Exam Details

Subject c programming – lab
Exam / Course m.sc. (software engineering)
Organization Alagappa University Distance Education
Exam Date May, 2016
City, State tamil nadu, karaikudi

Question Paper

M.Sc. Year Integrated) DEGREE EXAMINATION,
MAY 2016.
Time Three hours Maximum 100 marks
Examiner should select and give one question to each
candidate by lot system.
1. Write a C program to C program to Convert
Numbers to Roman Numerals.
Write a C program to find a whether the given
string is PALINDROME or not.
2. Write a C program to perform the following string
operations using switch statement.
String copy
Compare two strings, and
Length of the string.
Write a C program to find the product of two
3. Write a program to generate Fibonacci series using
Write a C program to convert octal number to
decimal number.
Sub. Code
Cut here
Cut here
4. Write a C program to find the biggest number
among three numbers.
Write a C program to find simple interest using
function. (Hint SI=PNR/100).
5. Write a C program to read the array values using
Write a C program to check the given number is
prime or not.
6. Write a C program to find the roots of a quadratic
equation using function definition.
ax2 bx c 0 .
Write a program to display the odd numbers
within 100.
7. Write a C program to arrange the given random
numbers in ascending order.
There are 50 students in a class. Their names and
marks in four different subjects are given. If a
student takes more than 40 marks in each subject,
then he is declared "PASS".
Otherwise "FAIL". And also find their grade using
the following conditions.
Cut here
Cut here
Cut here
Grade D If the Average is 90
Grade C If the Average lies between 81 90
Grade B If the Average lies between 71 80
Grade A If the Average lies between 60 70.
Write a C program to do above using structure
8. Write a recursive function to evaluate and write a
C program to evaluate the nPr.
[Hint nPr
Write a C program to check the person is eligible to
vote or not {Hint If the age is the
person is eligible to vote].


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