Exam Details
Subject | botany | |
Paper | ||
Exam / Course | mains | |
Department | ||
Organization | Karnataka Public Service Commission | |
Position | ||
Exam Date | 1999 | |
City, State | karnataka, |
Question Paper
Paper 1
Maximum Marks: 300
I/o/lrs I
question is printed both in English and in Kannada.
Answers must be written· in the medium specified or Kan.nada) in the Admission Ticket issued to which must be stated clearly on the cover of the UHswer book in the space provided for this purpose. No credit will be given for the answers written in a medium other than that specified in the Admission Ticket.
Candidates should attempt questions 1 and 5 which are compulsory, "und any three of the remaining questions, selecting at one question from each Section.
All questions carry equal marks. Provide diagrams in the answers wherever necessary.
M2Jc! til ;;iJw,oct 8f a'J.Jc!ojj ;;:fueycooneS.
{Turn ovur
J. AllSWl'r [lny three questions in not more thn!1 200 words each
UI) Explain the role of plasmids ill genetic engineering.
The hfe histories of members of Rhodophyta are unique among the
Explain '::J.pogalllY' and 'apospory'.
Algae are all excellent tiource cOJnnwl'cially valuable products.
2. an account of the causal organism, symptoms on the host and control mcasures with respect to any four of the folJmving
Loose smut of wheat
(eJ MosaiC diseasc
(elJ Ring rot of potato
Leaf blight of wheat
3. \/rite an account of a thalloid and a leafy gametophytc of
Explain the tclome cuncept on tlw sporophytic elaburation
Describe the structure of a bacteriophage.
(dl Highlight the primitive characters in Psilalum.
1. (a I Enuinel'atc the advanced characters found in C!lara. Ih) Give an account of post-infectional mechanisms of disease resistance
in plants,
Wrile short llotes on
(iJ Eluters
Sl'alariform conjugation in SjJirogyra
131 0311
Oll,Jilrl A
I. ,NM QIDQlw.H;jOJ;j 200
(Genetic engineering)
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e",ql'oil oiJ'o i5odJwdJoJ M,n
(i1 dtveri (Powdery mildew)
etJ.r.l"doil eJolo'" il""oJ (Ring rot of potato) o
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[Turn (lV/if
03/1 (4 I
5. Answer any three of the following in not more than 200 words:
Discuss the salient features of Hentham and Hooker's system classificat.ion of angiosperms.
Enumerate the angiosperm characters obtained in Gnctales.
Explnin the commercial importance of members of Pinaceae.
(dJ Descnbe the floral characteristics of Umbelliferae. Give the noral diagram and the floral formula.
6. Compare the following sets:
RalluHculaceae and Alagnoliaceae
Tcninuccllatc and Crassinuccllat.c ovules
TransvcrHc section of pine needle and leaf of Gnet/l/JI.
(dJ Differentiation and Dedifferentiation
7. Outline the distinguishing features of Grall/incae. Highlighl the eCOIHll1lic importance of LcgltIJlil/(Jsae.
Give an account of the various stomatal types that occur In the angIOsperms.
8. Describe the floral structure of a typical Dipterocarpaceae member. Comment un the eCQnomic importance of this famIly.
Mention the importance of Ilcrbana. How will you process plant
material in the preparation of a herbarium (cl short notes on any four of the following:
(ii Cyb"id
ii) Pullinium
(5I (I Ii I
5. ffi ,NM 200 ;»,dfldi)
13oQo:JJ' .mEld (angiosperms)
fJrndJJ'" oodmmd eq,36'20'oiJ ZldM.
ooWOoZJd w;Jrol""o
i3K,d Wol""
iNliJ z3.r.>, ZJ 0cJ)o D
"iJN' WolM fJf/Jo wOoiJ e'ile.l'd
0Q'diJ (Differentiation) e-OSQ'diJ (Dedifferentiation)
7. e1jl,o ei3,,36'20'oiJ oO<3JZJmi3
H. !Dipterocarpoceae) .mdD ffi ooW;)oZJd ;J"". M 2J 0QloO . 0013, OoiJo:JJ'M 2.;odo
&ml1"1,rol 2JoQloD
Paper 2
rAla.HIII/IlII .
question L.'i pr;ntl'd both ill and in KUIII/wln
Ans/ocrs must be III the medium sped/Yed (English or [{annuda) in the /dmisslon Tichet isslied to yOll, which must be stated clearly on the cOI'er of the o!lsu'rr rn the space prouidcd (or this pUljJose No credit loill be for the answers written in a mCdill/II other than thai specified in the Admission Tichet.
Calldidates' ·.shou.ld attempt qurstions 1 and 5 which are cOlHjJllhory, three of the remainill{! questio!!s, sclce/wg at lcns! one question /"om each 8ectioll.
/11 CjllcslloliS 1'ljltO! II I /l"ul'ide rI/U![nIIlIS III till'
I. Answer dl1)" three of 1Ill' l"dlmVll1g I<:ach 'llicstl(lll should not tlWrt' than wonls
cl Vhal are polytellL' alld lrtl1ljJ-hrtlsh chrolllosoml's
lel! List llie mdld yielding t.heir boLanic<l1 names and the families Uwy belong to.
2. C;ive an <-lccuunL or the gene transfer tC'chniquc,c; 111 BlIC'OOI.'g'<:llllSms. Add a note on the current achievements HI the fi.eld.
Ddinc Uw term 'Heo;pirilLory quotient'. How does it in various plant 1.issue;')
ill! Vnle all account. or sex ChrOIll()SOnWS sex-linked inhcrilancl'.
1. Vrite shmt noll'S on three of the f()llowing
Iii) Standard deviation
Hoot pressure
bJ Vrile all OlLTounL or the various l:y.lCS or India.
r c. c
" n C a c G G U1 z.} e G D A 8 c " t:1 .[t. " " 2J r:oo " i,U I:l c f:i c C" OJ, c (3u C " c 2 fl g. ct L-tL Q c 8a zt u o at S u ct al a o "1 o 81 u S Cl" " c"o aij o " G "fl ct, 21u tl o D 2:l c 2:L 8" ·c [tce:. ql .....fri § " j "(t. 2. o 8 zt"-u a a §. a o ct g. f" eU "l " Cl n I:l u n 0" G Cl " 2..'0 &t o fJ a P ;Lu " titJ iJ V. 01. (.9 u G o C 2:L 2:1.,. ctl "zthU-La, s u G o I LG o "l o " ·c t hL, U a fl a. 8 2..._ to U ZL. U Z1, 11 b r o w " o o Ol" " " c C CL o v Et -fD 01, i0 j<o . G Q E· >ctl " u u G &.1.-Cl S "1 n LJ 11 o co c o D a 2 U4. a " L:L Cl Lt1 G " Q QOJ" 2log; 2." co
11. illl.' Ill' thL' qllC.C,'!jIJIl III 11111 mOrt' than 200 \lords
the practical applications auxins.
GIve brief nccrlLlnt or cytnplnsmic inhcrltance III pl:1nts vith exalllpics.
lei) the phenomenoll of phoLo-respir:tliml III and lIs
fi. all (lccount of the mechanism of CO2 fixation dll'ing pIU)(OSYIlLlwsis, explaining the major steps and the end-products.
7. 1(11 (Ill accounL or the various methods .":II11plillg or plant.s lld,Vlllg the commumLy structure.
Iii [wid rain
striltosphcric ozone depleti()l1
H. :111 :lcnlllll! drug rind planls. the IlIil,lllll";t1 :llld tIp' p:lrh 1.11:11 yl'111 (Iw
(hl Vitll .'>llltalJlc CX:llllPlcs, ellll.lllCraLc tlw chief rharacLcl'istlcs and of Llw flJ!!uwing
7. ;rJ;_lLJj:Ju..)JE" (COIlllllllllit), structure) wwwww.J;Jr9i0.. o.J03) wCk{OD.
d" .
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