Exam Details
Subject | law | |
Paper | paper 1 | |
Exam / Course | mcscc | |
Department | ||
Organization | manipur public service commission | |
Position | ||
Exam Date | 2010 | |
City, State | manipur, |
Question Paper
Time Allowed: Three hours Maximum Marks 300
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions
Answer Question Nos. 1 and 5 and any three of the remaining questions, selecting at least one from each Section
1. Answer any three of the following (each answer should be in about 200 words) 20x3=60
Critically examine the nature of the Indian Constitution. Whether can it be chm:acterised as Federal? Discuss in detail with the opinion of judiciary on the issue.
Define 'State'. Discuss the judicial decisions enlarging the concept with the leadIng case of Ajay Hasia vs. Khalid Mujib, AIR 1981 SC 487. Whether the definition of is confined to a Government Department and Legislature only? Critically evaluate your answer.
Critically examine the constitutional practice of imposing the President's Rule in a State under Article 356 of the Constitution· of India.
What do you mean by 'Welfare State'? How Constitution has casted obligations upon the State to achieve the target under the provisions of Directive Principles? Explain fully.
2. What are the various functions and duties of the Union Public Service
Commission and State Public Service Commissioh as envisaged in the
Constitution ofIndia? Can a Chairman or Member ofUPSCjStatePSCs be
removed from the office by an executive order? State the methods and
procedure for removal from office. 30
Freedom of speech and expression has been incorporated as fundamental
right. Whether this right is absolute? What are the restrictions provided
by the Constitution itself? Whether right to information is fundamental
right? Write your answer quoting authority. 30
3. Discuss in detail the procedural safeguards to civil servant guaranteed by Article 311(2) of the Constitution pointing out exceptions, if any. Are the employees of a statutory corporation entitled to benefit of Article of the Cqnstitution? 30
What do you mean by 'amendment? Discuss the scope' and limits of amending power of the Parliament with reference to important judicial decisions. Your answer should also specifically deal with amendment of fundamental rights and basic features. . 30
4. Explain and illustrate. the term 'Natural Justice'.-Do you think that natural justice lays foundation on which the principles of good administration rest? Elucidate your answer citing judicial decision. 30
What is pure administrative act? How judiciary review the administrative actions? ];}iscuss the limitations of the High Courts in exercising writ jurisdiction under Article 226 of the Constitution of India. 3.0
5. Answer any three of the following (each words) answer should be in about 200 20x3=60
Discuss the scope, jurisdiction and powers of the International Criminal Court which has been set up in July, 2002. Also distinguish between International Court of Justice and International Criminal Court as regard their function.
What is new economic order? Evaluate significant achievement in the object targeted. Discuss Paris Conference and Dunkel proposal in this direction.
Development and environment are related to each other not only at national level but in international field. Elucidate with relevant provisions made in the UN Charter with regard to economic development and respect for human right through the clear acceptance of social and economic right.
Write a note on historical development of International Law.. Critically examine the statement-International Law is vanishing point of jurisprudence with reference to working in modern world.
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6. What is Recognition and State succession? Write down the different theories .of Recognition of a new State with a explanatory note on the rights and duties arising out of State succession. Cite at least one glaring example happened in 20th century. 30
Explain the State practice relating to operation of International Law within the Municipal Law. Critically examine the different theories with respect to the relationship between International Law and Municipal Law. 30
7. How is an International Treaty formulated? Write a note on ratification, interpretation and termination of treaty and also write down an essay about different methods for settlement of international disputes. 30
Write the contributions of the League of Nations and the United Nations to the development of contemporary International' Law. Is the USA Government behaviouring like a rogue State in imposing her will to the Intemli!-tional Community? Examine critically. 30
8. Assess the rich contributions of the United Nations in fulfilling the UN
Charter, 1945. State the progress the UN has so far achiev ed in fulfilling
the UN mandate of de-colonisation. Explain your a nswer with suitable
events. 30
Critically examine the following
Development of Air law
Development relating to Aircraft hijacking
Evaluate the hijacking on Indian Aircraft/Airline with principles of
Universal Jurisdiction relating to such crime. 30
Time Allowed: Three hours Maximum Marks 300
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions
Answer Question Nos. 1 and 5 and any three of the remaining questions, selecting at least one from each Section
1. Answer any three of the following (each answer should be in about 200 words) 20x3=60
Critically examine the nature of the Indian Constitution. Whether can it be chm:acterised as Federal? Discuss in detail with the opinion of judiciary on the issue.
Define 'State'. Discuss the judicial decisions enlarging the concept with the leadIng case of Ajay Hasia vs. Khalid Mujib, AIR 1981 SC 487. Whether the definition of is confined to a Government Department and Legislature only? Critically evaluate your answer.
Critically examine the constitutional practice of imposing the President's Rule in a State under Article 356 of the Constitution· of India.
What do you mean by 'Welfare State'? How Constitution has casted obligations upon the State to achieve the target under the provisions of Directive Principles? Explain fully.
2. What are the various functions and duties of the Union Public Service
Commission and State Public Service Commissioh as envisaged in the
Constitution ofIndia? Can a Chairman or Member ofUPSCjStatePSCs be
removed from the office by an executive order? State the methods and
procedure for removal from office. 30
Freedom of speech and expression has been incorporated as fundamental
right. Whether this right is absolute? What are the restrictions provided
by the Constitution itself? Whether right to information is fundamental
right? Write your answer quoting authority. 30
3. Discuss in detail the procedural safeguards to civil servant guaranteed by Article 311(2) of the Constitution pointing out exceptions, if any. Are the employees of a statutory corporation entitled to benefit of Article of the Cqnstitution? 30
What do you mean by 'amendment? Discuss the scope' and limits of amending power of the Parliament with reference to important judicial decisions. Your answer should also specifically deal with amendment of fundamental rights and basic features. . 30
4. Explain and illustrate. the term 'Natural Justice'.-Do you think that natural justice lays foundation on which the principles of good administration rest? Elucidate your answer citing judicial decision. 30
What is pure administrative act? How judiciary review the administrative actions? ];}iscuss the limitations of the High Courts in exercising writ jurisdiction under Article 226 of the Constitution of India. 3.0
5. Answer any three of the following (each words) answer should be in about 200 20x3=60
Discuss the scope, jurisdiction and powers of the International Criminal Court which has been set up in July, 2002. Also distinguish between International Court of Justice and International Criminal Court as regard their function.
What is new economic order? Evaluate significant achievement in the object targeted. Discuss Paris Conference and Dunkel proposal in this direction.
Development and environment are related to each other not only at national level but in international field. Elucidate with relevant provisions made in the UN Charter with regard to economic development and respect for human right through the clear acceptance of social and economic right.
Write a note on historical development of International Law.. Critically examine the statement-International Law is vanishing point of jurisprudence with reference to working in modern world.
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6. What is Recognition and State succession? Write down the different theories .of Recognition of a new State with a explanatory note on the rights and duties arising out of State succession. Cite at least one glaring example happened in 20th century. 30
Explain the State practice relating to operation of International Law within the Municipal Law. Critically examine the different theories with respect to the relationship between International Law and Municipal Law. 30
7. How is an International Treaty formulated? Write a note on ratification, interpretation and termination of treaty and also write down an essay about different methods for settlement of international disputes. 30
Write the contributions of the League of Nations and the United Nations to the development of contemporary International' Law. Is the USA Government behaviouring like a rogue State in imposing her will to the Intemli!-tional Community? Examine critically. 30
8. Assess the rich contributions of the United Nations in fulfilling the UN
Charter, 1945. State the progress the UN has so far achiev ed in fulfilling
the UN mandate of de-colonisation. Explain your a nswer with suitable
events. 30
Critically examine the following
Development of Air law
Development relating to Aircraft hijacking
Evaluate the hijacking on Indian Aircraft/Airline with principles of
Universal Jurisdiction relating to such crime. 30
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