Exam Details
Subject | engineering geology and mining geology | |
Paper | ||
Exam / Course | m.sc. applied geology | |
Department | ||
Organization | solapur university | |
Position | ||
Exam Date | November, 2016 | |
City, State | maharashtra, solapur |
Question Paper
Master of Science II (Applied Geology)
Examination: Oct/Nov 2016 Semester III (New CBCS)
SLR No. Day
Date Time Subject Name Paper
No. Seat No.
02:30 P.M
05:00 P.M
Engineering Geology
and Mining Geology
Instructions: Answer any five questions.
All questions carry equal marks.
Q.1 is compulsory.
Attempt any two from Q.2, 3 4
Attempt any two from Q.5, 6 7
Draw neat and labeled diagrams wherever necessary.
Total Marks:70
Q.1 Select the answer among the following: 14
The central portion of the dam that directly overlie on the channel is known as
Crest Heel
Axis of dam Driver section
The concrete walls on either side of spillway (way chute) is known as
Key wall Training wall
Protecting wall Side wall
Highest crushing strength is of rock.
Limestone Marble
Dolerite Shale
Opening through the dam through which checking and repair is done is
Conduit Inspection chamber
Gallery Silt
The upstream portion of the dam where it conducts the bearing surface is
known as
Toe Abue-ment
Axis of dram Heel
In folded rocks the tunnel may be excavated along the trend of
Faust plane Fold axis
Bedding plane None of the above
Land slide occurs when the angle of slope is greater than the angle of
Fault plane Dip and strike
Rest Fold axis
Which method is good for mechanical placer mining?
Auger method Diamond drilling
Quarrying Planning
Page 1 of 2
In the open-pit mining, the ratio of the waste rock mined to ore is known as
Working ratio Stripping ratio
Recovery ratio None of the above
10) A horizontal entry in to an ore body is called
Adit Shaft
Bench Pit
11) Which of the following is an underground mining method using artificially
supported openings.
Open stoping Shrinkage opening
Room and pillar mining Long wall mining
12) In drilling the mud of high density is a mixture of
Talc Barytes
Water Oil
13) The waste material which is present above the ore is called.
Over burden Over hand
Over break Skip ways
14) The excess of quantity of rock broken and removed from the proposed tunnels
is known as
Caving Over break
Excavation Caving and excavation both
Q.2 Give an account on various geological investigation involved in civil engineering
Q.3 Explain the problems of ground water in engineering project. 14
Q.4 Describe the activities involved in underground mining. 14
Q.5 Answer the following: 14
Types of drilling methods
Seismic zones of India
Q.6 Explain in short the following: 14
Ocean bottom mining
Surface mining operation
Q.7 Discuss in short of the following 14
Types of bridges
Rock aggregates and their classification
Examination: Oct/Nov 2016 Semester III (New CBCS)
SLR No. Day
Date Time Subject Name Paper
No. Seat No.
02:30 P.M
05:00 P.M
Engineering Geology
and Mining Geology
Instructions: Answer any five questions.
All questions carry equal marks.
Q.1 is compulsory.
Attempt any two from Q.2, 3 4
Attempt any two from Q.5, 6 7
Draw neat and labeled diagrams wherever necessary.
Total Marks:70
Q.1 Select the answer among the following: 14
The central portion of the dam that directly overlie on the channel is known as
Crest Heel
Axis of dam Driver section
The concrete walls on either side of spillway (way chute) is known as
Key wall Training wall
Protecting wall Side wall
Highest crushing strength is of rock.
Limestone Marble
Dolerite Shale
Opening through the dam through which checking and repair is done is
Conduit Inspection chamber
Gallery Silt
The upstream portion of the dam where it conducts the bearing surface is
known as
Toe Abue-ment
Axis of dram Heel
In folded rocks the tunnel may be excavated along the trend of
Faust plane Fold axis
Bedding plane None of the above
Land slide occurs when the angle of slope is greater than the angle of
Fault plane Dip and strike
Rest Fold axis
Which method is good for mechanical placer mining?
Auger method Diamond drilling
Quarrying Planning
Page 1 of 2
In the open-pit mining, the ratio of the waste rock mined to ore is known as
Working ratio Stripping ratio
Recovery ratio None of the above
10) A horizontal entry in to an ore body is called
Adit Shaft
Bench Pit
11) Which of the following is an underground mining method using artificially
supported openings.
Open stoping Shrinkage opening
Room and pillar mining Long wall mining
12) In drilling the mud of high density is a mixture of
Talc Barytes
Water Oil
13) The waste material which is present above the ore is called.
Over burden Over hand
Over break Skip ways
14) The excess of quantity of rock broken and removed from the proposed tunnels
is known as
Caving Over break
Excavation Caving and excavation both
Q.2 Give an account on various geological investigation involved in civil engineering
Q.3 Explain the problems of ground water in engineering project. 14
Q.4 Describe the activities involved in underground mining. 14
Q.5 Answer the following: 14
Types of drilling methods
Seismic zones of India
Q.6 Explain in short the following: 14
Ocean bottom mining
Surface mining operation
Q.7 Discuss in short of the following 14
Types of bridges
Rock aggregates and their classification
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