Exam Details
Subject | geography | |
Paper | ||
Exam / Course | combined competitive examination | |
Department | ||
Organization | Jammu Kashmir Public Service Commission | |
Position | ||
Exam Date | 2011 | |
City, State | jammu kashmir, |
Question Paper
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I. Inthebeginningof20thcentury,Geographyasthe'StudyofHumanEcology' wasdevelopedby
anAmerican geographer called
Ellen Churchill Semple H.H.Barrows
Cm!. O. Sauer IsaiahBowrnan
2. Sills and Dykes are the
Igneous rock formations Metamorphic rock formations
Sedementary rock formations Plutonic rock formations
3. The plateaus which are partly or fully enclosed by mountains are known as
Piedmont plateaus Continental plateaus
Structural plateaus Intermontane plateaus
4. Inthedescriptionofmajorsoilgroups,'Sierozems' arecpncemedto:
Chemozems Podzol soils
Gray desert soils Chestnut soils
5. Theinversion oftemperatureisspeciallyobserved in
Intermontane valleys Riftvalleys
Pedimentvalleys Rivervalleys
6. Which type ofcloudhasthecharacteristic ofanvil shapedtop anditisoftenaccompanied by
Cumulus Cumulonimbus
Cirrus Stratus
7. In which ofthe following seas, the salinity is found very high
CA) White sea Black sea
Red sea Baltic sea
8. The movement ofwater away from the shore as tide falls is named as
Minus tide Flood tide
Diurnal tide Ebb tide
.9. Themostimportantecologicalfilctorthatdeterinines thedistributionofpopulationis:
Vegetation Terrain
Climale Soil
SSD-24009·A 3 iTurn Over
10. The lenn 'demographic transition' was coined by
Notestein Spencer
Double day an
11. Who has introduced the principle ofopportunities in migralion
Gould Stouffer
Malthus Clark
12. 'Tupics' are the sumrner living tents of:
Hottentots BusIunen
Pigmies Eskimos
13. Which ofthe following is Inexhaustible and In)mutable resource?
Land· Ocean water
WJldanimals Gems
14. Relatively, high proportion ofaged population is found in
USA Africa
West Europe Third World countries
15. Which continent is found with large number of mega-cities (with more than 10 million population)
North-America Europe
South-America Asia
16. In whichofthe following countries, on the basis ofsizeofpopulation, thesettlementhaving a population up to 30,000 is rural
Japan Canada
USA India
I7. The best quality oflong staple cotton is grown more in the
Central Asian Republics South-eastemcoastofUSA
Nile Basin Deccan plateau oflndia
I8. isatypeofshiftingcultivationcalled in:
19. The aboriginal Australians such as Pinlupi practices an activity of:
Pastoralism Huntingandgathering
Livestock ranching MiniJll
SSD·Z4009·A 4
20. Which ofthe following cOlDltries has thelargestprovenreserves ofironore in the world?
USA India
21. Silviculture refers to
Rearingofanimals Cultivation offorest plants
Silk culture Fishfanning
22. Bovine population refers to:
Which ofthe following two COlDltries together contribute about 60"10 ofthe total coal production in the world ChinaandIndia USA and India RussiaandUSA China and USA
Iron and Steel industry A basic as well as heavy industry
Petro-cllemical industry WestAsia
Gold Non-metallic
Pettoleum Fossil fuel
25. Atthebeginning,themapswhich aredrawnon largescalesbyregisteringlandedproperty forthe collection ofrevenue and tax by the Government are called
Cadastral maps Topographical maps
Chorographicalmaps Landutilizationmaps
26. ldentitYthe mismatch:'
ChainandTape Measuring distanCes
Prismatic Compass Measuring angles
Clinometer Determiningheights
Theodolite Detennining slopes
27. WhatistheR.F.forthescaleofamap6" toImile
1163,360 1110,560
1110,00,000 1131 ,680
28. Instant mapediting is possible through:
RemoteSensing Thematic mapping
GIS Pbotogrammetry
SSD·24009·A 5 [Turn Over
29. Forpreservation ofshapewhichgroup ofprojectionsshall beused?
Homologmphical Azimulhal
True bearing Orthomorphic
30. InAtlases,amapofSouthAmericaorAfrica isgenerallydrawnonwhichprojection?
. Sinusoidal Bonne's
Conical Mercator's
31 . IdentifY the mismatch:
Asia Gobi desert
Afiica Mojave desert
AustrnIia Gibson desert
SouthAmerica Atakama
32. The cultivated areas on Indian toposheet are shown with:
Green colour Red colour
Browncolour Yellow colour
33. The teleological approach was pronounced by
AlexanderVonHumboldt BernhardVarenius
Carl Ritter Oscar Peschell
34. IdentifY the mismatch:
Ptolemy A1magast
Humboldt Cosmos
Varenius Cosmographia universaIis
A1-BaIakhi KitabuJ Ashkal
35. Radical geography emphasizes more upon:
Welfare geography Quantitative geography
Positivism Behavioural geography
In China, 'TaklaMakan'isa: (AY River system Barren desert Mine Mountain peak
Geopolitics studies the
Statesfrom theviewpoint ofspace Lifeofpoliticalleaders
Spacefromtheviewpoint ofstate Disbibutionoflife ontheearthsurface
SSD-24009·A 6
38. Thereisageneralagreementthat the'culture'is:
Learned Created
Nature's gift Generated
39. Nomothetic approach in geography emphasizes upon:
Inductivestudy Lawmaking and theory building
Human ecology Idiographic study .
40. The pioneers ofBehaviowal Geography are
Berry and Bunge Ullman and Stoddart
Chorley and Haggett White and Gold
41. Chimborazopeak ofAndesinEcuadorisa:
Fold mountain Block mountain
Volcanic mountain Faultmountain
42. The Mississippi river which forms the delta in the GulfofMexico is of:
Arcuate type Birdfoot type
Cuspate type Lacustrine type
43. The 'Middle East' comprises the lands of:
North Africa and North West Asia South West Asia and South Africa
NorthAfricaandSouth WestAsia North West Asia and East Africa
44. Anintensivelycoldwinddescending fromtheDalmationAlpsislocallycalled as:
Bora Mistral
Chinook Foelut
45. Deep ocean floor is dominant for:
Terrigenous sediments Cosmogenous sediments
Hydrogenous sediments Calcareous and siliceous oozes
46. A rypical tree ofthe Ewopeandeciduous forest is the:
Oak Olive
Maple Pine
47. Warm temperate forests are mostly:
Coniferous Deciduous
Evergreen Rain forests
SSD-14009-A 7 [Tum Over
48. Laterite soils are distributed in
Wet equatorial region Tropical desert region
Wet temperate region Temperate desert region
49. 'Sudan type' refers to:
Tropical monsoon region Tropical grassland region
Tropical desert region Tropical rainforest region
50. Campos and Llanos are the grasslands of:
Steppe type Prairies type
Savanna type Monsoon type
51. 'Santa Anna' a winter wind that represents Mediterranean climate blows in the region of:
MllITaY basin Alpine highlands
Rhoneva1ley Califomia
52. Which forests are also called as Salves or Selvas?
Equatorial forests Temperate forests
Mediterranean forests Siberian
53. Intensive method offarming is found in
Temperate region Monsoon region
Mediterranean region Equatorial region
54. 'Elephantgmss'isfowxlin:
Prairies Downs
Savanna gmsslands Steppes
55. Hot deserts are mostly located in
Equatorial belt Mediterranean region
Within the tropics
56. 'Pastaz' oflemperate regions lIIeconfIDed to:
Glassland Tribe
Forest type MiIiJll
57. The second phase ofdemographic transition is characterised by
Rise in death rate Fallindeathrate
Fall in birth rate Riseinbirthlllte
SSD-24009-A 8
58. The optimum theol)' ofpopulation is concerned with the relation between:
Under-population and labour productivity
Size ofpopulation and production ofwealth
Over-populationandscarcity ofresources
59. Which ofthe following races is mostly confined to European type
Mongoloid Polynesian
American Indian Caucasoid
60. 1be Eskimos ofArctic region belonged to
Caucasoid race Mong<Jloidrace
Nordic race Australoidrace
61. On the grounds ofsocial and religious causes, there is a large scale out migration of from Bosniaand Serbia.
MIE1ims Christians
Jews Buddhists
62. Involuntarymigration attheinternationalscaleisgenerallyconcernedwith:
Agriculturallabourers Traders
Technocrats Refugees
63. The highest urban densities are found in
U.K. Netherlands
Belgium Singapore
64. The most thinly populated ofall continents is
Afiica AuWaIia
NorthAmerica SouthAmerica
65. Geography was considered as achorological study. It means
Theol)'building Systematic study
Locational analysis Science ofthe study ofregions
66. In whichofthe following regions ofChina, colton is intensively grown?
1beYellowplain 1beSinkiang
1be Manchurian plain The Red basin
SSD·24009·A 9 (Thrn Over
67. InJapan, which island is famous forfishingactivity?
Kwanto Hombu
Kyushu Hokkaido
68. Which ofthe following forest types have immense commercial value and greatest source of timber products in the world?
Broad leaved hardWOod forests Coniferous softwood forests
Equatorial evergreen forests Mangrove forests
69. Siderite ore is related to:
Copper Manganese
Iron Bauxite
70. Which is the biggest producer oflignite coal in the world? .
Germany U.K.
Iodia China
71. The,physicalproperty ofinnersilicatelayer oftheearth is:
Solid Gaseous
Partlysolid andpartlyliquid Uquid
72. 'NewEnglandregion' ofUSA.issignificantfor:
Paper industry Cotton industry
Iron-Steel industry Engineering industry
73. The name SAARC is associated with
SouthAsia South-East Asia
EastAsia TheFarEast
74. The largest alluvial plainofSouth-EastAsia is
Sittangvalley Kyaukse plain
Irrawadydelta MinbupJain
75. The term 'Middle East' was first coined in:
1905 1911
1907 1902
76. 1dentifYthemismalch:
Asia Himalayas
Aliica Great Dividing Range
Europe Alps
SouthAmerica Andes
SSD-24009-A 10
77. In Anglo-America, which ofthe following areas have specialized and are called as com belrof America
South ofthe Great Lakes Colwnbia Plateau
Prairies Provinces Southern States
78. TwigusandLenabasinsinEasternSiberia arethemostsignificant for:
Iron ore reserves Petrolewn reserves
Coal reserves Manganese reserves
79. Which ofthe following is called the Manchester ofRussia
Ivanova Yamslavi
Kalinin Yugorvsk
80. The most extensive alluvial plain ofEast Asia is:
TheHwangHoplain The Yellow plain
The Yangtze Kiang plain TheSikiangplain
"81. In Northern India, Khols are referred to
Slopes Hills
Glaciers Soils
82. In equatorial regions, the diurnal range oftemperature is not high, because of:
High temperatures during nights
Widespread cloudiness prevents heat radiation
83. The low-pressure systems that originate in the Mediterranean region and travel across Iran and Pakistan and reach north-west India are called as
Norwesters Kalbaisakhis
Loos Western disturbances
84. The Aravallis fail to cause orographic rainfall in Rajasthan because: CA) Theyarenotsufficientlyhigh
The monsoon winds do not reach them
They liepara1Iel tothe direction ofthe monsoon winds
They do not support any vegetation
85. Peatysoilismostlyfoundin:
Kerala Kashmir
Assam Gujarat
SSD-24009-A 11 (TurD Over
86. The 'Fulnnis' ofthe WestAfrlcan Savannas practice the agricultum1 type of:
SedentJuyligriculture Nomadicfanning
Shiftingcultivation Livestockranching
87. The DemogJaphic Transition TheoIY was developed based on the demographic experience in
Asia Africa
Europe Japan
88. In India, the chiefLuc producing areas are in Gujarat Assam
Chota Nagpur plateau Bundelkhand upland
89. Which ofthe following trees are found in typical Alpine forests ofIndia
Gewa, Nepa Sal, Teak
Fir,Birch Shisham,Khair
90. In which State ofIndia, the per hectare yield offorest wealth is highest?
Gujarat Assam
Kerala Tripura
91. The Longest irrigation cana1 in India is
Sirhind cana1 Yamunacana1
Rajasthan cana1 UpPer Bari Doab
92. Kangsbati irrigation canal is located in
U.P. Punjab
West Bengal Hazyana
93. Thanacreek oftheUlhas isanirnportantembaymentprovidinganexcellentnaturalharbour in:
Goa Cochin
VlSakhapatnam Mumbai
94. The intensity ofcropping refers to
Proportion ofnet sown area to gross sown area
Proportion ofgross sown area to geographical area
Proportion ofgross irrigated area to gross sown area
Proportion'ofgross sown area to net sown area
95. Verylowintensityofinigation isfoundin:
Rajasthan Mizoram
Nagaland Madhya Pradesh
96. ldenti1Y the mismatch:
Hannalton wind blows over Guinea coast
Simook wind blows over Sahara desert
. The Berg wind blows over North-East Africa
The Sirocco wind blows over North-West Africa
91. 'Hulti' field is important for:
Gold Copper
DiamoMs Zir¥:
98. Which ofthe following river basins does not have coal reserves?
Mahanadi Ganga
Godavari Damodar
99. The Indian town famous for diamond mining is
Smat Mysore
Panna Baroda
100. The per hectare yield levels ofsugarcane are much higher in
UttarPradesh AndhraPradesh
Maharashtra Tamil Nadu
101. Sabai and Salai are used in
Silk industry Lealherindustry
Paper industry Glass industry
102. in Karnataka is concerned with
Nuclearenergy Thennal power
Hydroelectricity Iron ore mining
103. Therefiningcapacity ofcrudeoil ishighestin: (Al HaIdiaoilrefinery Mathuraoilrefinery
Gujaratoilrefinery Visakhapatnamoilrefinery
104. Tertiarycoaifieldsoccurin:
Damodarvelley Son Valley
SSD-24009-A 13
[Tura Over
105. Important newsprint manufacturing centre in India is
Nepanagar . Durgapur
Bhopal (D)Bhadravathi
106. Which ofthe following industries isecologicallycompatible?
Chemical Industry Textile Industry
Paper Industry Cement Industry
107. Among the manufactured goods, which product accOWlts for higher share in the total value of India's exports
Readymade garments Leather products
Electric goods Jewellery and gems
108. The sequential order in the surface differences with regard to geomorphology ofthe Gangetic plains is
Term, Bhabar, Khadar, Bhangar Terai, Khadar, Bhabar, Bhangar
Bhabar, Term, Bhangar, Khadar Bhabar, Bhangar, Khadar, Terai
109. Identify the mismatch:
Iron and Steel plant BhadIavathi
Jute industry Risra
Ahminium iOOustry Renukoot
Cementindustry Mettur
IIO. ChotaNagpurregionisknownforthe:
Heavy metallurgical industries MechanicalEnginceringindustries
Electricaleogineeringindustries Chemical and alliedindustries
Ill. InwhichFive YearPlan,thepolicy ofdisinvestmentofselectedpublicsectorundertakings is evolved:
SeventhFive YearPlan EighthFive YearPlan
TenthFiveYearPlan EleventhFive YearPlan
112. Oil Refineries based on imported crude are located, usua1ly, close to
Market Power
Ports Raw Materials
II3. Thebasicdistinctionbetween urbanandl'llla1 settlement isthe
Functioo Uxation
SSD-2"009-A ...
114. IdentifydescendingsequenceofStates in populationgrowth-rateduring 1991-200I
Nagaland, sikIilin, Manipur, MegbaIaya
Nagaland, Sikkim,Meghalaya, Manipur
Nagaland, Meghalaya, Sikkim, Manipur
Nagaland, Manipur, Sikkim, MegbaIaya
115. WhichofthefollowingfiveStatescontainmorethanhalfofthetotalurbanpopulationofIndia?
Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, West Bengal, Gujarnt
Maharashtra, U.P., Kamataka, West Bengal, Tamil Nadu
U.P., Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Tamil Nadu
116. In India, first hydro-electric plant was established in 1m
1897 1918
117. Which one ofthe metropolitan cities ofIndia has the lowest densityofpopulation?
MlDDbai Kolkata
Delhi Chennai
118. TowhichgroupdothetribalsofCentralandSouthernIndiabelong?
Negritoes Proto-Australoids
Mongoloids Western Brachycephals
119. In which part ofIndia fOWld mostly the Nordic racial stock?
North-eastern Western
North-western Northern
120. As per 200I Census, how many million cities are in India?
40 38
33 35
SSD·24009·A IS (n..... Over
I. Inthebeginningof20thcentury,Geographyasthe'StudyofHumanEcology' wasdevelopedby
anAmerican geographer called
Ellen Churchill Semple H.H.Barrows
Cm!. O. Sauer IsaiahBowrnan
2. Sills and Dykes are the
Igneous rock formations Metamorphic rock formations
Sedementary rock formations Plutonic rock formations
3. The plateaus which are partly or fully enclosed by mountains are known as
Piedmont plateaus Continental plateaus
Structural plateaus Intermontane plateaus
4. Inthedescriptionofmajorsoilgroups,'Sierozems' arecpncemedto:
Chemozems Podzol soils
Gray desert soils Chestnut soils
5. Theinversion oftemperatureisspeciallyobserved in
Intermontane valleys Riftvalleys
Pedimentvalleys Rivervalleys
6. Which type ofcloudhasthecharacteristic ofanvil shapedtop anditisoftenaccompanied by
Cumulus Cumulonimbus
Cirrus Stratus
7. In which ofthe following seas, the salinity is found very high
CA) White sea Black sea
Red sea Baltic sea
8. The movement ofwater away from the shore as tide falls is named as
Minus tide Flood tide
Diurnal tide Ebb tide
.9. Themostimportantecologicalfilctorthatdeterinines thedistributionofpopulationis:
Vegetation Terrain
Climale Soil
SSD-24009·A 3 iTurn Over
10. The lenn 'demographic transition' was coined by
Notestein Spencer
Double day an
11. Who has introduced the principle ofopportunities in migralion
Gould Stouffer
Malthus Clark
12. 'Tupics' are the sumrner living tents of:
Hottentots BusIunen
Pigmies Eskimos
13. Which ofthe following is Inexhaustible and In)mutable resource?
Land· Ocean water
WJldanimals Gems
14. Relatively, high proportion ofaged population is found in
USA Africa
West Europe Third World countries
15. Which continent is found with large number of mega-cities (with more than 10 million population)
North-America Europe
South-America Asia
16. In whichofthe following countries, on the basis ofsizeofpopulation, thesettlementhaving a population up to 30,000 is rural
Japan Canada
USA India
I7. The best quality oflong staple cotton is grown more in the
Central Asian Republics South-eastemcoastofUSA
Nile Basin Deccan plateau oflndia
I8. isatypeofshiftingcultivationcalled in:
19. The aboriginal Australians such as Pinlupi practices an activity of:
Pastoralism Huntingandgathering
Livestock ranching MiniJll
SSD·Z4009·A 4
20. Which ofthe following cOlDltries has thelargestprovenreserves ofironore in the world?
USA India
21. Silviculture refers to
Rearingofanimals Cultivation offorest plants
Silk culture Fishfanning
22. Bovine population refers to:
Which ofthe following two COlDltries together contribute about 60"10 ofthe total coal production in the world ChinaandIndia USA and India RussiaandUSA China and USA
Iron and Steel industry A basic as well as heavy industry
Petro-cllemical industry WestAsia
Gold Non-metallic
Pettoleum Fossil fuel
25. Atthebeginning,themapswhich aredrawnon largescalesbyregisteringlandedproperty forthe collection ofrevenue and tax by the Government are called
Cadastral maps Topographical maps
Chorographicalmaps Landutilizationmaps
26. ldentitYthe mismatch:'
ChainandTape Measuring distanCes
Prismatic Compass Measuring angles
Clinometer Determiningheights
Theodolite Detennining slopes
27. WhatistheR.F.forthescaleofamap6" toImile
1163,360 1110,560
1110,00,000 1131 ,680
28. Instant mapediting is possible through:
RemoteSensing Thematic mapping
GIS Pbotogrammetry
SSD·24009·A 5 [Turn Over
29. Forpreservation ofshapewhichgroup ofprojectionsshall beused?
Homologmphical Azimulhal
True bearing Orthomorphic
30. InAtlases,amapofSouthAmericaorAfrica isgenerallydrawnonwhichprojection?
. Sinusoidal Bonne's
Conical Mercator's
31 . IdentifY the mismatch:
Asia Gobi desert
Afiica Mojave desert
AustrnIia Gibson desert
SouthAmerica Atakama
32. The cultivated areas on Indian toposheet are shown with:
Green colour Red colour
Browncolour Yellow colour
33. The teleological approach was pronounced by
AlexanderVonHumboldt BernhardVarenius
Carl Ritter Oscar Peschell
34. IdentifY the mismatch:
Ptolemy A1magast
Humboldt Cosmos
Varenius Cosmographia universaIis
A1-BaIakhi KitabuJ Ashkal
35. Radical geography emphasizes more upon:
Welfare geography Quantitative geography
Positivism Behavioural geography
In China, 'TaklaMakan'isa: (AY River system Barren desert Mine Mountain peak
Geopolitics studies the
Statesfrom theviewpoint ofspace Lifeofpoliticalleaders
Spacefromtheviewpoint ofstate Disbibutionoflife ontheearthsurface
SSD-24009·A 6
38. Thereisageneralagreementthat the'culture'is:
Learned Created
Nature's gift Generated
39. Nomothetic approach in geography emphasizes upon:
Inductivestudy Lawmaking and theory building
Human ecology Idiographic study .
40. The pioneers ofBehaviowal Geography are
Berry and Bunge Ullman and Stoddart
Chorley and Haggett White and Gold
41. Chimborazopeak ofAndesinEcuadorisa:
Fold mountain Block mountain
Volcanic mountain Faultmountain
42. The Mississippi river which forms the delta in the GulfofMexico is of:
Arcuate type Birdfoot type
Cuspate type Lacustrine type
43. The 'Middle East' comprises the lands of:
North Africa and North West Asia South West Asia and South Africa
NorthAfricaandSouth WestAsia North West Asia and East Africa
44. Anintensivelycoldwinddescending fromtheDalmationAlpsislocallycalled as:
Bora Mistral
Chinook Foelut
45. Deep ocean floor is dominant for:
Terrigenous sediments Cosmogenous sediments
Hydrogenous sediments Calcareous and siliceous oozes
46. A rypical tree ofthe Ewopeandeciduous forest is the:
Oak Olive
Maple Pine
47. Warm temperate forests are mostly:
Coniferous Deciduous
Evergreen Rain forests
SSD-14009-A 7 [Tum Over
48. Laterite soils are distributed in
Wet equatorial region Tropical desert region
Wet temperate region Temperate desert region
49. 'Sudan type' refers to:
Tropical monsoon region Tropical grassland region
Tropical desert region Tropical rainforest region
50. Campos and Llanos are the grasslands of:
Steppe type Prairies type
Savanna type Monsoon type
51. 'Santa Anna' a winter wind that represents Mediterranean climate blows in the region of:
MllITaY basin Alpine highlands
Rhoneva1ley Califomia
52. Which forests are also called as Salves or Selvas?
Equatorial forests Temperate forests
Mediterranean forests Siberian
53. Intensive method offarming is found in
Temperate region Monsoon region
Mediterranean region Equatorial region
54. 'Elephantgmss'isfowxlin:
Prairies Downs
Savanna gmsslands Steppes
55. Hot deserts are mostly located in
Equatorial belt Mediterranean region
Within the tropics
56. 'Pastaz' oflemperate regions lIIeconfIDed to:
Glassland Tribe
Forest type MiIiJll
57. The second phase ofdemographic transition is characterised by
Rise in death rate Fallindeathrate
Fall in birth rate Riseinbirthlllte
SSD-24009-A 8
58. The optimum theol)' ofpopulation is concerned with the relation between:
Under-population and labour productivity
Size ofpopulation and production ofwealth
Over-populationandscarcity ofresources
59. Which ofthe following races is mostly confined to European type
Mongoloid Polynesian
American Indian Caucasoid
60. 1be Eskimos ofArctic region belonged to
Caucasoid race Mong<Jloidrace
Nordic race Australoidrace
61. On the grounds ofsocial and religious causes, there is a large scale out migration of from Bosniaand Serbia.
MIE1ims Christians
Jews Buddhists
62. Involuntarymigration attheinternationalscaleisgenerallyconcernedwith:
Agriculturallabourers Traders
Technocrats Refugees
63. The highest urban densities are found in
U.K. Netherlands
Belgium Singapore
64. The most thinly populated ofall continents is
Afiica AuWaIia
NorthAmerica SouthAmerica
65. Geography was considered as achorological study. It means
Theol)'building Systematic study
Locational analysis Science ofthe study ofregions
66. In whichofthe following regions ofChina, colton is intensively grown?
1beYellowplain 1beSinkiang
1be Manchurian plain The Red basin
SSD·24009·A 9 (Thrn Over
67. InJapan, which island is famous forfishingactivity?
Kwanto Hombu
Kyushu Hokkaido
68. Which ofthe following forest types have immense commercial value and greatest source of timber products in the world?
Broad leaved hardWOod forests Coniferous softwood forests
Equatorial evergreen forests Mangrove forests
69. Siderite ore is related to:
Copper Manganese
Iron Bauxite
70. Which is the biggest producer oflignite coal in the world? .
Germany U.K.
Iodia China
71. The,physicalproperty ofinnersilicatelayer oftheearth is:
Solid Gaseous
Partlysolid andpartlyliquid Uquid
72. 'NewEnglandregion' ofUSA.issignificantfor:
Paper industry Cotton industry
Iron-Steel industry Engineering industry
73. The name SAARC is associated with
SouthAsia South-East Asia
EastAsia TheFarEast
74. The largest alluvial plainofSouth-EastAsia is
Sittangvalley Kyaukse plain
Irrawadydelta MinbupJain
75. The term 'Middle East' was first coined in:
1905 1911
1907 1902
76. 1dentifYthemismalch:
Asia Himalayas
Aliica Great Dividing Range
Europe Alps
SouthAmerica Andes
SSD-24009-A 10
77. In Anglo-America, which ofthe following areas have specialized and are called as com belrof America
South ofthe Great Lakes Colwnbia Plateau
Prairies Provinces Southern States
78. TwigusandLenabasinsinEasternSiberia arethemostsignificant for:
Iron ore reserves Petrolewn reserves
Coal reserves Manganese reserves
79. Which ofthe following is called the Manchester ofRussia
Ivanova Yamslavi
Kalinin Yugorvsk
80. The most extensive alluvial plain ofEast Asia is:
TheHwangHoplain The Yellow plain
The Yangtze Kiang plain TheSikiangplain
"81. In Northern India, Khols are referred to
Slopes Hills
Glaciers Soils
82. In equatorial regions, the diurnal range oftemperature is not high, because of:
High temperatures during nights
Widespread cloudiness prevents heat radiation
83. The low-pressure systems that originate in the Mediterranean region and travel across Iran and Pakistan and reach north-west India are called as
Norwesters Kalbaisakhis
Loos Western disturbances
84. The Aravallis fail to cause orographic rainfall in Rajasthan because: CA) Theyarenotsufficientlyhigh
The monsoon winds do not reach them
They liepara1Iel tothe direction ofthe monsoon winds
They do not support any vegetation
85. Peatysoilismostlyfoundin:
Kerala Kashmir
Assam Gujarat
SSD-24009-A 11 (TurD Over
86. The 'Fulnnis' ofthe WestAfrlcan Savannas practice the agricultum1 type of:
SedentJuyligriculture Nomadicfanning
Shiftingcultivation Livestockranching
87. The DemogJaphic Transition TheoIY was developed based on the demographic experience in
Asia Africa
Europe Japan
88. In India, the chiefLuc producing areas are in Gujarat Assam
Chota Nagpur plateau Bundelkhand upland
89. Which ofthe following trees are found in typical Alpine forests ofIndia
Gewa, Nepa Sal, Teak
Fir,Birch Shisham,Khair
90. In which State ofIndia, the per hectare yield offorest wealth is highest?
Gujarat Assam
Kerala Tripura
91. The Longest irrigation cana1 in India is
Sirhind cana1 Yamunacana1
Rajasthan cana1 UpPer Bari Doab
92. Kangsbati irrigation canal is located in
U.P. Punjab
West Bengal Hazyana
93. Thanacreek oftheUlhas isanirnportantembaymentprovidinganexcellentnaturalharbour in:
Goa Cochin
VlSakhapatnam Mumbai
94. The intensity ofcropping refers to
Proportion ofnet sown area to gross sown area
Proportion ofgross sown area to geographical area
Proportion ofgross irrigated area to gross sown area
Proportion'ofgross sown area to net sown area
95. Verylowintensityofinigation isfoundin:
Rajasthan Mizoram
Nagaland Madhya Pradesh
96. ldenti1Y the mismatch:
Hannalton wind blows over Guinea coast
Simook wind blows over Sahara desert
. The Berg wind blows over North-East Africa
The Sirocco wind blows over North-West Africa
91. 'Hulti' field is important for:
Gold Copper
DiamoMs Zir¥:
98. Which ofthe following river basins does not have coal reserves?
Mahanadi Ganga
Godavari Damodar
99. The Indian town famous for diamond mining is
Smat Mysore
Panna Baroda
100. The per hectare yield levels ofsugarcane are much higher in
UttarPradesh AndhraPradesh
Maharashtra Tamil Nadu
101. Sabai and Salai are used in
Silk industry Lealherindustry
Paper industry Glass industry
102. in Karnataka is concerned with
Nuclearenergy Thennal power
Hydroelectricity Iron ore mining
103. Therefiningcapacity ofcrudeoil ishighestin: (Al HaIdiaoilrefinery Mathuraoilrefinery
Gujaratoilrefinery Visakhapatnamoilrefinery
104. Tertiarycoaifieldsoccurin:
Damodarvelley Son Valley
SSD-24009-A 13
[Tura Over
105. Important newsprint manufacturing centre in India is
Nepanagar . Durgapur
Bhopal (D)Bhadravathi
106. Which ofthe following industries isecologicallycompatible?
Chemical Industry Textile Industry
Paper Industry Cement Industry
107. Among the manufactured goods, which product accOWlts for higher share in the total value of India's exports
Readymade garments Leather products
Electric goods Jewellery and gems
108. The sequential order in the surface differences with regard to geomorphology ofthe Gangetic plains is
Term, Bhabar, Khadar, Bhangar Terai, Khadar, Bhabar, Bhangar
Bhabar, Term, Bhangar, Khadar Bhabar, Bhangar, Khadar, Terai
109. Identify the mismatch:
Iron and Steel plant BhadIavathi
Jute industry Risra
Ahminium iOOustry Renukoot
Cementindustry Mettur
IIO. ChotaNagpurregionisknownforthe:
Heavy metallurgical industries MechanicalEnginceringindustries
Electricaleogineeringindustries Chemical and alliedindustries
Ill. InwhichFive YearPlan,thepolicy ofdisinvestmentofselectedpublicsectorundertakings is evolved:
SeventhFive YearPlan EighthFive YearPlan
TenthFiveYearPlan EleventhFive YearPlan
112. Oil Refineries based on imported crude are located, usua1ly, close to
Market Power
Ports Raw Materials
II3. Thebasicdistinctionbetween urbanandl'llla1 settlement isthe
Functioo Uxation
SSD-2"009-A ...
114. IdentifydescendingsequenceofStates in populationgrowth-rateduring 1991-200I
Nagaland, sikIilin, Manipur, MegbaIaya
Nagaland, Sikkim,Meghalaya, Manipur
Nagaland, Meghalaya, Sikkim, Manipur
Nagaland, Manipur, Sikkim, MegbaIaya
115. WhichofthefollowingfiveStatescontainmorethanhalfofthetotalurbanpopulationofIndia?
Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, West Bengal, Gujarnt
Maharashtra, U.P., Kamataka, West Bengal, Tamil Nadu
U.P., Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Tamil Nadu
116. In India, first hydro-electric plant was established in 1m
1897 1918
117. Which one ofthe metropolitan cities ofIndia has the lowest densityofpopulation?
MlDDbai Kolkata
Delhi Chennai
118. TowhichgroupdothetribalsofCentralandSouthernIndiabelong?
Negritoes Proto-Australoids
Mongoloids Western Brachycephals
119. In which part ofIndia fOWld mostly the Nordic racial stock?
North-eastern Western
North-western Northern
120. As per 200I Census, how many million cities are in India?
40 38
33 35
SSD·24009·A IS (n..... Over
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