Exam Details

Subject computer operation
Exam / Course mains
Organization Uttarakhand Public Service Commission
Position civil judge
Exam Date 2014
City, State uttarakhand,

Question Paper

Q.I Write down any two commercial site of Internet.

Write the step for moving a file from one folder to another folder in Windows.

Write the step to recover delete file in Windows operating system.

Write the step to open volume control in windows operating system.

Write the use ofURL. Q.2( a)Create a MS-Word file with text" Capital of Uttrakhand is Dehradun" with font size 14

Right align the above text.

Convert into Bold and Italic the above text.

Change the font size to 19 for above text.

Underline the above text in Arial font.

Q.3 Create a MS-Excel spread sheet with field names Employee_code, Employee_name, Basic]ay, HRA

Insert the following record in the above spread sheet.

00 I Laxman 10000 500 011 Ram Prasad 15000 750 010 Man singh 20000 1000

Insert a new column Total_Pay in the spread sheet and calculate the Total_Pay=Basic_Pay+HRA of each employee in Total_Pay field using formula.

Draw a Pie chart showing Basic]ay and Total_Pay for above Excel sheet.

Sort the above table in ascending order of TotaLPay. QA Create a Power point presentation file and perform the following operation on it.

Add new slide no 1 and insert the "HELLO WORD" on the slide with font size 18.

Add next new slide with following entries. 'Civil 'Mechanical 'Computer 'Electronic

Add a New slide and insert any picture from the clip art.

Insert date and time to all the slides.

Rotate the picture by 90 degree in slide number 3.

Q.5 Create a table in MS-Access with following fields. Employee_ID(Number) Basic(number) HRA(number)

Insert the following information in the above table.

Increase the HRA by 20% whose basic is less than 7000 by using MS_Access feature.

Sort the record in ascending order with respect to the field HRA.

Delete the row with Employee_ID =1111 from the table.

Employee_ID Basic HRA
0012 5000 250
0100 8000 400
1102 7000 350
1111 6700 340

Uttarakhand Judicial Service Civil Judge Examination -2014 Practical Examination on Basic Knowledge of Computer Operation
Time: 1 Hour MM: 100
I. Attempt all questions, All questions carry equal marks.
Write the answer of Q No. I on given answer sheet

Perform the practical exercise(s) on computer system for each part of Q Q Q 4 and Q 5. Save the answer of each part of these questions (for taking printouts) as per the instructions given to you in the computer operation Practical Examination Hall.

4. Make suitable assumptions, wherever required.
5. Do not put any identification marks(RolI No, Name etc) concerning you in any answer of the question.
Q. No. I
What is the full form ofURL and HTTP?
Write down steps for deleting any folder in Windows.
Write down the name of any two web browsers.
Write down steps for changing desktop background in Windows.

. Write anyone role ofa task manager in Windows.
Q. No. 2
Create a MS-Word document with following text and insert header as "TECHNICAL REPORT" in the document.

l'This is report for census of India"
Insert page numbers at bottom (on right side) in above document.
Create a table in above file with fields NAME and SALARY and insert any relevant data of four rows.
Sort the above table on the basis of SALARY field in decreasing order
Merge cells of first two rows in above table.

Q.No.3 Create a table STUDENT in MS-Access with fields NAME, ROLLNO and MARKS and enter relevant data for 4 students. Rearrange the table in increasing order of values in MARKS field of above table Modify field ROLLNO to ENROLLMENTNO in above table. Add another field POSITION in above table Add relevant values in POSITION field ofabove table.
Q. No.4 Create a worksheet in MS-EXCEL with fields NAME, ACCOUNTNO, BALANCE, DATEOFBIRTH and enter any relevant
data of 4 rows.
Sort rows on the basis of BALANCE field of worksheet created in part in ascending order.
Find average balance ofall accounts in worksheet of part by using formula.
Change the formatting of cells in field BALANCE ofabove worksheet into type "CURRENCY"
Find total balance ofall accounts in worksheet by using formula.

Q. No.5 Create a presentation in MS·Powerpoint with title "COMPUTER" and subtitle "MS ·POWERPOINT" in first slide Change Back Ground style as "Gradient Fill" for above presentation. Insert a new slide into this presentation and paste any image on that slide. Copy slide created in part and paste before first slide in the presentation. Insert slide number on bottom of each slide in presentation.
f& SET: J6

Uttrakhand Judicial Service Civil Judge Examination-2014
Practical Examination on Basic Knowledge of Computer Operation Time:l Hour MM:IOO Note: Attempt all Questions. All Question carry equal marks.
Write tbe answer of QI on tbe given answer sbeet.
Perform tbe practical exercise(s) on computer system for eacb ofQ2., Q3., Q4., and Q5. Save tbe answers of eacb part of tbese questions (for taking printouts) as per tbe instructions given to you in tbe computer operation practical examination ball.
Make suitable assumptions, wherever required. Do not put any identification marks (Roll number, Name etc.) concerning you in any answer of the question. Write steps to open the paint in windows. Write steps to change the desktop background in windows. By default, Date and time are available on the desktop at Size of the IP address is bits. FTP stands for
2 Type the following sentence in MS Word with file name "Test"
"academy honorary award: since 1929"
Change the style of the sentence as bold, Italic and underline.
Using MS-word feature change all the letters of sentence to uppercase.
Write the same sentence and apply the strikethrough.

Insert the equation dy 2x2 below the text.
3 C reate a MS-Exce sprea S eet as sown ·th h fildh h bleOWWl te 1 e name "Test Mark"S
Student Name Test 1
Ram 56
Syam 65
Mohan 45
Vivek 78

Test 2 75 86 95 74 Test 3
Averal(e Marks

Calculate the Average_Marks of"Test "Test 2" and "Test 3" us109 MS-Excel function.
Sort the table with respect to field "Student_Name" in alphabetical order.
Select the columns "Test "Test 2" and "Test 3" and draw a column chart.
Label the X-axis title as Student_Name and Y-axis title as ""Test_Marks" and set legends as
"Test "Test 2" and "Test 3" .

Create a table in MS-Access with database name "Books_Record" with following fields
Book_id (Number) Book_Title (Text) No_of_Copies (Number) Category (Text)

ata 10 teabave ta ble:
Inse h IId' h Book id
rt teo
Book Title
Operating System 112
Computer Architecture 113
Computer Network
Compiler Design
No of Cooies




Text book


Add a new field "ISBN (Number)" and msert the values as per your chOIce.
Sort the table in alphabetical order with respect to field Book_Title.
Update the category value as "Practical" in place of"MCQ".

Create MS-PowerPoint presentation, insert the "Percentage Marks" as slide title and format it as font type: Arial Style: Bold, Size: 72, Color: Black
Inse rt teoh Name
Vivek tabl'emtheSII'de Percentaj(e



Add the Pie chart usmg the above mentioned data.
Insert a text box below the Pie chart and write "Pie_Chart" in the text box.
Insert a footer as per your choice in all the slides.

0<."11 Set-J1
Uttarakhand Judicial service Civil Judge Examination -2014 Practical Examination on Basic Knowledge of Computer Operation
Time: 1 Hour Max marks: 100
Attempt all questions, All questions carry equal marks.
Write the answer ofQI. on the given answer sheet.
Perform the practical exercise(s) on computer system for cach part of Q2, Q3, Q4, and Q5. Save
the answers of each part of these questions (for taking printouts) as per the instructions given to you
in the computer operation practical examination hall.
Make suitable assumptions, wherever required.
Do not put any identification marks (Roll number, name etc.) concerning you in any answer of
the question.

01 . Write steps to install Hindi fonts inWindows.

Write steps to add a new user account in Windows operating system.

Write the full form ofFTPand ISP.

Write down the name of two search engines.

Write steps to create a sholtcut of Paint-brush on desktop Q2. Create a table of 4 Rows and 4 Columns in MS-Word with following records.
S.No Student Name Roll No Class
I Raj Kumar 2343 MCA
2 Ravi Singh 2432 BCA
3 Amit Kumar 3223 MBA
4 Ajay Kumar 2543 MCA

Perform the operation 'Right Justify' in Row 3 and Row 4.

Sort the rows with respect to field 'Roll in ascending order.

Insert the page number at position 'Bottom of the page' with center alignment.

Insert the watermark 'Welcome' in the above table.

03 Create a Power point slide 'Slide with following contents in MS-Power Point. New Delhi is the capital of India. Dehradun is the capital of Uttarakhand.

Add a new slid II .d Sachin Amit Suresh

e I e WI 1 a OWing ata

Create a pie chart as per above data in 'Slide

Add a new slide 'Slide then insert a triangle and write with in it.

Insert the date and time in 'Slide 'Slide and 'Slide at Footer.


04. Create a table in MS-Excel with following records.
Emp No Emp Name Basic Salary
12 A 15342
14 B 13367
16 C 16000

Insert the two columns and 'Total Salary' in above Table and Calculate using formula DA 115% of Basic Salary and Total Salary Basic Salary DA.

Sort the records with rcspect to the field 'Total Salary' in descending order.

Find out the average of 'Total Salary' below the table by using MS-Excel function.

Create the line chart ofabove table between 'Emp Name' and 'Basic Salary' below the table.

Q5. Create a table 'Production' having fields Finn Name Units (Number) and Establishment (Date) in MS-Access with following records. Firm Name Units Establishment X 14 11/06/1987 Y 08 071 III 1991 Z 22 091 III 1984

Insert a new field S.No (Number) before the field 'Firm Name' with row-wise values 1,2,3.

Sort the records with respect to the field 'Establishment' in Newest to oldest order.

Move the field 'Establishment' with data before the field 'Units'.

Create the Basic Report of the above table.

Practical Examination on Basic Knowledge of Computer Operation Time: I Hour MM:IOO Note: Attempt all Questions. All Question carry equal marks. Write the answer of QI on the given answer sheet. Perform the practical exercise(s) on computer system for each of Q2., Q3., Q4., and Q5. Save the answers ofeach part of these questions (for taking printouts) as per the instructions given to you in the computer operation practical examination hall. Make suitable assumptions, wherever required. Do not put any identification marks (Roll number, Name etc.) concerning you in any answer of the question. Write steps to open the calculator in windows. Write steps to change the screen saver in windows. Write the two extensions ofany Audio file. In Windows all deleted files go to SMTP stands for
Type the following sentence in MS Word with file name "Test"
Change the style ofthe above sentence as bold and underline.
Change all the letters of sentence to lowercase using MS-word feature.
Insert the same sentence using WordArt.
Insert the equation f (x2 y2)dxdy below the text.

3 Create a MS. Exce s Student Name Ram Shyam Mohan Vivek
rea h e oww,t'hhfil
dh S eet as sown bI tel e name "5tudents Result"
Physics 56 65 45 78 Chemistry 75 86 95 74 Biology
Total Marks 55 77 92 62
Calculate the Total_Marks of"PhysIcs", "ChemIStry" and "BIOlogy" uSing MS-Excel function.
Sort the rows into alphabetical order with respect to "Student_Name".
Select the columns "Physics", "Chemistry" and "Biology" and draw a column chart.
Set the X-axis labels of column chart with the Student_Name and legends as "Physics",
"Chemistry" and "Biology".

Create a table in MS-Access with database name "Employee" with following fields
Employeejd (Number) Employee_Name (Text) Date_ofjoining (Date) Department (Text)

d .hb bl
Ins h II .
ert teo OWing ata In tea ove ta
Employee id
Employee Name
Date of joining 03/15/2005
Department Production Maintenance Production Administration
Add a new field "salary" and Insert the values as per your chOIce.
Sort the above table with respect to field Employee_Name in alphabetical order.
Update the table by changing the department as "Generation" in place of"Production".

Create MS-PowerPoint file, insert the "Research Proposal" as slide title and format it as font type: Arial Style: Bold, Size: 96, Color: Black Insert the following in subtitle with font type: Arial Size: 32 and Color: Black
State ofart
Research Objectives

Place the bullets in the beginning ofall four lines in subtitle area.
Insert any picture in the slide using ClipArt.
Insert date and slide number in all the slides.

SET-JiO Uttrakhand Judicial Service Civil Judge(JD)Examination-2014 Practical Examination on Basic Knowledge of Computer Operation
Time:1 Hour MM:100
l)Attempt all Questions. All questions carry equal marks.
2)Write the answer of Q.1 on the given answer sheet.
3)Perform the practical exercise(s) on computer system for each part of Q2,Q3,Q4 and Q5.Save the answer of each
part of these question(for taking printouts) as per the instructions given to you in the computer operation practical
examination hall.
Make suitable assumptions, wherever required.
5)Do not put any identification marks(RolI number, Name etc.) concerning you in any answer of the question.

Q.I Inventor of WWW is .

The standard Protocol of the internet is ........

The full fonn of ISP is .

Write the step to change the background of desktop

Write the step to open a sound recorder. Q.2(a) Create a MS-Excel spread sheet with Following data.

Calculate the total of each row in total field using fonnula

Sort the rows according to the product cost in descending order.

Create the bar chart using the worksheet.

Delete the column no 4 from the spread sheet.

S.No Product name product cost Quantity Total
I Rin 20 30
2 Ninna 40 20
3 Oil 100 15

Q.3(a) Draw a table using MS-Word having 4 row and column with heading S.No,Name,DOB,Phone no in first row.

Fill the Table with relevant data.

Append the table with one more row.

Delete row number 3 from the table.

Insert a column "Address" between column number 3 and column no 4.

Q.4 Create a Power point presentation having 5 slide and perfonn following operation on it.

Insert a table in slide no I with 4 row and 3 column and fill the suitable entries in the table.

Insert a text "WELCOME" within circle in slide no 2.

Insert any picture enclosed in rectangle in slide no 3.

Rotate the picture in slide no 3 by 180 degree.

Write the text "I LOVE MY INDIA" in slide no 5 with font size 18.

Q.5(a) Create a table student in MS-Access with following field. Student lD(Number) Student name(text) DOB(date) Age(number) Sex(text)

Insert the following data in the above table. Student 10 Student name DOB Age Sex 1111 Ram singh 21/02/1975 40 1234 Shyam singh 01/05/1974 41 23431 Amar singh 10/02/1970 45 3425 Lal singh 11/11/1976 39

Sort the table with respect to Age in descending order.

Delete the record having minimum Age from the table.

Modify the name "Ram singh" with "Ram ji singh" using access feature.


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