Exam Details

Subject zoology
Paper paper 1
Exam / Course mcscc
Organization manipur public service commission
Exam Date 2013
City, State manipur,

Question Paper

Zoology (Main Examination) Paper-I
Time Allowed: Three hours Maximum Marks: 300
Candidates should answer questionNos.1 and 5 which are compulsory and other three ofthe remaining questions, selecting at least one from each section.
Illustrate your answer with suitable diagrams wherevernecessary.
1. Writebriefaccountsonany three ofthe following in about 200 words each. 20 x 3 60


Tube feet and water vascular systeminEchinoderms.


Life history of'Herdmania'.

2. Write a briefnote on salient features and affinitics ofonychophora and Hemichordata. 30
ExplainSymmetryinbiology. 30
3. Describeurino-genita1 system ofvertebrates. 30
Give briefaccounts ofgeneral features ofegg-laying mammals and pouchedmamma1s. 15 15=30

4. Writeaccounton:
Modes oflife in polychaetes 30
Lifehistoryoflamellidens. 30

5. Write briefaccounts on any three ofthe following in about 200 words each: 20x3=60

Different types oflearning.


Working principles ofSpectrophotometer.

Cholera-Its pathogenesis and Epidemiology.

6. What are the characteristics of Populations and Population Dynamics. 30
Write a note on 'use and conservation ofMineral resources.' 30
7. Write a note on distribution and measure ofCentral Tendency. 30
Write a note on 'Carp-culture' and better management practices for carp culture. 30
8. Write a note on social system ofPrimates and theirbehaviour. 30
Describeprocess ofpearlculture,andgivea briefaccountof'Pearl Industry'. 20 10=30

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