Exam Details
Subject | education | |
Paper | ||
Exam / Course | ||
Department | ||
Organization | Jammu Kashmir Public Service Commission | |
Position | lecturer | |
Exam Date | 2009 | |
City, State | jammu kashmir, |
Question Paper
Serial No. CU2liaJ Test Booklet Series B
Time Allowed: Two HOllrs MaximulII Marks: 120
You have to enter your Roll Number on this IY IIN I
our 0 o.
'ntis Booklet contains 120 items (questions). Each item comprises four response (answers). You wiU select one response which you want to mark on the Respons Sheet. In case you feel that there is more than one correct response, mark the response which you consider the best In any case, choose ONtYOND response for each item.
In case you find any discrepency, in this test booklet in any question(s) or the Responses, a written representation explaining the details of such aUeged discrepcncy, be submitted within three days, indicating the Question and the Test Booklet Series, in which the discrcpency is alleged. Representation not received within time shall not be entertained at all.
You have to mark aU your responses ONtYon the separate Response Sheet provided. Sec directions in the Response Sheet.
All items carry equal marks. Attempt ALL items. Your total marks will depend only on the number of correct respo·nses marked by you in the Response Sheet.
Before you proceed to mark in the Response Sheet the response to various item.'i in the Test Booklet, you have to fill in some particulars in the Response Sheet as per instructions sent to you with your Admit Card and Instructions.
While writing Centre, Subject, and Roll No. on the top of the Response Sheet in appropriate boxes use "ONLY BAll POINT PEN".
After you have completed filling in all your response on the Response Shecl and the examination has concluded, you should hand over to the lnvigilator only the Response Sheet. You are permitted to take away with you the Test Booklet.
(For Rough Work)
Screening Test-2009
n",e Allowed: Two Hours I
1. Which of the following characteristics is most basic to good emotional adjustment?
Ability to make friends easily
Ability to make head on attack on problems as they arise
High level of frustration to tolerance
Ability to channel one's energies towards the attainment of desirable goals
2. Probably the best way of handling the child who displays negativism, eg., refuses to obey orders, is
to ignore his defiance It is a natural phenomenon which he will outgrow
to take every opportunity to praise him for positive attitude
to insist on compliance to the same degree as other students
None of the above
3. The Speannan's theory of intelligence is to Thorndike's as
Qualitative is to quantitative
Innate is to acquired
Culture free to culture fair
Verbal is to performance
I Max. Marks: 110
4. "Culture-fair" test of intelligence is one that:
attempts to make the items free from all cultural influences
attempts to equahzc the cultural biases of the item.. so that the over all test is reasonably fair to all
is standardized separately for each culture and socio-economic level
attempts to minimize the cultural biases of the items
5. Field theory of psychologists would place least value on
learning by wholes
differentiation through insight
emphasis upon relationship
the theory bonds)
6. The law of effect is most closely connected with the concept of
Tension reduction
The conditioned response
7. Which of the following is not a pro(htct of learning?
8. Which of the following is not a
characteristic of the mentally child?
He is generally above average in sensory motor, musical and artistic aptitude
He tends to be above average in one or two traits
He is relatively lacking in ability to abstract and to generalize
He tends to be retarded in his physical development
9. Which of the following probably
represents the most ideal form of adjustment?
tal Adaptation to one's environment
Conformity to social expectations
Modification of one's environment to meet one's standard of excellence
Integration of one's goals and purposes with those of the social order
10. Boasting is a form of
11. Psychology's major education lics in: contribution to
defining the goals tcachcr should strive for which
providing a scientific foundation for the art of teaching
comparing effectiveness procedures of the vanous relative teaching
identifying potcntially successful educational procedures
12. All behavicur is caused by a need and is oriented towards:
solution of a problem
attainment of a goal
reorganization of experiences overcoming obstacles
13. The individual accounted for by behaviour is best
His w1Satisficd needs
Social pressures
Complex system motives and goals of interacting
J:Us moral train.ing as incorporated in his conscience
14. When arranged in order of potency according to Maslow's which of the foUowing needs would come third in the series?
(aj Love needs
Physiological needs
(cj Safety needs
15. The self concept refers to the individual's
concept of social recognition
concept of his worth
concept of self-esteem
attitude towards himself in relation to his environment
16. Feelings of inferiority arc symptomatic of a discrepancy between
competence and his level of aspiration
self concept and his self ideal
personal adequacy and his self concept
personal adequacy and that of his peers
17. best way to motivate a child to learn is:
to appeal to his sense of pride and self respect
to threaten him with failure and punishment
to make liberal usc of positive incentives
to rechannel the motives he already has
18, When school children peeome mischieviou5, explosive, rebellious or apathetic, the teacher should first look into
the atmosphere of the home. from whl:'re they come
the sociometric structure of the class
the curricular programme and other attractions competing for the children's interest
the appropriateness of the work assigned and demands made upon them
19. Success of an individual does not depend on his/her:
1. Q.
Physical health
20. The problem which most frequently accompanies fear reaction in children is:
Nail biting
Sleep disturbances
Temper tantrums
21. The group structures are measured most commonly by the
TIle group rating scale
Anecdotal record
22. The main reason for high school dropout is
dissatisfaction with the school programme
desire for employment
dissatisfaction with teachers
pressure from parents
23. The most important condition for group of people to become community is a a
well defined boundaries geographical
common shared ways of thinking and doing
disregard for external influencing
none of the above
24. Proposals which have been made for educating out of school youth include:
Organization of part time classes
Maintaining schaab/classes evening
Establishing centres adult education
All of the above
25. Which is not the social aim of education as stated by lhe lndian Education Commission •
Relating education to productivity
Strengthening social and national integration through educational programmes
Development of moral and spiritual values through education
Consoljdation of lhrough education democracy
26. Who among the following is the most
powerful agent of social change?
(cJ Students
School Managers
27. Social stratification means:
Traits that are socio-cconornic in
Differentiation which carries social prestige
Groups of different sex, age and intelligence
All of the above
28. Modernization as a process of social change requires
Decreased structura1 differmtiation
Increased structural differentiation
Structural fusion
None of these
29. Education as a sub-system of deplocratic society must respond to imperatives flowing from the
talented members of the society who can contribute to its progress
need to strengthen its army to protect the nation
need to maintai.n peace and order in the society
nature and direction of national development
30. A person having modem outlook may be identified on the basis of his/her:
Outward appearance
Socio-cconomic status
31. The approach to educational sociology draws its basis &om the study of
Social Organisation
All of the above
32. The educational sociologists claim that their discipline can contribute to the theory and practice of education:
it can give answer to "what ought to be taught in schools"
it can give an answer to "How can content be effectively taught"
It can give answer to "Who should receive education"?
All the above answers arc correct
33. Which of the following is not a factor in influencing group organization?
Common moral standards
Desire for security
Desire for recognition
None of the above
34. Human nature is the result of
The maturation of one's original nature
Hereditary factors only
Environmental factors only
Man's interaction with his culture
35. The latest theory of acculturation stresses
Cultural democracy
Cultural Pluralism
The melting pot idea
All of the above
36. The agency which plays the most significant role in transition of the individual to a lJfrsofl is the
Religious Institution
37. Why must the teacher be concerned about the children's activities outside the school?
The child is often marc interested in the out-of-school activities
The child is likely work habits to leam bad
Most parents arc too busy to take proper care of the child
38. 'l11e child learns through his outof-school experiences Which of the follOWing is a nmction of the school in this country •
It reflects the culture of the nation and community
It limits and directs learning of youth both the
It is a major (orce in changing the cultural pattern
All of the above
39. Three of the following are essential for teachers to do if schools are to fulfill the expectations of the society. Which one is not?
They must make school a replica of adult society
They must relate school activities to cultural patterns
They must record and guide behaviour in social interactions
They must know the cultural heritage of students
40. Three of the following are conditions the origin of fonnal schooling. Which one is not?
The need for transmitting the cultural heritage
The existence of tribal taboos, rituals and mores
The inadequacy of fonnal agencies to transmit culture
The accumulation of culture involving written language
41. Which of the following was not a major aim of Education according to Gandhian philosophy?
Education for self-reliance and capacity to earn ones livelihood
Education for intellectual
Education for cultural advancement
Education for moral and character development
42. Who emphasized that the aim of education should be to develop in children feelings of international brotherhood and attitude of international understanding?
(aJ Mahatma Gandhi
Rabindra Nath Tagorc
John Dewey
43. By saying that "Next to nature the child should be brought into touch with the stream of social behaviour, Tagore seems to be trying to emphasize"
Individual Aims of Education
Social aims of Education
individual and social aims both
Intellectual development aim of Education
44. Gandhiji was:
a naturalist
an Idealist
a pragmatist
All the above three
45. Which of the following believes in duality of existence -Purusha and Prakriti
None of the above
46. "The is divine, only held in the bondage of matter" was advocated by
Vedanta Philosophy
Samkhya Philosophy
AU of the above
47. The doctrine of Karma forms an
integral part of the philosophy of
Vedanta only
Buddhism only
Vedanta and Buddhism both
None of and
48. Which of the following Indian education commissions recomIr"!ended introduction of vocational education for the first time?
Huntes Conunission
Radhakrishnan Commission
Mudaliar Commission
Kothari Commission
49. UNESCO report on education for the 21st century is entitled
towards a learning society
towards a humane and enlightened society
learning' the treasure within
learning to Be
50. The report 'Towards an Enlightened and Humane society" is as
Janardhan Committee Report
Yashpal Committee Report
Kothari Commission Report
Acharya Rammurthy Committee
51. John Dewey emphasizes education as
Acquisition of knowledge
ReconstnlCtion of experiences
52. It is the function of Philosophy to
improve the tcachcrs knowledge of his subject
examine the rational foundations of school practice
rationalize pedagogical theories
now being put forth
Answers and (cl only
53. Teachers need to study educational philosophy because it helps them in
deciding thcir objectives
sclCEting thc conlent
adopting appropriate methodology
All of the above
54. Equality of educational opportunity
does not imply that:
Every one has.a right to education irrespective of caste, colour or
Every one has a right to establish educational institution
Every one can demand admission in Institution of his/her choice
Every one has a right to obtain quality education
55. Three of the following have some· thing in common. Which one does not belong in this group?
(aJ Essentialism
(cJ Pragmatism
56. Rousseau's romantic naturalism was opposed to the
Idea that feelings arc a part of nature
Doctrine of man's innate depravity
Idea of field trips and experimentation
Idea of meeting the demands of the child
57. To educate "according to nature" means
to educate according to the natural laws of human development
to study natural laws and apply them to educational process
Neither nor
IJoth (aJ and
58. Those whose educational philosophy is rooted in pragmatism:
reject the scientific method of experimentation
maintain that complcte objectivity is possible
claim that knowledge is tentative, truth is relative
accept stimulus-response learning
59. A teacher who belicves in Pragmatism would:
make usc of problem solving and functional activities m his teaching
group students on the basis of intelligence quotients
emphasize intellectual rather than vocational subjects
allow the students to take aU decisions
60. Which of the following is common to pragmatism, naturalism and existentialism
Emphasis on spiritual aims of Education
Emphasis on individual
Emphasis on physical environment
Emphasis on value education
61. Programmed learning is an example of:
Information technology
Instructional design system
Behaviour technology
Educational technology
62. About the activities of educational technologist, it can be rightly said that he is mainly concerned with
Preparing lesson plans effectively delivering the lesson
Designing and developing software and hardware to be used in class room for imparting instruction
Defining objectives, selecting
media and appropriate technologies, preparing instructional and evaluation tools
All of the above
63. Which of the following is not a core teaching skill
• Skill of response management
Stimulus variation
64. Inductive approach to teaching is generally preferred to deductive approach because
it is essay to practise
students take more interest
it stimulates reflection and leads to concept attainment effectively
None of· the above is correct reason
65. Who among the foUowing, has done pioneering work in organi7ing different models of teaching?
B. F. Skinner
B. Joyce and M. Weil
R. Gagne'
None of the above
66. Who is the author of Advance Organizer Model?
Joyee. Band Well. M.
David Ausubel
Hildar Taba
67. Among the following which is the most effective consideration m deciding/choosing appropriate methodes) or media to be used in teaching:
Nature of objective(s) to be realized
Complexity of the content
Group size of the trainees
None of the above
68. Concept attainment is based on
Inductive approach to teachinglearning
Deductive approach to teachingleaming
Synthetic approach to teachinglearning
All of the above
69. An objective written performance terms must fulfill at least three of the following criteria. Which one is not necessary
Testability /observability
Conditions under which performance is to occur
70. Which of the following is not a step in the Basic Teaching Model of Glaser?
Assessing the entering behaviour
Designing and developing instructional objectives
Attainment of the concepts
Performance assessment and feed back loop
71. Which of the following statements is correct about impairment, disability and handicap?
Impairment and disability have the same connotation
Disability and handicap mean the same tltiflg
Handicap and impairment are not different in meaning
Impairment, disability and handicap are related but each COlU1otes differently
72. According to PWD (Persons with disabilities) Act 1995, disability means a person suffering from not less than ................. percent of a disability as authenticated by a medical authority.
73. Which of the following MR (mentally
retarded) persons are generally. considered as 'educable'
Moderate MR (IQ between 35-49)
Mild MR (lQ between 50·70)
Both and above
Ne;ther nor above
74. If the hearing loss is approximately equal in both ears of a child, which of the following hearing aids will be considered better?
Pseudo-binaural fitting
Bmaural fitting
Mono-aural fitting
None of the above
75. Which of the following is not particularly concerned with rights of children with special needs?
UNESCO Commission on Education for the 21st century; Learning: The Treasure within
Jometian Declaration on Education for All (1990)
Salamanca Statement and Frame Work for Action (1994)
Dakar Frame Work for Action
76. According to UNESCO an inclusive society is one:
in which every adult has a right to education
which provides special schooling for disabled children
in which difference is respected, celebrated and valued
none of the above
Which of the following is the best strategy for teaching children with special needs
Discussion m which maximum number of students participate
Demonstration by the teacher involving students in the activity
Cooperative learning and peer tutoring
Ability groupmg
78. Which of the following strategies is least important for attitude modification towards disabled children?
Advocacy programmes using films, radio programmes, lV. etc.
Discouraging those who view disabled children negatively
ReadUlg the histories of disabled
persons who have achieved greater heights
Involving social participation of parents of such children
79. Early identification and intervention of persons with special needs 15 important because
it is not possible to easily identify the disability after childhood stage is over
the disability identified later is difficult to cure
it is not possible to intervene during adolescent period
there is a critical period m the natural development process during which a skill is most easily acquired
80. What kind of attitude one should have towards disabled person?
An attitude of sympathy and pity
An attitude of benevolence
They deserve independent living and equal opportunities
All of the above
81. Which of the following indicates that it is a parameter not a statistics?
82. Which of the following statements is correct?
Values obtained on the basis of the whole population are known as statistics
Values obtained from samples are known as parameters
Values obtained from population are known as parameters
Values obtained from samples are not known as statistics
83. If a researcher wants to know how different levels of an independent variable affect the dependent variable
at different levels of another independent variable, he should use
Analysis of covariance method
Two way analysis of variance
Multiple correlation method
Factorial analysis of variance method
84. In the case of ANOVA, if there arc no
treatment effects at all, the F-ratio will be,
Any value between ±1.0
85. Whether a researcher should use .05 or .01 level of significance for testing the hypothesis is determined by
how important are the findings
how much risk is involved m incorrect findings
how much precision is required
all of the above
86. Correlation studies reveal
whether there is a relationship between the variables or not
how much relationship is there and of what kind
which variable is the cause and which is the effect
None of the above
87. The case study is the study of: (aJ Single group
Single individual
Single Community, institution or family
Single unit done intensively.
88. Qualitative analysis is not at all used in:
Descriptive research
Ethnographical research
Experimental research
Historical research
89. Validity of psychological test means
The test measures certain predcti'!rmlned values
lhe test measures something consistent
The test measures what it purports to measure
The test yields scores that are stable
90. Ln the notation rl2.3 which subscript stands for the variable to be partialed out:
1 and 2 both
91. Guidance and personnal services are aimed at to help:
the problem child only
the retarded pupils only
all pupils
92. Counselling is to Guidance as
Instruction (teaching) is to personnel work
Instruction is to administration
Personnel work is to education
Education is to learning
93. According to research, which of the following is not a duty generally expected of school counsellors
Set up the school curriculum
Administer testing programme
Coordinate guidance programme
Some class room teaching
94. In counselling with the pupil, the
teacher should . establish rapport with the pupil
ptan to do most of the talking
assume responsibility for sqlving his problems
none of the above
95. In handling placement services, one should remember that
the placement officer should not attempt to do counselling
placement should include training as well as job placement
follow up of placement is a function of placement
answer and only
96. In placement and canying out a career conference, the most important need is to:
sec that every pupil gets to talk to at least one visiting consultant
let the speaker know the general procedure and what is expected of
schedule aU conferences the same day or else during the same week
prevent pupils from entering the room after the conference has started
97. The device most frequently used to obtain home background and general infonnation is the
home visit
98. Concerning a person's interests, it can be said truthluUy that:
they are inborn rather than developed
they are influenced by past experiences
they are reliable indications of aptitudes
none of the above is correct
99. The most important element in the conduct of em interview is
establishment of good rapport
preparation of a case summary
derivation of hypothesis
freedom from interruptions
100. In the final analysis the effectiveness of counselling provided to a school child can be judged best by
the ar:ademic success of the student
the personality attributes of the pupil
the adjustment of student of school life
vocational effectiveness of the client
101. Which of the following is not correct about a hypothesis
It is essential in studies where cause-effect relationships are to be discovered
It is less crucial 1Il studies U1 which the task is one of determining the status of a given phenomenon
Its absence essentially means no research
Even in the case of status-studies the investigator needs some tentative hypotheses
102. "l3oys arc not superior to girls with regard to achievement" is a
Non-directional hypothesis
Directional hypothesis
Two tailed hypothesis
NuU hypothesis
103. Which of the following helps in identification of research problem?
Review of related literature
Researcher's own experience
Discussion with the supervisor
AU of the above
104. Which of the following is not the goal of scientific method of acquiring knowledge?
Fact finding
105. If the findings of a research have practical implications for improving educational practice, it should be classified as
Applied research
Pure research
Descriptive research
Experimental research
106. Which statement about the data of descriptive research is wrong?
It may be qualitative, in verbal symbols
It may be quanbtative, in mathematical symbols
It may be qualitative and quantitative both
It is only qualitative, nevel' quantitative
107. Which of the following is not a correct statement?
A test can be rellable without being valid
A test can be reliable and valid both
ec) A test cannot be valid without being· reltable
A test can be valid without being reliable
108. In the case of ANOVA SSw means:
the variance caused by the treabnents
the variance caused by differences within the subjects
the variance caused by the extraneous factors
total variance between the groups
109. Studying different groups of children of different ages and describing their developmental characteristics 15 known most appropriately as
Developmental studies
Trend studies
Longitudinal studies
Cross sectional studies
110. "Method of equal appearing intervals" forming the basis of constructing I attitude scales was developed by
Thurstone and
111. When the population is heterogeneous, which of the following sampling method yields more efficient results?
Cluster sampling
Stratified sampling
Random sampling
Purposive sampling
112, Randomization re5earch ensures: in experimental
Uniformity of groups
Similarity of groups
Uniformity and similarity of groups Uniformity, equalization of groups and
113. Action research is ordinarily concerned with problems, which
arc of general nature
constitute universal truths
are of immediate concern and call for immediate solution
have long range implication
ST·09IEDU/B 18
114. Research in education by teachers is important because
it adds to their academic qualification
if makes them wiser
it makes them better teachers
it enables them to make best possible judgements about what should be taught and how
115. A hypothesis in educational research need not be:
compatible with well-attested theories and models
logically consistent and pertinent to the question under consideration
capable of generalizations that can be applied in many areas of education and other fields
precise and plausible
116. A true experiment in research does not essentially involve:
manipulation of independent variables
control of extraneous variables
random assignment of subjects to treatment groups
control of pre-test effects
117. One tailed test of significance means
testing the null hypothesis
testing the substantive hypothesis
testing the non-directional hypothesis
testing the directional hypothesis
118. Which is not correct about nonparametric test of significance?
They are distribution-free traits
They arc small sample tests
They compare population distributions rather than parameters
They make strong assumptions of homogeneity of variance of the groups to be compared
119. V'hen the questions are presented to the respondents in a £nce to face sItuation in which the interviewer fills out the _query rather than the respondents, it is known as
Ca) an inventory
a questionnaire
a scht:dule
a test
120. In a factorial design experiment with
"At> having three levels, having two
levels and having four levels. what
will be the degrees of freedom for
SSAXBXC if N in each cell is 5.
Serial No. CU2liaJ Test Booklet Series B
Time Allowed: Two HOllrs MaximulII Marks: 120
You have to enter your Roll Number on this IY IIN I
our 0 o.
'ntis Booklet contains 120 items (questions). Each item comprises four response (answers). You wiU select one response which you want to mark on the Respons Sheet. In case you feel that there is more than one correct response, mark the response which you consider the best In any case, choose ONtYOND response for each item.
In case you find any discrepency, in this test booklet in any question(s) or the Responses, a written representation explaining the details of such aUeged discrepcncy, be submitted within three days, indicating the Question and the Test Booklet Series, in which the discrcpency is alleged. Representation not received within time shall not be entertained at all.
You have to mark aU your responses ONtYon the separate Response Sheet provided. Sec directions in the Response Sheet.
All items carry equal marks. Attempt ALL items. Your total marks will depend only on the number of correct respo·nses marked by you in the Response Sheet.
Before you proceed to mark in the Response Sheet the response to various item.'i in the Test Booklet, you have to fill in some particulars in the Response Sheet as per instructions sent to you with your Admit Card and Instructions.
While writing Centre, Subject, and Roll No. on the top of the Response Sheet in appropriate boxes use "ONLY BAll POINT PEN".
After you have completed filling in all your response on the Response Shecl and the examination has concluded, you should hand over to the lnvigilator only the Response Sheet. You are permitted to take away with you the Test Booklet.
(For Rough Work)
Screening Test-2009
n",e Allowed: Two Hours I
1. Which of the following characteristics is most basic to good emotional adjustment?
Ability to make friends easily
Ability to make head on attack on problems as they arise
High level of frustration to tolerance
Ability to channel one's energies towards the attainment of desirable goals
2. Probably the best way of handling the child who displays negativism, eg., refuses to obey orders, is
to ignore his defiance It is a natural phenomenon which he will outgrow
to take every opportunity to praise him for positive attitude
to insist on compliance to the same degree as other students
None of the above
3. The Speannan's theory of intelligence is to Thorndike's as
Qualitative is to quantitative
Innate is to acquired
Culture free to culture fair
Verbal is to performance
I Max. Marks: 110
4. "Culture-fair" test of intelligence is one that:
attempts to make the items free from all cultural influences
attempts to equahzc the cultural biases of the item.. so that the over all test is reasonably fair to all
is standardized separately for each culture and socio-economic level
attempts to minimize the cultural biases of the items
5. Field theory of psychologists would place least value on
learning by wholes
differentiation through insight
emphasis upon relationship
the theory bonds)
6. The law of effect is most closely connected with the concept of
Tension reduction
The conditioned response
7. Which of the following is not a pro(htct of learning?
8. Which of the following is not a
characteristic of the mentally child?
He is generally above average in sensory motor, musical and artistic aptitude
He tends to be above average in one or two traits
He is relatively lacking in ability to abstract and to generalize
He tends to be retarded in his physical development
9. Which of the following probably
represents the most ideal form of adjustment?
tal Adaptation to one's environment
Conformity to social expectations
Modification of one's environment to meet one's standard of excellence
Integration of one's goals and purposes with those of the social order
10. Boasting is a form of
11. Psychology's major education lics in: contribution to
defining the goals tcachcr should strive for which
providing a scientific foundation for the art of teaching
comparing effectiveness procedures of the vanous relative teaching
identifying potcntially successful educational procedures
12. All behavicur is caused by a need and is oriented towards:
solution of a problem
attainment of a goal
reorganization of experiences overcoming obstacles
13. The individual accounted for by behaviour is best
His w1Satisficd needs
Social pressures
Complex system motives and goals of interacting
J:Us moral train.ing as incorporated in his conscience
14. When arranged in order of potency according to Maslow's which of the foUowing needs would come third in the series?
(aj Love needs
Physiological needs
(cj Safety needs
15. The self concept refers to the individual's
concept of social recognition
concept of his worth
concept of self-esteem
attitude towards himself in relation to his environment
16. Feelings of inferiority arc symptomatic of a discrepancy between
competence and his level of aspiration
self concept and his self ideal
personal adequacy and his self concept
personal adequacy and that of his peers
17. best way to motivate a child to learn is:
to appeal to his sense of pride and self respect
to threaten him with failure and punishment
to make liberal usc of positive incentives
to rechannel the motives he already has
18, When school children peeome mischieviou5, explosive, rebellious or apathetic, the teacher should first look into
the atmosphere of the home. from whl:'re they come
the sociometric structure of the class
the curricular programme and other attractions competing for the children's interest
the appropriateness of the work assigned and demands made upon them
19. Success of an individual does not depend on his/her:
1. Q.
Physical health
20. The problem which most frequently accompanies fear reaction in children is:
Nail biting
Sleep disturbances
Temper tantrums
21. The group structures are measured most commonly by the
TIle group rating scale
Anecdotal record
22. The main reason for high school dropout is
dissatisfaction with the school programme
desire for employment
dissatisfaction with teachers
pressure from parents
23. The most important condition for group of people to become community is a a
well defined boundaries geographical
common shared ways of thinking and doing
disregard for external influencing
none of the above
24. Proposals which have been made for educating out of school youth include:
Organization of part time classes
Maintaining schaab/classes evening
Establishing centres adult education
All of the above
25. Which is not the social aim of education as stated by lhe lndian Education Commission •
Relating education to productivity
Strengthening social and national integration through educational programmes
Development of moral and spiritual values through education
Consoljdation of lhrough education democracy
26. Who among the following is the most
powerful agent of social change?
(cJ Students
School Managers
27. Social stratification means:
Traits that are socio-cconornic in
Differentiation which carries social prestige
Groups of different sex, age and intelligence
All of the above
28. Modernization as a process of social change requires
Decreased structura1 differmtiation
Increased structural differentiation
Structural fusion
None of these
29. Education as a sub-system of deplocratic society must respond to imperatives flowing from the
talented members of the society who can contribute to its progress
need to strengthen its army to protect the nation
need to maintai.n peace and order in the society
nature and direction of national development
30. A person having modem outlook may be identified on the basis of his/her:
Outward appearance
Socio-cconomic status
31. The approach to educational sociology draws its basis &om the study of
Social Organisation
All of the above
32. The educational sociologists claim that their discipline can contribute to the theory and practice of education:
it can give answer to "what ought to be taught in schools"
it can give an answer to "How can content be effectively taught"
It can give answer to "Who should receive education"?
All the above answers arc correct
33. Which of the following is not a factor in influencing group organization?
Common moral standards
Desire for security
Desire for recognition
None of the above
34. Human nature is the result of
The maturation of one's original nature
Hereditary factors only
Environmental factors only
Man's interaction with his culture
35. The latest theory of acculturation stresses
Cultural democracy
Cultural Pluralism
The melting pot idea
All of the above
36. The agency which plays the most significant role in transition of the individual to a lJfrsofl is the
Religious Institution
37. Why must the teacher be concerned about the children's activities outside the school?
The child is often marc interested in the out-of-school activities
The child is likely work habits to leam bad
Most parents arc too busy to take proper care of the child
38. 'l11e child learns through his outof-school experiences Which of the follOWing is a nmction of the school in this country •
It reflects the culture of the nation and community
It limits and directs learning of youth both the
It is a major (orce in changing the cultural pattern
All of the above
39. Three of the following are essential for teachers to do if schools are to fulfill the expectations of the society. Which one is not?
They must make school a replica of adult society
They must relate school activities to cultural patterns
They must record and guide behaviour in social interactions
They must know the cultural heritage of students
40. Three of the following are conditions the origin of fonnal schooling. Which one is not?
The need for transmitting the cultural heritage
The existence of tribal taboos, rituals and mores
The inadequacy of fonnal agencies to transmit culture
The accumulation of culture involving written language
41. Which of the following was not a major aim of Education according to Gandhian philosophy?
Education for self-reliance and capacity to earn ones livelihood
Education for intellectual
Education for cultural advancement
Education for moral and character development
42. Who emphasized that the aim of education should be to develop in children feelings of international brotherhood and attitude of international understanding?
(aJ Mahatma Gandhi
Rabindra Nath Tagorc
John Dewey
43. By saying that "Next to nature the child should be brought into touch with the stream of social behaviour, Tagore seems to be trying to emphasize"
Individual Aims of Education
Social aims of Education
individual and social aims both
Intellectual development aim of Education
44. Gandhiji was:
a naturalist
an Idealist
a pragmatist
All the above three
45. Which of the following believes in duality of existence -Purusha and Prakriti
None of the above
46. "The is divine, only held in the bondage of matter" was advocated by
Vedanta Philosophy
Samkhya Philosophy
AU of the above
47. The doctrine of Karma forms an
integral part of the philosophy of
Vedanta only
Buddhism only
Vedanta and Buddhism both
None of and
48. Which of the following Indian education commissions recomIr"!ended introduction of vocational education for the first time?
Huntes Conunission
Radhakrishnan Commission
Mudaliar Commission
Kothari Commission
49. UNESCO report on education for the 21st century is entitled
towards a learning society
towards a humane and enlightened society
learning' the treasure within
learning to Be
50. The report 'Towards an Enlightened and Humane society" is as
Janardhan Committee Report
Yashpal Committee Report
Kothari Commission Report
Acharya Rammurthy Committee
51. John Dewey emphasizes education as
Acquisition of knowledge
ReconstnlCtion of experiences
52. It is the function of Philosophy to
improve the tcachcrs knowledge of his subject
examine the rational foundations of school practice
rationalize pedagogical theories
now being put forth
Answers and (cl only
53. Teachers need to study educational philosophy because it helps them in
deciding thcir objectives
sclCEting thc conlent
adopting appropriate methodology
All of the above
54. Equality of educational opportunity
does not imply that:
Every one has.a right to education irrespective of caste, colour or
Every one has a right to establish educational institution
Every one can demand admission in Institution of his/her choice
Every one has a right to obtain quality education
55. Three of the following have some· thing in common. Which one does not belong in this group?
(aJ Essentialism
(cJ Pragmatism
56. Rousseau's romantic naturalism was opposed to the
Idea that feelings arc a part of nature
Doctrine of man's innate depravity
Idea of field trips and experimentation
Idea of meeting the demands of the child
57. To educate "according to nature" means
to educate according to the natural laws of human development
to study natural laws and apply them to educational process
Neither nor
IJoth (aJ and
58. Those whose educational philosophy is rooted in pragmatism:
reject the scientific method of experimentation
maintain that complcte objectivity is possible
claim that knowledge is tentative, truth is relative
accept stimulus-response learning
59. A teacher who belicves in Pragmatism would:
make usc of problem solving and functional activities m his teaching
group students on the basis of intelligence quotients
emphasize intellectual rather than vocational subjects
allow the students to take aU decisions
60. Which of the following is common to pragmatism, naturalism and existentialism
Emphasis on spiritual aims of Education
Emphasis on individual
Emphasis on physical environment
Emphasis on value education
61. Programmed learning is an example of:
Information technology
Instructional design system
Behaviour technology
Educational technology
62. About the activities of educational technologist, it can be rightly said that he is mainly concerned with
Preparing lesson plans effectively delivering the lesson
Designing and developing software and hardware to be used in class room for imparting instruction
Defining objectives, selecting
media and appropriate technologies, preparing instructional and evaluation tools
All of the above
63. Which of the following is not a core teaching skill
• Skill of response management
Stimulus variation
64. Inductive approach to teaching is generally preferred to deductive approach because
it is essay to practise
students take more interest
it stimulates reflection and leads to concept attainment effectively
None of· the above is correct reason
65. Who among the foUowing, has done pioneering work in organi7ing different models of teaching?
B. F. Skinner
B. Joyce and M. Weil
R. Gagne'
None of the above
66. Who is the author of Advance Organizer Model?
Joyee. Band Well. M.
David Ausubel
Hildar Taba
67. Among the following which is the most effective consideration m deciding/choosing appropriate methodes) or media to be used in teaching:
Nature of objective(s) to be realized
Complexity of the content
Group size of the trainees
None of the above
68. Concept attainment is based on
Inductive approach to teachinglearning
Deductive approach to teachingleaming
Synthetic approach to teachinglearning
All of the above
69. An objective written performance terms must fulfill at least three of the following criteria. Which one is not necessary
Testability /observability
Conditions under which performance is to occur
70. Which of the following is not a step in the Basic Teaching Model of Glaser?
Assessing the entering behaviour
Designing and developing instructional objectives
Attainment of the concepts
Performance assessment and feed back loop
71. Which of the following statements is correct about impairment, disability and handicap?
Impairment and disability have the same connotation
Disability and handicap mean the same tltiflg
Handicap and impairment are not different in meaning
Impairment, disability and handicap are related but each COlU1otes differently
72. According to PWD (Persons with disabilities) Act 1995, disability means a person suffering from not less than ................. percent of a disability as authenticated by a medical authority.
73. Which of the following MR (mentally
retarded) persons are generally. considered as 'educable'
Moderate MR (IQ between 35-49)
Mild MR (lQ between 50·70)
Both and above
Ne;ther nor above
74. If the hearing loss is approximately equal in both ears of a child, which of the following hearing aids will be considered better?
Pseudo-binaural fitting
Bmaural fitting
Mono-aural fitting
None of the above
75. Which of the following is not particularly concerned with rights of children with special needs?
UNESCO Commission on Education for the 21st century; Learning: The Treasure within
Jometian Declaration on Education for All (1990)
Salamanca Statement and Frame Work for Action (1994)
Dakar Frame Work for Action
76. According to UNESCO an inclusive society is one:
in which every adult has a right to education
which provides special schooling for disabled children
in which difference is respected, celebrated and valued
none of the above
Which of the following is the best strategy for teaching children with special needs
Discussion m which maximum number of students participate
Demonstration by the teacher involving students in the activity
Cooperative learning and peer tutoring
Ability groupmg
78. Which of the following strategies is least important for attitude modification towards disabled children?
Advocacy programmes using films, radio programmes, lV. etc.
Discouraging those who view disabled children negatively
ReadUlg the histories of disabled
persons who have achieved greater heights
Involving social participation of parents of such children
79. Early identification and intervention of persons with special needs 15 important because
it is not possible to easily identify the disability after childhood stage is over
the disability identified later is difficult to cure
it is not possible to intervene during adolescent period
there is a critical period m the natural development process during which a skill is most easily acquired
80. What kind of attitude one should have towards disabled person?
An attitude of sympathy and pity
An attitude of benevolence
They deserve independent living and equal opportunities
All of the above
81. Which of the following indicates that it is a parameter not a statistics?
82. Which of the following statements is correct?
Values obtained on the basis of the whole population are known as statistics
Values obtained from samples are known as parameters
Values obtained from population are known as parameters
Values obtained from samples are not known as statistics
83. If a researcher wants to know how different levels of an independent variable affect the dependent variable
at different levels of another independent variable, he should use
Analysis of covariance method
Two way analysis of variance
Multiple correlation method
Factorial analysis of variance method
84. In the case of ANOVA, if there arc no
treatment effects at all, the F-ratio will be,
Any value between ±1.0
85. Whether a researcher should use .05 or .01 level of significance for testing the hypothesis is determined by
how important are the findings
how much risk is involved m incorrect findings
how much precision is required
all of the above
86. Correlation studies reveal
whether there is a relationship between the variables or not
how much relationship is there and of what kind
which variable is the cause and which is the effect
None of the above
87. The case study is the study of: (aJ Single group
Single individual
Single Community, institution or family
Single unit done intensively.
88. Qualitative analysis is not at all used in:
Descriptive research
Ethnographical research
Experimental research
Historical research
89. Validity of psychological test means
The test measures certain predcti'!rmlned values
lhe test measures something consistent
The test measures what it purports to measure
The test yields scores that are stable
90. Ln the notation rl2.3 which subscript stands for the variable to be partialed out:
1 and 2 both
91. Guidance and personnal services are aimed at to help:
the problem child only
the retarded pupils only
all pupils
92. Counselling is to Guidance as
Instruction (teaching) is to personnel work
Instruction is to administration
Personnel work is to education
Education is to learning
93. According to research, which of the following is not a duty generally expected of school counsellors
Set up the school curriculum
Administer testing programme
Coordinate guidance programme
Some class room teaching
94. In counselling with the pupil, the
teacher should . establish rapport with the pupil
ptan to do most of the talking
assume responsibility for sqlving his problems
none of the above
95. In handling placement services, one should remember that
the placement officer should not attempt to do counselling
placement should include training as well as job placement
follow up of placement is a function of placement
answer and only
96. In placement and canying out a career conference, the most important need is to:
sec that every pupil gets to talk to at least one visiting consultant
let the speaker know the general procedure and what is expected of
schedule aU conferences the same day or else during the same week
prevent pupils from entering the room after the conference has started
97. The device most frequently used to obtain home background and general infonnation is the
home visit
98. Concerning a person's interests, it can be said truthluUy that:
they are inborn rather than developed
they are influenced by past experiences
they are reliable indications of aptitudes
none of the above is correct
99. The most important element in the conduct of em interview is
establishment of good rapport
preparation of a case summary
derivation of hypothesis
freedom from interruptions
100. In the final analysis the effectiveness of counselling provided to a school child can be judged best by
the ar:ademic success of the student
the personality attributes of the pupil
the adjustment of student of school life
vocational effectiveness of the client
101. Which of the following is not correct about a hypothesis
It is essential in studies where cause-effect relationships are to be discovered
It is less crucial 1Il studies U1 which the task is one of determining the status of a given phenomenon
Its absence essentially means no research
Even in the case of status-studies the investigator needs some tentative hypotheses
102. "l3oys arc not superior to girls with regard to achievement" is a
Non-directional hypothesis
Directional hypothesis
Two tailed hypothesis
NuU hypothesis
103. Which of the following helps in identification of research problem?
Review of related literature
Researcher's own experience
Discussion with the supervisor
AU of the above
104. Which of the following is not the goal of scientific method of acquiring knowledge?
Fact finding
105. If the findings of a research have practical implications for improving educational practice, it should be classified as
Applied research
Pure research
Descriptive research
Experimental research
106. Which statement about the data of descriptive research is wrong?
It may be qualitative, in verbal symbols
It may be quanbtative, in mathematical symbols
It may be qualitative and quantitative both
It is only qualitative, nevel' quantitative
107. Which of the following is not a correct statement?
A test can be rellable without being valid
A test can be reliable and valid both
ec) A test cannot be valid without being· reltable
A test can be valid without being reliable
108. In the case of ANOVA SSw means:
the variance caused by the treabnents
the variance caused by differences within the subjects
the variance caused by the extraneous factors
total variance between the groups
109. Studying different groups of children of different ages and describing their developmental characteristics 15 known most appropriately as
Developmental studies
Trend studies
Longitudinal studies
Cross sectional studies
110. "Method of equal appearing intervals" forming the basis of constructing I attitude scales was developed by
Thurstone and
111. When the population is heterogeneous, which of the following sampling method yields more efficient results?
Cluster sampling
Stratified sampling
Random sampling
Purposive sampling
112, Randomization re5earch ensures: in experimental
Uniformity of groups
Similarity of groups
Uniformity and similarity of groups Uniformity, equalization of groups and
113. Action research is ordinarily concerned with problems, which
arc of general nature
constitute universal truths
are of immediate concern and call for immediate solution
have long range implication
ST·09IEDU/B 18
114. Research in education by teachers is important because
it adds to their academic qualification
if makes them wiser
it makes them better teachers
it enables them to make best possible judgements about what should be taught and how
115. A hypothesis in educational research need not be:
compatible with well-attested theories and models
logically consistent and pertinent to the question under consideration
capable of generalizations that can be applied in many areas of education and other fields
precise and plausible
116. A true experiment in research does not essentially involve:
manipulation of independent variables
control of extraneous variables
random assignment of subjects to treatment groups
control of pre-test effects
117. One tailed test of significance means
testing the null hypothesis
testing the substantive hypothesis
testing the non-directional hypothesis
testing the directional hypothesis
118. Which is not correct about nonparametric test of significance?
They are distribution-free traits
They arc small sample tests
They compare population distributions rather than parameters
They make strong assumptions of homogeneity of variance of the groups to be compared
119. V'hen the questions are presented to the respondents in a £nce to face sItuation in which the interviewer fills out the _query rather than the respondents, it is known as
Ca) an inventory
a questionnaire
a scht:dule
a test
120. In a factorial design experiment with
"At> having three levels, having two
levels and having four levels. what
will be the degrees of freedom for
SSAXBXC if N in each cell is 5.
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