Exam Details
Subject | sedimentology and palaeontology | |
Paper | ||
Exam / Course | m.sc. applied geology | |
Department | ||
Organization | solapur university | |
Position | ||
Exam Date | November, 2016 | |
City, State | maharashtra, solapur |
Question Paper
Master of Science I (Applied Geology) Examination: Oct/Nov 2016
Semester I (New CBCS)
SLR No. Day
Date Time Subject Name Paper
No. Seat No.
10.30 AM
01.00 PM
Sedimentology and
Instructions: Answer any five questions.
All questions carry equal marks.
Q.1 is compulsory.
Attempt any two from Q.2, 3 4
Attempt any two from Q.5, 6 7
Draw neat and labeled diagrams wherever necessary.
Total Marks:70
Q.1 Select the answer among the following: 14
A river channel widens downstream because the
Sediment load decreases
Gradient decreases and discharge increase
Lateral eroding capacity of the river increases and sediment load
Competence of the river increases.
Which one of the following is a biochemical sedimentary rock?
Arkose Coal
Shale Conglomerate
The was an era dominated by the dinosaurs.
Precambrian Paleozoic
Mesozoic Cenozoic
Fossils are most common in rock types.
Sedimentary Igneous
Metamorphic All the above
A sedimentary rock composed of angular particles of gravel is called.
Breccias Conglomerate
Sandstone Gravelstone
Micrite can be generated by:
Chemical precipitation Disaggregation of peloids
Micritization All of the above
Glossopteris is a genus of sub- class
Pteridospermae Cycadophyta
Coniferophyta Angeiospermae
Benthonic foraminiferas were distributed all over the world during the:
Paleozoic era Mesozoic era
Tertiary era Cenozoic era
Page 1 of 2
In comparison with normal river flow, debris flows can easily carry large
boulders because of higher:
Velocity of flow Volume of flow
Turbulence of flow Viscosity of flow
10) Conglomerate and breccia are examples of
Arenaceous Argillaceous
Rudaceous Ferruginous rocks
11) Paradoxide is genus which possess type facial suture.
Hypoparian Proparian
Opisthoparian Gonatoparian
12) Dianosaurs extincted at
Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary
Ordovician- Silurian
Devonian carboniferous boundary
13) Gondwana basin is an example of
Rift basin Pullapart basin
Down warp basin Interior basin
14) Osteichthyses are
Cartilaginous fishes Bony fishes
Both A and B None of the above
Q.2 What is meant by sedimentary environment? Give an account on sedimentation in
deltaic environment?
Q.3 Give an account on the sedimentary basins in India and their tectonic setting. 14
Q.4 What are fossils? Give an account on modes of preservation of fossils. 14
Q.5 Write short notes on the following 14
Morphology of trilobite
Classification of limestone
Q.6 Write in brief: 14
Texture of sedimentary rocks
Gondwana flora
Q.7 Discuss in short of the following 14
Lithification and diagenesis
Morphology of foraminifera
Semester I (New CBCS)
SLR No. Day
Date Time Subject Name Paper
No. Seat No.
10.30 AM
01.00 PM
Sedimentology and
Instructions: Answer any five questions.
All questions carry equal marks.
Q.1 is compulsory.
Attempt any two from Q.2, 3 4
Attempt any two from Q.5, 6 7
Draw neat and labeled diagrams wherever necessary.
Total Marks:70
Q.1 Select the answer among the following: 14
A river channel widens downstream because the
Sediment load decreases
Gradient decreases and discharge increase
Lateral eroding capacity of the river increases and sediment load
Competence of the river increases.
Which one of the following is a biochemical sedimentary rock?
Arkose Coal
Shale Conglomerate
The was an era dominated by the dinosaurs.
Precambrian Paleozoic
Mesozoic Cenozoic
Fossils are most common in rock types.
Sedimentary Igneous
Metamorphic All the above
A sedimentary rock composed of angular particles of gravel is called.
Breccias Conglomerate
Sandstone Gravelstone
Micrite can be generated by:
Chemical precipitation Disaggregation of peloids
Micritization All of the above
Glossopteris is a genus of sub- class
Pteridospermae Cycadophyta
Coniferophyta Angeiospermae
Benthonic foraminiferas were distributed all over the world during the:
Paleozoic era Mesozoic era
Tertiary era Cenozoic era
Page 1 of 2
In comparison with normal river flow, debris flows can easily carry large
boulders because of higher:
Velocity of flow Volume of flow
Turbulence of flow Viscosity of flow
10) Conglomerate and breccia are examples of
Arenaceous Argillaceous
Rudaceous Ferruginous rocks
11) Paradoxide is genus which possess type facial suture.
Hypoparian Proparian
Opisthoparian Gonatoparian
12) Dianosaurs extincted at
Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary
Ordovician- Silurian
Devonian carboniferous boundary
13) Gondwana basin is an example of
Rift basin Pullapart basin
Down warp basin Interior basin
14) Osteichthyses are
Cartilaginous fishes Bony fishes
Both A and B None of the above
Q.2 What is meant by sedimentary environment? Give an account on sedimentation in
deltaic environment?
Q.3 Give an account on the sedimentary basins in India and their tectonic setting. 14
Q.4 What are fossils? Give an account on modes of preservation of fossils. 14
Q.5 Write short notes on the following 14
Morphology of trilobite
Classification of limestone
Q.6 Write in brief: 14
Texture of sedimentary rocks
Gondwana flora
Q.7 Discuss in short of the following 14
Lithification and diagenesis
Morphology of foraminifera
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