Exam Details

Subject classical mechanics
Exam / Course m.sc. in physics
Organization solapur university
Exam Date November, 2016
City, State maharashtra, solapur

Question Paper

Master of Science I (Physics-Materials Science)
Examination: Oct Nov 2016 Semester I (New CBCS)
SLR No. Day
Date Time Subject Name Paper
No. Seat No.
10:30 AM
01:00 PM
Classical mechanics
SCT 1.1
Instructions: Attempt in all Five questions.
Q.No.1 and 2 are compulsory.
Answer any three questions from Q.No.3 to Q.No.7.
Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Total Marks:70
Q.1 Choose only one correct alternative 08
The rigid body constraints is an example of
Holonomic constraints
Non-holonomic constraints
Rheonomous constraints
Non-holonomic and rhenomous constraints.
For equilibrium of a system, the virtual work done due to
Applied forces is zero.
Forces of constraint must be zero.
Both the forces stated above must vanish.
External forces must be strictly positive.
The product of 'Lagrangian' for the system and has dimensions

Action Power
Energy Linear momentum.
If Atwood's machine is kept in a descending lift having acceleration
then the common acceleration of system will
According to Newton's third law, action-reaction pair.
Exits simultaneously but each one of them acts on two different objects
Acts on same object
Exits simultaneously but effective force on a object is zero.
Exits at two different time instants but act on two different objects.
In harmonic oscillator, the phase difference between its position and
momentum is
The physical significance of "Hamilton's Principle" is
Nature behave economically
Power consumption in conservative system in maximum.
Power consumption in conservative system is zero
Restricted for classical system alone.
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In projectile motion, trajectory of a particle under gravitational force is

Parabolic Hyperbolic
Straight line Circular
State true or false 06
Dissipation always leads to positive work
In Euler-Lagrangian formulation of mechanics, represents a
generalized force.
Hamilton's principle is an integral principle.
Cyclic co-ordinates are also known as ignorable co-ordinates.
In case of conservative system, forces are derivable from a vector function
known as potential.
Poisson's bracket is invariant under canonical transformation.
Q.2 Attempt the following questions.
Show that Newton's laws are invariant under Galilean transformation. 05
Discuss the motion of gyroscope. 05
Write a note on symmetries and conservation laws 04
Q.3 Attempt the following questions.
Derive Euler Lagrange's equation for conservative system. 10
Write a short note on Hamilton's principle. 04
Q.4 Attempt the following questions.
Obtain the solution of harmonic oscillator problem using Hamilton-Jacobi
Discuss the properties of Poisson's bracket. 06
Q.5 Attempt the following questions
State and explain Kepler's laws of planetary motion. Derive Kepler's second
law of planetary motion.
Reduce two-body central force problem to one-body problem. Give two
example of it.
Q.6 Attempt the following questions
What are constraints? Give detailed classification of it with example of each. 08
What are difficulties introduced by the constraints and how they are removed? 06
Q.7 Attempt the following questions
Show that in canonical transformation, Poisson's bracket does not vary. 08
Prove Jacobi's identity 06
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