Exam Details

Subject zoology
Exam / Course combined competitive examination
Organization Jammu Kashmir Public Service Commission
Exam Date 2011
City, State jammu kashmir,

Question Paper

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1. Temporal fossa is the basis ofclassifYing

Birds Amphibians

Cyclomates Reptiles

2. WhichoneofthefollowingboneisnotfOWldinthemiddleear ofmammals?

Malleus Incus

Staples Calcaneus

3. The hardest part oftooth "Enamel" is secreted by

Mesenchyme cells Odoblast

Ameloblast Dennal papilla

4. Which one ofthe following is called as "Knife Fish"?

Protopterus Sp Notopterus Sp

Neoceratodus Sp Lepidosiren Sp

5. Filature is related to CA) Venniculture Apiculture
Sericulture Aquaculture
6. The Excretory product in birds is

Ammonia Urea

Uric acid Urine

7. Nucleolus contain

Ribosomal RNA DNA

Messenger RNA TtanSferRNA

8. The cell organelle involved in breakingdownthecellwhcnitdies is:

Golgi complex Lysosomes

Ribosomes Microsomes

9. Name thevitaminessential forconversionofPyruvic acidtoaceticacid bycarboxylaseenzyme in glucose breakdown

Riboflavin Pyridoxine

Cyanocobalmine Thiamine

88D-24001-B ITurn over
10. "No two organisms have got the same ecological niche", this concept is called:
LawofTolerance cOmpetitive Exclusion Principle
II. Which mle suggests relationship between number ofvertebrae and their habitat (Temperate/ Tropical) in fishes

Allen'srule Jordan's rule

Gloger's mle Vanthoff'srule

12. Liver abcess is caused due to which parasite?

Taenia solium Liver fluke

Enlameoba hislolylica Enlameoba gingivalis

13. Taenia solium does not have one ofthe following structure

Rostellum Laurer'scanal

Mehlisgland Cirrussac

14. Bhopal gas tragedy occurred due to which one ofthe following?

Baygon Methyllsocyanate

Tetramethyllead Dimethoate

15. TheIndianWildLifeProtectionAct wasbroughtintoforceon:

I" May, 1982 I"April, 1973

l"April,1972 l"April,1980

16. Recapitulation theory is proposed by

Weisman Deveries

Haeckel Morgan

17. Mesoderm give rise to one ofthe following:

90nads Mouth

Epidennis Cerebral hemispheres

18. Cortical granules which belp in fertilization are found in

Sperms Spennatids

Ovum Graffianfollicles

19. Kappa particles are present in:

Ameoba Sp BalantidiwnSp

Parameciwn Sp Plasmodiwn Sp

20. The largest wet land among the following is

Chilikalake Pulicatlake

Kaliveti tank Vedanthangel

21. The profession ofan organism inan ecosystem is called

Edge effect Ecological niche

Niche overlap Biotic potential

22. Among the following wildlife species, identifY the wrong pair:

Black Buck An/elope cervicapra

TIger Pan/hera ligiris

Leopard Pan/hera parcJus

Asciatic Lion Pan/hera sylvas/ris

23. Social life among animals is on acCOlUlt of:

Honnones Pheromones

Neuro transmitters Enzymes

24. Theweb ofspiderisderived fromthesecretionsofits:

SalivarygJands Legs

Abdomenglands Wmgs

25. Which one ofthe following is not a characteristic ofprolostomous coelomales?

Originofmouthfrom blastopore

Coelom fonnation ofentrocoelous

Cleavage pattern spiral and detenninate

Arrangementofcoelomiccavities variable innumber

26. The idea that "Every cell haspreexisting cell" is given by:

Hyman Goldfi=

VlfChow Huxely

27. "Certain stJUctures ofliving organism become more strong on theirconstant use". This is the main theme ofevolutionary theory suggested by

Lamarck Daiwin

Harvey Weisman

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28. Nuclicc acids are linear polymers ofnuclieotides connecled by:

Peptide bonds Hydrogen bond

Phospbodiester bond Covalent bond

29. "SPF 66" vaccine which is developed by Patoroya and is partly successful is against:

Wucheraria bancrofti Liverfluke

Plasmodiwn Tl)'IlOiIosoma

30. The flagellated cells liningthe Spargocoel ofsponges are

Archeocytes Cboanocytes

Porocyte Pinacocytes

31. In Cilidaria, polymorphism is best seen in

Anthozoa Scyphozoa

Hydrozoa Calcarea

32. The best example ofSymbiosis is

Trichonymphaandopalina Asplanchana and parameciwn

Zooxanthella and Jelly Iishes Ameoba and lodameoba

33. The balance organs in scyphozoans are:

Ocelli Sensory Lappets

Statocysts OraIann

34. In marine turbellarians, embryo give rise to short lived, microscopic free swinnning larvacalledas:

Amphiblastulalarva Muller's larva

Oncomeracidiwn Cercaria

35. The functional unit ofCirculatory System is
Arteries Wls
Capillary beds 4'mPh

36. Identify the poisonous snake among the following

Uropeltis Ptyas

Lycodon Truevipers

37. Macrophages are

Lymphocytes Neutrophils

Monocytes Basophils


38. TheclassAnthozoaofcnidariaisidentifiedbytheabsence of:

Circularmitoehondrial DNA Operculwn and prominent medusa

Ciliated grooye Coelentron

39. In theprocessofdigestion polypeptidesareconvertedtodipeptides byaction ofwhichenzyme?

Trypsin Carboxypeptidase

Dipeptidase Chematrypsin

40. Identify the ane which is biodegradablc

Plastic Paper

DDT Endrin

. 41. The term "Hela cells" is associated with

Stem cells Cancerous cells

Totipotent cells Benigncells

42. Inthe formation ofEyes, cyclopia is a condition in which:

A pair oftateral placed eyes are formed

Only onc lateral placed eye is formed

Only one median eye is formed

A pair ofdefective eyes arc formed

43. Thebrainhormonefromtheneurosecretorycells ofinsectsactivateswhichgland?

Corpora cardiaca Corpora allala

Prothoracic' Epidermal cells

44. Which one ofthe following is not an Echinoderm larva

Echinopluteus larva Bipinnaria larva

DipJeuruJa larva Tomaria larva

45. Identify the stop codon from the following:



46. Critically endangered species are those, whose population has been reduced:

570% over 10 years or three generations

90% reduction over 5 years and two generations

50% reduction over 5 years and three generations

30% reduction over 2 years and two generations

880-24001-B (Turn over
47. Anamniote development is fOood in

fishes fishes andamphibians

birds reptiles and birds

48. "One gene one enzyme" hypothesis is proposed by

Beadle and Taurum Jaeob and Monad

Huxelyand Hyman Nicholos and Spencer

49. The bony prominence at the elbow fonned by the apophysis ofthe ulna is called:
Radio Olecranon
(el Carpels Phalanx

50. Crypts ofLieberl<uhn are present in mammalian (Al [ntestine Oesophagus
Stomach Buccalcavity
The shell ofmolluscs have a thin inner most calcareous layer called as (Al Periostracum Nacreons (Cl Prismatic Mantle

The plasmid which has resistance genes for Tetracycline and Ampicillin is

P OR m puc


"Populations ifoochccked grow in geometric ratio whereas resources grow in arithmetic ratio". This theory is proposed by

Minot Schmalhausan

Benalanfee Malthus

Scales in cyclostomes are:

Cycloid Absent

Placoid Cteniod

"Ampullae ofLorenzini" fOood in Scoliodon is associated with (Al Thenno reception Chemo reception

Thigo reception A;mo reception
56. "Mcthacmoglobinemia" among babies is caused when the consumed water has excess of;

Phosphates Nitrates

Magnesium Chlorides

57. Nocturnal periodicityismanifestedby;

Taenia solium Entameoba gingivalis

Wuchereria bancrofti Schistosoma haematobium

58. The process of"cyclosis" is found in

Amoeba Hydra

Sycon Paramecium

59. In crustacea green glands are helpful in the process of;

Colouration Excretion

Respiration Digestion

60. Atavism is;

Formation ofnew slnJctures

Reappearance offorgotten characters

Inheritance ofcertain characters


61. The surfaces ofRough Endoplasmic Reticulum contain

Ribosomes Lysosomes

Golgi complex Mitochondria

62. During hibernation period frog respires by
Cloaca Buccal
Lungs Skin
63. Deficiency ofThyroxine among children leads to
Myxodema Cretinism
Exopthalmic goitre HepaIOmegaly

64. Solenocytes ofAmphioxus are useful in

Circulation Digestion

Excretion Respiration

SSD-24001-B (Turn over
65. Therulewhichstatesthatthe ofnitrogen base present in the sample ofDNA differ from species to species, and the amoWit ofcombined purines are always equal to the amoWit of combined pyrimidines was proposed by
Levene Franklin
Crick ErwinCbargaff
66. Identify the poisonous snake among following

Typhlops Pit vipers

Ptyas Python

67. The fangs ofpoisonous snakes are modified:

MandibuIarteeth Incisor.;

Canines MaxiUaryteeth

68. Hypnotoxin in Hydra is secreted by

MesogIea eridoblast

IntetstitiaI ceUs Endodetrn

69. uPebrine" is adiseaseof:

Lac insect ,Wasp

Honeybee SiIkmoth

70. Blood plasma does not have one ofthe following: CA) A1bJmin Fibrinogen
Thrombin Glob.ilin
71. The pace maker ofheart is

Sinoatrial node BWldIeof his

Atrioventricular node Sinus node

72. Whichoneofthefollowingisfunctionalunitofrespirationinmanwhereexchangeofoxygen and carbon dioxide occur?

Trachea Bronchus

Alveoli Bmnchioles

73. Inadoublehelixmodel ofDNAthedistancebetween twobasepairsis:
24 run 3.4 run
0.34 run 34 nm
74. Many genes have more than a single effect on organismal phenotype, the phenomenon is termed
Product rule Codominance Epistasis. Pleiotrophy
75. Nucleolarorganizer isthetermusedfor:

Secondaryconstriction Primaryconstriction

Nucleolus Nuclearmatrix

76. The depolarisation process in acti0r potential is due to transport of:


Na+ Ca+2

77. The resting potential ofexcitable cell is

-70mv +65mv

-90mv 90mv

78. Metastasis is a characteristic feature of:
Tumors Beningntumors
Malignant tumors CD) Neoplasia
79. The larval stage ofAnguilla is

Cidipid Muller

Trocophore CD) Leptocephalus

80. Olecranon process is a part of:

Ulna Radius

Femur Humerus

81. TheExtinctbirdamongfollowingis:

Falcon Eagle

Ichthyomis Vulture

82. FlamecellsforExcretionarefoundin:

Platyhelminthes Porifera

Mollusca Arthropoda

83. 70 Ribosomes are present in

Viruses Bacteria

Vertebrates Invertebrates

SSD-24001-B over
84. Thehonnonethathelpsinimplantationofembryo:

Oxytocin Estrogen

Progestrone Relaxin

85. The duration ofaction potential is

I second I msec

2seconds 0.3 seconds

86. Thenewotransmitterofneuromyaljunctionis:

Octopamine Norepinephrine

EpineplIine Acetylcholine

87. IdentifY the false statement about Balbiani rings

They are found in salivary glands ofdipteran larva

They are found in polytene chromosomes

They are observed in Oocyte nucleus ofall the mammals

They are site ofRNA synthesis and accumulation ofproteins

88. Thehighestcapacityofhabitattosupportmaximumnumberoforganismsiscalled: Canyingcapacity Fecundity
Productivity Natality
89. Which one ofthe following is not a respiratory pigment? H=oowin Haemocyanin
Haemoglobin ChIorocnmin
90. The ratio ofdominant epistasis is as follows

12:2 9:6

5:3 13: I

9 I. The unit ofcrossing overis called

Millon Cistron

Recon Recombinant

92. Whoamoog the foUowingexplaiDed the phenomenonofgene regulation?

Johannsen JaCob and Morio<!

Friefielder . De Roberties

93. 1heworld'slargestleechis:

Acanthobdella Pilacobdella

Hirudo medicinalis Haementariaghilari

94. Identify the natwaI toxin among the following

fuIrin Malathiani

A71ldimchtin Baygon

95. Telomere is the terminal part of:

Sarcomere Chromatid

Neuron Dendrite

96. Sicklecell.anaemiaisarare:

Nutritional disease Infectious disease

Metabolic disease Polluti<inal disease

97. Lowest number ofchromosomes are found in

Ameoba protens Taenia solium

Drosophila Inelanogester Ascaris megalocephala

98. One ofthe following is not required in "cloning"

DNA ligase Methylase

DonorDNA Avector

99. "Silent Spring", a book on environmental degradation and crisis is written by

Elton Haeckel

Rachel Carson Hutchinson

100. Variationswhicharesudden,heritableandsignificant forevolutionare:

Discontinuous Determinate

Inde1enninate Continuous

101. The wild and dangerous species ofApis, famous for its unprovoked attacks and difficult to be
domesticated is

Apis indica Apls melli/era

Apis minuta Apis dorsa/a

102. Locomotary ol'genelles are absent in

Sarcodina Sporozoa

Apicomplexa Flagellata

(Thra over
103. the wrong pair

Mitochondria Kreb's cycle

Lysosomes Autolysis

Ribosomes Protein Synthesis

Golgi complex Transport system

104. Commerciallyvaluablemolluscwhichisextensivelyusedinpearlfoonationis:

Pinetada PateUa

Murex MytiIus

105. Which one ofthe following is an agricultural pest?

Fleas Cockroach

Aphids Lice

106. Colour perception ofEye is associated with the presence of:

cones rods

rods and cones cornea

107. Whichoneofthefollowingcharacter isfalseaboutechinodenns?

Marineanimals Appeared near Cambrian period

They are protostomes Spinyskin

108. The-interconnection between various food chains is

EnergyFlow Food Web

Biorne Niche Overlap

109. Artificialorinducedcelldeathiscalled:

Apoptosis Necrosis

Steatosis Cinhosis

110. Whichoneofthefollowingisessentialforbloodclotting?

Red blood cells White blood cells

Platelets Bonemarrowcells

III. Zinc phosphide and warfarin are the examples of:

Acaricides . Insecticides

Weedicides Rodenticides

112. Identify the correct statement about Vasopressin among the following

It is secreted by hypothalamus

It reduces work load on kidneys

Itdilutes the blood

It makes the kidney reabsorb water from ultrafilterate

II3. Eutrophicationoflakeissaidtohaveoccurred ifthe water bodyshowsfollowing characteristics: Deep water body, less nutrients, high biodiversity and high dissolved oxygen

Shallow water body, high nutrients, high biodiversity and high dissolved oxygen

Deep water body, less nutrients, low biodiversity and low dissolved oxygen

Shallow water body, high nutrients, less biodiversity, algal blooms and low dissolved oxygen

114. Kappaparticlesinparamecium helpin:

Cytoplasmic inheritance Chromosomal inheritance

Digestion Osmoregulation

115. Oneoffollowing isnotageneralcharacter ofmammalia:

Mammary g1and Sebaceous gland

Endothermal Nucleated red blood cells

116. The aperture through which spinal cord passes out ofthe skull is called

Foramenmagnum Foramen ovale

Foramenmanaze Foramen panizee

II7. Thespacebetweentwo lines in a muscle is called:

Sarcomere Sarcolemma

Sarcoplasm Tropomyosincomplex

118. Amnion belps in

Protection from shock Nutrition

Digestion Excretion

119. Porifera is characterized by specialized type of regeneration which is knoWn as
Budding Rllconstitution
Epirnoqlhic Morpholactic
120. Acaricides are chemicals which kill
licks and mites Mosquitoes and flies .
Weeds and herbs Rats and mouse

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