Exam Details

Exam / Course
Organization Kerala Public Service Commission
Position electrician
Exam Date 28, July, 2015
City, State kerala,

Question Paper


Maximum: 100 marks Time: 1 hour and 15 minutes
1. The value of absolute permittivity is

8.854 x 10-1• HIM 8.854 X 10-1• FIM

40 X 10-7 HIM 40 x 10-7 FIM

2. The equation for find out the energy stored in a coil is

It, LJ2 It,

It, It, LI

3. The Dummy coil used in a DC generator:

To compensate Demagnetizing effect

To compensate cross magnetizing effect

To reduce commutation

For Mechanical balancing

4. The transformer oil used in transformer provides:

Insulation and lubrication Cooling and lubrication

Insulation and cooling Cooling, Insulation and lubrication

5. The critical resistance of a DC shunt generator is the resistance of:

Armature Field

Load None of these

6. The polarity of interpole in the case of a DC generator is

Same as that of main pole ahead Same as that of main pole behind

North pole or South pole None of these

7. Which characteristic of a motor is mainly considered for its industrial application?

Electrical characteristic Power of motor

Speed torque characteristic Over all characteristics

8. Ward -Leonard Method of Speed control is basically

Frequency control method Voltage control method

Current control method Flore control method

9. The Primary equivalent of Secondary current 12 of a transformer 10 the equivalent circuit of transformer is
12/K K212
10. In a transformer the half load copper loss is 600 W. It's full load copper loss will be

600 Watt 1200 Watt

2400 Watt 300 Watt

11. Condition for maximum efficiency in a transformer is


12. When the frequency is doubled, what are the change in eddy current and hysteresis loss:

Hysteresis loss doubled, Eddy current loss doubled

Hysteresis loss doubled, Eddy current loss quadrappled

No change in hysteresis and Eddy current loss

Hysteresis remaining same Eddy current loss reduced to half

13. The most economical connection for small and high voltage transmission is

Star -Delta Delta -Star

Star -Star Delta -Delta

14. A 100 KVA Delta transformer one of the phase of secondary is get out of order. How much load it can carry:

100 KVA 50KVA

67.3 KVA 57.7 KVA

15. The frequency of Rotor Current at the time of starting of an induction Motor is

Supply frequency Slip frequency

l/Slip frequency None of these

16. In two watt meter method of power measurement one Watt meter shows negative reading to get actual reading:
W W1+m W1-m
WI only W2 only
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17. The condition for maximum running torque for a 3 phase induction motor is

R2=SX2 R2= X2

R2 X02 X2 =X02

18. In a vibrating reed type frequency meter the frequency of supply reads through vibration, the vibration of desired frequency depends upon:

Width of the reed Voltage

Type of core Length of the reed

19. In induction type watt meter the copper shading Band used for:

Uniforms flux distribution

Damping purpose

Produce exact 90° phase difference between voltage and current

To reduce stray magnetic error

20. not a standard sweep of ceiling fan.

1250 mm 1400 mm

1050 mm 1200 mm

21. What are the tests conducted to draw the circle diagram of an induction motor?

SC test and OC test

Swim beams test

No load test, short circuit test, stator resistance test

Short circuit test, back to back test

22. The joint used in over head line where considerable tensile strength required is

Brittania joint Straight married joint

Straight running joint Brittania T joint

23. In electricians solder the percentage of tin and lead is

60% lead 40% tin 60% tin 40% lead

40% tin 60% copper 40% zinc 60% tin

24. In an induction motor the phenomenon found that the motor having a tendency to rotate of its normal speed is called:

Cogging Phase locking

Hunting Crowling

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25. In repulsion motor the direction of rotation changed by changing:

Brush position

Field position

Armature position
CD) By inter changing any winding connection

26. The speed of universal motor at no load in about:

3000 rpm 1500 rpm

1000 rpm CD) 20000 rpm

27. As per IE rule the load in each power sub circuit not exceed:

2500 w 3000 w

8000 w CD) 4000 w

28. The socket outlet shall be provide in a bathroom at a height not less than:

1.2 meter 1.5 meter

1.3 meter 2 meter

29. The speed control obtained in domestic mLxer grinder is

Variable voltage control Tapped field control

Flux control method CD) Armature diverter method

30. Plummet is a measuring tool used for:

Horizontal distance Vertical distance

True horiwntal position CD) True vertical position

31-The speed of turbo generator is usually:

300 rpm 1000 rpm

3000 rpm CD) 6000 rpm

32. Among them which is not a slandered size of PVC conduit:

15mm 19mm

32mm CD) 25mm

33. V curve of a three phase synchronous motor is the relation between:

Voltage and current Speed and No of poles

Voltage and No of poles Field current and armature current

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34. The head of high head hydroelectric power plant: 100 m 80 m 200 m 30 m
35. Pumped storage power plant belongs: Base load power plant Peak load power plant Either peak load or base load power plant None of these
36. The coolant used in fast breeder reactor is Cadmium Hard water Water Sodium
37. In long and medium Tran's mlSSlOn sending end voltage this effect is called: Ferranti effect Strobe ­scopic effect line the receiving end voltage Corona effect Skin effect is greater than
38. The type ofinsulator used submarine cable is Rubber Gutta-percha PVC Impregnated paper
39. SL type cables are used up to 66 kv 11 kv 33 kv 132 kv
40. The fusing factor ofHRC fuse is 1.11 1.1 1.21 1.25

41. The correct sequence of the conducting material on the basis of conducting is

Silver, copper, gold, aluminum Silver, gold, copper, aluminum

Silver, copper, aluminum, gold Silver, aluminum, copper, gold

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42. Among them which material having highest die electric strength:

Porcelain Mica

Ebonite Rubber

43. For a human body the ear to ear resistance is about ohm.

100 ohm 500 ohm

1000 ohm 800 ohms

44. The limiting temperature of class a insulator is

1200 C 1050 C

950 C 1350 C

45. Constantum is the alloy contain:

60% copper 40% tin 40% nickel 60% zinc

40% copper 60% Zinc 60% copper 40% nickel

46. The insulating material used for the preparation of cable joint is

Coal tar compound Rubber compound

PVC compound Bitumenes compound

47. The ratio of mmf to reluctance is called:

Flux density Permeability

Flux Magnetic leakage

48. The tumbrule of measurement of insulation resistance of an installation should be not less than:

500 kilo ohm 2 mega ohm

1 mega ohm 50/no of outlets

49. The average voltage drop of a soft graphate brush in a DC generator is

2 volt 1.6 volt

1.1 volt 2.2 volt

50. A magnetic material having large area of hysterisis loop, the material having:

Low permeability high retentivity High permeability low retentivity

Low permeability low retentivity High permeability high retentivity

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51. Flashing means:

Create residual magnetism in a dc generator

Making permanent magnet

Initial charging method of lead acid battery

Failure of insulator in transmission line

52. Theequationforback emfinaDC generatorEb=:

0ZN x V+IaRa
600 A

0ZN x P IARa-V

60 A
53. In the case of extra high voltage how much voltage can be permissible in the case of higher voltage regulation:
12% 12.5%
54. Smoothening is the fire exchanging process by which:

Use water for fire extinguishing

Cooling the fire using fire extinguishers

Prevent the supply of fuel to the fire

Isolate the fire from the supply of oxygen

55. The current through the holding coil of a 4 point starter is limited by

Field coil Resistance

Starting resistance Holding coil only

56. The class of measuring instrument that used for industrial and panel board application

Class 0.1 Class 1

Class 0.5 Classes

57. Among them which method of measurement IS not used for low resistance measurement:

Kelvins bridge Pottentiometer method

Wheat stone bridge Ammeter volt meter method

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The effective value of alternating current is CA) 0.707 I max 0.606 I max CC) 1.1 I max CD) 1.414 I max

The IS code of earthing is CA) IS 3034 IS 0334 CC) IS 3043 CD) IS 3304

The depolarizer used in leclanche cell is CA) Zn20 2 Zn02

CC) Mn20 2 CD) MnO.
When four no of 2v, 4 Ah cells are connected in parallel, what will be it's Ab capacity:

CA) 4Ab 8Ab
CC) 2Ab CD) 16Ab

Boost charging method of battery is used to the battery for charging: CA) Over discharge battery Initial charging of battery CC) For charging a dead cell CD) For normal charging of a battery

For magnetic shielding which material is used: CA) Steel Iron CC) Cobalt CD) Nickel

Mica capacitors are best suited for: CA) Low frequency application

Low captors value required application
CC) As a low pass filter
CD) High frequency application

For a fine hacksaw blade the pitch is CA) 0.8mm 1.0mm CC) 1.4 mm CD) 1.2mm

In a megger the current coil develop torque under the influence of permanent magnet is CA) Anti clockwise direction No torque produced CC) Clockwise direction CD) Thus clockwise or anti clockwise

10 A
67. The Apparent power mentioned in the name plate of a CT in volt ampere at specified power factor is

CT rating Burden

FaultKVA CD) KVA rating

68. The primary and secondary voltage of a Delta -star transformer is out of phase with a degree of:

60° 90°

120° CD) 30°

69. A 6 pole 5 KW, 50 Hz 30 motor having a full load slip of what will be the speed at full load

1200 rpm 1164 rpm

970 rpm CD) 1000 rpm

70. While testing a capacitors with the help of ohm meter the needle deflects towards zero and then goes to infinity the capacitor is

Shorted Leaky

Open Good

71. The instrument used for measuring RPM is

Tacho -meter Tong

Wheat stone Bridge CD) Grouler

72. From the following, which is not characteristic of a capacitor start capacitor run motor?

High starting torque Good starting PF

Noise operation High running Torque

73. Among them which light source having high lumen efficiency:

Hallogen lamp Sodium vapour lamp

LED CD) Mercury vapour lamp

74. BT -136 is a semi conductor device, the device is

Diac Triac

Transistor CD) Zener diode

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75. While using GI wire as earth continuity conductor the minimum Gauge is



76. The voltage not exceeding 250 V is called:

Very low voltage Medium voltage

Low tension Low voltage

77. While erecting a pole to the ground the minimum depth kept bellow the ground level is

1I6th part of the pole 1I5th part of the pole

1I4th part of the pole 1I7th part of the pole

78. In a Gyser which material used in between the outer core and inner tank:

Mica Glass wool

Asbestos Impregnated paper

79. 1 KWH is equal to

868 Galori 36 x 105 Galori

860 Galori 3.6 x 106 Galori

80. rhe mass of an electron is approximately:
111480 part of proton 114180 part of Neutron
114108 part of proton 1/1840 part of proton
81. Kerala sastra puraskar of 2014 was awarded to

G. Madhavan Nair K. P. Gopinadhan

K. Radhakrishnan J.G. Bose

82. Who was the freedom fighter other than Gandhiji, who died in 1948?

Tagore Sarojini Naidu

M.A. Finnah Sardar Patel

83. Red panda is the state animal of which Indian State

Sikkim Meghalaya

Arunachal Pradesh Tripura

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84. Who chairs the joint sitting of the parliament?

President ofIndia Prime Minister

Supreme Court Chief Justice Lok Sabha speaker

85. The term Handicap is related to

Hockey Football

Polo Cricket

86. Sadhujana Paripalana Sangam later popular as

Pulaya Mahajana Sabha Harijana sabha

Pulaya Sangam Harijan Yojana Sabha

87. Integration of Indian states was a great achievement of:

Subhas Chandra Bose Nehru

Surendranath Banerjee Sardar Patel

88. The author of Music, My Life'

Yesudas Pandit Ravi Sankar

Subha lakshmi K.S. Chitra

89. Who is the chair person of National Women's Commission?

Mamta Sharma Jayanthi Patnaik

Lalitha kumaramangalam Sushma singh

90. Which State known as 'Land of Bio diversity'?

Kerala Gujarat

Tamilnadu Punjab

91. Who constituted Theertha Pada Matham?

Dr. Palpu Kumaranasan

Chattampi Swami Vaghbhatananda

92. The major type of soil found in Deccan plateau:

Alluvial soil Black soil

Red soil Laterite soil

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93. When and where was Jana-Gana Mana first sung?

Calcutta session of INC in 1911 Lahore session of INC in 1929

Lucknow session of INC in 1916 Nagpur session of INC in 1922

94. The drama 'Balakalesam' written by

Ayyankali V.T. Bhattathiripad

Pandit Karuppan Narayanaguru

95. Chathrapathi Shivaj International Airport is located in

Pune Mumbai

Chennai Madurai

96. 'The Indian Struggle' is the Autobiography of

Lala Lajpath Rai Bhaghat Singh

Subhas Chandra Bose Nehru

97. The Prime Minister of India who presided continuously three times as a Chairman of the planning commission of India:

Jawaharlal Nehru Rajiv Gandhi

Indira Gandhi Lal Bahadur Sastri

98. The sudden withdrawal of Non--{;ooperation movement led to the formation of:

Ghadar party Swarajist party

Hindu Maha Sabha Muslim League

99. The Partition of India was accepted on the basis of:

Mount batten plan Cripps Mission

Cabinet Mission Independence Act of India

100. In which of these cities did Jallian Wallabagh Massacre, one of the most tragic event in the history of our freedom struggle took place?

Lucknow Kanpur

Amritsar Lahore

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