Exam Details
Subject | geology | |
Paper | ||
Exam / Course | mains | |
Department | ||
Organization | Karnataka Public Service Commission | |
Position | ||
Exam Date | 2006 | |
City, State | karnataka, |
Question Paper
Paper 1
7'11111' . Hours] rAfm...imulI1 }.Harks .. :Wo
Candidates should atte!llpt all the questions in Parts B C. HOIVCl'Cl', haue to choose only three questions III Part D. The IIlimher carried b.v each questioll IS indicatrd at the elld of the questIOn.
Answers must be written I,n English. Care should be tahen not to us tar as p08sibl,,, the suggested limit of u'ords.
This pUjJer hus purts
A 20 marks
B 100 marks
C 90 marks
D 90 marks
,;llurks allutted to euch (jUC8tlOll (jrc Indicated in earh ]Jurl.
16/1 (2I
Answer each questwn in anout 50 words. Each question carries marhs.
1. Write short notes on the following:
Geothermal energy
Hock defurmation
(el Geomorphic processes
(31 1G/1 PART B 10x1O= 100
An81i-'er each questIOn in ahout 100 words. l!.'uch qurstiol/ carrlcs 10
Describe the different volcanic produds.
Explain the various types of Geosynclines.
How are the mid-oceanic ridges formed?
Vhat are the baS1C concepts in geomorphology')
DI'.'>crib0 the drainage of India.
7. Discuss the nature and genesis of planar structures. What is the fossil assemblage in rocks of Cambrian age
1Icntion the major divisions in the standard stratigraphic .'>cale.
"Vhat 15 'Boundary Problem' III stratigraphy Explain with an appropriatl' example.
Explain the major stagels in the organic evolution (evolution lifel.
116/2 1
Paper 2
Tillll' 3 1/0111'8 I i.Haximlllll
Cundulutt'8 should oticrllpl all questions ill Purts 13 C. they funic to choose only three questions iii Pur! D. The /lumber hy carll (juestioll IS indicuted at the end of the questioll.
Answers II/llst he writfr!l in Enr;lish. Cure should hr fal,'cn not to till' as ]Josslble, the 811f.f!VStcd limit of words.
This pupa hus (our jJurts
A 20 marks
B 100 mnrks
C 80 marks
D 80 marks
;Hurl:s allutted to (jlu)slio!l are inrhwted III each part.
1G/2 (2 I
Ansu'cr each question in about 50 u'ords. Each question cO/Ties 5 nwrhs.
1. Write short notes on the following (al 'Ivinning In crystals ,hi Isomorphism llagma (dl Tenor of orcs
3 i 16/2
each (jllC.r..;lI()/I ill about lOO words. Hoch IJuestion carTies 10 morIn,'.
2. Explain the substances. major differences between crystalline and nOll-crysLdEne
Draw tlw stereographic projection of Norma! Class of lsometric System. Explain how the sylllmetry charactl'I'S have been represented therein
llndur what conditions, do minerals when examined show interference colours under a microscope,
5. Explain the uses of optical accessories.
n. What are the different" types or bond.s noticed Il1 minerals
7. :ame the members of the chpmical compusition. f(ddspar group of minerals and theiJ
l'lention the major types of magmas and their
f<:xplain the changes that take place in sediments when they undergo lithification and JiagclH:;I".
Define ore Illineral and gangue, Vith suitable examples.
1"1. WhIch an. the exploration techniqups used for locating OIT depo:,;its Explain in brier.
PART C 6xiu=YU
Answer each question in about 150 Each question carries 15 marks.
Classify the crystals based on their symmetry characters.
Explain the usefulness of X-Rays in crystallography.
Discuss the pyroxene group of minerals.
How are the igneous rocks classified? Hi. Discuss the nature and origin of charnockites.
17. Hov are the aerial photographs useful in geological investigations?
(5I 16/2 PARTD 3x30=90 Answer any three of the foUowing questions, each m about 300 words. Each question carries 30 marks.
Discuss the salient features of the International System of Notation.
What is the basis for classification of silicates Give suitable examples with neat sketches, for each group of silicates.
Elaborate on the stratigraphic, petrogenetic and tectonic significance of Deccan basalts.
Describe the gold of India. Make a special reference to occurrences in Karnataka.
Emphasise the importance of ground water geology. Add a note on the occurrence of ground water hard rock terrain.
Paper 1
7'11111' . Hours] rAfm...imulI1 }.Harks .. :Wo
Candidates should atte!llpt all the questions in Parts B C. HOIVCl'Cl', haue to choose only three questions III Part D. The IIlimher carried b.v each questioll IS indicatrd at the elld of the questIOn.
Answers must be written I,n English. Care should be tahen not to us tar as p08sibl,,, the suggested limit of u'ords.
This pUjJer hus purts
A 20 marks
B 100 marks
C 90 marks
D 90 marks
,;llurks allutted to euch (jUC8tlOll (jrc Indicated in earh ]Jurl.
16/1 (2I
Answer each questwn in anout 50 words. Each question carries marhs.
1. Write short notes on the following:
Geothermal energy
Hock defurmation
(el Geomorphic processes
(31 1G/1 PART B 10x1O= 100
An81i-'er each questIOn in ahout 100 words. l!.'uch qurstiol/ carrlcs 10
Describe the different volcanic produds.
Explain the various types of Geosynclines.
How are the mid-oceanic ridges formed?
Vhat are the baS1C concepts in geomorphology')
DI'.'>crib0 the drainage of India.
7. Discuss the nature and genesis of planar structures. What is the fossil assemblage in rocks of Cambrian age
1Icntion the major divisions in the standard stratigraphic .'>cale.
"Vhat 15 'Boundary Problem' III stratigraphy Explain with an appropriatl' example.
Explain the major stagels in the organic evolution (evolution lifel.
116/2 1
Paper 2
Tillll' 3 1/0111'8 I i.Haximlllll
Cundulutt'8 should oticrllpl all questions ill Purts 13 C. they funic to choose only three questions iii Pur! D. The /lumber hy carll (juestioll IS indicuted at the end of the questioll.
Answers II/llst he writfr!l in Enr;lish. Cure should hr fal,'cn not to till' as ]Josslble, the 811f.f!VStcd limit of words.
This pupa hus (our jJurts
A 20 marks
B 100 mnrks
C 80 marks
D 80 marks
;Hurl:s allutted to (jlu)slio!l are inrhwted III each part.
1G/2 (2 I
Ansu'cr each question in about 50 u'ords. Each question cO/Ties 5 nwrhs.
1. Write short notes on the following (al 'Ivinning In crystals ,hi Isomorphism llagma (dl Tenor of orcs
3 i 16/2
each (jllC.r..;lI()/I ill about lOO words. Hoch IJuestion carTies 10 morIn,'.
2. Explain the substances. major differences between crystalline and nOll-crysLdEne
Draw tlw stereographic projection of Norma! Class of lsometric System. Explain how the sylllmetry charactl'I'S have been represented therein
llndur what conditions, do minerals when examined show interference colours under a microscope,
5. Explain the uses of optical accessories.
n. What are the different" types or bond.s noticed Il1 minerals
7. :ame the members of the chpmical compusition. f(ddspar group of minerals and theiJ
l'lention the major types of magmas and their
f<:xplain the changes that take place in sediments when they undergo lithification and JiagclH:;I".
Define ore Illineral and gangue, Vith suitable examples.
1"1. WhIch an. the exploration techniqups used for locating OIT depo:,;its Explain in brier.
PART C 6xiu=YU
Answer each question in about 150 Each question carries 15 marks.
Classify the crystals based on their symmetry characters.
Explain the usefulness of X-Rays in crystallography.
Discuss the pyroxene group of minerals.
How are the igneous rocks classified? Hi. Discuss the nature and origin of charnockites.
17. Hov are the aerial photographs useful in geological investigations?
(5I 16/2 PARTD 3x30=90 Answer any three of the foUowing questions, each m about 300 words. Each question carries 30 marks.
Discuss the salient features of the International System of Notation.
What is the basis for classification of silicates Give suitable examples with neat sketches, for each group of silicates.
Elaborate on the stratigraphic, petrogenetic and tectonic significance of Deccan basalts.
Describe the gold of India. Make a special reference to occurrences in Karnataka.
Emphasise the importance of ground water geology. Add a note on the occurrence of ground water hard rock terrain.
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