Exam Details

Subject c programming
Exam / Course b.c.a
Organization Alagappa University Distance Education
Exam Date May, 2016
City, State tamil nadu, karaikudi

Question Paper

(2003 onwards)
Time Three hours Maximum 100 marks
Examiner has to select and gives ONE question to each
candidate by Lot system.
1. Develop a C program that receives the data such as
age and name of person to check the eligibility for
voting. Use appropriate branching statement to
check the eligibility of a voter by fixing the age as
18 for eligible voter. If a person is not eligible,
display the number of years he/she has to wait.
Write a C program to read 10 numbers, arrange
them is ascending order and display the same.
2. Write a C program to read a string, find the length
of the string. Also extract three letters from second
letter onwards.
Develop a C program to print the ASCII characters.
3. Write a C program to find the biggest and smallest
numbers of given 10 numbers.
Using pointer option, display the address of set of
Sub. Code
Cut here
Cut here
4. Develop a C program to accept your address and
display the same using
Write a C program to read two square matrices and
sum up the matrices. Also display the result.
5. Using function subprogram, find the factorial of a
given number.
Develop a C program to accept and display your
Date of Birth using structure concept.
6. Develop a C program to find whether the given
string is palindrome or not.
Write a C program to read 10 numbers and display
the total summed up value.
7. There are 20 students in a class. Their register
numbers, names and marks in five different
subjects are to be read. If a student secures more
than 40 marks in each subject then he/she is
declared to be also Write a
C program to the above status of a class.
Develop a C program to read two matrices say order
and another matrix order p). Find the
product and display the result.
8. Write a C program to read ten students name and
print them in alphabetical order.
Develop a program to read a number and find its
square and square root value. Display the final
results with input value.


  • accounting fundamentals
  • c programming
  • electronic devices and digital circuits
  • lab i (c programming)
  • principles of information technology
  • principles of operating system