Exam Details
Subject | sociology | |
Paper | ||
Exam / Course | combined competitive examination | |
Department | ||
Organization | Jammu Kashmir Public Service Commission | |
Position | ||
Exam Date | 2011 | |
City, State | jammu kashmir, |
Question Paper
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1. 'l1,eprocessbywhichthegroup·valuesareintemalizedbytheindividual iscalled:
assimilation integration
2. Therearcthreeslages ofdevelopmentofsociety,namelysavagerybarbarismandcivilization, according to:
Darwin Morgan
Spenccr Bachofen
3. When a person believes that his culture is superior to other cultures, it is called
Lihnicity ethnocentrism
cultural snobbery cultural relativism
4. 'Ihe view tllat the tribal people should be allowed to retain their'pccial characteristic while becoming a part ofthemain-stream, is known as:
cultural relativism acculturation
assimilation isolationism
5. Which one ofthe'followingdoes NOT represent ascribed slatus?
A father A pricst
ABmhmin A nela
6. An Institution can be best deseri'bed as a complex of:
authority statuses
roles procedures
7. Whichone ofthefollowing isthepre·requisite ofsocialintemetion?
Face to face contact . Hannony
Physical rontact Mutual orientation
8. Theprocess ofaccommodationisadoptedinsocietytoavoid:
competition betwccn pcople
competition between ideologies
conflict between equals and non-equals
integmtion between the formal and the infonnal
9. Thcproccssbywhiehideasandbeliefsbecomepart ofthesclfiscalled:
conformity inlcmaIization
imitation institutionalisation
881)·24495-B 3 ITurn over
10. Which onc oflhc following can be refcrred to as independcntly dcfined role?
Fathcr Tcachcr
Painler Offi=
II. Which ofthc followingpmmole adoptionofimprovcd agricultural practices fordivcrsification of the eropping pattern
Communication facilities
Economic imx:ntives
Select the correct answer using the codes given below:
and and
12. Considerthefollowing:
Movementoftraitstluoughspaceand time
Diffusion oftraits can be traced
DifTusioncan bedircetor indirecl.
Which ofthe above arc the features ofdiffusion?
and and
13. ThecultureofPovertyrefers to: SllIDS Suburbs
Rural arca Inner cities
14. Coercion rcfers 10:
Usc ofphysical force to gain one's interesl
Large-scale violence lcading to disruptionofsociallife
Prevalence 0 fwarring groups in society
Social interaction in which one person or group forces its will on another
15. '111emain diflcrcnce bctween class and status is tllat:
the fonner refers to economic group and the latter to hereditary rankingoffamily
theformerisassociatedwithownership ofmeansofproductionand thelatterwithstyles of life
the former refers to personal power and the latter is associated with privileges that one enjoys
tileformer refers toacquisitionofpolitical powerand thelatter togainofsocialpower
SSD-24495-D 4 16. Which oncofthe following constitutes a primary group
All inmates ofa prison
Sugarcane plantation workers
MembersofAlcoholicsAnonymous ofametropolis
Mother and her three children
17. Status inconsistencyrefcrs to
differential rankingon thedimensions ofsocial stratification
discrepancy and conflict in the status and role ofan individual
gaps between expectation and performance
incompatibilityamongthediffcrcntslatusesofan individual
18. Which one ofthe followingstatcrnents is correct?
Social processes are always associative
Social processes arc always disassociative
Social processes may be both associative and
Social processes arc neither associative nor disassoeiative
19. Which oneofthe following best defines the term "kinship"?
The groupingofrclatives
The sociallyrccognized relationship
A recognition ofcultwally conditioned relationship
The social rccognition and expression ofgenealogical relationship
20. Which oncis the correct scquenceofthe given socia-cultural processes?
Accommodation-Assimilation-cultural contact -conflict
Accommodation-conflict-cultural contact-Assimilation
21. What is ti,e most important and basic factor for social integration according to the functionalists?
Structural interdependence Condition ofanomie
22. Which one ofti,e following is not covered under the "Element ofsocial structure"
Deviation Observance
Sanction Group aclion
SSIl-24495-U 5 ITurn over
23. What arc social nonns
Rules whose observance is expected in a society
Laws whose violation invariablyleads to punishment
Principles accepted as nonnal by sociology
Codes which are prescribed in saered texts
24. Joking relationships take plaec between:
husband and wife mother and daughter
father and son hrother-in-Iaw and sister-in-law
25. Which one offollowing defines correctly the family which is created as aresult ofmamage and the offsprings consequently born
Familyoforientntion Familyofprocrealion
Extended Family Joint Family
26. Which ofthe following arc ineluded in the familyoforientation?
one's parents
one's spouse
one's siblings
Choose the correct answer from the codes below:
27. Which one ofthe following is the correct sequence in Comte's lhcoryofchange?
lbcological-Positive_ Metaphysical
Positive -Metaphysical-'Ibcologieal
28. Whichoneofthefollowingpairs ofkincompositionandtype offamilyiscorrectlymatched?
Ego's mother,fathcr and Sibling-Familyofproercation
Ego's brothers, sisters and mothcr-Matrilineal family
Ego's wife and wife's brother-Patrilocal family
Ego's husband and ehildrcn-Familyoforientation
29. Incompatible expectations lead to
Double role
Role conflict Role mix
30. Genetic characteristics are evident among:
affinal kins consanguincal kins
unilateral kins bilateral kins
SSD-24495-ll 6
31. Ego'swifeishis:
primaryconsanguincal kin prirnaryaffinalkin
secondary kin tcrtiarykin
32. Whichofthefollowingtribespractisedpolyandry?
Toda, Kota, Khasa, bhils and gonds Q3) kota, khasa, Toda and bhils
Toda, kota, and khasa onlyTodas
33. The RulesofResidencc where a couple upon being married, go to live with thebrotheroflhe groom's mother, are known as
Patrilocal Matrilocal
Arunculocal Neolocal
34. Which one ofthe following Acts removed the restriction on "golra" marriage?
The Hindu Marriage ValidityAct, 1949
The Special Marriage Act, 1954
The Hindu Marriage Disabilities Removal Act, 1946
The Hindu Marriage Act, 1955
35. Whichofthefollowingisthebasis ofthesystenl""ofmarriagefollowed bymostparts ofNorth India?
Village endogamy and gotra exogamy
Village exogamyand gotra exogamy
Village exogamy and preferential kin marriage
None ofthe above
36. Marriage with mother's brother's daughter is a form ofwhich one ofthe following:
Restricted exchange Direct exchange
Discontinuous exchange Generali7.cd exchange
37. Which one ofthe following is not used for identifying, social strata?
Occupation Income
Intelligence Education
38. Which ofthe following eharacteristies are associated with social movement?
Collectiveenterprise To establish new social order
Delinitegoals Formal action
Select the correct answer using the codes given below:
and and
88D-24495-8 7 (Turn over
39. 'Jbe estate system isa feature of:
Post-industrial European Society Feudal EuroPe
Indian Society Ancient Egyptian Society
40. TI,e main differencebetween caste and class is that
Caste operates in a classless society and class operates in casteless society
Caste is always closed; and class is always open
The status given to an individual is ascribed in the case ofcaste, whereas in class it is achieved
lbeindividualsuffersmostin thecase ofcastewhereasinclass hedocsnot
41 . Dualorganisationasa functional stratificationprevalentamong:
Castes Class
Ethclass Tribes
42. The system ofcaste stratification is based on
Rebirth stratification Chaturvama
Vamashrarna System Sept.
43. Falscconsciousncss in a class stratification is dysfunctional as it obstructs awareness:
oftheirrole inthesystem abouttheirdemandS
oftheirrcaIstatus about themselves
44. The principal sources ofritual pollution is/are:
birth bodilyemissions
death birth, bodilyernissions and death
45. Whichofthefollowingarethedefiningfeatures ofthedominant caste?
Numerical strength Highest ritual status
Higheconomicstatus High political status
Select the correct answer using the codes givcn below:
and and
and and
46. Structural differentiation refer.; to:
Progressive spccialisationandautonomous functioning ofsocial units
Changes in the structural forms ofsocial units
Theprocessofevaluationandrankingofsocial institutions
Theprolifcration ofsocial wlits
SSD-24495-1J 8
47. Which one oftlie following helps to maintain the structural distance bctween castes
Economic status Political power
Land ownership Purityand pollution
48. In theevent ofadeclinein therate ofsocio-economicchange, social mobilitylikewisetendsto declinein:
castestratification estalestratification
class stratification etlUlicstratification
49. Which one ofthe following is not a characteristic ofconflict?
it is a conscious action it is a personal activity
it is a collective social bchaviour it is an integral part ofsocial activities
50. A IUral community without any village centrc has been described by Edwards as
UneviUagc Open-<:ountrycommunity
Down-<:ountrycommunity GJosedcommunity
51. The concept of "Pre-industrial society" was proposed by:
Saint Simon Kingsley Davis
Sjoberg Robcrt Park
52. A placc whcre 2/3 ofthe population is engaged in agriculture and 1/3 in secondary and tertiary occupations can be best called a
city town
rural town rural market
53. Herbert Spencer hasclassificd types ofsocieties from the simplest to the most complex according to their degree of:
composition aggregation
social bond knowledge
54. .__creates provisions for integration in society.
Dishonesty Material desires
Cultural heterogencity Dictatorship
SSD-2449S-B 9 (Turn over
55. In India a peasant is idcntified as one who:
owns land and cultivates with the help ofhired labour
owns land and cultivates with the help offamily labour
uses traditional methods ofcultivation
is fatalistic in out look
56. Socicties which arc relativelysmall, non-literate, homogeneous and cohesive arc called
folk societies Urban societies
Rural societies Industrial societies
57. In which one ofthe followingtypcs ofsocieties, the status ofwomen is rclativelybetter? Industrial society Tribal society
Agrariansocicty Post Industrial society
58. Find the odd man out:
Hegal Hobbes
Dalm:ndorf Dwi<hcim
59. Which ofthe following itcms was used by Durkheim to describe social phenomena that were external to individual yct constrained his action?
Social values Social norms
Social relations Social facts
60. ThcmostfWldamcntaldivision ofaclassinanysocietyisfoundbetweenthe:
rich and poor commoners and rulers
agriculturalistand industrialist Uleistand atheist
61 . Which oneofthc following is the primarysub-system specialized inrelation to theadaptivefUletion ofa society?
Polity Economy
Culture Religion
62. Production and exchange ofgoods and services for the satisfaction ofwants is called Productivcaction exchangc
economic action rational action
63. Whichoneofthefollowingis NOTaneconomicinstitutioninthcstrictsociological sensc? Contract Market
Divisionoflabour Factory
SSIJ-24495-B 10
64. Which are thcmain features ofthe controlled (planned) economy in India?
The politicsof"garibi hatao"
Anti-povcrtypolicies like land reforms
Puttingthewcight ofthestatebehind agricultural production
Controlling the economy through public sector economic units
Select the correct answer using the code given below:
(2)and(4)only and
65. Which among the following is not the defining feature ofthe concept ofpeasant
1beyproduceprimarily for theirownconsumption
They produce with the help ofthcirown and that ofthe family labour
They enjoy privileged position in statecentrcd society
66. Cities in the primary phasc ofurbanization display:
heterogenctic transformation generative transformation
parabitictnlllsformation orthogenctictransforrnation
67. Inwhichone ofthefollowinglypesofcities dowefmdtheeliteclassatthecentre ofthecity?
Pre-industrial Modem
Historical Commercial
68. Which ofthe following affc.ct the size ofurban population in India?
Death rate
Reclassification ofplaces
Select the correct answer from the codes given below:
and and
69. Which one ofthe following terms is used for the spread ofpopulation and industry beyond thc borders ofurban centres?
urban sprawl urbanization
urban centrc Suburbanisation .
70. Whcn urban population grows and thc proportion ofurban population to the total populalion remains constant, is known as
urbanization over-urbanization
urban growth population stability
880-24495-8 11 (Turn over
71. Whcn the connictingparties try to adjust to each other it iscalled
surrendcr adjustment
accommodation assimilation
72. Social interaction is a process through which members ofa group:
penetrate each othcr's mind develop a sense ofhealthy competition
helpstrengtheningsocial customs save each other from social ridicule
73. Article335 in thc Indian Constitulion provides forreservation:
in govcnunent services for SCslSTs ofscats inLokSabhafor SCslSTs
ofseals in Vidhan Sabha for SCslSTs ofseats in educational institutions for SCslSTs
74. Thc fundamental charucteristicofan industrial society is:
mechanised means ofproduction break up ofjoint families
poverty. laekoffaith in religion
75. The community devclopment programmc intndia was launched in theycar:
1947 1950
1952 1956
76. Whichoneofthefollowingisthebcstcriterion ofcontrastbetwecnaruraland
mban community?
gcographiclocation specificsizeofpopulation
spocilicdensityofpopulation diversificationofoccupations
77. Which ofthc following is not contained in Robert E Park's sodal classification?
conflier co-operation
competition accommodation
7R. Accommodation is the natural result of
Competition Integration
Isolation None ofthe above
79. Thc three-tier system ofParichayati Raj was recommended by:
Balwantrai Mehta Committee Elwin Committee
OhcbarCommission Jaya Prakash Narain Committee
80. Which one ofthc following is a caslc?
Marwati Bhil
Sudra 'Yadava
. SSD-2449S-B 12
81. Whuttype ofvillage is found along the west coast ofIndia, say in South Kanara and Kerala
Nucleated village Dispersed village
Integrated village Deserted village
82. Caste status is detennined by
education socialisation
economicalTIuence birth
83. In a multi-caste Indian village a Harijan family hies to follow the life styleofa.Brahman family. Consequently certain changcs occur in the life styleofthe Harijan family. In sociological parlance such changes arc attributed to
imitation sanskritisation
enculturation acculturation
84. The pattern ofsoeial stratifieation in developed societies is capable ofbeing diagrammatically represented in the shape 0 fa:
diamond pyramid
triangle square
85. Byeasteism we mean
biasinfavour ofone'sowncaste
biasinfavour ofnotonlyone'sowncastebutalsoagainstothercastes
bias against every caste
bias in favourofa few castes
86. Modem society is governed by:
conventions ruleoflaw
divinelaw physical force
87. always implies inhibition ofceltain ego centred drives.
competition accommodation
88. For a person an adopted son is:
an affinal kin
a consanguincous kin
neither an affinal nor a consanguineous kin
an affinal kin as well as a consanguineous kin
88D-24495-8 13 IThrn over
89.The process of assimilation, as pointed out by involves both denationalisation and renationalisation.
MacIver KingsleyOavis
Merton Fairchild
90. Whichoneofthefollowingcanbeconsideredacommunity
students union Tnbc
6rni1y crowd
91. Whenthemcmbcrsofanygrooupshareaspecific goaloflifeandcanyitoutas per foonal rules, they constitute alan
association oornmunity
institution gang
92. Whichoneofthefollowingterms isusedbysociologists todescribetherelativelystable,widely established procedures that develop around the noons and values ofsociety
Ideology • Institution
Role Legislation
93. Taboois:
Polynesian belief aprolnbition
ritual mark worn by pious persons avoidance between relatives
94. Working together to accomplish a goal that all desire, implies
competition conflict
co-opcralion compromise
95. Asa process, conflict is ofcoopcration.
mltua1 anti-thesis
synthesis supportive
96. The conflict theory was advocated by:
Maciver and Pagc Herbert Spencer
Talcott Parsons Dahrcndorf
97. Authoritycan be
legal traditional
charismatic all ofthe above
SSD-24495-B 14
98. Rolc conflict does not arise when a person is given a role:
which one does not like
which is not conducivcto one's environment
when each one works under a well-planned system
when every body is free to pcrfonn the role ofone's choicc
99. Which ofthe following is not the characteristic ofa primarygroup?
Intimacy Face to face association
Impersonal relationship Physical proximity
100. Which ofthe followingstatemcnts arecorrectly associated with Talcott Parsons concept ofSocial System
Social System means action system
Social System is a sub-system ofaction system
Social System is madc up ofaction systems
SocialSystemisthesystemofinteractiverelationships oftwoormore
individual actions.
Select thc correct answer using the codes given below:
101. A sub culture that adheres to a set ofbcliefs and values radically rcjects thesocicty's dominant culture and prescribes and alternative one is
indoculture sub·culture
counter culture real culture
102. WhichoneofthefollowingstatementsisINCORRECf?
Raciallnter-mixturc leads to degeneration
The concept ofpure race is a myth
Inter-mixture ofraces is a universal phenomenon
No race-is supcrior or inferior to any other race
103. According to Durkhcim, which one ofthe following is the principal source of cohesion and solidarity in modem society?
Repressive laws Division oflabour
Greater intcnsityofclass conflict Expansion ofeducation
SSD-24495-B 15 (Thrn over 104. Which oneofthefollowingis 8definitionofcultwallag?
Inabilityofoneculturetoadopttraits ofanotherculture
Gap between material and nonmaterial culture
Incompatibilitybetween individual culture and group culture
Sharingbetweenmaterialandnon-material culture
105. Status ovcrwhich thc individual has absolutely no choice is known as
Ascribed status Master status
Achieved Status Key status
I06. Which 0 f thc following are thc basic characteristics ofsocial group?
Physical presence oftwo or more persons
Interaction betwcen two or more persons
Consciousness ofmembers for belonging to the group
Select the correct answer using the codes given below:
and and
107. lbecomplement ofrole relationships which a college teacher has with pupils, colleagues, principal and ministerial staffrefers to his:
multipleroles roleoontliet
role pcrformancc role set
108. Who among the following is ofthe view that social structure is an abstract construction ofsocial rcality and has nothing to do witll thc existingreality?
Spencer Levi Strauss
Leach Brown
109. The individual forgets the rule misconstrues is intention, this implies (Al conformity rebellion
deviance retreatism
110. Which one ofthc following combinations is true regarding modcrnization in India?
Dilfusionandacculturation Evolutionandaccultwation
Evolution and diffusion Evolution and regeneration
SSD-24495-D 16
·Ill. Asocial institution is
an established procedure that rcgulates human behaviour
a place where social functions are organized
an orgllllization where social positions are formally defined
an organization that administers social service
112. A basic distinction between culture and civilization is
culture is what we have achieved and civilization is what we aspirc to achieve
culture is what comes out ofintelligence and civilization is not
culture is what we are and civilization is what we have
113. When cultural traits spread from one society to another, the process is called
diffusion parallelism
evolution pluralism
114. Which ofthe follmvingis not included as a type ofconfiict
War Feud
115. A pressure group is generally referred to·as alan:
ethnic group informal group
special interest group caste group
116. According to R.K. Merton, a role set is:
aset ofroles performedbythemembersinanygroup
anarray ofassociatedrolesrelatedtoparticularsocialstatus
aset ofrolesofequalstatusesinanygroup
anarray ofroles hierarchicallyordered inal1ygroup
117. A group to which wc compare ourselves when wc judge our own status is called
kingroup peer group
secondary group reference group
118. A changc in social position that does not alter a person's status is
social immobility horizontal mobility
vertical mobility structural mobiiity
55D-24495-8 17 I'Iltro over
119. Competitioohas beendescribed as "peaeeful cooflict"by;
Spencer Coser
Weber Frazer
120. Socialisation takes place
duringchildhood duringyoungage
dwingthewholelife at different inlel'va1s
SSD-2449S-0 18
1. 'l1,eprocessbywhichthegroup·valuesareintemalizedbytheindividual iscalled:
assimilation integration
2. Therearcthreeslages ofdevelopmentofsociety,namelysavagerybarbarismandcivilization, according to:
Darwin Morgan
Spenccr Bachofen
3. When a person believes that his culture is superior to other cultures, it is called
Lihnicity ethnocentrism
cultural snobbery cultural relativism
4. 'Ihe view tllat the tribal people should be allowed to retain their'pccial characteristic while becoming a part ofthemain-stream, is known as:
cultural relativism acculturation
assimilation isolationism
5. Which one ofthe'followingdoes NOT represent ascribed slatus?
A father A pricst
ABmhmin A nela
6. An Institution can be best deseri'bed as a complex of:
authority statuses
roles procedures
7. Whichone ofthefollowing isthepre·requisite ofsocialintemetion?
Face to face contact . Hannony
Physical rontact Mutual orientation
8. Theprocess ofaccommodationisadoptedinsocietytoavoid:
competition betwccn pcople
competition between ideologies
conflict between equals and non-equals
integmtion between the formal and the infonnal
9. Thcproccssbywhiehideasandbeliefsbecomepart ofthesclfiscalled:
conformity inlcmaIization
imitation institutionalisation
881)·24495-B 3 ITurn over
10. Which onc oflhc following can be refcrred to as independcntly dcfined role?
Fathcr Tcachcr
Painler Offi=
II. Which ofthc followingpmmole adoptionofimprovcd agricultural practices fordivcrsification of the eropping pattern
Communication facilities
Economic imx:ntives
Select the correct answer using the codes given below:
and and
12. Considerthefollowing:
Movementoftraitstluoughspaceand time
Diffusion oftraits can be traced
DifTusioncan bedircetor indirecl.
Which ofthe above arc the features ofdiffusion?
and and
13. ThecultureofPovertyrefers to: SllIDS Suburbs
Rural arca Inner cities
14. Coercion rcfers 10:
Usc ofphysical force to gain one's interesl
Large-scale violence lcading to disruptionofsociallife
Prevalence 0 fwarring groups in society
Social interaction in which one person or group forces its will on another
15. '111emain diflcrcnce bctween class and status is tllat:
the fonner refers to economic group and the latter to hereditary rankingoffamily
theformerisassociatedwithownership ofmeansofproductionand thelatterwithstyles of life
the former refers to personal power and the latter is associated with privileges that one enjoys
tileformer refers toacquisitionofpolitical powerand thelatter togainofsocialpower
SSD-24495-D 4 16. Which oncofthe following constitutes a primary group
All inmates ofa prison
Sugarcane plantation workers
MembersofAlcoholicsAnonymous ofametropolis
Mother and her three children
17. Status inconsistencyrefcrs to
differential rankingon thedimensions ofsocial stratification
discrepancy and conflict in the status and role ofan individual
gaps between expectation and performance
incompatibilityamongthediffcrcntslatusesofan individual
18. Which one ofthe followingstatcrnents is correct?
Social processes are always associative
Social processes arc always disassociative
Social processes may be both associative and
Social processes arc neither associative nor disassoeiative
19. Which oneofthe following best defines the term "kinship"?
The groupingofrclatives
The sociallyrccognized relationship
A recognition ofcultwally conditioned relationship
The social rccognition and expression ofgenealogical relationship
20. Which oncis the correct scquenceofthe given socia-cultural processes?
Accommodation-Assimilation-cultural contact -conflict
Accommodation-conflict-cultural contact-Assimilation
21. What is ti,e most important and basic factor for social integration according to the functionalists?
Structural interdependence Condition ofanomie
22. Which one ofti,e following is not covered under the "Element ofsocial structure"
Deviation Observance
Sanction Group aclion
SSIl-24495-U 5 ITurn over
23. What arc social nonns
Rules whose observance is expected in a society
Laws whose violation invariablyleads to punishment
Principles accepted as nonnal by sociology
Codes which are prescribed in saered texts
24. Joking relationships take plaec between:
husband and wife mother and daughter
father and son hrother-in-Iaw and sister-in-law
25. Which one offollowing defines correctly the family which is created as aresult ofmamage and the offsprings consequently born
Familyoforientntion Familyofprocrealion
Extended Family Joint Family
26. Which ofthe following arc ineluded in the familyoforientation?
one's parents
one's spouse
one's siblings
Choose the correct answer from the codes below:
27. Which one ofthe following is the correct sequence in Comte's lhcoryofchange?
lbcological-Positive_ Metaphysical
Positive -Metaphysical-'Ibcologieal
28. Whichoneofthefollowingpairs ofkincompositionandtype offamilyiscorrectlymatched?
Ego's mother,fathcr and Sibling-Familyofproercation
Ego's brothers, sisters and mothcr-Matrilineal family
Ego's wife and wife's brother-Patrilocal family
Ego's husband and ehildrcn-Familyoforientation
29. Incompatible expectations lead to
Double role
Role conflict Role mix
30. Genetic characteristics are evident among:
affinal kins consanguincal kins
unilateral kins bilateral kins
SSD-24495-ll 6
31. Ego'swifeishis:
primaryconsanguincal kin prirnaryaffinalkin
secondary kin tcrtiarykin
32. Whichofthefollowingtribespractisedpolyandry?
Toda, Kota, Khasa, bhils and gonds Q3) kota, khasa, Toda and bhils
Toda, kota, and khasa onlyTodas
33. The RulesofResidencc where a couple upon being married, go to live with thebrotheroflhe groom's mother, are known as
Patrilocal Matrilocal
Arunculocal Neolocal
34. Which one ofthe following Acts removed the restriction on "golra" marriage?
The Hindu Marriage ValidityAct, 1949
The Special Marriage Act, 1954
The Hindu Marriage Disabilities Removal Act, 1946
The Hindu Marriage Act, 1955
35. Whichofthefollowingisthebasis ofthesystenl""ofmarriagefollowed bymostparts ofNorth India?
Village endogamy and gotra exogamy
Village exogamyand gotra exogamy
Village exogamy and preferential kin marriage
None ofthe above
36. Marriage with mother's brother's daughter is a form ofwhich one ofthe following:
Restricted exchange Direct exchange
Discontinuous exchange Generali7.cd exchange
37. Which one ofthe following is not used for identifying, social strata?
Occupation Income
Intelligence Education
38. Which ofthe following eharacteristies are associated with social movement?
Collectiveenterprise To establish new social order
Delinitegoals Formal action
Select the correct answer using the codes given below:
and and
88D-24495-8 7 (Turn over
39. 'Jbe estate system isa feature of:
Post-industrial European Society Feudal EuroPe
Indian Society Ancient Egyptian Society
40. TI,e main differencebetween caste and class is that
Caste operates in a classless society and class operates in casteless society
Caste is always closed; and class is always open
The status given to an individual is ascribed in the case ofcaste, whereas in class it is achieved
lbeindividualsuffersmostin thecase ofcastewhereasinclass hedocsnot
41 . Dualorganisationasa functional stratificationprevalentamong:
Castes Class
Ethclass Tribes
42. The system ofcaste stratification is based on
Rebirth stratification Chaturvama
Vamashrarna System Sept.
43. Falscconsciousncss in a class stratification is dysfunctional as it obstructs awareness:
oftheirrole inthesystem abouttheirdemandS
oftheirrcaIstatus about themselves
44. The principal sources ofritual pollution is/are:
birth bodilyemissions
death birth, bodilyernissions and death
45. Whichofthefollowingarethedefiningfeatures ofthedominant caste?
Numerical strength Highest ritual status
Higheconomicstatus High political status
Select the correct answer using the codes givcn below:
and and
and and
46. Structural differentiation refer.; to:
Progressive spccialisationandautonomous functioning ofsocial units
Changes in the structural forms ofsocial units
Theprocessofevaluationandrankingofsocial institutions
Theprolifcration ofsocial wlits
SSD-24495-1J 8
47. Which one oftlie following helps to maintain the structural distance bctween castes
Economic status Political power
Land ownership Purityand pollution
48. In theevent ofadeclinein therate ofsocio-economicchange, social mobilitylikewisetendsto declinein:
castestratification estalestratification
class stratification etlUlicstratification
49. Which one ofthe following is not a characteristic ofconflict?
it is a conscious action it is a personal activity
it is a collective social bchaviour it is an integral part ofsocial activities
50. A IUral community without any village centrc has been described by Edwards as
UneviUagc Open-<:ountrycommunity
Down-<:ountrycommunity GJosedcommunity
51. The concept of "Pre-industrial society" was proposed by:
Saint Simon Kingsley Davis
Sjoberg Robcrt Park
52. A placc whcre 2/3 ofthe population is engaged in agriculture and 1/3 in secondary and tertiary occupations can be best called a
city town
rural town rural market
53. Herbert Spencer hasclassificd types ofsocieties from the simplest to the most complex according to their degree of:
composition aggregation
social bond knowledge
54. .__creates provisions for integration in society.
Dishonesty Material desires
Cultural heterogencity Dictatorship
SSD-2449S-B 9 (Turn over
55. In India a peasant is idcntified as one who:
owns land and cultivates with the help ofhired labour
owns land and cultivates with the help offamily labour
uses traditional methods ofcultivation
is fatalistic in out look
56. Socicties which arc relativelysmall, non-literate, homogeneous and cohesive arc called
folk societies Urban societies
Rural societies Industrial societies
57. In which one ofthe followingtypcs ofsocieties, the status ofwomen is rclativelybetter? Industrial society Tribal society
Agrariansocicty Post Industrial society
58. Find the odd man out:
Hegal Hobbes
Dalm:ndorf Dwi<hcim
59. Which ofthe following itcms was used by Durkheim to describe social phenomena that were external to individual yct constrained his action?
Social values Social norms
Social relations Social facts
60. ThcmostfWldamcntaldivision ofaclassinanysocietyisfoundbetweenthe:
rich and poor commoners and rulers
agriculturalistand industrialist Uleistand atheist
61 . Which oneofthc following is the primarysub-system specialized inrelation to theadaptivefUletion ofa society?
Polity Economy
Culture Religion
62. Production and exchange ofgoods and services for the satisfaction ofwants is called Productivcaction exchangc
economic action rational action
63. Whichoneofthefollowingis NOTaneconomicinstitutioninthcstrictsociological sensc? Contract Market
Divisionoflabour Factory
SSIJ-24495-B 10
64. Which are thcmain features ofthe controlled (planned) economy in India?
The politicsof"garibi hatao"
Anti-povcrtypolicies like land reforms
Puttingthewcight ofthestatebehind agricultural production
Controlling the economy through public sector economic units
Select the correct answer using the code given below:
(2)and(4)only and
65. Which among the following is not the defining feature ofthe concept ofpeasant
1beyproduceprimarily for theirownconsumption
They produce with the help ofthcirown and that ofthe family labour
They enjoy privileged position in statecentrcd society
66. Cities in the primary phasc ofurbanization display:
heterogenctic transformation generative transformation
parabitictnlllsformation orthogenctictransforrnation
67. Inwhichone ofthefollowinglypesofcities dowefmdtheeliteclassatthecentre ofthecity?
Pre-industrial Modem
Historical Commercial
68. Which ofthe following affc.ct the size ofurban population in India?
Death rate
Reclassification ofplaces
Select the correct answer from the codes given below:
and and
69. Which one ofthe following terms is used for the spread ofpopulation and industry beyond thc borders ofurban centres?
urban sprawl urbanization
urban centrc Suburbanisation .
70. Whcn urban population grows and thc proportion ofurban population to the total populalion remains constant, is known as
urbanization over-urbanization
urban growth population stability
880-24495-8 11 (Turn over
71. Whcn the connictingparties try to adjust to each other it iscalled
surrendcr adjustment
accommodation assimilation
72. Social interaction is a process through which members ofa group:
penetrate each othcr's mind develop a sense ofhealthy competition
helpstrengtheningsocial customs save each other from social ridicule
73. Article335 in thc Indian Constitulion provides forreservation:
in govcnunent services for SCslSTs ofscats inLokSabhafor SCslSTs
ofseals in Vidhan Sabha for SCslSTs ofseats in educational institutions for SCslSTs
74. Thc fundamental charucteristicofan industrial society is:
mechanised means ofproduction break up ofjoint families
poverty. laekoffaith in religion
75. The community devclopment programmc intndia was launched in theycar:
1947 1950
1952 1956
76. Whichoneofthefollowingisthebcstcriterion ofcontrastbetwecnaruraland
mban community?
gcographiclocation specificsizeofpopulation
spocilicdensityofpopulation diversificationofoccupations
77. Which ofthc following is not contained in Robert E Park's sodal classification?
conflier co-operation
competition accommodation
7R. Accommodation is the natural result of
Competition Integration
Isolation None ofthe above
79. Thc three-tier system ofParichayati Raj was recommended by:
Balwantrai Mehta Committee Elwin Committee
OhcbarCommission Jaya Prakash Narain Committee
80. Which one ofthc following is a caslc?
Marwati Bhil
Sudra 'Yadava
. SSD-2449S-B 12
81. Whuttype ofvillage is found along the west coast ofIndia, say in South Kanara and Kerala
Nucleated village Dispersed village
Integrated village Deserted village
82. Caste status is detennined by
education socialisation
economicalTIuence birth
83. In a multi-caste Indian village a Harijan family hies to follow the life styleofa.Brahman family. Consequently certain changcs occur in the life styleofthe Harijan family. In sociological parlance such changes arc attributed to
imitation sanskritisation
enculturation acculturation
84. The pattern ofsoeial stratifieation in developed societies is capable ofbeing diagrammatically represented in the shape 0 fa:
diamond pyramid
triangle square
85. Byeasteism we mean
biasinfavour ofone'sowncaste
biasinfavour ofnotonlyone'sowncastebutalsoagainstothercastes
bias against every caste
bias in favourofa few castes
86. Modem society is governed by:
conventions ruleoflaw
divinelaw physical force
87. always implies inhibition ofceltain ego centred drives.
competition accommodation
88. For a person an adopted son is:
an affinal kin
a consanguincous kin
neither an affinal nor a consanguineous kin
an affinal kin as well as a consanguineous kin
88D-24495-8 13 IThrn over
89.The process of assimilation, as pointed out by involves both denationalisation and renationalisation.
MacIver KingsleyOavis
Merton Fairchild
90. Whichoneofthefollowingcanbeconsideredacommunity
students union Tnbc
6rni1y crowd
91. Whenthemcmbcrsofanygrooupshareaspecific goaloflifeandcanyitoutas per foonal rules, they constitute alan
association oornmunity
institution gang
92. Whichoneofthefollowingterms isusedbysociologists todescribetherelativelystable,widely established procedures that develop around the noons and values ofsociety
Ideology • Institution
Role Legislation
93. Taboois:
Polynesian belief aprolnbition
ritual mark worn by pious persons avoidance between relatives
94. Working together to accomplish a goal that all desire, implies
competition conflict
co-opcralion compromise
95. Asa process, conflict is ofcoopcration.
mltua1 anti-thesis
synthesis supportive
96. The conflict theory was advocated by:
Maciver and Pagc Herbert Spencer
Talcott Parsons Dahrcndorf
97. Authoritycan be
legal traditional
charismatic all ofthe above
SSD-24495-B 14
98. Rolc conflict does not arise when a person is given a role:
which one does not like
which is not conducivcto one's environment
when each one works under a well-planned system
when every body is free to pcrfonn the role ofone's choicc
99. Which ofthe following is not the characteristic ofa primarygroup?
Intimacy Face to face association
Impersonal relationship Physical proximity
100. Which ofthe followingstatemcnts arecorrectly associated with Talcott Parsons concept ofSocial System
Social System means action system
Social System is a sub-system ofaction system
Social System is madc up ofaction systems
SocialSystemisthesystemofinteractiverelationships oftwoormore
individual actions.
Select thc correct answer using the codes given below:
101. A sub culture that adheres to a set ofbcliefs and values radically rcjects thesocicty's dominant culture and prescribes and alternative one is
indoculture sub·culture
counter culture real culture
102. WhichoneofthefollowingstatementsisINCORRECf?
Raciallnter-mixturc leads to degeneration
The concept ofpure race is a myth
Inter-mixture ofraces is a universal phenomenon
No race-is supcrior or inferior to any other race
103. According to Durkhcim, which one ofthe following is the principal source of cohesion and solidarity in modem society?
Repressive laws Division oflabour
Greater intcnsityofclass conflict Expansion ofeducation
SSD-24495-B 15 (Thrn over 104. Which oneofthefollowingis 8definitionofcultwallag?
Inabilityofoneculturetoadopttraits ofanotherculture
Gap between material and nonmaterial culture
Incompatibilitybetween individual culture and group culture
Sharingbetweenmaterialandnon-material culture
105. Status ovcrwhich thc individual has absolutely no choice is known as
Ascribed status Master status
Achieved Status Key status
I06. Which 0 f thc following are thc basic characteristics ofsocial group?
Physical presence oftwo or more persons
Interaction betwcen two or more persons
Consciousness ofmembers for belonging to the group
Select the correct answer using the codes given below:
and and
107. lbecomplement ofrole relationships which a college teacher has with pupils, colleagues, principal and ministerial staffrefers to his:
multipleroles roleoontliet
role pcrformancc role set
108. Who among the following is ofthe view that social structure is an abstract construction ofsocial rcality and has nothing to do witll thc existingreality?
Spencer Levi Strauss
Leach Brown
109. The individual forgets the rule misconstrues is intention, this implies (Al conformity rebellion
deviance retreatism
110. Which one ofthc following combinations is true regarding modcrnization in India?
Dilfusionandacculturation Evolutionandaccultwation
Evolution and diffusion Evolution and regeneration
SSD-24495-D 16
·Ill. Asocial institution is
an established procedure that rcgulates human behaviour
a place where social functions are organized
an orgllllization where social positions are formally defined
an organization that administers social service
112. A basic distinction between culture and civilization is
culture is what we have achieved and civilization is what we aspirc to achieve
culture is what comes out ofintelligence and civilization is not
culture is what we are and civilization is what we have
113. When cultural traits spread from one society to another, the process is called
diffusion parallelism
evolution pluralism
114. Which ofthe follmvingis not included as a type ofconfiict
War Feud
115. A pressure group is generally referred to·as alan:
ethnic group informal group
special interest group caste group
116. According to R.K. Merton, a role set is:
aset ofroles performedbythemembersinanygroup
anarray ofassociatedrolesrelatedtoparticularsocialstatus
aset ofrolesofequalstatusesinanygroup
anarray ofroles hierarchicallyordered inal1ygroup
117. A group to which wc compare ourselves when wc judge our own status is called
kingroup peer group
secondary group reference group
118. A changc in social position that does not alter a person's status is
social immobility horizontal mobility
vertical mobility structural mobiiity
55D-24495-8 17 I'Iltro over
119. Competitioohas beendescribed as "peaeeful cooflict"by;
Spencer Coser
Weber Frazer
120. Socialisation takes place
duringchildhood duringyoungage
dwingthewholelife at different inlel'va1s
SSD-2449S-0 18
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