Exam Details

Exam / Course mains
Organization Haryana Public Service Commission
Position psychology
Exam Date 2011
City, State haryana,

Question Paper

Code -18

Time-3 Hrs. Max. Marks -150
Note: Attempt Five Questions in all. All questions carry equal marks. Ques. No.1 is compulsory. Answer two questions from Part I and two questions from Part II. The parts ofsame question must be answered together and must not be interposed between answers to other questions.
Ql. Write critical notes on any four ofthe following (4x7.5=30)

What is split brain Is left hemisphere more intel1igent than right hemisphere?

How would you explain that the characteristics of stimulus attract the attention of person?

Who wil1 learn faster, high anxious students or low anxious students? Explain in the words of Hull.

What do you mean by problem? Evaluate the role of set in problem solving.

What are the basic ideas behind Freud's Psychoanalytic theory of personality?

Can Attitude be changed What are the views of Festinger about attitude change?

Q2. What is Experimental method? Describe the general designs used in
Experimental psychology.
Are the factors of Perceptual organization, innate or acquired
Differentiate Gestalt and Behaviouristic approaches to perception.

Q3. Do motivational factors affect long term memory Describe the factors that affect Reminiscence.
Describe 'Two-Factor' theory of Intelligence. What is the relation between intelligence and creativity?

Q4. Discuss the various methods of assessing human drives.
Define social role. Explain the relationship between social role and social interaction.
Q5. What is meant by classification of abnormal behaviour? Describe the five axes of abnormal behaviour as proposed in DSM-IV TR. Q6. What is Psychological Test? Discuss the characteristics of a good test. How WAIS is important in psychological studies? Q7. Give the meaning of Alcoholism. Describe its phases. Prepare a proposal for treatment ofAlcoholism.

II1TN-EB-12 2

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