Exam Details
Subject | commerce and accountancy | |
Paper | ||
Exam / Course | civil services preliminary | |
Department | ||
Organization | odisha public service commission | |
Position | ||
Exam Date | 2006 | |
City, State | odisha, |
Question Paper
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I. Audit working papers are the property of
Registrar of companies
Government of India
2. Internal Auditor is appointed by the:
Shareholders of the company
Statutory auditor
Institute of internal auditors of India
Board of directors of the company
3. Management Audit is
an independent appraisal of the total management process
a statutory requirement
an investigation into the conduct of director
an independent appraisal of competitiveness of business
4. Period costs are
affected by changes in the level of activity
directly proportionate to the level of activity
unaffected by changes in the level of activity
associated with a unit of product
5. Marginal cost is
variable cost of one unit of product
fixed cost of one unit of product
total cost of one unit of product
opportunity cost ofone unit ofproduct
6. Cost of policy formulation is the example of:
Production cost
Administrative cost
Selling and Distribution cost
None of these
BAC-32 2B
7. Prime product cost is equal to
Direct Material Direct Labour
Direct Expenses
Direct Material Direct Labour
Indirect Expenses
Direct Material Direct Labour
Direct Expenses -Indirect Expenses
Direct Material Indirect Labour
Direct Expenses
8. If volume of production is increased, then:
Fixed cost per unit will remain unchanged.
Fixed cost per unit will decrease
Fixed cost per unit will increase
Variable cost per unit will increase
9. Amount of underwriting commission payable on issue of debentures is limited to
10. Which of the following sections of the Companies Act, 1956 requires the maintenance of proper books of account?
Section 205
Section 209
Section 211
Section 217
II. The minimum share application money is
Rs. 5 per share
Rs. 10 per share
of the face value of shares
10% of the face value of shares
12. The remuneration payable to a managing whole time director ofthe company should not exceed
of the net profit
of the net profit
10% of the net profit
II of the net profit
13. A company auditor can be removed by
Board of Directors
• Managing Director
Any Director
General Meeting
14. The most significant test of a business solvency is indicated with the help of the following ratio
Net profit after taxes
Total assets
Total fixed assets(b)
Capital employed
Total assets
Total outside liabilities
Current assets Current liabilities
IS. The return on equity capital ratio is obtained by dividing net profit (after tax) less preference dividend by
Total capital
Current assets
Equity capital
Fixed assets
16. The higher the ratio, the lower the profitability would be relevant in the case of:
Gross Profit Ratio
Operating Ratio
Net Profit Ratio.
Interest Coverage Ratio
BAC-32 3B
17. Which one ofthe following is least suited for measuring return on investmt:nt
Invested Capital
Net operating income before interest and taxes
Average total assets
Operating income ratio x Total assets turnover
Net income after interest but before taxes
Average total shareholder equity
18. Return on investment is meaningful to
J. Shareholders
Management Of the statements given below
I alone is true
I and 3 are true
2 and 3 are true
2 and 3 are true
19. Payment of interim dividend is a
Source of fund
Application of fund
No flow of fund
All the above
20. Flow of funds takes place when
Creditors are issued bills payable
There is loss on sale of machinery
Building is sold on payment vide Banker Demand Draft
Transfer is made to general reserve
21. A plant standing in the books at Rs. 44,000 was sold for Rs. 62,000. The profit on its sale raised the net profit to Rs. 1,84,000. Find out the fund from operation
22. Which one ofthe foUowing is an example of sources of funds?
Decrease in share capital
Decrease in long term liabilities
Increase in long term liabilities
Increase in fixed assets
23. Which of the following items are applications of fund
I. Loss from operations
Loans from financial institutions
Redemption of debentures
l'ayment of dividend
Sale of fixed assets
24. A banking company in India can issue:
Only equity capital and debentures
Only equity capital and preference capital
Only equity capital
Any type of security
25. Naked debentures are those:
Which are not secured
Which are transferrable by mere delivery
Which cannot be exchanged for shares
In respect of which no time is fixed for redemption
26. The Public Company is defined under
which Section of The Companies
Act 1956?
27. If a company adopts Table the
maximum rate of interest payable per •
annum by a person to the company on
calls in arrear is
28. The Provision for doubtful debts is made
by crediting
Profit and Loss Account
Provision for Doubtful Debts ACcount
Debtors Account
Bad Debts Account
29. Reserve is charged to
Profit and Loss Account
Profit and Loss Appropriation
Balance Sheet
General Reserve Account
30. Which of the following is not a Capital
Premium on the issue of shares
Profits prior to incorporation
Profit on the sale on fixed assets
Dividend Equalization reserve
IB (CoDtd.)
31. A Provision isa
General Reserve
Capital Reserve
Specific Reserve
Both and
32. In which method, the assets account appears at its original cost throughout its life?
Sum of digits method
Sinking Fund method
Annuity method
Revaluation method
33. Any profit arising by sale of furniture by a cricket club will be shown
As expenses in the income and expenditure account
As liability in Balance Sheet
As income in the income and expenditure account
As an asset in Balance Sheet
34. Legacies debited in receipts and payments account are
Shown as income in the income and expenditure account
Shown as expenditure in the income and expenditure
Shown on the asset side of Balance Sheet
Shown on the liabilities side of Balance Sheet
35. The Income and Expenditure account begins with
Debit Balance
Credit Balance
No Balance
Both and
BAC-32 5B
36. Admission fee income should be
Treated as revenue
Treated as revenue unless the amount is pretty large
Treated as a liability
37. The receipts and payments account shows the Subscriptions received as Current year Rs. 5000/, Previous year Rs. 5001and next year Rs. 700/-. The amount to be taken to Income and Expenditure account should be
Rs. 6200/
Rs. 5000/
Rs. 5700/
Rs. 5200/
38. X and Y shared profits in the ratio of
7 5. They admit a new partner Z whom they give 1/6th share in profits. He acquires this share as 1/24th from X and 1/8th from
The new profit sharing ratio of Y andZ willbe
35:25: 12
39. A and B are equal partners in a firm the new partner brought Rs. 15,000 cash and a plant of Rs. 30,000. Firm gave him 1/4th share in profits. Firm also agreed to pay his creditors of Rs. 5,000. Capital of C will be
Rs. 10,000
Rs. 12,500
Rs. 40,000
Rs. 50,000
40. X, Y and Z are partners sharing profits and losses in the ratio of I 2 I. Y retires. Now, X and Z share the profits and losses in the ratio of 5 3. gain will be
41. A and B are partners sharing profits and losses in the ratio of 3 2. They admit C as partner who is unable to bring goodwill in case but pays Rs. 8,000 as his capital. The Goodwill of the firm is to be valued at two years' purchase of three years' average profits. The profits for the three years were Rs. 5,000, Rs. 4,000 and Rs. 4,500. The new ratio will be 5 2
2. The value of goodwill credited to A will be
Rs. 3,600
Rs. 4,800
Rs. 5,000
Rs. 5,400
42. Upon dissolution of a firm, all assets are transferred to the Realization at
Market Value
Book Value
Cost or market value, whichever is less
Cost or market value, whichever is more
43. Interest paid on debentures is shown in
the profit and loss account
the profit and loss appropriation account
the Balance Sheet Liabilities side under the heading current liabilities
the Balance sheet by adding to the Debentures account
44. AB Co. Ltd. forfeited 30 shares ofRs. 10 each fully called up for non-payment of allotment money of Rs. 3 per share and call money ofRs. 4 per share. These shares are reissued for Rs. 8 per share fully paid. The amount to be transferred to Capital reserve alc will be
Rs. 30
Rs. 60
Rs. 90
Rs. 300
45. Balance of share premium alc cannot be used for:
issuing of fully paid bonus shares
writing off prejiminary expenses
writing offdiscount on issue ofshares
writing off goodwill
46. X Co. Ltd. forfeited 1,000 shares of Rs. 10 each fully called up for non-payment of final call of Re. 1 per share. 400 of forfeited shares were reissued as fully paid up at Rs. 8 per share. The amount to be shown in the Balance Sheet as Shares Forfeited Alc will be
Rs. 800
Rs. 3,600
Rs. 5,400
Rs. 9,000
47. When debentures are redeemed by sinking fund method, after redemption of debentures, the balance of Debenture Redemption Fund Alc should be transferred to
Debenture Redemption Fund Investment Ale
General Reserve Ale
Debentures Alc
None of these
B (CoDtd.)
48. The primary objective of audit is
detection of errors and frauds
detection and prevention of errors . detection and prevention of frauds
to ensure that final accounts and statements exhibit true and fair position of business
49. The auditor is generally expected to carry out the following in a particular sequence:
I. Verification of assets and liabilities
II. Vouching of transactions
III. Checking of valuation of assets and
II and III
II, I and III
II, III and I
III, II and I
50. Bonus shares may be issued out of
I. Profit
Share premium
Capital Reserve
General Reserve
5I. For debentures issued at a discount, it is prudent to write off the discount
In the year of issue
Within two or three years of issue
During the life of the debentures
In the year of redemption
52. Rights shares are the shares
Issued to the directors ofthe company
First offered to the debentureholders
First offered to the existing shareholders
Issued by a newly formed company
53. Which of the following are the methods of marketing new issue of securities?
I. Listing of securities
Jobbers and brokers
Private placement of securities
Privileged Subscriptions
Select the correct answer
2and 3
54. Purchase and sale of shares before or after official trading hours of stock exchange is known:
Kerb trading
Short selling or short buying
Margin trading
55. It is compulsory for a share broker to register with the
Concerned stock exchange
Department of Company affairs
Concerned stock exchange in concurrence with SEBI
56. Which one of the following does not constitute the purpose of setting up of SEBI?
To protect the interests of the investors in securities
To promote the development of the securities markets
To regulate the global securities markets
To deal with matters connected with
fraudulent and unfair trade practices relating to securities markets
57. Mutual funds are to be operated by
Asset Management Companies
Public Sector Banks
Private Sector Banks
Financial InstitUtions
58. Which of the following statement is not an objective of accounting?
To provide information about the enterprise assets, liabilities and capital
To provide information on the personal assets and liabilities of the owner of an enterprise
To maintain records of business
To provide information on the performance of an enterprise
59. The accounting equation is satisfied by
Capital assets liabilities
Liabilities capital -assets
Assets capital liabilities
Assets liabilities -capital
60. Top level management require accounting information for
Decision making
61. The assumption that a business enterprise will not be sold or liquidated in the near future is known as the
Economic Entity
Monitory unit
Going concern
62. Which of the following is not input oriented accounting principle
63. Any expenditure incurred in order to reduce the operating expenses is
Revenue expenditure
Capital Expenditure
Deferred revenue expenditure
Promotional Expenditure
64. An amount obtained on sale offixed asset is
Capital receipt
Revenue receipt
Deferred revenue receipt
Both and
65; Receipts and Payments account is a
summary of;
Income and Expenses
Cash receipts and Payments
Debit and Credit balances of ledger accounts
Both and
66. Which of the following is not an example
of Deferred revenue expenditure?
Research and Development expenses
Discount on issue of debentures
Preliminary expenses
Machine establishment expenses
67. Freight paid on the new machine will be debited to
Machinery account
Freight account
Neither of the above two
Profit and Loss account
68. When Accounting Standard Board of India was established
21 April, 1977
30 May, 1980
16 August, 1977
15 June, 1982
69. Historical cost of inventories as per AS-2 should normally be determined by using:
Fifo or Weighted average cost formula
Fifo, Base stock or adjusted selling price formula
Fifo, Lifo or Latest purchase price formula
Lifo, Base stock or Adjusted selling price formula
BAC-32 9B
70. When asset is revalued at higher than original cost, the accumulated depreciation is credited to revaluation reserve as per
7I. AS-6 is applicable to which one of the following assets
Plant and Machinery
72. Which of the following items is not dealt with by AS-9
Revenue recognition on sale of goods
Revenue recognition on rendering of services
Revenue recognition on the use of resources of the enterprise
Unrealized gains on the holding of current assets
73. Section 37 of the Partnership Act provides interest on the amount left by the retiring or deceased partner at
Bank rate
Prime lending rate
74. C is admitted in a firm at 14 share in the profits for which he brings Rs. 3000 for Goodwill. It will be taken by the old partners in
New profit sharing ratio
Old profit sharing ratio
Sacrificing ratio
Gaining ratio
75. Proposed dividend is shown in Balance Sheet on Liabilities side under the heading of:
Reserves and Surplus
Share Capital
Secured Loans
Current Liabilities and Provisions
76. A Sugar Industrial Unit acquires a chocolate manufacturing unit. This is termed as:
Horizontal Combination
Vertical Combination
Lateral Combination
Backward Linkage
77. One of the statements below is untrue. Pickitup
Combinations may lead to Dominance in the market
Combinations may take place in one Nation to face a dominant foreign firm
Combinations increase the competition among the combining firms and increase efficiency
Combinations help consolidation and lead to market efficiency.
78. One of the following is not a function of Trade Association. Pick it up
Representing Trade Problem to the government
Conducting Meetings of members of the Trade Association
Resorting to collective bargaining activities with the government on behalf of Association
Deciding prices of products on behalf of members
BAc-n 101
79. "Profit is the result but not objective. Businessman is .like a captain running a ship; ships are allowed to sail by the sea; sea not only permits the ships to sail but also threatens to wreck through cyclones." This is said by
Peter Drucker
Raymond Peter
Elton Mayo
80. Modernization of Industrial Enterprises is opposed by Trade Unions mainly due to
Fear of Retrenchment of staff
Harassment of staff
Dominance of Trade Unions will corne down
81. An evidence that the Shipping Company has accepted the goods for carrying to the designated destination is known as
Letter of Credit
Bill of Lading
Mates Receipt
Certificate of Origin
82. "A guarantee issued by the importer's bank that will honour up to a certain amount the payment of export bills to the bank of the exporter" is known as
Letter of Credit
Mate's Receipt
Bill of Lading
Certificate of Origin
83. Export Inspection Council of India is one agency which carries out inspections and issues the certificate. Such certificate is known:
Letter of Credit
Certificate of Origin
Certificate of Inspection
84. Entry into Foreign Trade can be made through different modes. One of the following is not one among them. Pick it
. up:
Contract Manufacturing
85. TRIPS is one of the WTO agreements that deal with
Investment measures
Intellectual Property Rights
Trade in Services
86. General insurance agreements are made generally for a maximum period of
Six months
Five years
One year
Ten years
87. Reinsurance means transfer of the part of the risk by the insurer to
Another insurer
the Commercial.bank
The Reserve Bank
the Government
BAC-32 111
88. Actuarial science is related to
Natural sciences
89. The Insurance Regulatory Development Authority (IRDA) Bill was passed during the year:
90. The "Doctrine of Subrogate" indicates:
Insurance policy
Insurance premium
Insurance claim
Substitution of one person in place of another
91. "Grapevine" indicates
A technique of planning
A technique of decision making
Informal organization
Informal channel of communication
92. Which one of the following is out of "Maslow's" list of motivational needs
Physiological needs
Belongingness needs
Esteem needs
Special needs
B (Contd.)
93. People working any time, anywhere and with anyone is known as
Virtual office
Parallel office
Branch office
Central office
94. A graphic depiction of a two-dimensional view ofleadership style (managerial grid) has been developed by
Blake and Mouton
Douglas McGregor
Elton Mayo
95. Who has introduced the concept of Management By Objectives
Mary Parker Follet
Keith Davis
P.F. Drucker
Henry Fayol
96. "Espirit De Corps" means
Individual work
Team work
Formal office work
Informal office work
97. The Father of the Scientific Management:
Henry Fayol
F.W. Taylor
Elton Mayo
Mahatma Gandhi
98. Franking Machines are utilized to send
Goods and articles
Affixing postal stamps
BAC-32 12B
99. Punched Card Machines are meant for:
Sales and purchase accounting
Calculation of wages
All of these
100. Office routines means
Day to day office matters
A series of steps to be taken for doing a particular work in the office
Long term plans of the organization
Recruitment of people
10I. The company is called an artificial person because:
It does not have the shape of a natural person
It can not be sued in the Court of Law
It is invisible and intangible
It exists only in the contemplation of Law
102. The Doctrine of Ultra Vires indicates
Registration of a company
Commencement of business of a company
Incorporation of a company
That a company can not go beyond its objectives mentioned in its Memorandum
103. The minimum number of Directors of a Public Company
104. The powers of the Board of Directors are
spelled out in section of the
Companies Act of 1956.
105. A government company means:
a company run by Central government
a company run by State government
other than a private company
a company in which more than 50% of the equity share capital is held by the government
106. The Institute of Company Secretaries of India was constituted during the year
107. The Company Secretary is appointed by:
President of India
Prime Minister of India
Registrar of Joint Stock Companies
Board of Directors of the Company
108. The role of a Company Secretary is
as a statutory officer
as a coordinator
as an administrative officer
All of these
BAC-32 I3B
109. Section 383 A of the Companies Act 1956 provides that every company having paid up share capital of Rs. or more must have a whole time Secretary.
Rs. 10 lakhs
Rs. 50 lakhs
Rs. 10 crore
Rs. I crore
110. The person to be appointed as a Secretary must be a member of
Government Employees Association
Audit and Accounts Department
Institute of Company Secretaries
Institute of Certified Accountants
111. Distinctive feature of a sole proprietorship is as follows
Agency Principle
One for all and all for one
Corporate veil
Responsibility and Autonomy with owner
I 12. In case partner's Agreement is silent, profits and losses are shared by partners in
Capitals' Ratio
Sacrificing Ratio
Gaining Ratio
113. Sleeping partner in Partnership is one
Who participates actively but does not bring capital
Who contributes capital but does not participate actively in running the firm
Who neither brings capital nor participates in running the firm but only lends name
Who is ill but takes profit share
114. Unlimited liability is not a characteristic of one of the forms of organization given below; Pick it up
Sole proprietorship
Hindu undivided Family
Joint Stock Company
115. One of the forms of organizations is intended to eliminate middleman and thereby consumer gets good products at affordable price
Sole proprietorship
Joint Stock Company
Cooperative Sector
116. Which of the following has government ownership, control and participation in business decisions as an essential feature?
Monopoly Firm
Public Sector Organizations
Joint Stock Company
Cooperative Society
117. Hindustan Machine Tools Ltd. is an example of:
Private Sector
Joint Sector
Public Sector
Cooperative Sectors
118. According to Gamer Vs. Murray Case, in case one of the partners become insolvent,
the loss arising out of insolvency of that
partner is borne by other solvent partners
in the ratio of
Profit Sharing Ratio
Capital Accounts Ratio standing just
before insolvency of the Partner
Capitals Standing at the beginning
the year
119. The Indian Railways is an example for
Departmental Undertaking
Statutory Corporation
Government owned Joint Stock
Joint Sector Company
120. A Joint Stock Company is created by
Hindu undivided family
Registration under the Companies
Act 1956
A Statute of Parliament
I. Audit working papers are the property of
Registrar of companies
Government of India
2. Internal Auditor is appointed by the:
Shareholders of the company
Statutory auditor
Institute of internal auditors of India
Board of directors of the company
3. Management Audit is
an independent appraisal of the total management process
a statutory requirement
an investigation into the conduct of director
an independent appraisal of competitiveness of business
4. Period costs are
affected by changes in the level of activity
directly proportionate to the level of activity
unaffected by changes in the level of activity
associated with a unit of product
5. Marginal cost is
variable cost of one unit of product
fixed cost of one unit of product
total cost of one unit of product
opportunity cost ofone unit ofproduct
6. Cost of policy formulation is the example of:
Production cost
Administrative cost
Selling and Distribution cost
None of these
BAC-32 2B
7. Prime product cost is equal to
Direct Material Direct Labour
Direct Expenses
Direct Material Direct Labour
Indirect Expenses
Direct Material Direct Labour
Direct Expenses -Indirect Expenses
Direct Material Indirect Labour
Direct Expenses
8. If volume of production is increased, then:
Fixed cost per unit will remain unchanged.
Fixed cost per unit will decrease
Fixed cost per unit will increase
Variable cost per unit will increase
9. Amount of underwriting commission payable on issue of debentures is limited to
10. Which of the following sections of the Companies Act, 1956 requires the maintenance of proper books of account?
Section 205
Section 209
Section 211
Section 217
II. The minimum share application money is
Rs. 5 per share
Rs. 10 per share
of the face value of shares
10% of the face value of shares
12. The remuneration payable to a managing whole time director ofthe company should not exceed
of the net profit
of the net profit
10% of the net profit
II of the net profit
13. A company auditor can be removed by
Board of Directors
• Managing Director
Any Director
General Meeting
14. The most significant test of a business solvency is indicated with the help of the following ratio
Net profit after taxes
Total assets
Total fixed assets(b)
Capital employed
Total assets
Total outside liabilities
Current assets Current liabilities
IS. The return on equity capital ratio is obtained by dividing net profit (after tax) less preference dividend by
Total capital
Current assets
Equity capital
Fixed assets
16. The higher the ratio, the lower the profitability would be relevant in the case of:
Gross Profit Ratio
Operating Ratio
Net Profit Ratio.
Interest Coverage Ratio
BAC-32 3B
17. Which one ofthe following is least suited for measuring return on investmt:nt
Invested Capital
Net operating income before interest and taxes
Average total assets
Operating income ratio x Total assets turnover
Net income after interest but before taxes
Average total shareholder equity
18. Return on investment is meaningful to
J. Shareholders
Management Of the statements given below
I alone is true
I and 3 are true
2 and 3 are true
2 and 3 are true
19. Payment of interim dividend is a
Source of fund
Application of fund
No flow of fund
All the above
20. Flow of funds takes place when
Creditors are issued bills payable
There is loss on sale of machinery
Building is sold on payment vide Banker Demand Draft
Transfer is made to general reserve
21. A plant standing in the books at Rs. 44,000 was sold for Rs. 62,000. The profit on its sale raised the net profit to Rs. 1,84,000. Find out the fund from operation
22. Which one ofthe foUowing is an example of sources of funds?
Decrease in share capital
Decrease in long term liabilities
Increase in long term liabilities
Increase in fixed assets
23. Which of the following items are applications of fund
I. Loss from operations
Loans from financial institutions
Redemption of debentures
l'ayment of dividend
Sale of fixed assets
24. A banking company in India can issue:
Only equity capital and debentures
Only equity capital and preference capital
Only equity capital
Any type of security
25. Naked debentures are those:
Which are not secured
Which are transferrable by mere delivery
Which cannot be exchanged for shares
In respect of which no time is fixed for redemption
26. The Public Company is defined under
which Section of The Companies
Act 1956?
27. If a company adopts Table the
maximum rate of interest payable per •
annum by a person to the company on
calls in arrear is
28. The Provision for doubtful debts is made
by crediting
Profit and Loss Account
Provision for Doubtful Debts ACcount
Debtors Account
Bad Debts Account
29. Reserve is charged to
Profit and Loss Account
Profit and Loss Appropriation
Balance Sheet
General Reserve Account
30. Which of the following is not a Capital
Premium on the issue of shares
Profits prior to incorporation
Profit on the sale on fixed assets
Dividend Equalization reserve
IB (CoDtd.)
31. A Provision isa
General Reserve
Capital Reserve
Specific Reserve
Both and
32. In which method, the assets account appears at its original cost throughout its life?
Sum of digits method
Sinking Fund method
Annuity method
Revaluation method
33. Any profit arising by sale of furniture by a cricket club will be shown
As expenses in the income and expenditure account
As liability in Balance Sheet
As income in the income and expenditure account
As an asset in Balance Sheet
34. Legacies debited in receipts and payments account are
Shown as income in the income and expenditure account
Shown as expenditure in the income and expenditure
Shown on the asset side of Balance Sheet
Shown on the liabilities side of Balance Sheet
35. The Income and Expenditure account begins with
Debit Balance
Credit Balance
No Balance
Both and
BAC-32 5B
36. Admission fee income should be
Treated as revenue
Treated as revenue unless the amount is pretty large
Treated as a liability
37. The receipts and payments account shows the Subscriptions received as Current year Rs. 5000/, Previous year Rs. 5001and next year Rs. 700/-. The amount to be taken to Income and Expenditure account should be
Rs. 6200/
Rs. 5000/
Rs. 5700/
Rs. 5200/
38. X and Y shared profits in the ratio of
7 5. They admit a new partner Z whom they give 1/6th share in profits. He acquires this share as 1/24th from X and 1/8th from
The new profit sharing ratio of Y andZ willbe
35:25: 12
39. A and B are equal partners in a firm the new partner brought Rs. 15,000 cash and a plant of Rs. 30,000. Firm gave him 1/4th share in profits. Firm also agreed to pay his creditors of Rs. 5,000. Capital of C will be
Rs. 10,000
Rs. 12,500
Rs. 40,000
Rs. 50,000
40. X, Y and Z are partners sharing profits and losses in the ratio of I 2 I. Y retires. Now, X and Z share the profits and losses in the ratio of 5 3. gain will be
41. A and B are partners sharing profits and losses in the ratio of 3 2. They admit C as partner who is unable to bring goodwill in case but pays Rs. 8,000 as his capital. The Goodwill of the firm is to be valued at two years' purchase of three years' average profits. The profits for the three years were Rs. 5,000, Rs. 4,000 and Rs. 4,500. The new ratio will be 5 2
2. The value of goodwill credited to A will be
Rs. 3,600
Rs. 4,800
Rs. 5,000
Rs. 5,400
42. Upon dissolution of a firm, all assets are transferred to the Realization at
Market Value
Book Value
Cost or market value, whichever is less
Cost or market value, whichever is more
43. Interest paid on debentures is shown in
the profit and loss account
the profit and loss appropriation account
the Balance Sheet Liabilities side under the heading current liabilities
the Balance sheet by adding to the Debentures account
44. AB Co. Ltd. forfeited 30 shares ofRs. 10 each fully called up for non-payment of allotment money of Rs. 3 per share and call money ofRs. 4 per share. These shares are reissued for Rs. 8 per share fully paid. The amount to be transferred to Capital reserve alc will be
Rs. 30
Rs. 60
Rs. 90
Rs. 300
45. Balance of share premium alc cannot be used for:
issuing of fully paid bonus shares
writing off prejiminary expenses
writing offdiscount on issue ofshares
writing off goodwill
46. X Co. Ltd. forfeited 1,000 shares of Rs. 10 each fully called up for non-payment of final call of Re. 1 per share. 400 of forfeited shares were reissued as fully paid up at Rs. 8 per share. The amount to be shown in the Balance Sheet as Shares Forfeited Alc will be
Rs. 800
Rs. 3,600
Rs. 5,400
Rs. 9,000
47. When debentures are redeemed by sinking fund method, after redemption of debentures, the balance of Debenture Redemption Fund Alc should be transferred to
Debenture Redemption Fund Investment Ale
General Reserve Ale
Debentures Alc
None of these
B (CoDtd.)
48. The primary objective of audit is
detection of errors and frauds
detection and prevention of errors . detection and prevention of frauds
to ensure that final accounts and statements exhibit true and fair position of business
49. The auditor is generally expected to carry out the following in a particular sequence:
I. Verification of assets and liabilities
II. Vouching of transactions
III. Checking of valuation of assets and
II and III
II, I and III
II, III and I
III, II and I
50. Bonus shares may be issued out of
I. Profit
Share premium
Capital Reserve
General Reserve
5I. For debentures issued at a discount, it is prudent to write off the discount
In the year of issue
Within two or three years of issue
During the life of the debentures
In the year of redemption
52. Rights shares are the shares
Issued to the directors ofthe company
First offered to the debentureholders
First offered to the existing shareholders
Issued by a newly formed company
53. Which of the following are the methods of marketing new issue of securities?
I. Listing of securities
Jobbers and brokers
Private placement of securities
Privileged Subscriptions
Select the correct answer
2and 3
54. Purchase and sale of shares before or after official trading hours of stock exchange is known:
Kerb trading
Short selling or short buying
Margin trading
55. It is compulsory for a share broker to register with the
Concerned stock exchange
Department of Company affairs
Concerned stock exchange in concurrence with SEBI
56. Which one of the following does not constitute the purpose of setting up of SEBI?
To protect the interests of the investors in securities
To promote the development of the securities markets
To regulate the global securities markets
To deal with matters connected with
fraudulent and unfair trade practices relating to securities markets
57. Mutual funds are to be operated by
Asset Management Companies
Public Sector Banks
Private Sector Banks
Financial InstitUtions
58. Which of the following statement is not an objective of accounting?
To provide information about the enterprise assets, liabilities and capital
To provide information on the personal assets and liabilities of the owner of an enterprise
To maintain records of business
To provide information on the performance of an enterprise
59. The accounting equation is satisfied by
Capital assets liabilities
Liabilities capital -assets
Assets capital liabilities
Assets liabilities -capital
60. Top level management require accounting information for
Decision making
61. The assumption that a business enterprise will not be sold or liquidated in the near future is known as the
Economic Entity
Monitory unit
Going concern
62. Which of the following is not input oriented accounting principle
63. Any expenditure incurred in order to reduce the operating expenses is
Revenue expenditure
Capital Expenditure
Deferred revenue expenditure
Promotional Expenditure
64. An amount obtained on sale offixed asset is
Capital receipt
Revenue receipt
Deferred revenue receipt
Both and
65; Receipts and Payments account is a
summary of;
Income and Expenses
Cash receipts and Payments
Debit and Credit balances of ledger accounts
Both and
66. Which of the following is not an example
of Deferred revenue expenditure?
Research and Development expenses
Discount on issue of debentures
Preliminary expenses
Machine establishment expenses
67. Freight paid on the new machine will be debited to
Machinery account
Freight account
Neither of the above two
Profit and Loss account
68. When Accounting Standard Board of India was established
21 April, 1977
30 May, 1980
16 August, 1977
15 June, 1982
69. Historical cost of inventories as per AS-2 should normally be determined by using:
Fifo or Weighted average cost formula
Fifo, Base stock or adjusted selling price formula
Fifo, Lifo or Latest purchase price formula
Lifo, Base stock or Adjusted selling price formula
BAC-32 9B
70. When asset is revalued at higher than original cost, the accumulated depreciation is credited to revaluation reserve as per
7I. AS-6 is applicable to which one of the following assets
Plant and Machinery
72. Which of the following items is not dealt with by AS-9
Revenue recognition on sale of goods
Revenue recognition on rendering of services
Revenue recognition on the use of resources of the enterprise
Unrealized gains on the holding of current assets
73. Section 37 of the Partnership Act provides interest on the amount left by the retiring or deceased partner at
Bank rate
Prime lending rate
74. C is admitted in a firm at 14 share in the profits for which he brings Rs. 3000 for Goodwill. It will be taken by the old partners in
New profit sharing ratio
Old profit sharing ratio
Sacrificing ratio
Gaining ratio
75. Proposed dividend is shown in Balance Sheet on Liabilities side under the heading of:
Reserves and Surplus
Share Capital
Secured Loans
Current Liabilities and Provisions
76. A Sugar Industrial Unit acquires a chocolate manufacturing unit. This is termed as:
Horizontal Combination
Vertical Combination
Lateral Combination
Backward Linkage
77. One of the statements below is untrue. Pickitup
Combinations may lead to Dominance in the market
Combinations may take place in one Nation to face a dominant foreign firm
Combinations increase the competition among the combining firms and increase efficiency
Combinations help consolidation and lead to market efficiency.
78. One of the following is not a function of Trade Association. Pick it up
Representing Trade Problem to the government
Conducting Meetings of members of the Trade Association
Resorting to collective bargaining activities with the government on behalf of Association
Deciding prices of products on behalf of members
BAc-n 101
79. "Profit is the result but not objective. Businessman is .like a captain running a ship; ships are allowed to sail by the sea; sea not only permits the ships to sail but also threatens to wreck through cyclones." This is said by
Peter Drucker
Raymond Peter
Elton Mayo
80. Modernization of Industrial Enterprises is opposed by Trade Unions mainly due to
Fear of Retrenchment of staff
Harassment of staff
Dominance of Trade Unions will corne down
81. An evidence that the Shipping Company has accepted the goods for carrying to the designated destination is known as
Letter of Credit
Bill of Lading
Mates Receipt
Certificate of Origin
82. "A guarantee issued by the importer's bank that will honour up to a certain amount the payment of export bills to the bank of the exporter" is known as
Letter of Credit
Mate's Receipt
Bill of Lading
Certificate of Origin
83. Export Inspection Council of India is one agency which carries out inspections and issues the certificate. Such certificate is known:
Letter of Credit
Certificate of Origin
Certificate of Inspection
84. Entry into Foreign Trade can be made through different modes. One of the following is not one among them. Pick it
. up:
Contract Manufacturing
85. TRIPS is one of the WTO agreements that deal with
Investment measures
Intellectual Property Rights
Trade in Services
86. General insurance agreements are made generally for a maximum period of
Six months
Five years
One year
Ten years
87. Reinsurance means transfer of the part of the risk by the insurer to
Another insurer
the Commercial.bank
The Reserve Bank
the Government
BAC-32 111
88. Actuarial science is related to
Natural sciences
89. The Insurance Regulatory Development Authority (IRDA) Bill was passed during the year:
90. The "Doctrine of Subrogate" indicates:
Insurance policy
Insurance premium
Insurance claim
Substitution of one person in place of another
91. "Grapevine" indicates
A technique of planning
A technique of decision making
Informal organization
Informal channel of communication
92. Which one of the following is out of "Maslow's" list of motivational needs
Physiological needs
Belongingness needs
Esteem needs
Special needs
B (Contd.)
93. People working any time, anywhere and with anyone is known as
Virtual office
Parallel office
Branch office
Central office
94. A graphic depiction of a two-dimensional view ofleadership style (managerial grid) has been developed by
Blake and Mouton
Douglas McGregor
Elton Mayo
95. Who has introduced the concept of Management By Objectives
Mary Parker Follet
Keith Davis
P.F. Drucker
Henry Fayol
96. "Espirit De Corps" means
Individual work
Team work
Formal office work
Informal office work
97. The Father of the Scientific Management:
Henry Fayol
F.W. Taylor
Elton Mayo
Mahatma Gandhi
98. Franking Machines are utilized to send
Goods and articles
Affixing postal stamps
BAC-32 12B
99. Punched Card Machines are meant for:
Sales and purchase accounting
Calculation of wages
All of these
100. Office routines means
Day to day office matters
A series of steps to be taken for doing a particular work in the office
Long term plans of the organization
Recruitment of people
10I. The company is called an artificial person because:
It does not have the shape of a natural person
It can not be sued in the Court of Law
It is invisible and intangible
It exists only in the contemplation of Law
102. The Doctrine of Ultra Vires indicates
Registration of a company
Commencement of business of a company
Incorporation of a company
That a company can not go beyond its objectives mentioned in its Memorandum
103. The minimum number of Directors of a Public Company
104. The powers of the Board of Directors are
spelled out in section of the
Companies Act of 1956.
105. A government company means:
a company run by Central government
a company run by State government
other than a private company
a company in which more than 50% of the equity share capital is held by the government
106. The Institute of Company Secretaries of India was constituted during the year
107. The Company Secretary is appointed by:
President of India
Prime Minister of India
Registrar of Joint Stock Companies
Board of Directors of the Company
108. The role of a Company Secretary is
as a statutory officer
as a coordinator
as an administrative officer
All of these
BAC-32 I3B
109. Section 383 A of the Companies Act 1956 provides that every company having paid up share capital of Rs. or more must have a whole time Secretary.
Rs. 10 lakhs
Rs. 50 lakhs
Rs. 10 crore
Rs. I crore
110. The person to be appointed as a Secretary must be a member of
Government Employees Association
Audit and Accounts Department
Institute of Company Secretaries
Institute of Certified Accountants
111. Distinctive feature of a sole proprietorship is as follows
Agency Principle
One for all and all for one
Corporate veil
Responsibility and Autonomy with owner
I 12. In case partner's Agreement is silent, profits and losses are shared by partners in
Capitals' Ratio
Sacrificing Ratio
Gaining Ratio
113. Sleeping partner in Partnership is one
Who participates actively but does not bring capital
Who contributes capital but does not participate actively in running the firm
Who neither brings capital nor participates in running the firm but only lends name
Who is ill but takes profit share
114. Unlimited liability is not a characteristic of one of the forms of organization given below; Pick it up
Sole proprietorship
Hindu undivided Family
Joint Stock Company
115. One of the forms of organizations is intended to eliminate middleman and thereby consumer gets good products at affordable price
Sole proprietorship
Joint Stock Company
Cooperative Sector
116. Which of the following has government ownership, control and participation in business decisions as an essential feature?
Monopoly Firm
Public Sector Organizations
Joint Stock Company
Cooperative Society
117. Hindustan Machine Tools Ltd. is an example of:
Private Sector
Joint Sector
Public Sector
Cooperative Sectors
118. According to Gamer Vs. Murray Case, in case one of the partners become insolvent,
the loss arising out of insolvency of that
partner is borne by other solvent partners
in the ratio of
Profit Sharing Ratio
Capital Accounts Ratio standing just
before insolvency of the Partner
Capitals Standing at the beginning
the year
119. The Indian Railways is an example for
Departmental Undertaking
Statutory Corporation
Government owned Joint Stock
Joint Sector Company
120. A Joint Stock Company is created by
Hindu undivided family
Registration under the Companies
Act 1956
A Statute of Parliament
Other Question Papers
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- commerce and accountancy
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- fisheries science
- forestry
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- political science and international relations
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- statistics
- zoology