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Organization odisha public service commission
Exam Date 2012
City, State odisha,

Question Paper


T. B. C. CJ -05/12 Test Booklet Series
[Time Allowed: 1j Hours 1 [Maximum Marks

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1. R. C. Cooper vrs Union of India is
6. The Legislature of a State may impose commonly known as
restrictions on trade, commerce and

Privy Purse Case intercourse under:

Fundamental Right Case Article 302

Bank Nationalisation Case Article 303

Mandai Commission Case

Article 304
2. Numberoffundamental rightsguaranteed Article305
only to citizens are:

7. Article 245 has been interpreted on the


basis of:


Doctrine ofTerritorial Nexus
Doctrine of Colourable Legislation
Doctrine of Eclipse
3. Following Schedule relates to the Doctrine of Pith and Substance Municipality
8. By the 42nd Amendment Act the
VII Preamble of the Constitution has been
IX amended at:


One Place


Two Places
4. Presidential satisfaction for imposing Three Places
President Rule is None ofthe above

Subject to judicial review on the
9. The following state has two Houses: ground of malafide

SUbject to judicial review


Not subject to judicial review


Subject to judicial review after the

Arunachal Pradesh rule ends
10. The provisions dealing with the Supreme
5. The current Lokpal Bill was introduced Court can be amended: under:
By absolute majority
Article 248
By absolute majority and ratification.

Article 252

Article 253 By special majority and ratification

Article 246 By special majority

GU-1N21 1 (Turn over)
11. A suit is bad for non-joinder of a necessary party, as provided:

Under Order Rule 10 of CPC

Under Order Rule 9 of CPC

Under Order Rule 1OA of CPC

Under Order Rule 11 of epe

12. Legal representative under Section of cpe means a person who is a

Relative of parties to the suit

Co-sharer of the benefits assuming to the parties

Close neighbour

Who in law represents the estate of the deceased person

13. Court can direct the parties to opt for any one mode of alternative dispute resolution under:

Order Rule 1A of epe

Order Rule 1B of epe
. Order XI, Rule 1 of epe

Order XII, Rule 2 of epe

14. Discovery by interrogatories and inspection has been provided:

Utlder order X of epe

U.nder order XI of cpe

Under order XVofCpe

Under order XVI of cpe

GU -1A121
15. Clerical or arithmetical mistakes in judgements, decrees or orders etc. can be corrected:

Under Section 152 of cpe

Under Section 153 of cpe

Under Section 151 of epc

Under Section 153A of epe

16. Compensatory costs in respect offalse or vexations claims or defences are imposed:

Under Section 34 of epe

Under Section 35 of CPC

Under Section 35A of epe

Under Section 35B of epe

17. Abetment of proceedings is governed:

By order XXI of epe

By order XXII of epe

By order XXIV of epc

By order XX of epe

18. A temporary injunctiOn can be granted to a party establishing:

That there is prima facie case in his favour

Irreparable injury to him in case injunction is not granted

Balanceofconvenience inhisfavour

All ofthe above

19. Right to appeal from original decree has 23. Which of the following can make the
been provided under: arrest?

Section 94 of CPC A Police Officer

Section 95 of CPC A Magistrate .

A Private Person

Section 96 of CPC

All ofthe above

Section 100 of CPC

24. Under Section 50, Cr. P. C. it is not20. Adjournment can be granted: mandatory to inform the arrested person Under Order XIV Rule 1 CPC that he is entitled to be released on bail:

Under Order XV Rule 2 CPC

With warrant

Under Order XVI Rule 3 CPC

Without warrant

Under Order XVII Rule 1 CPC

With warrantfor bailable offence
21. Non-Cognizable offence means:
Without warrant for non-bailable

A police officer has authority to arrest offence without warrant

25. A summons issued by a Court must be

A police officer cannot arrest without

in: warrant
It depends upon the discretion ofthe
police officer
Writing and Duplicate
On request of complainant, arrest
Writing andTriplicate
can be made
26. An Executive Magistrate is empowered
22. Under which Section of Cr. P. C., the
Ass(a) . istant Public Prosecutor is appSection 20 Section 24 Section 13 ointed to grant remand under Section 167, Cr. P. C. for a maximum period of: 15 days 7 days 60days
Section 25 90days
GU-1N21 3 (Turnover)

27. Which Section provides for joint trial for To consolidate, define and amend several persons?
jhe Law of Evidence
· Section 220

To define and amend the law of

Section 221


Section 222

To repeal certain parts and to define
Section 223 and amend the Law of Evidence
28. PoweroftheCourttoconvertSummons­
32. Law of Evidence is
cases into Warrant-cases is provided
A Substantive Law
· under:
I.a) Section 258 An Adjective Law

Section 259

Both and

Section 260

Neither nor

Section 261

33. Underthe Indian EvidenceAct, 1872, the
29. Which Section empowers the Court to relevantfact
examine the accused?
Must be legally relevant
Section 312
Must be logically relevant
Section 313
Must be logically and legally relevant

Section 314

Section 315 Must be logically and legally relevant and admissible

30. Undersection357,anorder ofcompen­sation can be passed by the 34. Confession ofone accused is admissible
Trial Court against co-accused:
· Appellate Court I High Court or

If they are tried jointly for different
Sessions Court offences
Both and
Ifthey are tried for the same offence
Only but not jointly
31. The object of Indian Evidence Act, 1872 . Ifthey are tried for different offences
as set out inthe Preamble is: and not jointly
To repeal certain parts and to conso­(d). If they are tried jointly for the same lidate, define and amend the Law of offenceEvidence
GU -1A121 Contd.
35, A dying declaration Is relevant in India: The burden of proving that he had a ticket is on him
v Only In criminal proceedings

Only in summary proceedlngl 39, When a document creltlng In obllgltion

Only In civil proceedlngl Is In the hindi of the obligor, the

In civil IS well IS crlmlnll procee· obllgltlon hll been dllchlrged dlngl It I..prelumptlonofL.lw

It is a presumption of Fact
36, The opinion of an expert can be on the que&tion of It is an irrebuttable presumption of

Foreign Law Law

Indian Law It is a mixed presumption of Law and

Both and Fact

Only and not

40. The husband and wife are competent witnesses for or against each other:
37. Secondary evidence is admissible:
Wherethenon-production ofprimary Incivilproceedings
evidence has not been accounted

In criminal proceedings
Both in civil and criminal proceedings
Irrespective of whether the non­
These are privileged communica­
production of primary evidence has tions, can not be disclosed
been accounted for or not
41. FraUdulently has been defined as doing
Where the non-produCtion ofprimary anything with intent to defraud: evidence has been accounted for
Section 23
Both and are correct
Section 25
38. A is charged with travelling on a railway
Section 24 without a ticket:
Section 26

Theburden ofprovingthathedidnot
have the ticket is on the prosecution

42. Section 34 of IPC

Theburden ofprovingthathedidnot

Creates a substantive offence
have the ticket is on the party who
Is a rule of evidence asserts it
Both and
The burden of proof is on railway
authorities Neither nor

GU-1A121 (Turn over)

43. The maxim "ignorantia juris non excusat" condition as the accused loses the means: requisite intention for the offence

Ignorance of Law is no excuse Appa Salved vrs State of

Ignorance of Fact is no excuse Maharashtra, AIR 2007 SC 763

Ignorance of Law is an excuse Mubarak Hussain vrs State of Rajasthan, AIR 2007 SC 697

Ignorance of Fact is an excuse

Neetu vrs State of Punjab, AIR 2007 44. Section 84 of IPC provides for:
SC 758
Medical insanity
Kamala Devi vrs K. Kanwar, AIR

Legal insanity

2007 SC 663

Moral insanity

49. Sex with a girl through fraudulent consent,
All of the above amounts to
45. The right to private defence is based on

Simple physical assault
the natural instinct of:


Self Preservation

Attempt to rape

Self Respect


self Sufficiency

50. Every murder is culpable homicide but

Self Reliance

not vice-versa. The statement:
46. Chapter XX oflPC deals with

Is true
. . Offences related marriage

Is false


Depends upon the circumstances

Offences against property

Depends upon the degree of

None of the above probability

47. The essential ingredients of a crime are: 51. The Limitation Act and the Code of Civil

Motive, mens rea and actus reus Procedure are to be read together because both are statutes relating to

Motive, intention and knowledge
procedure and they are in

Actus reus and mens rea

Pari Materia

Knowledge, intention and action

Modus Operandi
48. In which case Supreme Court held that
Colourable Legislations thedefence ofdrunkencanbeavailed of
Doctrine ofAcquiescenceonly when intoxication produces such a
GU-1A121 Conld.

52. For the balance due on a mutual, open
and current account, where there have
been reciprocal demands between the
parties the period of limitation is

3 years

12 years

4 years

30 years

53. For possession of immoveable property when the plaintiff has become entitled to possession by reason ofanyforfeiture or breach of condition the period of limitation is when the forfeiture is incurred or the condition is broken.

3 years

12 years

9 years

1 year

54. Where the period of limitation for filing a suit expired on 28th May, 1961 but no judge or officer could enter into the court premises due to picketing of the Civil Court from 19th to 29th May, the p'resentation of the plaint on 30th May, was held to be


In time since Section 4 is an exception to general rule laid down in Section 3 of the Act

Inordinate delay

None of the above

55. Where the prescribed period for any suit, appeal or application expires on a day when the court is closed, the suit, appeal
or application may be instituted, preferred
or made on the day:

When the court reopens within 30 days

According to the advocate wishes

Before closing of the court

When tHe court reopens

56. Appeal from an order of acquittal under Section 417(1) or of the Code of Criminal Procedure is from the date ofthe orderappealed.



60 days

12 months

57. The acquisition of easementary right is
acquired by prescription after uninterrupted with the person.

30 years

20 years

15 years

5 years

58. To set aside a sale in execution of a decree including any such application by from the d.ofsale.

60 days

30 days


3 years

GU-1AJ21 (Turnover)
59, The Lew of Limitationl bel'laetlon In the Condltlonl Imposed by tranlfaror Court but not reltrieting UI8 or enjoyment

Plea of change of law Both of the above

None of theabove

Plea of defence

Plea of Ignorance 804, Feeding the estoppel by gr.ntis • doetrlne of

Plea of estoppel

Section 42
eo, Any suit for which no period of limitation
Section 43is provided el,ewhere in this sehedule
Section 044. the period oflimitation is when
Section 45the right to aue accrues,

II yeai'll 65. Mal'lomed MUla vfsAghare Kumar Gangull (42 I. A the leading case of:

EI yealll

L.ill !"endens

1 year

Fl'lIIdulenl Transfer

Doctrine of Election
51. Attached ta the earth means:
Past Performance

Things rooted in the earth

66, English mortgage means:

Thing. imbedded in the earth

Mortgagor Ihauld bind himHlf to
Things attaohed to what is 10 repay mortgage money imbedded in the earth
Property mortgage should be
All of the above absolutely transferred to mortg_.
62. A transfel'll Rs. 5,000 to B on condition On the payment ofmortgage monoy that BresideswithA,otherwiseto C.The mortgageewillreconveytheproperty transfer in favour of C is Ali ofthe above
Collateral Transfer
67, Where two persons mutually transfl!lf the . ConditionPrecedent ownershipofanethingforthe

Ulterior Transfer of another, the transaction is

None ofthe above Sale

Actionable claim
63. Restrictive covenants are:
Such contracts which restrict the kI!18
or enjoyment Charge

GU-1A121 Conld.
68. A lease can be determined Incomplete offer

By merger Inchoate offer

By forfeiture

73. Conllderatlon mey be:

By lurrender Prelent or pelt or future

By ell oftheabove Prelent or future

Present or past69. Redeem up, foreclose down is the rights Past or futureof

Assignee 74. Obligations resembling those created by

Mortgagee contract are known as

Mesne mortgagee Contingent contracts

Wagering contracts


70. No mortgagee paying off a prior
mortgage shall thereby acquire any priority in respect of his original security. 75. The right of subrogation In a contrlct of Itis: guarantee is available to the:

Rules ofMarshalling Creditor

Rules against tacking Principal Debtor


Rules of subrogation


None ofthe above

76. General lien is available to 71. Law of Contracts is Bailee

The whole law of agreements


The whole law of obligations


The law of agreements creating

The law ofobligations IIrieing out of 77. said to a shop keeper .... "Let have
contracts the goods. I will see you paid." This is a
72. Announcement of Auction Sale without Contract ofGuarantee
reserve is an Contractof Indemnity
Invitation to offer Contract of
Offer Contingent Comrae!·

GU-1A121 (Turnover)
78. When consent is caused by fraud or Section 9 . misrepresentation, the contract is
Section 6
Voidable at the option of the
Section 14
aggrieved party
82. A dies after the commencement of the
Void Hindu Succession Act, leaving behind
Unenforceable three sons, C and D. The interest in
Irregular the property passes to by
79. The foundation of law of damages for
Sapind relationship
breach of contract is laid down in
Testamentary succession
Tinn vrs Hoffman
Survivorship . Taylorvrs Cladwell
Limited estate

Addis vrs Gramaphone Co.

Hadley vrs Baxandale 83. Any property possessed by a female Hindu whether acquired before or after

80. Acceptance of lesser sum in full the commencement of the Act shall besatisfaction of the debt: held by her as

Discharges the debt

Limited owner

Dischargesonlythepaidpartofthe debt Ancestral property

Discharges the paid part and Stridl1.ana property interest thereon

Full owner

Gives a right to sue for the balance

84. One who is related by blood to the amount deceased through female is known as
81. Under the Hindu Succession Act, the
property of a male Hindu dying intestate Agnate
shall devolve according to the provisions Cognate
of: Sapindas
Section 8 Dependant

GU-1A121 Contd.
85. A Hindu dies leaving behind father and Becomes vested son's daughter's son. They are:
Takes effect
Class I heirs
Representatives of B takes
Class" heirs 90. A copy ofthe will certified under the seal
Preferential heirs ofthe Court, with a grant administration
None of the above to the estate ofthe testator is known as
86. The Indian Succession Act applies only
Letter of administration
to the cases of
Self acquired property
Ancestral property
Privileged will
91. The following Section of the Specific
Intestate and testamentary
succession Relief Act deals with contracts with specific performance with variation:
87. To manage the estate of the deceased Section 21an Administrator is appointed by

Testator Section 32

Govemment Section 18

Court Section 19

Family of the deceased

92. The principle in which Section 12 of the
88. A Holograph Will is a willwrittenby the: SpecificReliefActisbasedon:

Coparcener "Equity looks to the substance rather

Advocate than to the mere letter of a contract"

Successor "Equity looks to the substance-of the

Testator contract and requires substantial compliance with its conditions rather

89. A legacy is bequeathed to A and in case than its literal fulfilment"
of his death to B. IfAsurvives the testator, the legacy to B Does not take effect Both and None ofthe above
GU-1N21 11 (Turn over)

93. The principle 'Doctrine of Specific A reversioner in possession Performance' is based on
A reversioner in reminder
Specific performance will not be
A reminder man for tenant nottar life
.granted where damages are an
96. Contracts which cannot be enforced
adequate remedy under Section 14 of the Specific Relief

The granting of specific performance is within the discretion Act: ofthe court Where compensation is adequate

Specific performance would be remedy
refused where the contract was

Contracts involving personal skill wanting mutuality at the time when it

Contracts of Determinable Nature was entered into
All ofthe above
All ofthe above
97. Oneofthefollowing isacontractwhich
94. One of the following statements is not has been held not 'indivisible'
applicable according to Section 80fthe SpecificReliefAct: Acontractforthesaleofproperty in

No suit can be bought against the one lot owner A contract for the sale of plot of land

A person having a special right to cannot be regarded as separate

present possession may bring the contract for selling different portion suit even against the owner of the
ofthe plot

Where property is sold in distinct
A decree is for the return of movable lots, with separate contract for each
property lot
A decree is for the money value
Where a person enter into a mutual against a movable property contract for sale or purchase
95. According to Section 15 one of the
98. In a suit for Specific Performance the
following persons cannot enforce the defendant may set up the folloWing
Specific Perform<lnce ofa contract:

The representative-in-interest or the
principal Uncertainty and Excess of power
GU -1A121 12 Contd.

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