Exam Details
Subject | physics | |
Paper | ||
Exam / Course | mains | |
Department | ||
Organization | Karnataka Public Service Commission | |
Position | ||
Exam Date | 2008 | |
City, State | karnataka, |
Question Paper
Paper 1
me .3 Hours j I" Alaxlmum Marks: 300
Candidates should attempt all the questions in Parts B However, they have to choose only questions in Part D. C.
Answers must Kannada). be /llritten in the medium opted (i.e. English or
This has j'our parts:
A B c D 20 marks 100 marks 90 marks 90 marks "'Jarks allotted to each qUC.->tlOll Gre indIcated 11l each part.
17/1 121 PART A 4x5=2IJ
Answer each question in about 50 words. Each question carries 5 marks.
1. Define torque and them. angular momentum. Obtain the relation betwe en
State and explain Planck's law for blac k body ra diation.
'What afC forced for the same. oscillations Explain resonance and the conditi on
Give a brief description linearly polarized light. of one tech nique for the production of
I 17/1 PARTB x Ansu:er each questlOn in aboul 100 words. Each question carries 10 mark8.
Explain Kepler's laws of planetary motion. Derive the third from the basic laws of motion and gravity.
Explain gyroscope and precessional motion.
Discuss Bernoulli's equation and one application.
Explain Carnot's cycle with reference to a PV plot. Vhat. IS the relevance of the area enclosed by the plot
Explain pressure exerted by a gas based on kinetic theory. Obtain an expression for the same.
Discuss thermal ionization. Give an explanation for stellar spectra in terms of this procesl';.
Vhat is meant by superposition of waves? Distinguish between phase' velocity and group velocity and give the relation between them.
Explain damping. Show how this is taken into consideration in the equation of motion of a single harmonic oscillator. Vlhat is its effect on the amplitude and the frequency?
GivL the important features of Fresnel and Fraunhofer diffraction by n circular aperture.
1]. Explain resolving power of an optical instrument and the Rayleigh criterion for the same.
17/1 41 PARTe 6x}5=90 Answer each question in about 150 words. Each question carries 15 marks.
12. Explain the two basic conservation laws operating in the collision between two bodies.
What IS collision impact parameter? Explain its significance.
What are the postulates of the special theory of relativity') Explain.
lbl Derive the Lorentz transformation equations for space and time co-ordinates.
la) Explain Maxwell's distribution law of velocities of gas molecules at a temperature T.
Describe the principle of the Joule -Kelvin effect.
What are the basic assumptions of Einstein's theory of specific heats of solids?
(bl Develop the theory.
Write down the wave equation and obtain the harmonic solutions. (bJ Hence explain plane and spherical waves.
Describe the principle and operation of a He-Ne laser.
Distinguish between spatial and temporal coherence.
(51 17/1 PART D 3x30090 Answer any three of the following questions, each in about 300 words. Each question carries 30 marks.
IH. (al What is meant by central forces? What are their characteristics? Ib) Show that for a particle moving under the influence of a central force obeying inverse square law, the angular momentum is conserved.
What are geostationary orbits? Obtain an expression for the radius of a geostationary orbit.
19. Describe the set-up and experimental procedure of the Michelson -Morley experiment. Discuss its outcome.
Derive an expression for the relativistic variation of mass, with velocity.
Prove the relativistic invariance of the quantity
20. Explain adiabatic and isothermal processes.
Define entropy. Discuss how it varies in the above two processes.
Two blocks of copper, each of mass 850 gm, are put in thermal contact in an insulated box. The initial temperatures of the two blocks are 325 K and 285 K. Given that the specific heat of copper is 0·386 J/g.K, calculate the final temperature of the two blocks. What is the change in entropy of the two blocks?
21. Describe Huygens' principle and apply it to the propagation of plane waves.
Explain the phenomenon of interference. Enlist the conditions necessary for observing a stable interference pattern.
(cj In a double slit experiment, the slits are 0·5 cm apart at 1 m from the screen. These are illuminated by a light source emitting two light waves with Al 480 nm and A2 600 nm. What is the separation on the screen between the third order bright fringes for the two wavelengths Also, calculate the shortest distance from the centre of the screen where the bright fringe of Al overlaps the dark fringe of the other.
(Turn OV8r
17/1 61
22. Explain the phenomenon of polarization of light. 'Which property of light waves does this process illustrate Explain.
Describe detected. how circularly polarized light can be produced and
A beam of partially polarized light is passed through a polarizing filter and then the filter is rotated through 360" while keeping it perpendicular to the beam. The transmitted intensity is found to vary by a factor of 5 during the rotation. What fraction of the intensity of the original beam is associated with the polarized component of the beam
1 17/2
Paper 2
7'U1IC 3 Hours JrA1aximunl 300
should attempt all the questions in Parts B C. However, have to choose only three questions in Part D.
Answers must be written in the medium opted (i.e. English or Kannada).
Th is paper has four parts:
A 20 marks
B 100 marks
C 90 marks
D 90 marks
AJarks allotted to each question arc ind,cated in each part.
17/2 PAIn' A
AnsiI'er each question in about 50 words. Each question carnes 5 marks.
Deri'e the equation for Coulomb's second law of electrostatics and define a unit charge.
Discuss the dual nature of matter and wave.
Vhat is radioactivity? Compare the properties uf f3 and y (dl Explain why NAND and NOR gates are called universal gates.
3 17/2
AI/sIDer each question in about 100 words. Each question carries 10 marks.
2. State and prove Gauss theorem in electrostatics.
State and explain Faraday's and Lenz's law of elQctromagnetic induction.
Explain the concept of dispbcemcnt current density in the time varying electric and magnetic fields. Prove that the displacement current density,
at .
State Bohr's fundamental postulates for hydrogen atom. Mention its limitations (any two). Obtain expressions for its eneq,ry levels.
6. Stat.e and explain the significance of four quantum numbers sand
Vhat IS light scattering? Explain inten::;ity of Stokes lines are than Antistokes lines in Raman effect.
8. V/hat is nuclear binding Draw a binding energy curve.
O. Vrite a note on intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors.
Vhnt. is a zener diode'? Describf' its working principle.
Describe with a circuit dingram transistor emitt.er followt,r.
17/2 PARTe Answer each queshon in about 150 words. Each question carries 15 marks.
12. "What is Biot Savart's law?
Show that magnetic field due to Iof radius r is given by B 2r a current, carrymg circular loop
13. 14. Express Maxvvell's equations in differential and integral form. and use them to obtain the equation of continuity. Show that speed of electromagnetic wave in vacuum 18 c 1 Jp r.-. o " Explain Classical theory of Raman effect.
Irradiation of carbon tetrachloride by 4358 A radiation gives Raman lines at 4400, 4419 and 4447 A. Calculate the Raman shift for each of these lines.
15. Explain Nuclear fission.
Describe the release of energy during nuclear fission.
16. Describe in short the formation of energy bands in solids. how materials are classified based on the energy bands. Mention
Obtain expression for conductivity in semiconductor material.
• 17. Explain the working of diode half wave diagram. Explain: rectifier with circuit
Positive logic
Ui) Negative logic
PARTD 3x30=.90
Answer three of the following questions, each in about 300 words. Each question carries 30 marks.
18, State and explain Kirchhoffs laws of electrical network.
Obtain the condition of balance of bridge USIng Kirchhoff's laws.
In the given electrical circuit, calculate the values of 12 and 13The internal resistance of the cells is negligible.
30 Q
45 V 40 Q Ul
20 Q BOV
HI. Explain the transverse nature of plane electromagnetic waves in vacuum.
Define Poynting's vector and write down its expression.
Distinguish briefly between para, diu and ferromagnetic substances.
In Compton scattering the incident photons have wavelength 3·0 x 10-10 m. Calculate the wavolength of scattered radiation if they are viewed at an angle 60° to the direction of incidence.
20. What is photoelectric effect Explain a simple experimental
arrangement to study the same.
(bl Prove that the Compton shift t.,./. have their usual meaning. h nl c e -cos where symbols
!Turn over
17/2 161
21. Describe construction and working of cyclotron.
Describe briefly the theory on which a cyclotron works.
Calculate the magnetic field in which the cyclotron dees should be placed to accelerate protons, the frequency applied being 8 x 106 els. 4·8 x 10-10 esu. Mass of proton 1·67 x 10-34 gm)
22. What is an oscillator Obtain an expression for the Barkhausen criterion for oscillations.
Input to an oscillator IS not provided. Then where will it get the starting voltage
A phase shift oscillator uses three identical RC sections. The values of the components are R 100 kQ and C 0·01 J.-lF. Determine its frequency of oscillation.
Paper 1
me .3 Hours j I" Alaxlmum Marks: 300
Candidates should attempt all the questions in Parts B However, they have to choose only questions in Part D. C.
Answers must Kannada). be /llritten in the medium opted (i.e. English or
This has j'our parts:
A B c D 20 marks 100 marks 90 marks 90 marks "'Jarks allotted to each qUC.->tlOll Gre indIcated 11l each part.
17/1 121 PART A 4x5=2IJ
Answer each question in about 50 words. Each question carries 5 marks.
1. Define torque and them. angular momentum. Obtain the relation betwe en
State and explain Planck's law for blac k body ra diation.
'What afC forced for the same. oscillations Explain resonance and the conditi on
Give a brief description linearly polarized light. of one tech nique for the production of
I 17/1 PARTB x Ansu:er each questlOn in aboul 100 words. Each question carries 10 mark8.
Explain Kepler's laws of planetary motion. Derive the third from the basic laws of motion and gravity.
Explain gyroscope and precessional motion.
Discuss Bernoulli's equation and one application.
Explain Carnot's cycle with reference to a PV plot. Vhat. IS the relevance of the area enclosed by the plot
Explain pressure exerted by a gas based on kinetic theory. Obtain an expression for the same.
Discuss thermal ionization. Give an explanation for stellar spectra in terms of this procesl';.
Vhat is meant by superposition of waves? Distinguish between phase' velocity and group velocity and give the relation between them.
Explain damping. Show how this is taken into consideration in the equation of motion of a single harmonic oscillator. Vlhat is its effect on the amplitude and the frequency?
GivL the important features of Fresnel and Fraunhofer diffraction by n circular aperture.
1]. Explain resolving power of an optical instrument and the Rayleigh criterion for the same.
17/1 41 PARTe 6x}5=90 Answer each question in about 150 words. Each question carries 15 marks.
12. Explain the two basic conservation laws operating in the collision between two bodies.
What IS collision impact parameter? Explain its significance.
What are the postulates of the special theory of relativity') Explain.
lbl Derive the Lorentz transformation equations for space and time co-ordinates.
la) Explain Maxwell's distribution law of velocities of gas molecules at a temperature T.
Describe the principle of the Joule -Kelvin effect.
What are the basic assumptions of Einstein's theory of specific heats of solids?
(bl Develop the theory.
Write down the wave equation and obtain the harmonic solutions. (bJ Hence explain plane and spherical waves.
Describe the principle and operation of a He-Ne laser.
Distinguish between spatial and temporal coherence.
(51 17/1 PART D 3x30090 Answer any three of the following questions, each in about 300 words. Each question carries 30 marks.
IH. (al What is meant by central forces? What are their characteristics? Ib) Show that for a particle moving under the influence of a central force obeying inverse square law, the angular momentum is conserved.
What are geostationary orbits? Obtain an expression for the radius of a geostationary orbit.
19. Describe the set-up and experimental procedure of the Michelson -Morley experiment. Discuss its outcome.
Derive an expression for the relativistic variation of mass, with velocity.
Prove the relativistic invariance of the quantity
20. Explain adiabatic and isothermal processes.
Define entropy. Discuss how it varies in the above two processes.
Two blocks of copper, each of mass 850 gm, are put in thermal contact in an insulated box. The initial temperatures of the two blocks are 325 K and 285 K. Given that the specific heat of copper is 0·386 J/g.K, calculate the final temperature of the two blocks. What is the change in entropy of the two blocks?
21. Describe Huygens' principle and apply it to the propagation of plane waves.
Explain the phenomenon of interference. Enlist the conditions necessary for observing a stable interference pattern.
(cj In a double slit experiment, the slits are 0·5 cm apart at 1 m from the screen. These are illuminated by a light source emitting two light waves with Al 480 nm and A2 600 nm. What is the separation on the screen between the third order bright fringes for the two wavelengths Also, calculate the shortest distance from the centre of the screen where the bright fringe of Al overlaps the dark fringe of the other.
(Turn OV8r
17/1 61
22. Explain the phenomenon of polarization of light. 'Which property of light waves does this process illustrate Explain.
Describe detected. how circularly polarized light can be produced and
A beam of partially polarized light is passed through a polarizing filter and then the filter is rotated through 360" while keeping it perpendicular to the beam. The transmitted intensity is found to vary by a factor of 5 during the rotation. What fraction of the intensity of the original beam is associated with the polarized component of the beam
1 17/2
Paper 2
7'U1IC 3 Hours JrA1aximunl 300
should attempt all the questions in Parts B C. However, have to choose only three questions in Part D.
Answers must be written in the medium opted (i.e. English or Kannada).
Th is paper has four parts:
A 20 marks
B 100 marks
C 90 marks
D 90 marks
AJarks allotted to each question arc ind,cated in each part.
17/2 PAIn' A
AnsiI'er each question in about 50 words. Each question carnes 5 marks.
Deri'e the equation for Coulomb's second law of electrostatics and define a unit charge.
Discuss the dual nature of matter and wave.
Vhat is radioactivity? Compare the properties uf f3 and y (dl Explain why NAND and NOR gates are called universal gates.
3 17/2
AI/sIDer each question in about 100 words. Each question carries 10 marks.
2. State and prove Gauss theorem in electrostatics.
State and explain Faraday's and Lenz's law of elQctromagnetic induction.
Explain the concept of dispbcemcnt current density in the time varying electric and magnetic fields. Prove that the displacement current density,
at .
State Bohr's fundamental postulates for hydrogen atom. Mention its limitations (any two). Obtain expressions for its eneq,ry levels.
6. Stat.e and explain the significance of four quantum numbers sand
Vhat IS light scattering? Explain inten::;ity of Stokes lines are than Antistokes lines in Raman effect.
8. V/hat is nuclear binding Draw a binding energy curve.
O. Vrite a note on intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors.
Vhnt. is a zener diode'? Describf' its working principle.
Describe with a circuit dingram transistor emitt.er followt,r.
17/2 PARTe Answer each queshon in about 150 words. Each question carries 15 marks.
12. "What is Biot Savart's law?
Show that magnetic field due to Iof radius r is given by B 2r a current, carrymg circular loop
13. 14. Express Maxvvell's equations in differential and integral form. and use them to obtain the equation of continuity. Show that speed of electromagnetic wave in vacuum 18 c 1 Jp r.-. o " Explain Classical theory of Raman effect.
Irradiation of carbon tetrachloride by 4358 A radiation gives Raman lines at 4400, 4419 and 4447 A. Calculate the Raman shift for each of these lines.
15. Explain Nuclear fission.
Describe the release of energy during nuclear fission.
16. Describe in short the formation of energy bands in solids. how materials are classified based on the energy bands. Mention
Obtain expression for conductivity in semiconductor material.
• 17. Explain the working of diode half wave diagram. Explain: rectifier with circuit
Positive logic
Ui) Negative logic
PARTD 3x30=.90
Answer three of the following questions, each in about 300 words. Each question carries 30 marks.
18, State and explain Kirchhoffs laws of electrical network.
Obtain the condition of balance of bridge USIng Kirchhoff's laws.
In the given electrical circuit, calculate the values of 12 and 13The internal resistance of the cells is negligible.
30 Q
45 V 40 Q Ul
20 Q BOV
HI. Explain the transverse nature of plane electromagnetic waves in vacuum.
Define Poynting's vector and write down its expression.
Distinguish briefly between para, diu and ferromagnetic substances.
In Compton scattering the incident photons have wavelength 3·0 x 10-10 m. Calculate the wavolength of scattered radiation if they are viewed at an angle 60° to the direction of incidence.
20. What is photoelectric effect Explain a simple experimental
arrangement to study the same.
(bl Prove that the Compton shift t.,./. have their usual meaning. h nl c e -cos where symbols
!Turn over
17/2 161
21. Describe construction and working of cyclotron.
Describe briefly the theory on which a cyclotron works.
Calculate the magnetic field in which the cyclotron dees should be placed to accelerate protons, the frequency applied being 8 x 106 els. 4·8 x 10-10 esu. Mass of proton 1·67 x 10-34 gm)
22. What is an oscillator Obtain an expression for the Barkhausen criterion for oscillations.
Input to an oscillator IS not provided. Then where will it get the starting voltage
A phase shift oscillator uses three identical RC sections. The values of the components are R 100 kQ and C 0·01 J.-lF. Determine its frequency of oscillation.
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