Exam Details
Subject | botany | |
Paper | ||
Exam / Course | combined competitive examination | |
Department | ||
Organization | Jammu Kashmir Public Service Commission | |
Position | ||
Exam Date | 2011 | |
City, State | jammu kashmir, |
Question Paper
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l. 'Mitochondria' were first described by:
E. Buchnon(1930) . Warburg(1920)
Richard Altman (1890) Krebs (1897)
2. Starch storing plastids are called as
Arnyloplasts Leucoplasts
Etioplasts Chloroplasts
3. Av;cenn;a is
Mesophyte Epiphyte
Hydrophyte Mangrove
4. The nucleus is present in the following:
Viruses Bacteria
Blue green Algea Fungi
5. 'Procarnbium' in the Apical meristems is
Homogenous Hete'rogenous
Secondlll)'meristem Noneofthese
6. The following is a 'complex tissue'
ScJerenchyma Xylem
Parenchyma ColJenchyma
7. Medulllll)' vascular bundles are present in
Boerhaavia Strychnos
Bignonia Begonia
8. 'Arnphicribral vascular bundles' are common in
Pteridophytes Monocot
Roots Flowers
9. 'Browning' disease ofcauliflower is due to:
Boron deficiency symptoms Copper deficiency
Pseudomonas infection Fungal infection
10. The function ofchloroplasts in a green plant is
Photo respiration Photosynthesis
Respiration Transport
II. The 'Sieve elements' ofphloem are always associated with:
Albuginous cells Parenchyma cells
Companioncells Fibres
12. like projections sometimes present in the sieve pores are called as
P-Protein F-protein
Slime None ofthese
13. The 'Vascularcambiwn'isa:
Secondary Lateral meristem Primary meristem
Rib meristem Plate meristern
14. 'Acrenchyma' is commonly prescnt in
Mesophytes Hydrophytes
Xerophytes Halophytes
15. 'Closed' bundles are common in
Monocot stems Roots
Pteridophytes None ofthese
16. Medullary vascular bundles are present in the following plant
Bignonia Aclmanthus
Peperomia Clematis
17. 'lntraxylary' and 'lnterxylary' 'phloem' are present in the stems ofthe following plant:
Combretum Strychnos
Sapindus Piper
18. The antibiotics 'Tetracyclines' are formed by:
Streptomyces Penicillium
Aspergillus Trichoderma
SSD-24018-B 4
19. 'Elagen meristem' is present in the following:
'Smilax'stem Clematis stem
Aristolochia stem Cucurbita stem
20. 'Tension wood' is fonned over the bending stems of:
Gymmospenns Conifer trees
Monocols Dicotyledons
21. 'Transfer cells' present in minor veins ofleaves were discovered by
Wolff(1759) Schmidt (1920)
Gunning Pate (1972) Feldman (1974)
22. The fflllowing plant has 'trilacunar node'
Clerodendron Azadirachtaindica
Aralia Schemeria
23. After protein biosynthesis protein folding takes place with the help of:
Lipids Chaperone proteins
Lipo-proteins Hsps
24. 'Transposons' were flrstdiscovered in:
The Maize genome Peas
Mice None
25. The following is involved inDNA repair
Lex A protein Rec A protein
RAD protein XP protein .
26. The following is a 'transgenic' rice variety
TN-I IET-4141
Golden Rice Punjab Rice
27. The following tomato variety delays fruit ripening:
Pusarubi Flavr Savr
RajasthanRed HP-21
2S: Ribosomes in Prokaryotes are
SOstype 60s type
70stype Noneofthese
29. 'Viroids' were discovered by:
Winogradsky.O Stanley. W
Koch.R T.O. Diener
30. 'Mad Cow' 'disease' in France was caused by:
Bacteria . Mycoplasmas
PriOlIS Viruses
3I. 'Heterocysts' are present in the following:
Chlamydomonas Volvox
Nostoc Cladophora
32. 'Intercalary Meristem' is present in the algal filaments of:
Chara Nitella
Ectocarpus Porphyra
33. The bacteriophages whicb do not lyse their host cells are called:
P-Phages Temperate phage
Resistant phage Virulent phage
34. 'Cucumber mosaic virus' is transmitted by:
Nematodes Soil
Mechanical means Aphids
35. The function of'mitochondria' is
Osmoregulation Protein synthesis
Electron transport andATP synthesis Glycolysis
36. Velamen tissue is present in
Trinosporaroot Vanda aerial root
Maize root Cucurbita tendrils
37. 'Diplanetism' is common in the life cycle of:
Saprolegnia Peronospora
Pythium Phytophthora
SSD-24018-B 6
38. type vascular bundlcsare present in:
Monocot stems Monoco! secondary stems
Primary stems ofDicots All roots
39. 'Bitunicate Asci' are present in
Pyrenomycetes LocuIoascomycetes
Discomycetes Hemiascomycetes
40. 'Phragmobasidia' are present in the following:
Hymenomycetes RtNfungi
Gasteromycetes Aganomycetes
41. The following is a plant parasite:
Cephaleuros viriscens Coleochaele scwala
Oedogonium Kumarzensis Vaucheria terrestris
42. Aflatoxins' in foods are due to
Algal tom Ergot
Clostridial Bacteria Aspergillusflavus
43. 'Club root' ofcabbage is caused by
Plasmodiophora brassicae Albugo candida
Xanthomonas campestris Aphanomyces
44. "Potato scab" disease is due to
Phytophthora Streptomyces
Nocardia Pseudomonas
45. Branched assimilatory filaments are present in the following Bryophyte:
Riccia Plagiochasma
Marchantia Anthoceros
46. The garnetophyte ofAnthoceros contain the following alga as an endophyte:
Nostoc Anabaena
Chlorella None ofthese
47. 'Algal wne' is present in the mol system ofthe following plants
Lichens Coral1oidrootsofCycas
Gnetum None ofthese
48. 'Manoxylic wood' is common in
Cycas Pinus
Gnetum None ofthese
49. 'Window like field pits' are common in the wood of:
Picea Araucaria
Taxodiwn Pinus
50. The following plant is called palm
eyeas revaluta C. Cireinala
C. beddomi C. peelinata
51. The under mentioned gymnospenn plant is called as 'Living Fossil'
The Cyeas Ginkgo bi/oba
Gnetumula Ephedra
52. Thebotanicalname of'icelandmoss' is:
Funaria Cetraria Island/ea
Cladonia Moss plant
53. Club root ofcabbage is due to:
Pseudomanas solanaeeanum Plasmodiophora brassieae
Fusariwn Synchytrium
54. This Botanist introduced the 'Binomial' nomenclature to the plants
Theophrastus Linnlweus
Bessy Bentham and Hooker
55. Ell +3or(3 is the floral fonnulaofthe family:
Palmae Liliaceae
Orchidaceae Gramincac
56. Br, IG 1is the floral fonnula ofthe family:
Mimosae Papilionaceae
Rosaceae Annonaceae
57. 'Gynostegium'isthecharacterofthefamily:
Compositae Orchidaceoe
Asclepiadacoae Capparidaceoe
58. The floral fonnula-$ belongs to the lamily:
Umbelliferae . Cactaceae
Cucurbitaceae Casuarinaceae
59. 'Gonophylltheory' onoriginofAngiospennswasproposedby:
Meeure(1961) Melville (1963)
Eames (1961) Bessey 915)
60: The following is a fossil wood:
Carytonia Gnetales
Penpxylon Bennettitales
61 The induction offlowering in plants by low temperatures is called
Aoral induction Vemalizu:ion
Artifica1 flowering None ofthese
62. The movements oftcndrils ofcucurbitaceae around a support arc called as
Rotation movements Growth movements
Nutationmovements Tropic movements
63. Those plants which require a light duration ofless than 12 hours for flowering are called:
Short day plants Long day plants
Day neutral plants None ofthese
64. usuallycontains
DU<l Insect parts
PlantDebris Pollen grains
65. Stimulationofgrowthofaxillarybudsaftertheremoval oftenninalbudinaplantiscalled;
Inductionofgrowth RernovalofApicaldominance
Induction for Flowering ApplicationofAuxins
66. The following is a growth inhibitor;
Absicic acid Ethylene
Jasmonic acid Kineus
67. The term' Florigen' appliesto
Steroids Gibberellins
Sex hormones Androgenes
68. The pigments involved in induction offlowering are called;
Plastids ChIorophylis
Phytochromes Plastoquinones
69. Zinc deticiency in paddy results in
Khairadiscasc Malfolmation
Chlorosis Blackening ofthe plants
70. The following isa free living aerobic Nitrogen fixer;
Chlorobium Azotobacter
Cldstridium Beijerenckia
71 . 'Double helix' model ofDNA was constructed by
Robenson(l950) Meselsonand Stahl (1958)
Watson and Crick (1953) Chargaff(1940)
72. 'Interferons' are
DNA molecules RNA
Lipids Proteins
73. The Iilliowing is a C,-plant
Wheat Paddy
Sugarcane Tomato
74. ·lbefollowingsecondarymetabolitecontainNitrogencomponent;
Tcrpenoids F1avonoids
Steroids Alkaloids
88D-240t8-8 10
75. The following is a fruit ripening honnonc
Auxins Gibberellins
Ethylene Noneofthese
76. The useful part ofcinnamomum zeylonicum is
Fruit Leaves
Bark Wood
77. Leguminous root nodules possess the following pigment
Leucoplasts Chloroplasts
Haemoglobin Leghaemoglobin
78. Whiterustofmustardisdueto:
Albugo candida Puccinia recondila
Uromyees brassicae Claviceps sp.
79. 'Whipsmut' ofsugarcaneiseaused by:
C/aviceps microcephala Uslilago scilaminea
Urocyslis capulae Phragmidium ajJicinarum
80. 'Agrimycin' is used to control
Fungal Vtral diseases
. Bacterial diseases Mycoplasma diseases
81. 'Captan' is used as
Spray for foliar diseases For seed treatment
As insecticide Vuicidal for viral diseases
82. 'Wheat stem rust' is due to the following pathogen:
Pucciniagraminis Irilici Puccinia slrifarmis
Uromyces copulae Ravenelia r.liana
83. Angular lcafblight ofcotton plant is due to the following pathogen:
Xanlhomonas malvacearum Pseudomonas salanacearum
Phylophlhora parasitica Allernaria ,enuisi
84. 'Alcohol' is fonned by the process of:
Fennentation Respiration
Rotting None ofthese
85. Thefollowingaretheprimaryproducers ofanaquatic ecosystem:
Grasses Typha etc
Zooplankton Phytoplankton
86. The main cause of'Global wanning' is
CFCs Increase in CO,
CH, increase Ozone depletion
87. The Botanical nameof'lndian rosewood' that yields high qualityoftimber is
Pterocarpus santalinus AnogeissllS latifolla
Dalbergia latifolia Albizzia lebbek
88. ·The 'camphor' is obtained from the following plant:
Cinnamomum camphoru Cinnamomum zeylanicum
Santalum album Mentha indica
89. The is made from the leaves ofthe plant:
Cocos cola Carica sinensis
Chenopodium alba Camellia sinensis
90. The stain 'Haema toxylin' is derived from the plant:
Haematoxylon Campechianum Brazilwood
Chlorophora tonctoria Acacia catechu
91. The Botanical name for Tonneric plant is
Morinda cotrifolia Curcuma longa
Zingiber ofJicinalis Lawsonia inermis
92. 'Turpentine' is obtained from
Pinus roxburghii Butea monosperma
Azadirachta indica Acacia arabica
93. Botanical name ofBanana is:
Musa indica He/leonia
Musa maritiana Musaparadisica
SSD-24018-B 12
94. The following plant products are used in treating high blood pressure in hwnan beings
Rauvo/fia serpentina Podophyllum hexandra
Allium sa/ivum Allium eepa
95. 'Quinine' the best medicine for curing malaria, is derived from:
Ephedra gerardiana Acacia catechu
Mimusops elongi Cinchona officinalis
96. The following plant is worshipped as a herb:
Ficus religiosa Azadiraehta indica
Ocimum sanctum Calo/rapis prncera
97. The botanical namcof'Saffron' yielding plant is:
Piper betel Crocus sativus
Cuminum eyminum Cen/ella asiatica
98. 'Sohanjana gwn' is obtained from the bark of:
Morinda tinetoria Bixa orellina
Moringa oleifera Gareinia eowa
99. 'Mesquite' is derived from:
Prosopisjulifera Jatropha indica
Jatropha grandulifera Coehliospermum religiosum
100. 'Indian gwn arabic' is obtained from the bark of:
Astragalus gummifer Prunus amygdali
Acacianilotiea Butea monosperma
101. 'The Earth' is the planet in the solar system. Its pro><imity to the is
93rniUionrniles 886rnillionrnile
142rnillionrniles 483rnillionrniles
102. The age ofthe Earth is around:
I billion years 5 billion years
15 billion years 50 billion years
103. Cellular energy is available in the form of:
ixrps DNA
RNA Proteins
104. The origin 0 f the first life on the Earth due to protobionts was proposed by
Aristotle Opatin
Wallace Theophrastus
105. The function of 'Sclcreids' is:
Mechanical support Conduction
Absorption Protection
106. The doctrine of "Struggle for existence" is a part of:
Phylogeny Darwinism
Lamarckism Evolution
107. The "recapitulation theory" was proposed by:
Ernst Haeckal Menda!
Lamarek Weisman
108. 'MutationTheory' fororiginofnewspecieswasproposedby:
Mendel Hugo De Vries
Me Clintock Wallace
109. According to Wegner's Continental Drift theory until late Mesozoic Era only two continents existed, one is Gondwana, the second is
Eurasia Laurasia
Polynesia America
110. The following isa 'disaccharide'
Glucose Fructose
Sucrose Xylose
111. The following is an 'aromatic amino acid'
Glutamine Arginine
Methionine Tyrosine
112. Thc Bacterial cell wall is mainly made of:
Pcptidoglycans Mannans
Glucornannans None ofthese
SSD-240,18-B 14
113. The wall less bactcria are called as;
Sphaeroplasts Protoplasts
VIruses None
114. The fungusccll wall is composed rnainlyof:
Glucose Polysaccharides
Chitin Protein
115. The plant cell walls are constructed by;
Proteins Cellulose
Lipids Ugniru;
116. Neighbouring plant cells are communicated through
Plasmodesmata Plasma membrane
Ccll wall exteru;ioru; None ofthese
117. The main function ofplasma membrane is Regulationofmovementofsubstances into and outofthecells
To keep all the components together
18, The mainfunctionof'Mitochondria'is;
Respiration Reproduction
Synthesis Excretion
119. Themainfunctionof'Ribosomes' is;
Secretion Osmoregulation
Growth' Protein synthesis
120. The following'cell organelle contain
Chloroplast Mitochondria
Ribosome Nucleus
SSD-24018-B IS
l. 'Mitochondria' were first described by:
E. Buchnon(1930) . Warburg(1920)
Richard Altman (1890) Krebs (1897)
2. Starch storing plastids are called as
Arnyloplasts Leucoplasts
Etioplasts Chloroplasts
3. Av;cenn;a is
Mesophyte Epiphyte
Hydrophyte Mangrove
4. The nucleus is present in the following:
Viruses Bacteria
Blue green Algea Fungi
5. 'Procarnbium' in the Apical meristems is
Homogenous Hete'rogenous
Secondlll)'meristem Noneofthese
6. The following is a 'complex tissue'
ScJerenchyma Xylem
Parenchyma ColJenchyma
7. Medulllll)' vascular bundles are present in
Boerhaavia Strychnos
Bignonia Begonia
8. 'Arnphicribral vascular bundles' are common in
Pteridophytes Monocot
Roots Flowers
9. 'Browning' disease ofcauliflower is due to:
Boron deficiency symptoms Copper deficiency
Pseudomonas infection Fungal infection
10. The function ofchloroplasts in a green plant is
Photo respiration Photosynthesis
Respiration Transport
II. The 'Sieve elements' ofphloem are always associated with:
Albuginous cells Parenchyma cells
Companioncells Fibres
12. like projections sometimes present in the sieve pores are called as
P-Protein F-protein
Slime None ofthese
13. The 'Vascularcambiwn'isa:
Secondary Lateral meristem Primary meristem
Rib meristem Plate meristern
14. 'Acrenchyma' is commonly prescnt in
Mesophytes Hydrophytes
Xerophytes Halophytes
15. 'Closed' bundles are common in
Monocot stems Roots
Pteridophytes None ofthese
16. Medullary vascular bundles are present in the following plant
Bignonia Aclmanthus
Peperomia Clematis
17. 'lntraxylary' and 'lnterxylary' 'phloem' are present in the stems ofthe following plant:
Combretum Strychnos
Sapindus Piper
18. The antibiotics 'Tetracyclines' are formed by:
Streptomyces Penicillium
Aspergillus Trichoderma
SSD-24018-B 4
19. 'Elagen meristem' is present in the following:
'Smilax'stem Clematis stem
Aristolochia stem Cucurbita stem
20. 'Tension wood' is fonned over the bending stems of:
Gymmospenns Conifer trees
Monocols Dicotyledons
21. 'Transfer cells' present in minor veins ofleaves were discovered by
Wolff(1759) Schmidt (1920)
Gunning Pate (1972) Feldman (1974)
22. The fflllowing plant has 'trilacunar node'
Clerodendron Azadirachtaindica
Aralia Schemeria
23. After protein biosynthesis protein folding takes place with the help of:
Lipids Chaperone proteins
Lipo-proteins Hsps
24. 'Transposons' were flrstdiscovered in:
The Maize genome Peas
Mice None
25. The following is involved inDNA repair
Lex A protein Rec A protein
RAD protein XP protein .
26. The following is a 'transgenic' rice variety
TN-I IET-4141
Golden Rice Punjab Rice
27. The following tomato variety delays fruit ripening:
Pusarubi Flavr Savr
RajasthanRed HP-21
2S: Ribosomes in Prokaryotes are
SOstype 60s type
70stype Noneofthese
29. 'Viroids' were discovered by:
Winogradsky.O Stanley. W
Koch.R T.O. Diener
30. 'Mad Cow' 'disease' in France was caused by:
Bacteria . Mycoplasmas
PriOlIS Viruses
3I. 'Heterocysts' are present in the following:
Chlamydomonas Volvox
Nostoc Cladophora
32. 'Intercalary Meristem' is present in the algal filaments of:
Chara Nitella
Ectocarpus Porphyra
33. The bacteriophages whicb do not lyse their host cells are called:
P-Phages Temperate phage
Resistant phage Virulent phage
34. 'Cucumber mosaic virus' is transmitted by:
Nematodes Soil
Mechanical means Aphids
35. The function of'mitochondria' is
Osmoregulation Protein synthesis
Electron transport andATP synthesis Glycolysis
36. Velamen tissue is present in
Trinosporaroot Vanda aerial root
Maize root Cucurbita tendrils
37. 'Diplanetism' is common in the life cycle of:
Saprolegnia Peronospora
Pythium Phytophthora
SSD-24018-B 6
38. type vascular bundlcsare present in:
Monocot stems Monoco! secondary stems
Primary stems ofDicots All roots
39. 'Bitunicate Asci' are present in
Pyrenomycetes LocuIoascomycetes
Discomycetes Hemiascomycetes
40. 'Phragmobasidia' are present in the following:
Hymenomycetes RtNfungi
Gasteromycetes Aganomycetes
41. The following is a plant parasite:
Cephaleuros viriscens Coleochaele scwala
Oedogonium Kumarzensis Vaucheria terrestris
42. Aflatoxins' in foods are due to
Algal tom Ergot
Clostridial Bacteria Aspergillusflavus
43. 'Club root' ofcabbage is caused by
Plasmodiophora brassicae Albugo candida
Xanthomonas campestris Aphanomyces
44. "Potato scab" disease is due to
Phytophthora Streptomyces
Nocardia Pseudomonas
45. Branched assimilatory filaments are present in the following Bryophyte:
Riccia Plagiochasma
Marchantia Anthoceros
46. The garnetophyte ofAnthoceros contain the following alga as an endophyte:
Nostoc Anabaena
Chlorella None ofthese
47. 'Algal wne' is present in the mol system ofthe following plants
Lichens Coral1oidrootsofCycas
Gnetum None ofthese
48. 'Manoxylic wood' is common in
Cycas Pinus
Gnetum None ofthese
49. 'Window like field pits' are common in the wood of:
Picea Araucaria
Taxodiwn Pinus
50. The following plant is called palm
eyeas revaluta C. Cireinala
C. beddomi C. peelinata
51. The under mentioned gymnospenn plant is called as 'Living Fossil'
The Cyeas Ginkgo bi/oba
Gnetumula Ephedra
52. Thebotanicalname of'icelandmoss' is:
Funaria Cetraria Island/ea
Cladonia Moss plant
53. Club root ofcabbage is due to:
Pseudomanas solanaeeanum Plasmodiophora brassieae
Fusariwn Synchytrium
54. This Botanist introduced the 'Binomial' nomenclature to the plants
Theophrastus Linnlweus
Bessy Bentham and Hooker
55. Ell +3or(3 is the floral fonnulaofthe family:
Palmae Liliaceae
Orchidaceae Gramincac
56. Br, IG 1is the floral fonnula ofthe family:
Mimosae Papilionaceae
Rosaceae Annonaceae
57. 'Gynostegium'isthecharacterofthefamily:
Compositae Orchidaceoe
Asclepiadacoae Capparidaceoe
58. The floral fonnula-$ belongs to the lamily:
Umbelliferae . Cactaceae
Cucurbitaceae Casuarinaceae
59. 'Gonophylltheory' onoriginofAngiospennswasproposedby:
Meeure(1961) Melville (1963)
Eames (1961) Bessey 915)
60: The following is a fossil wood:
Carytonia Gnetales
Penpxylon Bennettitales
61 The induction offlowering in plants by low temperatures is called
Aoral induction Vemalizu:ion
Artifica1 flowering None ofthese
62. The movements oftcndrils ofcucurbitaceae around a support arc called as
Rotation movements Growth movements
Nutationmovements Tropic movements
63. Those plants which require a light duration ofless than 12 hours for flowering are called:
Short day plants Long day plants
Day neutral plants None ofthese
64. usuallycontains
DU<l Insect parts
PlantDebris Pollen grains
65. Stimulationofgrowthofaxillarybudsaftertheremoval oftenninalbudinaplantiscalled;
Inductionofgrowth RernovalofApicaldominance
Induction for Flowering ApplicationofAuxins
66. The following is a growth inhibitor;
Absicic acid Ethylene
Jasmonic acid Kineus
67. The term' Florigen' appliesto
Steroids Gibberellins
Sex hormones Androgenes
68. The pigments involved in induction offlowering are called;
Plastids ChIorophylis
Phytochromes Plastoquinones
69. Zinc deticiency in paddy results in
Khairadiscasc Malfolmation
Chlorosis Blackening ofthe plants
70. The following isa free living aerobic Nitrogen fixer;
Chlorobium Azotobacter
Cldstridium Beijerenckia
71 . 'Double helix' model ofDNA was constructed by
Robenson(l950) Meselsonand Stahl (1958)
Watson and Crick (1953) Chargaff(1940)
72. 'Interferons' are
DNA molecules RNA
Lipids Proteins
73. The Iilliowing is a C,-plant
Wheat Paddy
Sugarcane Tomato
74. ·lbefollowingsecondarymetabolitecontainNitrogencomponent;
Tcrpenoids F1avonoids
Steroids Alkaloids
88D-240t8-8 10
75. The following is a fruit ripening honnonc
Auxins Gibberellins
Ethylene Noneofthese
76. The useful part ofcinnamomum zeylonicum is
Fruit Leaves
Bark Wood
77. Leguminous root nodules possess the following pigment
Leucoplasts Chloroplasts
Haemoglobin Leghaemoglobin
78. Whiterustofmustardisdueto:
Albugo candida Puccinia recondila
Uromyees brassicae Claviceps sp.
79. 'Whipsmut' ofsugarcaneiseaused by:
C/aviceps microcephala Uslilago scilaminea
Urocyslis capulae Phragmidium ajJicinarum
80. 'Agrimycin' is used to control
Fungal Vtral diseases
. Bacterial diseases Mycoplasma diseases
81. 'Captan' is used as
Spray for foliar diseases For seed treatment
As insecticide Vuicidal for viral diseases
82. 'Wheat stem rust' is due to the following pathogen:
Pucciniagraminis Irilici Puccinia slrifarmis
Uromyces copulae Ravenelia r.liana
83. Angular lcafblight ofcotton plant is due to the following pathogen:
Xanlhomonas malvacearum Pseudomonas salanacearum
Phylophlhora parasitica Allernaria ,enuisi
84. 'Alcohol' is fonned by the process of:
Fennentation Respiration
Rotting None ofthese
85. Thefollowingaretheprimaryproducers ofanaquatic ecosystem:
Grasses Typha etc
Zooplankton Phytoplankton
86. The main cause of'Global wanning' is
CFCs Increase in CO,
CH, increase Ozone depletion
87. The Botanical nameof'lndian rosewood' that yields high qualityoftimber is
Pterocarpus santalinus AnogeissllS latifolla
Dalbergia latifolia Albizzia lebbek
88. ·The 'camphor' is obtained from the following plant:
Cinnamomum camphoru Cinnamomum zeylanicum
Santalum album Mentha indica
89. The is made from the leaves ofthe plant:
Cocos cola Carica sinensis
Chenopodium alba Camellia sinensis
90. The stain 'Haema toxylin' is derived from the plant:
Haematoxylon Campechianum Brazilwood
Chlorophora tonctoria Acacia catechu
91. The Botanical name for Tonneric plant is
Morinda cotrifolia Curcuma longa
Zingiber ofJicinalis Lawsonia inermis
92. 'Turpentine' is obtained from
Pinus roxburghii Butea monosperma
Azadirachta indica Acacia arabica
93. Botanical name ofBanana is:
Musa indica He/leonia
Musa maritiana Musaparadisica
SSD-24018-B 12
94. The following plant products are used in treating high blood pressure in hwnan beings
Rauvo/fia serpentina Podophyllum hexandra
Allium sa/ivum Allium eepa
95. 'Quinine' the best medicine for curing malaria, is derived from:
Ephedra gerardiana Acacia catechu
Mimusops elongi Cinchona officinalis
96. The following plant is worshipped as a herb:
Ficus religiosa Azadiraehta indica
Ocimum sanctum Calo/rapis prncera
97. The botanical namcof'Saffron' yielding plant is:
Piper betel Crocus sativus
Cuminum eyminum Cen/ella asiatica
98. 'Sohanjana gwn' is obtained from the bark of:
Morinda tinetoria Bixa orellina
Moringa oleifera Gareinia eowa
99. 'Mesquite' is derived from:
Prosopisjulifera Jatropha indica
Jatropha grandulifera Coehliospermum religiosum
100. 'Indian gwn arabic' is obtained from the bark of:
Astragalus gummifer Prunus amygdali
Acacianilotiea Butea monosperma
101. 'The Earth' is the planet in the solar system. Its pro><imity to the is
93rniUionrniles 886rnillionrnile
142rnillionrniles 483rnillionrniles
102. The age ofthe Earth is around:
I billion years 5 billion years
15 billion years 50 billion years
103. Cellular energy is available in the form of:
ixrps DNA
RNA Proteins
104. The origin 0 f the first life on the Earth due to protobionts was proposed by
Aristotle Opatin
Wallace Theophrastus
105. The function of 'Sclcreids' is:
Mechanical support Conduction
Absorption Protection
106. The doctrine of "Struggle for existence" is a part of:
Phylogeny Darwinism
Lamarckism Evolution
107. The "recapitulation theory" was proposed by:
Ernst Haeckal Menda!
Lamarek Weisman
108. 'MutationTheory' fororiginofnewspecieswasproposedby:
Mendel Hugo De Vries
Me Clintock Wallace
109. According to Wegner's Continental Drift theory until late Mesozoic Era only two continents existed, one is Gondwana, the second is
Eurasia Laurasia
Polynesia America
110. The following isa 'disaccharide'
Glucose Fructose
Sucrose Xylose
111. The following is an 'aromatic amino acid'
Glutamine Arginine
Methionine Tyrosine
112. Thc Bacterial cell wall is mainly made of:
Pcptidoglycans Mannans
Glucornannans None ofthese
SSD-240,18-B 14
113. The wall less bactcria are called as;
Sphaeroplasts Protoplasts
VIruses None
114. The fungusccll wall is composed rnainlyof:
Glucose Polysaccharides
Chitin Protein
115. The plant cell walls are constructed by;
Proteins Cellulose
Lipids Ugniru;
116. Neighbouring plant cells are communicated through
Plasmodesmata Plasma membrane
Ccll wall exteru;ioru; None ofthese
117. The main function ofplasma membrane is Regulationofmovementofsubstances into and outofthecells
To keep all the components together
18, The mainfunctionof'Mitochondria'is;
Respiration Reproduction
Synthesis Excretion
119. Themainfunctionof'Ribosomes' is;
Secretion Osmoregulation
Growth' Protein synthesis
120. The following'cell organelle contain
Chloroplast Mitochondria
Ribosome Nucleus
SSD-24018-B IS
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