Exam Details

Subject general studies
Paper paper 4
Exam / Course mains
Organization maharashtra public service commission
Exam Date 2014
City, State maharashtra,

Question Paper

1. Consider the following statements:
The International Monetary Fund is a specialized institution of the United Nations.
The IMF provides funds to a member country experiencing temporary Balance of Payment Deficit.
The IMF currently has 200 member countries.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct





2. Consider the following statements:
The World Bank gives project oriented aid and program oriented aid.
The International Development Agency was established in 1960.
The international Development Agency gives interest free aid to the world's poorest countries.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct




All the above

3. Which of the following statements is not true in describing the composition of India's foreign trade?

Importance of non-traditional items in India's exports is increasing.

There has been a sharp increase in exports of electronic goods and software.

Importance of food grains and consumer goods in India's imports is going down.

Increasing export of iron are is a positive feahlTe of India's foreign trade.

4. Consider the following statements about small scale industries:

A capital subsidy of 12% for investment in technology in selected sectors.
The limit of excise duty exemption raised from Rs. 50 lakh to one core rupees.
At present 120 items have been reserved for production by small scale sector.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct





5. Consider the following statements:
India is a founder member of Loth GATT and WTO.
The establishment of the Cenerat Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GAIT) was in 1949.
The present strength of NTO membership is 1949.
The World Track Organisation was established on the 1January' 1995.

Which of the statement/ s given above is/are incorrect


and Only

6. Consider the following statements:

In January 2004, the government allowed I'DT up to 100 percent in printing scientific and technical magadnes, periodicals and journals.
In January 2004, the government raised FD! limit to 100 percent in petroleum sector.
80% I'DI permitted for business to business e-commerce.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?




7. As per 1991 policy for small scale industries, National Small Industries Corporation was to concentrate on, which of the following activities?

Raising Finance

Promoting exports

Assistance in Marketing

Providing skilled labour

8. Which of the following is not an indicator of globalisation

Removal of restrictions on MNCs


Reduction in budgetary subsidies

Encouragement to free trade

9. The concept of 'Uruguay Round' is associated with

Bi-lateral trading negotiations.

Multilateral trading negotiations.

Free trading.

Developing countries' trade.

10. SlOO -Small Industries Development Organisation is recognised to support small scale industries in

Raising Finance

Promoting exports

Assisting in marketing

Providing skilled labour

11. Following are the statements about removal of quantitative restrictions on imports:

It does not allow any kind of import duties.
It means the items can be imported without import licences or quota.
It will not influence domestic prices.
It will encourage competition at home.

Which of these statements are not true





12. As far as funding pattern of the cost of Employment Guarantee Scheme of Maharashtra is concerned, which of the following options is correct

75% by the central government and 25% by the state government.

50-50% by the central and state governments.

100% by the central government.

100% by the state government.

13. The ratio of percentage of capital investment by farmers, state and financial institutions in Co-operative sugar industry is as follows.

Find out the correct option





14. Consider the following statements:
The National Agricultural Co-operative Marketing Federation ofIndia Ltd. (NAFED) is the apex Co-operative Organisation at the national level.
NAFED promotes inter-state and export trade of farm produce.
The National Co-operative Development Corporation was set up in 1974.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct 7





15. Which of the following was the most important initiative of 2003-2007 EXIM policy?

Initiatives for Research and Development

Encouragement to Foreign Direct Investment

Technology Park

Removal of Quantitative Restrictions on Agricultural Exports

16. Consider the following statements:
Liberalisation shows the direction of reforms in India.
Privatisation shows the path of reforms in India.
Globalisation shows the ultimate goal of the reforms in India.

Which of the statements given above are correct




All the above

17. Consider the following statements:
The focus of the Ninth plan was "Growth with Social Justice and equality".
Target of 8 percent annual growth rate for the Economy in the tenth plan.
The focus of the second plan was on 'Infrastructure development'.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?





18. What type of change can be observed in India's import-export policy after globalisation

Export promotion and import substitution.

Export promotion and import liberalisation.

Export promotion and import contraction.

Export promotion and import diversification.

19. "A new initiative for balanced regional growth" introduced under the 10th Five Year Plan

Establishment of National Equal Development Plan.

Resource transfer under Swarnajayanti Swarojgar Yojana.

National Rural Health Mission for the poor states.

Special Area Development Programme.

20. The Macro Economic Stabilisation Programme adopted by the government consisted of the following measures:

Control of Inflation

Financial sector reforms

Improving the balance of payment position

Trade and capital flows reforms

Which of the option/s given above is/are correct





21. The first person to emphasize on the growth of private sector by minimising the emphasis on public sector, was

Prime-minister Indira Gandhi

Prime-minister Atal Bihari Bajpeyee

Prime-minister Rajeev Gandhi

Prime-minister Manmohan Singh

22. Foreign investment is altrclCtcd only when.
infrastructural development is good.
Balance of payment is under c<mtmI.
Inflation is under control.
Attractive incentives ,we

Find out the correct answer


All the above

23. Consider the following




24. What are the three major reasons of failure of Indian planning?

Inefficient production of public sector.
Unchanged occupational structure.
Failure to eliminate poverty.
Improper implication of Mahalanobis model.






25. Prof. S.D. Tendulkar -the Chairperson of Expert Group for estimation of poverty -found to have higher percentage of Indian population below the poverty line as compared to the figure given by the Planning Commission.

This was mainly because of

He used more realistic price indices.

Planning Commission's calculations were incorrect.

Liberalisalion has impacted the poverty conditions badly.

He included expenditure on health and education into the basket of consumption.

26. Consider the following statements:
In March 2005, the Government of India adopted the Patent Act, 2005.
The Patent Act of India 1970 granted the process only for food and chemicals.
The Patent Act of 1999 provides for Exclusive Marketing Rights.

Which of the statement/s given above is/are incorrect?





27. What is not a feature of the Employment Guarantee Act, 2005

At least one adult member of a family will be given employment.

If employment is not given within 15 days of demanding it, daily unemployment allowance equal to minimum wages will be paid.

of wages may be deducted as contribution to social welfare schemes.

Distinct collector will be responsible for implementing the programme.

28. The Planning Commission of India adopted the policy measures to remove regional disparities, as below:
Special area development programmes directed at development of backward areas.
State Bank of India to provide concessional finance for industrial projects located in backward areas.
To promote private investment in backward areas.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?





29. Consider the following statements:

The Co-operative Movement in Maharashtra started in 1910 with the establishment of Primary Agricultural Credit Societies.
The first sugar co-operative, Pravara was established in 1959 in Ahmednagar District.
Mahananda Dairy established in 1980s to sell Milk in Mumbai.

Which of the statement was given above is/are correct





30. Consider the following statements:
The International Co-operative Alliance adopted new principle 'Co-operation amongst Co-operatives' in 1966.
The International Co-operative Alliance adopted new principle 'Limited interest on capital' in 1966.
The International Co-operative Alliance adopted new principl"e 'Duties for the community' in 1995. Which of the statements given above is/are correct




All the above

31. Which of the follOWing statements does not describe the trend in India's Central government budget?

Huge increase in revenue expenditure.

Surplus in current account till mid 1970s.

Slow growth of revenue receipts.

Capital receipts have been rising much faster than the capital expenditure.

32. Which of the following statements is/are correct

In 2011-12, growth ir. service tax revenue was 37.4%, which indicates that service tax is as an important source of Revenue.
The Direct Benefit Transfer plan was introduced on January 2013 with seven schemes all over India. Answer options:




N one of these

33. Which of the following statements is/are correct
In 2009-10. the growth rate of service sector in Maharashtra was 9.6%.
In 2010-11, the share of service sector in Maharashtra's Gross domestic product was 61
In 2012-13. the share of Building sector in Maharashtra's Gross domestic product was 22%.

Answer options





34. Which two industries in Maharashtra receive more FDI proposals?

IT industry and Textiles

Hotel and Tourism industry

IT and Financial Services

Transportation and IT industry

35. Monetary management for the stable value of money is important because:

Money serves as a unit of account.
Money value doesn't stay constant.
Fluctuations in money value creates many socio-economic problems.
Money value affects investment.

Choose the correct option:




36. Which of the following employment schemes was launched specifically to cover drought -prone areas of the country?

jawahar Gram Samridhi Yojana

Employment Assurance Scheme

National Rural Employment Programme

Rural Landless Employment Guarantee Programme

37. The functions assigned to Industrial Reconstruction Corporation of India (IRCI) were as follows:
To provide financial assistance to Sick Industrial Units.
To provide managerial and technical assistance to Sick Industrial Units.
To provide consultancy services to bank in matters relating to Sick Industrial Units.
To provide transport and communication services to Sick Industrial Units.

Which of the statements given above is/are incorrect




38. The substantial drop in poverty as per Tendulkar formula is the result of

High growth rate
Increase in expenditure on MNREGA
Higher prices
Inclusive growth

Answer options:





39. Which of the following statements are correct
Product method estimates the net value addcd of goods and services.
The income method is employed in estimating of GOP of service sector.
A combination of product method and income method is used for national income calculation.

Answer options




All the above

40. Which of the following statements islare correct
The Value Added Tax uses multi-point tax collection method.
Non-VAT uses single point tax collection method,
Implementation of VAT will improve the purchasing capacity and living standard of the poor people, Answer options




All the above

41. Which of the following approaches the Task Force under the Chairmanship of Dr. Vijay Kelkar, adopted for transformation of Indian tax system?

Raising revenues more than compressing expenditure.

Compressing unproductive expenditure.

Increasing the number of taxes in India.

Reducing tax avoidance through 'strict actions.

42. Which of the following is explained by the process of money multiplier?

Creation of credit or deposits by banks

The source of high power edness of money

Multiplication of money through credit creation by banks

All the above statements

43. Statutory liquidity ratio is a cash maintained by the commercial banks for which of the following reasons

Account holder's safety.

Lending to government to overcome emergency situations.

Directed credit programmes.

Buying government securities.

44. Match the following pairs:

(Agricultural University) (Reaserch Area)

Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth Horticulture corps
Punjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth Cotton, Wheat
Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth Sugar cane, Jawar
Dr. 13alasaheb Sawant Krishi Vidyapeeth Wheat, Jawar

Answer options:

45. Which of the following statements reflects negative impact of globalisation
Globalisation has pushed workers fram the organised to un organised sector.
Globalisation has created competition.
Globalisation has reduced the bargaining power of labour unions.
Globalisation has increased FDI.





46. Suppose that in the year 2012, the consumption expenditure was 12 crore and investment expenditure was 8 crore. The government spent 10 crare on projects while the export was 5 crare and import was 6 crare. So the GOP (Grass Domestic Product) would be

41 crare

29 crore

15 crore

25 crore

47. Which of the following is not an artificial method of raising capital surplus?

Market borrawings

Collection of small savings

Borrowings from financial institutions

Broadening tax coverage

48. Which of the following statements is true regarding Maharashtra state?

P2r hectare productivity of all food grain crops is the highest.

Productivity of cotton is the highest.

Sugarcane productivity is low.

Sugarcane is the only crop having higher productivity than national level.

49. Which of title following statements is/are incorrect
Reserve Bank of India and Government are producers of the high-powered money.
The amount of high-powered money is fixed by commercial banks.
Theory of determination of money supply is based on the supply of and demand for






50. 'Mutua! Fund' can be classified in which of the following types?

Financial intermediaries in capital market

Development institutions in capital market

CommerCl"I banks in the market

Venture capital companies Jl1 the capital market

51. Which of the following statements is correct

Industrialisation in India has generated growth potential.

After globalization industrial oUIp"t has increased.

The growth rate of industrial production rose significantly during the tenth plan (2002-2007) .

There is expansion of Indian large scale industries after globalization.

52. Which of the following statements are correct regarding inflation in less developed countries

The socio-economic political structure of LDC's decides the nature of inflatIon.
lnfra structural inadequacies create inflatIon.
Demand from specific sector creates inflatIon.
Expansion of money supply creates inflation.





53. Fertility in India depends on three important things:

Marriage age of a woman
Literacv rate
Duration of fertile union
Rapiditv of building families

Choose the correct option:





54. Which of the following is a part of state'5 non-tax revenue?

State s share in central taxes

Small savings of the public

States taxes on capital and property transactions

Grants from the central government

55. Which of the following statements is/are correct

According to Economic Survey 2012-13, employment growth in the organised sector has increased by 1.0 percent in 2011.
The share of women in organised sector employment was around 20.5 percent during 2009-11.

Answer options




None of these

56. For the year 2011-12, the unemployment rate, which ranges between 2 to of the general population is

Higher with higher education
Higher among women
Lower with higher education
Lower among women

Answer options





57. Which of the following statements is/are correct The objective of poverty alleviation programme is generating incremental incomes for the poor. The Government of India launched the Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana for the purpose of poverty alleviation.

Answer options:




None of these

58. The most important determinant of the share of states in tax revenue is

Growth rate of per capita income over the last five years.

Populahon density of the state.

Difference between per capita income of a particular state and that of India.

Difference between per capita income of a particular state and that of a state with the highest per capita income.

59. Which of the following types of unemployment may occur when the output is at full employment J.evel

Frictional unemployment

Cyclical unemployment

Structural unemployment

None of the above

60. Which of the following was described as "A tax on Banking System" by the Narsimham Committee (1991)

Statutory Liquidity Ratio

Cash Reserve Ratio

Directed Credit Programme

Loan Mela

61. Which of the following statements is/are correct 7
Cash Reserve Ratio in an effective instrument of credit control.
CRR was reduced to 4.0 percent on February 2013.
On August 11, 2012 statutary liquidity ratio was reduced to 30.0%.

Answer options





62. Maharashtra is commonly known as the economic powerhouse of India because of

Large share in export
Investor friendly climate
High agricultural productivity

Answer options:





63. Which of the following is/are correct
In 1950-51, the ratio of the development expenditure to the total expenditure was 36.2 percent.
In 1980·81, the ratio of the development expenditure to the total expenditure was 65.8 percent.
In 2007-08, the ratio of the development expenditure to the total public expenditure was 85.0 percent.

Answer options





64. Which of the following statements regarding poverty reduction are true?

Rural poverty has declined after reforms.
There is stagnation in rural growth after reforms.
Rural poverty has not declined due to stagnation in rural growth.
Rural social welfare has not been affected significantly by rural poverty eradication schemes.

Choose the correct option:




All the above

65. Following statements relate to the trends in revenues of central and state governments in India:

There has been all round increase in tax receipts.
Revenues of central government are rising faster than those of state governments.
Personal income tax is the most important single tax for the central government.
Most important non-tax revenue for the central government is the interest on loans granted by the centre to the states.

Which of the above statements are true?




All of the above

66. Consider the following statements:
Population of China is more than that of India.
Fertility rate in China is more than that in India.
Percentage of children population in China is more than that in India.

Choose the correct options

only is correct

and only are correct

and only are correct

All of the above are correct

67. The National population Policy, 2000 has suggested the following national social-demographic goals to be achieved by 2010

Make school education up to the age of 14 free and compulsory_
Achieve SO percent registration of births, deaths, marriages and pregnancies.

Which of the statement/s given above is/are correct 7


both and


none of these

68. Consider the following c statements:

Supply chain management is a critical issue in agricultural marketing_
FDI in retail can help improving marketing of agriculture produce.

Choose the correct option

only IS true

only IS true

Both and me true

Both and are false

69. Which of the following national institutes works for 'future trading' of agriculture cOlnlTIodities in India?



National Commodity and Derivaties Exchange

National Stock Exchange

70. Consider the following statements:
MGNREGA was notified in September 2005.
The Gram Panchayat is the important implementation agency of MGNREGA.
The payment of MGNREGA beneficiaries is by cash only.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct





71. Consider the following statements about General Agreement on Tariff and Trade (GATI)
GATT was signed by 23 countries in 1947.
India got the number ship of GATT in 1994.
In 1994, 118 countries were members of GATT.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct





72. Which of the following two statements is correct?

Prices of agricultural commodities actually declined during the first five year plan.
There after Prices of agricultural commodities increased continuously except during





73. In which sector in India, has contract farming been used the most?

For contracts of agro produce exports by private companies
For food processing indush'ies
Production of Fruits and vegetables and export
For flower exports in international market

74. Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan was started for

Universalization of primary education.
Has special focus on educational needs of girls.

Choose the correct option.

only is correct

only is correct

and are correct

and are incorrect

75. Which of the following are included in contract farming?
Pre-agreed price
Pre-agreed quality
Pre-agreed quantity
Supply of selected inputs

Answer options:

and only

and only

and only

All of the above

76. Which of the following two statements is correct

During 2011-12 flori culture covered an area of 0.32 million hectares in India.
The leading flower growing states are West Bengal, Karnataka and Maharashtra.

Answer options





77. The economic growth of a country mainly depends on

Education and Research
Capital and natural resources
International trade and peace
Agriculture and irrigation

Answer options




78. Which of the following are correct
Comparative cost theory was formulated by David Ricardo
This theory assumes labour and capital as factors of production
This theory assumes existence of full employment

Answer options

and only

and only

and only

All of the above

79. Population experts refer to the possible'demographic bonus' that may accrue to India around 2016 A.D. They are referring to the following phenonmenon

a sharp drop in the total population.
a surge in the population in the productive age group.
a decline in the both birth and death rates.
a well-balanced sex ratio.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct





80. The correct sequence in descending order of the sugar cane producing states in India is

Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh

Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh

Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu

Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu

81. Which of the following models has been emphasized by Dr. A.PJ Abdul Kalam for rural upliment

leT Model

LPG Model


Gandhian Model

82. Which of the following two statements is correct 7

The leading vegetables growing states are West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh and Maharashtra.
The most grown vegetables are potato, tomato and onion.

Answer options





83. Agreement on Agriculture under WTO had an objective of

Increasing market orientation in Agriculture
Promoting subsidies for agriculture
Encouragement for agriculture export
None of these

84. Which of the following fruits are marketed on partnership basis by the farmers in Maharashtra through co-operative agencies?


Choose the correct option

85. Human Poverty Index is measured on the basis of following criteria:

Longevity, Nutrition and Knowledge

Knowledge, Basic needs and Standard of Living

Longevity, Knowledge and Standard of Living

Longeity, Standard of Living and Sanitation Health Facilities

86. United Nations Development Programme measures human development by human development Indices. They are:
Human Development Index
Human Poverty Index
Gross Development Index
Gender -related Development Index

which of the options given above is/are incorrect




None of the above

87. Consider the following statements:

The European Union is the world's largest importer of agricultural goods and farm products from the developing and least developed countries.
The EU absorbs around 85% of Africa's agricultural exports.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct


both and


None of these

88. Consider the following statements and select the correct answer:

India is the largest manufacturer of tractors in the world.
India is producing one third of the global production of tractors.

Answer options:

Only is correct

OnIy is correct

Both and are correct

Neither nor is correct

89. Consider the following statements about green GDP
The concept of Green GDP was evolved in the 1990.
It attempts to factor in the cost of depleted natural resource and pollution which ultimately affect human welfare.
China has started calculating its Green GDP from 2000.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct





90. What do you mean by 'Ornamental Fish Farming'

To increase the production of seashells and pearls

To keep colourful and fancy fish in aquarium

To increase the production of animals in seashells

To increase the production of colourful fish.

91. Consider the following statements about livestock In fance Scheme:

Livestock In fance Scheme was approved in February 2006.
In 2006-07 it was introduced on a pilot basis in 200 selected districts across the country.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct




None of these

92. Which of the following parameters can be considered in the relative poverty approach?

per capita consumption expenditure.
value of nutritional diet.
income distTibution of different groups.
income level Find out the

correct answer:





93. What is SAPTA

Agreement on SAARC preferential trading arrangement

Agreement on South Asian preferential trading arrangement

Agreement on South Asian Trading Association

Agreement on Free trade of SAARC Association

94. Entry of foreign capital is criticised on account of

Domination by multinationals

Investment in non-priority areas

Answer options



and both

Neither nor

95. Which of the following are two basic advantages of international trade?

Division of labour and increase in income

Division of labour and mobility

Division of labour and specialisation

Division of labour and give and take of technology.

96. Which of the following two statements is correct

During the year 2010-11 in Maharashtra the average size of land holding was
The largest percentage of people had average size of land holding of 20 ha. and more.

Answer options



Neither nor

Both and

96. Which one of the following two statements is correct
To help farmers to get reasonable
(b)rates for their produce and consumers to get
good quality produce at reasonably lower prices
(d)the Govt. of Maharashtra has set-up Shetkari Bazar.

97. This type of marketing has been tried in Andhra Pradesh where it is known as "Raitu Bazar".

Answer options



Neither nor

Both and

98. The report of food advisory committee (1958) states that in India a normal working adult requires calories and grams of proteins daily.

2425: 60

2400: 55

2300: 62

2800: 65

99. At what rate of interest loan is disbursed to poor farmers under differential rate of interest scheme?

2 percent

4 percent

6 percent

7 percent

100. "Calorie" is the amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of 1 kilogram of water by 1 degree at

15° celsius

20° celsius

25° celsius

None of the above

101. At what extent of the present value of the stored produce, Nationalized banks sanction credit against the security of warehouse receipt?

55 to 60%

65 to 70%

75 to 80%

95 to 100%

102. India, a developing country accounts for less than 20 percent of world's child population, but it has _percent of mal-nourished children.





103. central government has announced the minimum support prices for
common paddy
hybrid jowar in the year 2013-14 as rs.-

1500 1310 1250

1250 1310 1500

1310 1250 1500

1310 1500 1250

104. Central Government has announced the minimum support prices for
Common Paddy
Hybrid Jowar in the year 2013-14 as Rs.

1500 1310 1250

1250 1310 1500

1310 1250 1500

1310 1500 1250

105. When minimum support prices for important agricultural crops are announced by the government of India

Just after the sowing of crops

After the start of the harvesting of crops

Before the start of the sowing season of crop

They are announced any time

106. Which of the following statements is incorrect

Farm Income Insurance Scheme was inaugurated in January 2004,

It provides insurance safeguards and economic security to farmers,

It covers loss in agricultural income only due to adverse natural calamities

Govt. also provides subsidy to the farmers in premium payment.

107. As per the requirement of men match the following:

Carbohydrates of total daily calories
Proteins t 20-35% of total daily calories
Fats 56 grams
Saturated Fats 130 grams

Answer options:

108. Which of the following statements is incorrect?

The Mid Day Meal is the worlds largest school feeding programme reaching out to 12 crore students.

More than 12 lakh schoolsjEGS centres are covered under the programme across the country.

In India a Mid Day Meal Programme was introduced in Pondicherry in 1925.

In 1980s Gujarat, Kerala and Tamil Nadu along with Pondicherry had begun on Mid Day Meal Programme.

109. According to Committee in 1951, 90 percent of Indian farmers were taking loan from pvt. money-lenders.

A.D. Gorawala

Nilkanth Rath

Sir Visveshvarayya

Dr. Ramesh Tendulkar

110. . Which of the following two statements is correct?

National Advisory Council proposed National Food Security Bill.
About 62% of our population is undernourished as per the National Family Health Survey 2005-2006. Answer options





111. what is the bio-diesel prepared from?

Sugar enriched substances

Edible and non-edible oil seeds

Alcohol enriched substances

Wastage material fermentation from farm

112. In thermal reactors nuclear fissions are due to

absorption of neutrons

absorption of protons

absorption of electrons

emission of protons

114. In which orbit does the remote sensing satellite revolve?

circular and polar

elliptical and equatorial

circular and equatorial

elliptical and polar

115. Which of the following two statements is correct

The first tractor in India was brought in 1914.
The central tractor organisation imported high horse-power tractor in the 1940s only for land development.

Answer options



Neither nor

Both and

117. What the following is not included in Indian National Satellite Technologies (lNSAT) practical ,cations Answer options



Neither nor

Both and

118. two only place in the world when' all the three fissile isotopes viz., U-235, Pu-2ei9 and are used as fuel in reactors:





119. The satellite with and ilLTfKA (SARAL) IS a joint TndoFrcnd' ,atelUte mission for

Oceanographic studies
Astronomy studies

Answer options:



and 2

120. Bureau of Energy Efficiency launched a standards and labelling program for horne electronic appliances. The BEE star label guides consumers while buying an appliance. Which information is indicated on this star label?

Energy star rating
Energy saved is money saved logo
Annual energy consumption
BEE logo
Answer options:

Only and

Only and

Only and


121. Cirus is India's second research reactor built as a joint project in:

Indo -Canadian Project in 1960

Indo -france Project in 1950

Indo -Swiss Project in 1960

Indo -Russi" Project in 1950

122. The verification regime of the comprehensive Nuclear -Test -Ban -Treaty (CTBT) is designed to detect any nuclear explosion conducted on the earth. This verification regime consists of International monitoring systems. Which are these monitoring systems?

Seismic monitoring
I-Iydroacoustic monitoring
Infrasound monitoring
Radionuclide monitoring

Answer options;

Only and

Only and

Only and

All the four

123. The second nuclear fuel reprocessing complex is to come up in

Kota, Rajasthan

I-Iyderabad, Andhra Pradesh

Jaitapur, Maharashtra

Virdhi, Cnjarat

124. What is used as a source of gamma rays for food irradiation?

Cobalt -60 and Arsenic -74

Talium -201 and Iridium -192

Cobalt -60 and Cesium -137

Iridium -192 and Cesium -137

125. The department of atomic energy and defence research and development organization conducted a series of five nuclear tests in Pokharan on

15th and 18th May 1974

11th and 13th May 1974

11th and 13th May 1998

15th and 18th May 1998

126. The software packages which are normally used for creation of bit map images and creation of vector images are called as respectively.

Paint programs and Drawing Programs

Image Viewer and Photo Viewer

Drawing Programs and Paint Programs

Image Creator and Model Creator

127. A group of parallel lines that connect two or more computer related devices is called as





128. GSM (Global System for Mobile Communication) is based on which technology:

TDMA (Time Division Multiple Access)

CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access)

SDMA (System Division Multiple Access)

All the above

129. Under Information Technology Act 2000, whoever knowingly or intentionally conceals, destroys or alters or intentionally or knowingly causes another to conceal, destroy or alter any computer source code, when the computer source code is required to be kept or maintained by law for the time being in force, shall be punishable with

Imprisonment of 5 years

Imprisonment up to 3 years or with a fine which may extend up to 2 lakh rupees or both

Imprisonment up to 2 years or with a fine which may extend up to 3 lakh rupees or both

Imprisonment up to 1 year or a fine which may extend up to 50,000 rupees or both

130. The network in which each packet is treated independently of all others and even if a packet is a part of a multi packet transmission, the network treats it as though it existed alone is called as ..

Virtual Circuit Network

Circuit Switched Network

Packet Switched Network

Datagram Network

131. which of the is called as the 'slIperbug', used to clean up oil spills.

Bacillus species

Pseudomonas species

Salmondla species

Clostridium species

132. An injection of mix anti Cas Gangrene that would avoid amputation of organs has been produced in the year 2014 for the time in India by .

Serum Institute of India

Sanlha Biotech

Haffkine's Bio-pharmacvuticals

locon India


cloned plant

hybnd plant

transgenic plant

mutated plant

134. i First successful vaccine against cancer has been prepared for

Oral cancer

Cervical cancer

Breast cancer

Colon cancer

135. Transgenic plants are easier to produce than transgenic animals because:

Plants can more easily be grown from single cultured cell into which foreign DNA has been introduced. Plant DNA is easier to clone.
Plant cells can be transferred by bacterial infection.
DNA passes more readily through plant cell wall than through animal cell membrane.

136. Blood clotting does not occur due to lack of clotting factor VIII in disease.



Sickle cell anemia


137. is the organism that is mainly used in the commercial production of alcohol from sugar.

E. Coli

S. Cerevisiae

Penicillium species

Bacillus species

138. Corals an.' a class of Tine invertehrates that secrete to form a hard skeleton.

Calcium chloride

Magnesium Carbonate

Calcium Carbonate

Calcium phosphate

139. 'Nii gene' for nitrogen fixation is introduced bv cloning

Bacillus thuringenesis

rhizobium meliloti

Azd0bDckr SpeCIl'S


140. the first cOlTlplde functionaL Justifical chron10S0me for was synthesized by . Jei Brwke and his team at the NYU Langone Medical Center's Institute for Systems Cenetics in 2014.





141. Flue GrePll algae JiT potentially used as





142. What is the source of n


Ammonium salts

for green plants?

Nitrates Organic nitrogenous compounds

143. WfiR Which anticancerous drug is obtained from rosells





144. Liquified is used for cryopreservation of plant material or animal cells at -196°C.

Carbon monoxide



Petroleum gas

145. The main environmental advantage of biofuels stems from the tact that they result in zero net green house gas emission because:

Carbondioxide they releose upon combustion is extracted from the atmosphere during biomass production.

They do not release carbon dioxide during combustion.

They trap nitrogen during growth and release nitrogen dioxide during combustion which Gln be utilized by micro organisms.

They do not require any carbon input during growth and hence there is no resultant carbon dioxide output.

146. In 1997 country was largely affected by floods due to excess rains (cloud break) similar to Mumbai floods much later.

Hong Kong
Central America

Answer Options:

147. Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched?

Tsunami created due to earthquake near Indonesian Coast. December 26, 2004
Floods in Mumbai July 26, 2005
Bomb blast at BodhGaya july 2013
Fire and stampede in the surroundings of Mandharadevi temple; January 24, 2006

148. Approximately 80% of all earthquakes occur in the

Mediterranean -Asiatic belt

In the interior of the plates

Circum -Pacific belt

Oceanic spreading ridge systems

149. In an earthquake Modified Mercalli Scale is used to measure:



Loss of life


answer options:

150. Arrange the following four major earthquakes of India in chronologically ascending order:


Answer Options:

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