Exam Details
Subject | agriculture | |
Paper | ||
Exam / Course | mains | |
Department | ||
Organization | Karnataka Public Service Commission | |
Position | ||
Exam Date | 1999 | |
City, State | karnataka, |
Question Paper
Paper 1
rMaxim lUll Ala.rh,"; 300
rtuestion is printed both in Enghsh and in Kannada.
AI/swers must be written m the lnedium. specified (English or Kannada) in the Admission Ticket issued to you, which nUlS! be stated clearly on the cover of the answer book Ul the 6pace provided (or this purpose. No credit will be given for the answers written in a medium other than that specified in the Admission Tiche!.
Candidates shouLd attempt questwns 1 and 5 to/Heft are. compulsory, and any three of the remaining qucsfl:ons, selecting at least one question (rom each. Section.
All questions carry equal marhs.
&i MzJrJrT1;r 5f o:JJ:Jey:mfld.
/111f1l VI'I
I. Write :;horL notes on any three of the following, m about 200 words
Environmental pollution and associated hazard",
ill) Multiple cropping system
{el Methods ur evaluation of extension programmes Farm pbnning and budgeting
2. (aj Define water-use efficiency. Discuss vanous agronomic practices increasing the waLer-use efllciency in crop production. for
Give the recommended package of practices for tobacco cultivation.
3. Describe the characteristics of saline and alkaline soils and explain vanDUS measures of their reclamation.
Define Forestry". GIVe dytails limitations and types of farm forestry. uf the
4. What is Biological Nitrogen Fixation agriculture with suitable examples. Discuss its exploitation 111
What is cro8iun Discuss the run-off managoment practices 111 and valley' lands. hilly
CJ 0 D 5 'oJE 13 0 0 13 £ b lJ fj fjl fjl "3 f.l 13., 0 " 13 .:3 lJ W il 120 B D " "" 0 "" 18 lJO £ il D ""OJ iJ fj 0 13 v ;0"0 "" 1 13fr v " 3" lJ 10· 13"1:;J ·rr OJ " OJ IJ fJ 13 12 rt lJlJ-1J' il fir£ 18 "" 12 B",7. il a fF 12 0 " 13"}J "3 v 13 B 13 £ fi D fJ. CO "" 0 fj 0 il 12 0 12 OJ ft f.l 8 lJ fj 181: il.2""-. "Cc D 12 fJn p .,. il Q " v 'l3G 5 lJ D . " "3 1J "Cc12 8 D 0 13 B;0"0 <13 0 D 13 fj 5 c· 12 v "D lJ 0 "CC D o "3 0>18-"tP D 13 13 D lJ ....J 13 " 13 13 fJ 13 'oJE " v f.l c· v :8lJ o "1;l 1.( Jeo 12
lP <13
01/1 (4 I
fl. Write short notes on any three of the following, in about 200 words each:
Amortization of loans
f..'1odel rearing-house for silkv.'orms
Structure of cooperatives in India
(ell Economics of cocoon production
G. Bring out the limitations of cooperative institutions in marketing of horticultural products. Explmn the importance of grading horticultural produce, and the grade characteristics of orange and banana.
7. Describe m detail the etiology, symptoms, mode of infection, and preventive and control measures of dIfferent foliar diseases of mulberry.
o. DiSCUSS ill detai1 different advanced Ly c0111mercial banks for agricultural development. Explain the merits and demerits of each type.
n. W3 cj hoSO"<JD
oJ U .....
oil", d2€, ;)riDcm
7. wOrlEiii ZJZJQ 3rltDe:3 GJIl "oi1M wi
H. ez)c:5J2ITtJh d
co 'S1loir.J 0 do d ZJr1 n
Paper 2
/lrl/lrs I [Maximurn A1arks 300
Each question is printed both in English and in Kannada.
Answers must be written w. the medium specified (English or Kannada) in the Admission Ticket issued to you, which must be stated clearly on the cover of the answer in the space provided (or this purpose. No credit will be given lor the answers written in a medium other than that specified in the Admission Ticket.
Candu/ates should attempt questions 1 and 5 which are compulsory, and any three of the renwining questions, selecting at least one question (rom each Section.
All questions carry equal marhs.
M,Jij ffi ;;J.,wdod M15cJrW ffi #f.icJoJ:J
[Turn oVI.'r
12 I
1. Answer any of" t.hl! foliowlI1g in about 200 words each
Differentiate bl'l'cc!Jng nll'thods of self and cross pollinated crops.
(lil llal11!l'n;mcl' or Ilucleus and breeders' sced of inbrcd lines.
(Cl Integrated nutricnt management.
Id) Care and Illaintenance or plant. protection cquipment.
2. What integJ'ntcd pest. Illcll1agl:lllenL List the various cult.ural practices recollllllcnded I(.lr the managemcnt of inscct pests and diseases of crops, with cX<1l1lpll::s
:l. Vhat IS sustainable agriculture Explain the basic principles of sustainahle Discuss it.s relevancc unclcr t.l1C' changing practices of 1l1lpruved agricultural technology.
1. ...,11ort Iwtes on the fnllnwing
CytOplnSllll(, illhentance
(bJ ivlcchaillsm c!r action of growth regulat.ors
Enzymes and plant pigmcnts
(ell Landscape gardcns
Protopla.st fusion
5vt?J (sustainable agriculture) 5 5 ut.l@
e"dd zjzjE" J.J.
5. Answer any three of the foJlOving 111 about 200 words each:
Adulteration of food products
lletllOds of sericulLure extension
DistrilJutlOll or inputs through
(dl station in sericulture seed organisation
6. Discuss the various strategies empluyed ITl price stabilisation of agricultural COllllllodities by the Government of India,
Explain appropriate price policy for agricultural commodities.
Discuss the aims and methods of silkworm breeding. Add a note on the importance pf germ plusm bank.
Vrite short notes on the following:
FeasilJlJity tests of agricultural projects
(bJ Hearing procedure lell' tropical tasar
Cost I3encfit ratio, vith examples
(dJ General and specific combining ability
Statutory minimum price
6. ";"",OClod ero'tij,M 030 illOcJOVd zJ23E"ftJ.
Mg 030
7. a5J'h QloiJTi<io oil", ho101t:!Jo:l6 m,0 01 tJ"!,roI 2JOo'Jo 5.
Oi)oi;f'NtlQ63V (tasar) ffi1h
NJc;m0, NtJc3Jq:l.tE"
u "
Paper 1
rMaxim lUll Ala.rh,"; 300
rtuestion is printed both in Enghsh and in Kannada.
AI/swers must be written m the lnedium. specified (English or Kannada) in the Admission Ticket issued to you, which nUlS! be stated clearly on the cover of the answer book Ul the 6pace provided (or this purpose. No credit will be given for the answers written in a medium other than that specified in the Admission Tiche!.
Candidates shouLd attempt questwns 1 and 5 to/Heft are. compulsory, and any three of the remaining qucsfl:ons, selecting at least one question (rom each. Section.
All questions carry equal marhs.
&i MzJrJrT1;r 5f o:JJ:Jey:mfld.
/111f1l VI'I
I. Write :;horL notes on any three of the following, m about 200 words
Environmental pollution and associated hazard",
ill) Multiple cropping system
{el Methods ur evaluation of extension programmes Farm pbnning and budgeting
2. (aj Define water-use efficiency. Discuss vanous agronomic practices increasing the waLer-use efllciency in crop production. for
Give the recommended package of practices for tobacco cultivation.
3. Describe the characteristics of saline and alkaline soils and explain vanDUS measures of their reclamation.
Define Forestry". GIVe dytails limitations and types of farm forestry. uf the
4. What is Biological Nitrogen Fixation agriculture with suitable examples. Discuss its exploitation 111
What is cro8iun Discuss the run-off managoment practices 111 and valley' lands. hilly
CJ 0 D 5 'oJE 13 0 0 13 £ b lJ fj fjl fjl "3 f.l 13., 0 " 13 .:3 lJ W il 120 B D " "" 0 "" 18 lJO £ il D ""OJ iJ fj 0 13 v ;0"0 "" 1 13fr v " 3" lJ 10· 13"1:;J ·rr OJ " OJ IJ fJ 13 12 rt lJlJ-1J' il fir£ 18 "" 12 B",7. il a fF 12 0 " 13"}J "3 v 13 B 13 £ fi D fJ. CO "" 0 fj 0 il 12 0 12 OJ ft f.l 8 lJ fj 181: il.2""-. "Cc D 12 fJn p .,. il Q " v 'l3G 5 lJ D . " "3 1J "Cc12 8 D 0 13 B;0"0 <13 0 D 13 fj 5 c· 12 v "D lJ 0 "CC D o "3 0>18-"tP D 13 13 D lJ ....J 13 " 13 13 fJ 13 'oJE " v f.l c· v :8lJ o "1;l 1.( Jeo 12
lP <13
01/1 (4 I
fl. Write short notes on any three of the following, in about 200 words each:
Amortization of loans
f..'1odel rearing-house for silkv.'orms
Structure of cooperatives in India
(ell Economics of cocoon production
G. Bring out the limitations of cooperative institutions in marketing of horticultural products. Explmn the importance of grading horticultural produce, and the grade characteristics of orange and banana.
7. Describe m detail the etiology, symptoms, mode of infection, and preventive and control measures of dIfferent foliar diseases of mulberry.
o. DiSCUSS ill detai1 different advanced Ly c0111mercial banks for agricultural development. Explain the merits and demerits of each type.
n. W3 cj hoSO"<JD
oJ U .....
oil", d2€, ;)riDcm
7. wOrlEiii ZJZJQ 3rltDe:3 GJIl "oi1M wi
H. ez)c:5J2ITtJh d
co 'S1loir.J 0 do d ZJr1 n
Paper 2
/lrl/lrs I [Maximurn A1arks 300
Each question is printed both in English and in Kannada.
Answers must be written w. the medium specified (English or Kannada) in the Admission Ticket issued to you, which must be stated clearly on the cover of the answer in the space provided (or this purpose. No credit will be given lor the answers written in a medium other than that specified in the Admission Ticket.
Candu/ates should attempt questions 1 and 5 which are compulsory, and any three of the renwining questions, selecting at least one question (rom each Section.
All questions carry equal marhs.
M,Jij ffi ;;J.,wdod M15cJrW ffi #f.icJoJ:J
[Turn oVI.'r
12 I
1. Answer any of" t.hl! foliowlI1g in about 200 words each
Differentiate bl'l'cc!Jng nll'thods of self and cross pollinated crops.
(lil llal11!l'n;mcl' or Ilucleus and breeders' sced of inbrcd lines.
(Cl Integrated nutricnt management.
Id) Care and Illaintenance or plant. protection cquipment.
2. What integJ'ntcd pest. Illcll1agl:lllenL List the various cult.ural practices recollllllcnded I(.lr the managemcnt of inscct pests and diseases of crops, with cX<1l1lpll::s
:l. Vhat IS sustainable agriculture Explain the basic principles of sustainahle Discuss it.s relevancc unclcr t.l1C' changing practices of 1l1lpruved agricultural technology.
1. ...,11ort Iwtes on the fnllnwing
CytOplnSllll(, illhentance
(bJ ivlcchaillsm c!r action of growth regulat.ors
Enzymes and plant pigmcnts
(ell Landscape gardcns
Protopla.st fusion
5vt?J (sustainable agriculture) 5 5 ut.l@
e"dd zjzjE" J.J.
5. Answer any three of the foJlOving 111 about 200 words each:
Adulteration of food products
lletllOds of sericulLure extension
DistrilJutlOll or inputs through
(dl station in sericulture seed organisation
6. Discuss the various strategies empluyed ITl price stabilisation of agricultural COllllllodities by the Government of India,
Explain appropriate price policy for agricultural commodities.
Discuss the aims and methods of silkworm breeding. Add a note on the importance pf germ plusm bank.
Vrite short notes on the following:
FeasilJlJity tests of agricultural projects
(bJ Hearing procedure lell' tropical tasar
Cost I3encfit ratio, vith examples
(dJ General and specific combining ability
Statutory minimum price
6. ";"",OClod ero'tij,M 030 illOcJOVd zJ23E"ftJ.
Mg 030
7. a5J'h QloiJTi<io oil", ho101t:!Jo:l6 m,0 01 tJ"!,roI 2JOo'Jo 5.
Oi)oi;f'NtlQ63V (tasar) ffi1h
NJc;m0, NtJc3Jq:l.tE"
u "
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