Exam Details

Subject unix and shell programming
Exam / Course m.sc. (software engineering)
Organization Alagappa University Distance Education
Exam Date May, 2017
City, State tamil nadu, karaikudi

Question Paper

M.Sc. Years Integrated) DEGREE EXAMINATION,
MAY 2017.
Software Engineering
Time Three hours Maximum 100 marks
Examiner has to choose any ONE question.
Each subdivision carries 50 marks.
1. Write and execute a shell program to generate leave
status report of an organization.
Write a Menu Driven Shell program for the
List of files
Processes of users
Today's date
Users of system
Quit to UNIX.
2. Write and execute a shell program to send mail to
groups of users by extracting their functioned group
Write a shell program which accepts the name of a
file from the standard input and then performing
the following tests on it
Enter the 5 names in a file
Sort the names in existing file
List unsorted and sorted file
Sub. Code
Cut here
3. Write a program for four-function calculator by
using yacc command.
Write a Menu Driven shell program to perform the
following tasks.
Enter the sentence in a file
Search a given whole word in an existing file
4. Write a shell program to sum up the series
A Hospital maintains patient details. Write a shell
program to list the following.
Patients in a blood groupwise
Patients in age between 20 to 30
5. Write a Menu Driven shell program to copy, edit,
rename, delete a file.
Write a shell program to prepare electric bill for
domestic consumers.
For first 100 units Rs. 0.75/unit
For next 100 units Rs. 1.50/unit
Above 200 units Rs. 3.00/unit
Prepare the Electricity bill in the following format
Customer no
Customer name
Previous reading
Current reading
Units consumed
Cut here
Cut here
6. Write a shell program which periodically monitors
the disk for the existence of a file and then executes
the program once the file has been located. (Using
UNTIL statement).
Write and execute a shell program to do the
Convert given string in center of given row in
BOLD, normal or reverse video.
Write given string at given row, column in
BOLD, normal and reverse video.
Search a given string using awk with various
7. Write a shell program which accepts the name of a
file from the standard input and then performs the
following tests on it
File existence
File readable
File writable
Both readable and writable.
Write and execute a shell program to print monthly
payslips for employees in an organization. Assume
your own data and generate accordingly.
8. Write a shell program using 3 arguments to take
the pattern as well as input and output file names.
If the pattern is found, display "Pattern found" else
display "Error message" Also check if right number
of arguments are entered.
Write and execute a shell program to generate leave
status report of an organization.


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