool district Nalgonda district
Visakhapatnamdistrict Krislmadistrict
11. Solid angle forms due to the intersection ofany:
Two faces only Three faocs only
Two or more than two faces Three or more than three faces
12. The main characterstic feature to distinguish barite from calcite is
Lustre Cleavage
Sp. Gravity Streak
13. Ochre is used in manufacture of:
Refractory Cement
Paints Glass
14. All the faces ofPyramid compulsorily meets the
a-axis b-axis
c-axis none ofihe above
15. Chemicalrompositionoflliminitc:
16. Gibbsite is the ore of:
Iron Managanese
Ahminiurn Lead
88D-24008-8 4
17. Beryl is commercially known as
Moonstone Emerald
Peridot Ruby
18. Abrasive mineral
Apatite Calcite
Fluorite Corundum
19. The most common reservoir rocks for Petrolewn are
Limestones Sandstones
Shales Conglomerates
20. The hanlness ofthe fluorite mineral is
Three Four
Five Six
21. Bowen is associated with
Metamorphic facies Plate tectonics
Reaction series Originofthe earth
22. Sills are type ofigneousbodybelongsto
DiscoIdant Concordant
Extrusive All ofthe above
23. Vesicular andAmygdaloidai structures are found in
Plutonic rocks Volcanic rocks
Hypabyssal rocks Sedimentary rocks
24. Trachyte is a volcanic equivalent of;
Gabbro . Granite
Syenite Dolerite
25. Mynnekite is an intergrowth of:
Nepheline and Feldspar Quartz and Plagioclase
Orthoclase and Plagioclase Quartz and Orthoclase
26. Ophitic texture is generally seen in
Gtanile Pegm.atite
Diorite Dolerite
27. Prophyritic Texture is
EquigrannuJartexture InequigranuJar texture
Sedimentary texture Intergrowth texture
28. Leucocratic Rocks are
Lightcolorrocks Darkcoloredrocks
Medium colored rocks None ofthe above
29. DwUterockconsistingof:
OnlyPyroxenes OnlyAmphiboles
Only Olivine Only Micas
30. Arkose isa:
Igneous rock Sedimentary rock
Metamorphic rock Volcanic rock
31. An example ofarenaceous rocks
Breccia Mudstone
Sandstone Shale
32. Basal pinacoid faces always meets the
a·axis lraxis
c-axis noneoftheabove
880-24008-B 6
33. An example ofevaporite
Felspar, Quartz Chert
Barite, Quartz, Magnetite Gypsum
34. Rudaceousrocks ofroundednatureisdescribedas;
Conglomerates Breccias
Tillites Sandstones
35. Chnracteristic mineral ofchamockite is
Hypersthene Hornblende
Biotite Chlorite
36. Marble is fonned due to contact regional metamorphism of;
Shales Sandstones
Limestones Breccia
37. Which oflbe following is not a clastic rock
Limestone Breccia
38. Which OIIe oflbe following rock is devoid ofquartz?
Granite Granodiorite
Rhyolite Basalt
39. Quartz typically shows
Straight extinction Oblique extinction
Symmelricalextinction Unduloseextinction
40. Chloritecharaeterizeslowestzone ofmetamorphismwhilehighestzone ofmetamorphism characterized by
Kyanite Sillimaoite
Andalusite Hypersthene
SSD-14008-B 7 (Tu.... Over
41. True dip is measured on a strike with an angle of:
30" 45"
60" 90"
42. The axial plane in recumbent folds is
Inclined Parallel
Vertical Horizontal
43. Orthoclase and Microcline minerals optically similar in most ofthe properties except in the
Pleochroism Colour
Isotropism Twinning
44. The pressure acting equally on all sides ofsolid is
Litho-static Atmospberic
Confining Hydrostatic
45. Kyanite mineral occurs in the
Sheet form Bladed form
Acicular form Fibrous form
46. In chevron fold hinges are
Sharp and angular Crest is broad and flat
Limbs are nearly horizontal Rounded
47. Alimitedarea ofolderrockscompletelysurrounded byyoungerrocks is:
Outlier Inlier
Overlap Offlap
48. A surface oferosion non-deposition is indicated by
Joints Faults
Folds Unconformity
SSD-24008-B 8 49. Siderites are:
Anironore A manganese ore
Analuminumore A copper ore
50. Sedimentary rocks consisting ofthe sand grade material is described as
Rudaceous rock Argillaceous rock
. Arenaceous rock Silt rock
51. Joints parallel to the direction ofthe dip ofthe formation are
Dipjoints Strikejoints
Diagonal Bedding
52. Both the limbs are dipping in the same direction with the same dip, then the fold is called as
Synunetrical fold Asymmetrical fold
Isoclinal fold Recumbent fold
53. Heave is a eomponent of:
Unconformity Joint
Fold Fault
54. . Radial drainage is a eharacteristic of:
Basin Dome
S)n:line Monocline
55. An anticlinal uplift that has no distinct trend is called
Dome B""in
Anticline Syncline
56. The boundary between the core and mantle is
Asthenosphere Gutenberg discontinuity
Mohorivicdiscontinuity Lowvelocityzone
57. Moraines are considered as
Wmddeposits River deposits
Glacial deposits Marine deposits
58. Deltas are examples of:
Eoliandeposit Glacialdeposit
Marine deposit Fluvial deposit
59. The instnnnent used to detect earthquake is
Goniomcter Tcrrarneter
Seismograph Refactometer
60. The theory ofcontinental drift was suggested by
Wegner Fermer
Bowen Rutley
61. Which one ofthe following is formed by the action ofwind?
(Al Ventifacts (Bl Moraine
Atoll Naturallevees
62. Amajorunconformity isgenerallymarkedbythepresenceof:
Granitic outcrop Volcanic eruptions
Conglomerate bed Schist belt
63. Karst topography is associated with
Limestone Granite
Shale Quartzite
64. Exfoliation isa form of:
Physical weathering Chemical weathering
Biological weathering Metamorphism
S8D-24008-B 10 65. Tsunamis are the ocean waves caused by
Cyclones Hwricanes
Earthquakes Oceanic currents
66. Fluvial deposits are of:
Volcanic deiXlsits River deposits
Wmd deposits Ocean deposits
67. Ring shaped drainage is a characteristic of:
Trellis Radial
ArmuIar Parallel
68. Entire land area from which precipitation reaches a stream
Drainage basin Catchment area
Watershed Nane ofthe above
69. Cut-offloopo.fastreamthatbecomesacrescent-shapedbody ofwater:
Point bar Riverterraee
Oxbow lake None ofthe above
70. Transverse profile ofa glaciervalleyis in
S-shape U-shape
V-shape a-shape
71. In-<:harmel deposits accwnulating on the inner banks ofa stream during normal flow:
Point bar . Riverterrace
Oxbow lake None ofthc above
72. Tectonic Breccia occurs along the
Foldaxes Joint plane
Fault planes Contacts ofUnconformities
73. Parallel ridges that develop perpendicular to the prevailing wind direction;
transverse dunes longitudinal dunes
parabolic dunes none ofthe above
74. Thesurfacelayer ofcloselypackedslonesleftbehindafterdeflation iscalled;
Sand dunes Desert pavement
Saltation Alluvial Fans
75. IftheDrainagedensity is2-4thenthedrainagetexture is;
Very fine Fine
Coarse Very coarse
76. Afluvialsandbarconnectingthemainland toanoffshoreisland iscalled;
Spit Hook
Bay Barrier Tom bolo
77. Lakes formed in desert areas due to wind blowout are called;
Fresh water lake Cirque lake
Crater lake Playa lake
78. Crystallography is directly related to
Petrology Mineralogy
Stratigraphy Structural geology
79. Three horizontal axis can be seen in
Tetragonal system Isometric system
Hexagonal system Triclinic system
80. Octahedron crystal consisting of;
Two faces Four faces
Six faces Eight faces
55D-24008-B 12
81 . In Monoclinic system
Two axis are inclined Only one axis is inclined
Three axis are inclined No axis is inclined
82. Match Box can be imagined as a crystal and it can be described in the
Cubic system TelIagonai system
Hexagonal system Orthorhombic system
83. Parameters was proposed by
Dana Hauy
Weiss MilIcr
84. Contact goniometer is used forthe measurement of;
Synunetry elements ofa crystal Axial ratio ofa crystal
General symbol ofacrystal Interfacial angle ofa crystal
85. Prism always occurs asan
Open form Closed form
Both open and closed forms NOl)e ofthe above
86. The crystal system having isotropic substance is;
Tettagonal Monoclinic
Cubic Hexagonal
87. Gypsum crystallizes in
Tetnlgonal Monoclinic
Cubic Hexagonal
88. Nonnal class oforthorhombic system is
4m2/m2lm 21m 21m 21m
21m 21m 21m 4/m
89. Diamond crystallizcs in
Cubic system Tetragonal system
Monoclinic system Triclinic system
90. Citrine mineraI belongs to
Quartz family Feldspar family
Gamet family Epidote family
91. Mineral having hardness in Moh's scale:
Corundum Quartz
Topaz Onhoclase
92. Pyro-clectricity is exhibited by mineral
'Iburmaline Calcite
Quartz Fluorite
93. The refractive index ofCanada balsam is
1.50 1.54
1.486 1.65
94. The nicol prism is madc of;
Quartz Barite
Tounnaline Calcite
95. Ifthe multiple twins arc found aligned parallel then they are called as
Polysynthetic twins Glidingtwins
Cyclic twins Contact twins
96. Fe-AI rich garnet;
Pyrope AImaOOine
Spessartite Grossularite
. SSD-24008-B 14
97. Calcite is a rnineral of:
Sodimn carbonate Potassiwn carbonate
Calciwn carlxmate Magnesiwn carbonate
98. Chemical compQsition ofthe Barite mineral is
Ba SO•.2H,O BaCl,
99. Amorphous variety ofquartz mineral is
Amethyst Tridymite
Opal Agate
100. Cross-hatched twinning is generally seen in
Orthoclase Microcline
Albite Anorthite
101. Paleontology is the study of:
Plants Animals
Fossils Planets
102. Age ofthe Earth is:
4.5 million years 4.5 billion years
450 million years 450billionyear.;
103. Fonuniniferabelongs to the phylwn
Protozoa Arthropoda
Coelenterata Mollusca
104. fossils indicate the record of:
Present life Future life
Past life Present and future life
105. Age ofthe spirifer;
Ordovician to recent Ordovician to silurian
Silurian to Permian Ordovician to Jurassic
106. Cidaris belongs to Phylum.
Echinodermata Brachiopod
Mollusca Arthropoda
107. Karst Topography is generally seen in
Granitic Terrain Sand Stone Terrain
LimestoneTerrain LateriticTerrain
108. Heart shaped test is found in:
Cidaris Hemisler
Micraster Spirifer
109. Thc most favourablccnvironment for the preservationoffossils is:
Terrestrial Lacustrine
Fluvial Marine
110. The foraminifers belongs to the class
Sarcodina Sporozoa
Flagellata Mastigophora
III. Devonian is the agc of:
Reptiles Manmals
Trilobites Fishes
112. Thebody oftheTrilobitesisdivided inlo:
4 parts 3 parts
2 parts Single part
88D-24008-8 16
113. Age ofthe Phacops is:
Ordovician to Carboniferous
.114. Pelecepoda belongs to the phylum
115. TheshapeoftheCuddapah basin is
116. Intertrappean beds are within the
Deccan traps
117. TypeareaofPunjabsaltrangerepresents:
118. Diamond bearing rocks belongs to
Banaganpalli series
Kundiar series
119. 'Indices' was proposed by:
120. Neyveli lignite deposits belongs to:
Cambrian Lower Devonian
Mollusca Coelenterata
Linear Rounded
Dharwars Gondwanas
Ordovician Cambrian
Paniarn series Cheyyar series
Hauy Milltt
Tertiary Eocene
17 [Tum Over
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