Exam Details

Subject criminology
Exam / Course mains
Organization Karnataka Public Service Commission
Exam Date 2005
City, State karnataka,

Question Paper

I 0711
Paper 1
Ti 3 Hours .Maxlmum flrfarks 300
Each qUl'stlO/J. is printed both III English and in Kannada.
Ansu,ers !Iuts! be IDrittcn in the medium specified (English or Kannada) in the AdmissIOn Trchet issued to you, lolueh must he stated clearly on the cover of the answer lJOoh in the space pro{!l(ied this purpose. No credit will be giuen jor the answers Icritten in a medium other than that spec/Fed in the Adnu8sion Ticket. In case of doubt in the Kannada text, please to English text.
This paper has four parts ..
A 20 marks
B IOO marks
C 90 marks
D 90 marks

lvfarhs allotted to paeh question are indicated rn each part.
All questions in Part Part B and Part Care compuz..wry. Ans[ocr three questions in Part D.

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07/1 (2I
PART A 4x5=20
Answer each question in not more than 50 ll.Jords, Each question carnes 5 marhs.
1. "Statisticf; of crime and criminals are the most deceptive of all statistical data and they hardly present the factual crime position". --Examine this statement with reference to the statistical method of Criminolob,),.

Collection and use of fingerprints In crime detection and identification of criminals was the first important breakthrough in the scientitlc investigation of crimes. -Comment.

Unsoundness of mind IS a valid ground of defense under Section 84 of the Indian Penal Code. Examine the content and import of Section 84.

Cd) Confessions made by the accused to a Police OHieer or made in Police custody are regarded as untrustworthy and, hence, they are inadmissible as ,evidence. When is such confession admissible
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07/1 (4 I


Answer each question In not more than 100 words. Each question curries 10 marhs.
Elucidate and explain the hierarchy of criminal courts and the limits of their jurisdiction under the Criminal Procedure Code, 1973.

Firearms evidence pertaining to their identification through fired ammunition, is vell established. Examine the sources that carry firearm evidence

Culpable homicide is the genus of which IVlurder is the speclCS. Differentiate between 'Culpable homicide' and Explain v1th the help of illustrations.

Victimology has become an important branch of criminal law. Examine the basic ideas and concerns of Victimology today.

Analyze and explain the evils of the capitalistic system that are conducive to thp spread of criminal behaviour. Evaluate Bonger's Economic Theory of crime conviction.

Critically analyze the "Free will theory" of the Classical schools in the present society in the light of scientific development.

Explore and explain the definition of crime in all its aspects with illustrations.

Examine the contribution made by Enrico Ferri towards cnme causation and classification of criminals.

Explain the concept of 'lIultiple factors approach' propounded by sociologists to explain crime causation.

The detection of poisons and their identification are an important aspect of forenSIc science. Mention in detail the symptoms and classical identification techniques in case of administration of poison.

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0711 (6 I
PART C 6x15=90
Answer each question In not more than 150 words. Each question carnes 15 marks.
Criminals organize themselves into formal and informal associations to carryon their illegal activities violating the law. Examine various kinds of organized crimes vith present day illustrations.

Discuss in detail the importance and scope of Criminology and the between Criminology and other related sociI sciences.

Evaluation of blood evidence requires blood samples from the victim and the suspect. Discuss in detail the procedures and precautions for the collection and evaluation of blood for the purpose of evidence.

Discuss and evaluate the changes introduced by the Criminal law (Amendment) Act, 1983 and the role played by the Judiciary in protecting rape victims

5. "Actus non tacit reu,n nisi mens sit rea" IS the basis of criminai liability. DiscUHS the various components of this maxim in constituting an act into a crime.
6. A corpse helps to establish corpus delicti. It gives the identity of the deceased, the time of death and the cause of death, and also furnishes clues which link the criminal with the crime. Examine the various signs of death and time of death as specified in Forensic Science.
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07/1 (8I
PART D :ix30=.90
Answer allY three the following questions, each In not more than 300 words. Each questIOn carries 80 marks.
Financial loss to society from 'white collar' cnmes 15 greater than the financial loss from traditional cnmes. Discuss, with suitable illustrations the growth of, reasons for and the measures to control white collar crimes.

Positive schools of Criminology emerged due to co-relationship between criminafity and the structure and functioning of the brain. Discuss in detail the positive schools of Criminology and the criticisms against such schools of thought.

Forgery may be done by copying an available model. The model may be in the mind of the culprit. Examine and discuss in detail the various kinds of forgery, with illustrations.

Examme in detail the powers held and the problems faced by the Police in respect of an est, earch and seizure of the accused person. Mention the changes recommended by the Malimath Committee Report in this regard.

With the help of judicial pronouncements, critically analyse the essential elements of kidnapping from lawful guardianship. Distinguish betveen 'Kidnapping' and 'Abduction'.


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Paper 2
Hours j lvfaximum 300
Each question is printed both in English and in Kannada.
Ans/oers must be written in the medium specified (English or Kannac!a) in the Admission Ticket issued to you, which rrwst be stated clearly on the cover of the answer book in the space provided for this purpose. No credit will he given jor the ans/ocrs lorfUcn in a medium other than that sperificd in the Admission Tichet. In case of doubt in the Kannada text, please refer to English fe.xl.
This paper has {our parts
A 20 marks
B 100 marks
C 90 marks
D 90 marks

lvlarks allotted to each question arc indicated in each part.
All questions in Part Part B and Part C are compulsory. Ansi-cer any three questiuns in Part D.


07/2 2 I
Answer each question In not more than 50 words. Each question carnes
5 marks.

1. (aJ Critically evaluate the preventive and punitive legal
enactments/provisions to curb the menace of communal violence in
"Parole IS the release of an offender from the prison before the
expiration of the term of imprisonment" Evaluate the concept
and working of Parole in India
Critically analyze and discuss the individual and environmental
oriented crime prevention progTammes.
"A radical feature of the new prison philosophy is the emergence of
open prisons in many parts of India". Disucss the need and
importance of open prisons system.

07/2 {4
Answer each question in Not more than 100 roords. Each question carries marks.
Police functioning "vas changed from aggressive and mailed fist attitude to peaceful and persuasive handling of agitating groups. -DiHCUSS.

"Lack of <tt!'ection is regarded as an important contributory factor in anti-social attitude. Strained family relations are responsible for crime and delinquency." -Discuss in detail.

Constitutional rights of prisoners are re-interpreted by the .Judiciary from time to time. -Evaluate the statement with illustrations.

Critically analyze the Probation of Offenders Act, 1958 as a corrective legislation and evaluate the results of such probation work in India.

Mass media has contributed substantially in increasing the types and incidence of crime in India. -Comment.

Explain in detail organic psychosis and different functional psychosis.

Vhen all the sources of gratification fail due to defects of persons or circumstances, prostitution can be relied upon to furnish relief. Examine the causes of prostitution, consequent harm and the legal response to control prostitution.

Pornography, especially pornography through the cyber media, has bpcome a new fad with modern urban youth. -Discuss.

Discuss the importance of photographic documentation as evidence and the basic methods of such documentation.

Homosexuality, as a kind of unnatural offence punishable under the IPe, has become a frequent crime among modern youth. -Comment.

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07/2 (6 I
Answer each question in not more than 150 words. Each question carnes 15 marks.
'Attempt to commit suicide is not violative of Art. 21 of the Constitution.' -Explain the statement with the help of judicial pronouncements.

Terrorism is the greatest menace faced by the world today; very few countries are free from it. Critically examine its growth and the legal response to terrorism in India.

Police practices help to retain the same old dubious quality and the bad image of the police force continues its unmitigated hold on the public.' ­Elaborate the statement with the help of suitable illustrations.

Reformation of offenders is the central theme of domiciliary treatment in correction institutions. Examine the important correctional institutions in the case of Juvenile delinquents.

Capital punishment is a subject of social and public concern and has given rise to endless debate without producing any conclusion. Mention the pros and cons of capital punishment with the help of case law.

The Probation of Offenders Act, 1958 provides for different modes of dealing with youthful and other offenders. -Elaborate.

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0712 181
Answer any three of the following question.,>', each in not lnore than 300 words. Each question carries 30 marks.
L The custom of dowry is deep-rooted in Indian society, but over the years, it has turned into a social menace too entrenched and diabolical to be tackled by reformers and lawmakers. Explain, with suitable statistical information, to what extent the Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961 has been able 1 to control the menace of dowry.
2. 'The punitive approach has its focus of attention on the danger caused to the victim and the danger posed to SOclety; the criminal is treated as 1 something incapable of being reformed: -Analyse this statement in the light of various theories of crime.
3. Examine in detail the various committees appointed and the different enactments passed from time to time to reform the prison administraLi(H1 in India.
4. In the context of the problems of the Police f10wing from out of certain provisions of the Cr. PC. and the Indian Evidence Act, with respect to examination of scene of crime and investigation, mention the changes recommended by the rV1alimath Committee Report.
5. The new Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2000 has made certain distinct and welcome changes in the administration of juvenile delinquency, as compared to the earlier Juvenile Justice Act,
1986. Explore and comment on these improvements.





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