Exam Details
Subject | transport phenomena in materials processing | |
Paper | ||
Exam / Course | b.e | |
Department | ||
Organization | Gujarat Technological University | |
Position | ||
Exam Date | May, 2018 | |
City, State | gujarat, ahmedabad |
Question Paper
Seat No.: Enrolment
Subject Code:142101 Date:19/05/2018
Subject Name: Transport Phenomena In Materials Processing
Time: 10:30 AM to 01:00 PM Total Marks: 70
1. Attempt all questions.
2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
State Newton's Law of Viscosity and classify fluid. Explain fluid properties.
What are different methods to study fluid flow? Explain different types of fluid flow.
Derive differential momentum balance equation.
If velocity distribution for fluid of density 713.5 kg/m3 and dynamic viscosity 0.863 N-s/m2 is passing through pipe is given by 0.67 Y Y2 where U is velocity in m/sec and Y is distance in meter. Determine shear stress at Y 0 m and Y 0.25 m. Also calculate specific weight, specific gravity and weight for 1 liter of fluid.
State Euler' equation and derive Bernoulli's equation from it.
Derive differential mass balance equation.
i Consider copper slab of thickness 0.25 m with thermal conductivity 385.6 W/m K. If heat flux across the slab is 154.240 KW/m2 and temperature on one side is 373 K. Calculate temperature on other side of slab.
ii If same copper slab of high temperature side is lined with brick wall of 250 mm with thermal conductivity 0.5 W/m K with heat flux of 500 W/m2. Calculate temperature on other side of brick wall.
State Fourier law of heat conduction and derive general equation of heat conduction.
What is convection? Differentiate between free and forced convection.
Explain mass concentration, molar concentration, mass fraction and molar fraction.
What is mass transfer? Explain different modes of mass transfer.
Calculate mass concentration, molar concentration, mass fraction and molar fraction for a binary mixture of oxygen and nitrogen having total pressure 1 x 105 N/m2 and partial pressure 0.21 and 0.79 respectively at 300 K.
State Fick's laws of mass diffusion and explain Kirkindall effect.
Derive general equation of mass diffusion in stationary media.
Write note on pseudo steady diffusion.
In terms of radiation explain white body, gray body, black body, emissivity.
Explain Planck's Law, Wein's distribution Law and Lambert's Law.
Seat No.: Enrolment
Subject Code:142101 Date:19/05/2018
Subject Name: Transport Phenomena In Materials Processing
Time: 10:30 AM to 01:00 PM Total Marks: 70
1. Attempt all questions.
2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
State Newton's Law of Viscosity and classify fluid. Explain fluid properties.
What are different methods to study fluid flow? Explain different types of fluid flow.
Derive differential momentum balance equation.
If velocity distribution for fluid of density 713.5 kg/m3 and dynamic viscosity 0.863 N-s/m2 is passing through pipe is given by 0.67 Y Y2 where U is velocity in m/sec and Y is distance in meter. Determine shear stress at Y 0 m and Y 0.25 m. Also calculate specific weight, specific gravity and weight for 1 liter of fluid.
State Euler' equation and derive Bernoulli's equation from it.
Derive differential mass balance equation.
i Consider copper slab of thickness 0.25 m with thermal conductivity 385.6 W/m K. If heat flux across the slab is 154.240 KW/m2 and temperature on one side is 373 K. Calculate temperature on other side of slab.
ii If same copper slab of high temperature side is lined with brick wall of 250 mm with thermal conductivity 0.5 W/m K with heat flux of 500 W/m2. Calculate temperature on other side of brick wall.
State Fourier law of heat conduction and derive general equation of heat conduction.
What is convection? Differentiate between free and forced convection.
Explain mass concentration, molar concentration, mass fraction and molar fraction.
What is mass transfer? Explain different modes of mass transfer.
Calculate mass concentration, molar concentration, mass fraction and molar fraction for a binary mixture of oxygen and nitrogen having total pressure 1 x 105 N/m2 and partial pressure 0.21 and 0.79 respectively at 300 K.
State Fick's laws of mass diffusion and explain Kirkindall effect.
Derive general equation of mass diffusion in stationary media.
Write note on pseudo steady diffusion.
In terms of radiation explain white body, gray body, black body, emissivity.
Explain Planck's Law, Wein's distribution Law and Lambert's Law.
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- automobile maintenance and repair practice
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- automobile system design
- automobile systems
- automobile transmission
- automotive and combustion engine technology(department elective iii)
- automotive computer controlled systems
- automotive electrical & electronics
- automotive electrical systems
- automotive hydraulics & pneumatics
- automotive manufacturing
- automptive and combustion engine technology
- aviation management
- avionics
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- bio-medical signal processing
- bio-potential instrumentation
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- biochemical engineering-ii
- bioelectric potential and measurement techniques
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- biological process for wastewater treatment
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- biomaterials & implants
- biomechanics
- biomedical image processing
- biomedical instrumention(departmental elective - ii)
- biomedical microsystems (department elective - ii)
- biomedical transducers
- bioprocess plant design
- biosafety, patents and ipr
- biosensors & transducers
- biostatistics
- biostatisticsintellectual property rights(department elective - iii)
- biotechnology
- boundary layer theory(department elective - ii)
- building and town planning
- building automation
- building construction
- building technology and materials
- building, town and infrastructure planning
- buliding & town planning
- business information system
- business intelligence & data mining
- cad in textiles
- casting technology
- cell biology
- cell biology and industrial biotechnology
- ceramic and polymer materials (department elective -ii)
- characterisation of rubber
- characterization of nanomaterials-i
- characterization of nanomaterials-ii
- chemical engg processes
- chemical engineering materials
- chemical engineering maths
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- chemical engineering thermodynamics - i
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- chemical engineering thermodynamics-ii
- chemical process industries -ii
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- chemical process industries-ii
- chemical process technology
- chemical reaction engineering - i
- chemical reaction engineering - ii
- chemical reaction engineering-i
- chemical system modelling
- chemistry
- chemistry for environmental science and technology
- chemistry of intermediates & colorants-i(department elective-i)
- chemistry of intermediates & colorants-ii
- chemistry of intermediates & colorants-iii
- chemistry of intermediates & dyes
- chemistry of plastic materials
- circuits and networks
- cleaner production & waste utilization
- cloud infrastructure and services(departmental elective - iii)
- coating technology
- commissioning of electrical equipments
- communication engineering
- communication skills
- compiler design
- complier design
- composite materials
- composite materials and smart structures
- composite technology
- compounding & processing of plastics & rubbers
- computational fluid dynamics -ii
- computational fluid dynamics i
- computational fluid dynamics ii
- computational fluid dynamics-1
- computational mechanics
- computer aided analysis and design for electrical engg.
- computer aided design
- computer aided design and analysis
- computer aided design for mechatronics
- computer aided designing & computer color matching
- computer aided manufacturing
- computer aided process synthesis
- computer application in mining
- computer application mining
- computer graphics
- computer integrated manufacturing
- computer integrated manufacturing in automobile industry(department elective ii)
- computer network
- computer networks
- computer organization
- computer organization and architecture
- computer oriented statistical methods
- computer programming & utilization
- computer programming and utilization
- computer programming and utilization-2
- concrete technology
- condition monitoring
- construction management
- construction management and equipments
- contributor personality development program
- control engineering
- control of electric drive
- control system
- control system and analysis
- control system components
- control system design
- control system engineering
- control systems architecture
- control theory
- conventional power engineering
- cryogenic engineering(department elective ii)
- cryptanalysis : fundamentals and applications
- data and file structure
- data communication and networking
- data compression
- data compression and data retrival
- data mining and business intelligence
- data structure
- data warehousing and data mining
- database management system
- database management systems
- dc machines and transformer
- defense programming in python
- design & fabrication of molds
- design & formulation of foods
- design and analysis of algorithm
- design and analysis of algorithms
- design concepts in basic electronics
- design for manufacturing and assembly
- design of ac machines
- design of air pollution control equipments
- design of concrete structures
- design of dc machines and transformer
- design of environmental structure
- design of facilities layout
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- design of hydrauilic structures(departmental elective - iii)
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- design of m/c elements - i
- design of machine element
- design of machine elements
- design of machine tools
- design of mechanisms - i
- design of mechanisms - ii
- design of mechanisms ii
- design of prestressed concrete structures & bridges(departmental elective - iii)
- design of product and machine tools
- design of reinforced concrete structures
- design of steel structures
- design of treatment plants
- design of water treatment units
- device driver & writing(departmental elective - iii)
- diagnostic instrumentation
- digital communication
- digital control
- digital control system
- digital design
- digital electronics
- digital electronics and its applications
- digital logic circuits
- digital logic design
- digital signal controllers(departmental elective iii)
- digital signal processing
- digital signal processing for power electronics
- digital signals & systems
- disaster assessment using geospatial techniques
- disaster management
- discrete time signal processing
- distributed control systems and scada
- distributed database application & system
- distributed dbms(departmental elective - ii)
- distributed operating system
- distributed systems
- dock harbour & airport engineering
- dot net technology (department elective - i)
- dye house management
- dynamics of machinery
- dynamics of machines & production engineering drawing
- e-commerce & e-business
- earthquake engineering
- earthquake engineering(departmental elective - ii)
- ecological aspects in textile processing
- ecology and environment
- ecology and remote sensing
- ecology geology-i
- economic geology i
- electrical & electronic measurement
- electrical and electronics measuring instruments
- electrical and optical properties of nanomaterials
- electrical drives
- electrical drives and controls
- electrical machine
- electrical machine - ii
- electrical machine - iii
- electrical machine design
- electrical machine design ii
- electrical machine design-i
- electrical machines
- electrical machines & electronics
- electrical machines & measurement
- electrical machines and electronics
- electrical machines-1
- electrical measurement and measuring instruments
- electrical measurements & electronics instruments
- electrical power
- electrical power engineering
- electrical power generation
- electrical power system – ii
- electrical power utilization
- electrical power utilization & traction
- electrical power utilization and traction
- electro mechanical energy conversion
- electro mechanical energy conversion - ii
- electro mechanical energy conversion-1
- electro mechanical measurements & instruments
- electromechanical measurements & instruments
- electrometallurgy & corrosion
- electronic and communication
- electronic communication
- electronic devices and circuits
- electronics in industries
- electronics measurement and instruments
- electronics system design(department elective - iii)
- elemantory communication skills
- elementary structural design
- elements of chemical engg
- elements of chemical engineering
- elements of civil engineering
- elements of electrical design
- elements of electrical engineering
- elements of fluid flow
- elements of material science
- elements of mechanical engineering
- elements of metallurgy
- elements of metallurgy and material science
- elements of nanoscience and nanotechnology-i
- elements of textile processes
- elements of textile technology and processing
- embedded & vlsi design
- embedded system design
- embedded system design(departmental elective - ii)
- embedded systems
- embedded systems(departmental elective - iii)
- energy conservation and management
- energy conservation and management(department elective ii)
- energy conservation, and audit(departmental elective - ii)
- energy conservation, and audit(departmental elective - iii)
- energy systems
- energy technology
- energy technology(department elective - ii)
- engineering economics and management
- engineering electromagnetics
- engineering electromagnetics & wave progogation
- engineering geology
- engineering graphics
- engineering graphics & design
- engineering materials and metallurgy
- engineering of pigmented dispersion
- engineering physics
- engineering system
- engineering thermodynamics
- engineering thermodynamics & heat transfer
- enterprise resource planning
- entrepreneurship and creativity
- entrepreneurship and creativity in plastic engineering
- entrepreneurship and food plant management
- entrepreneurship development & productivity engineering
- entrepreneurship(department elective iii)
- environment management in mine
- environmental bioscience
- environmental engineering
- environmental impact assessment
- environmental instrumentation
- environmental legislation & audit(departmental elective - iii )
- environmental legislation and audit
- environmental management - iii
- environmental management-ii
- environmental microbiology
- environmental microbiology & bioremediation
- environmental monitroing and statistics
- environmental reaction engineering
- environmental resources
- environmental science-1
- environmental sciences i
- environmental sciences ii
- environmental sciences-ii
- environmental studies
- enzymes and proteins
- estimating and costing
- estimating, costing & engineering economics
- estimating,specifications & project management
- estimation, specification & project management
- evaluation & testing of polymers & rubber
- event and disaster management
- extraction of non ferrous metals
- fabric structure - i
- fabric structure -i
- fabric structure-ii
- fabrication of nano- devices
- facilities layout & material handling systems
- facilities planning
- fertilizer technology(department elective - iii)
- fibre physics
- fibre science & elements of textile structure
- field theory
- finance management & cost control
- finite element analysis of mechatronic systems
- finite elements method(department elective ii)
- flexible manufacturing system(department elective - ii)
- flexible manufacturing systems
- flight mechanics
- fluid flow operation
- fluid mechanics
- fluid mechanics & machines
- fluid mechanics and hydraulics
- fluid power engineering
- food & beverage control-i
- food & beverage service management-ii
- food & industrial microbiology
- food and beverage service management-ii
- food chemistry
- food drying & dehydration
- food engineering operations - ii
- food engineering operations-i
- food engineering thermodynamics
- food engineering transport phenomenon
- food fermentation technology
- food ingredients and flavour technology
- food nutrition & biochemistry
- food nutrition & health
- food packaging technology(departmental elective - ii)
- food plant utilities & sanitation
- food process equipment design
- food process instrumentation and control
- food production-ii
- food refrigeration & air - conditioning
- food rheology & sensory evaluation
- food science & nutrition
- food standards and quality assurance
- foundation engineering
- foundry and welding technology
- foundry technology
- front office administration & management
- frp technology and composites
- fuels, furnaces and refractory
- fuels, furnaces, refractories & pyrometry
- fundamental chemical engineering & stoichiometry
- fundamental chemical engineering calculations & stoichiometry
- fundamentals of aeronautics
- fundamentals of air pollution
- fundamentals of automobile systems
- fundamentals of chemical engineering unit
- fundamentals of digital design
- fundamentals of fluid mechanics
- fundamentals of food nutrition
- fundamentals of image processing
- fundamentals of jet propulsion
- fundamentals of machine design
- fundamentals of power electronics
- fundamentals of quality management
- fundamentals of reaction engineering
- fundamentals of solid state technology
- fundamentals of stoichiometry
- fundamentals of structural analysis
- fundamentals of turbo m/cs
- fundamentals of turbo machines
- garment processing
- garment technology(department elective - ii)
- gas dynamics(department elective - i)
- geological exploration mineral deposits(departmental elective - iii)
- geological exploration of mineral deposits
- geology-i
- geology-ii
- geomatics engineering
- geotechnical engineering - i
- geotechnical engineering - ii
- geotechnics & applied geology
- glass facade engineering(departmental elective - iii)
- green chemistry for technologists
- ground water contamination
- harbour & airport engineering(departmental elective - iii)
- heat and mass transfer
- heat and mass transfer in metallurgy
- heat power engineering
- heat transfer
- heat treatment
- helicopter engineering
- high speed aerodynamics(department elective iii)
- high voltage engineering
- highway engineering
- horticultural produce processing
- hospital management & clinical technology
- hospitality & tourism law
- hospitality communication - ii
- hospitality communication ii
- hospitality french
- hotel engineering and maintenance
- human anatomy & physiology
- hydraulic & pneumatic systems
- hydrology & water resources engineering
- image processing
- image processing(departmental elective - ii)
- immunology
- industrial automation
- industrial automation(departmental elective - ii)
- industrial communication system
- industrial communication systems
- industrial control systems(institute elective-ii)
- industrial corrosion & its prevention
- industrial corrosion, testing, prevention & control(department elective -iii)
- industrial data communication
- industrial drafting
- industrial drives & control - i
- industrial drives & control-i
- industrial drives & control-ii
- industrial drives and control
- industrial drives and control - ii
- industrial engineering
- industrial hydraulics and pneumatics
- industrial instrumentation
- industrial instrumentation(departmental elective - ii)
- industrial measurement
- industrial measurement i
- industrial measurement ii
- industrial pollution & control
- industrial safety & maintenance engineering
- industrial statistics & quality management
- industrial tribology
- industrial water pollution & control
- information and network security
- information security
- infrastructure engineering and management
- injection molding technologies
- injection moulding technologies
- insrumentation & process control
- institute elective - disaster management
- instrumentation & process control
- instrumentation and control for bioengineering
- instrumentation for agriculture and food processing(departmental elective - iii)
- instrumentation for bio medical application
- instrumentation measurement - ii
- instrumentation system
- integrated circuits & application
- integrated circuits and applications
- intellectual property rights and bioethics
- inter connected power system
- intermediate communication skills in english
- internal combustion engines
- international cuisine
- internetworking and security
- introduction of profession
- introduction to food processing technology
- introduction to glass & ceramic technology-ii
- introduction to heat transfer
- introduction to medicinal chemistry &biochemistry(elective-i)
- introduction to mining
- introduction to plastic material science
- introduction to virtual biomedical
- introductory biology
- ios programming(departmental elective - iii)
- iot and applications (departmental elective - iii)
- iron making
- irrigation and water resources engineering
- irrigation engineering
- irrigation water management
- kinematics & dynamics of machines
- kinematics and dynamics of machines
- kinematics of machines
- knitting and garment technology
- knitting technology
- latex processing & its application (atkt)
- latex technology
- legislation in environmental protection
- life science-1
- life science-2
- linear electrical networks
- liquid effluent treatment-1
- low temperature process systems for foods
- machine design
- machine design & industrial drafting
- machine design ii
- machine design-i
- machine dynamics
- machine vision
- machineries & equipments
- machining processes
- maintenance & safety engg
- malware analysis
- man made fibre technology
- management - ii
- management information system (department elective - iii)
- management of human resources
- management-1
- managing projects
- managing projects(department elective iii)
- manufacturing & applications of polymeric materials
- manufacturing and assembly drawing
- manufacturing of plastic materials- 1
- manufacturing of plastics material-2
- manufacturing process-1
- manufacturing processes -ii
- manufacturing technology - i
- manufacturing technology - ii
- marketing management
- mass transfer operation - i
- mass transfer operation - ii
- mass transfer operation – i
- mass transfer operation –ii
- material & energy balance calculations
- material degradation and prevention
- material handling systems
- material science
- material science and metallurgy
- material science and technology
- material selection and failure analysis
- materials & manufacture of food equipment
- materials and logistic management
- materials characterization
- materials management
- mathematics-iv
- maths-ii
- measurement & instruments
- mechanical behaviour and testing of materials
- mechanical measurement & metrology
- mechanical operation
- mechanical operations in chemical process industries
- mechanics of composite materials
- mechanics of deformable bodies
- mechanics of solids
- mechatronics
- medical imaging techniques
- medical imaging technology
- medical optics
- medicinal chemistry & physio-pharmacology
- medicinal chemistry-i
- medicinal chemistry-ii & technology of sterile products
- mems and nanotechnology(departmental elective - iii)
- metal cutting & advanced manufacturing processes
- metal forming analysis(department elective - i)
- metal forming processes
- metal forming technology
- metal joining processes
- metal joining technology
- metal working processes
- metallurgical thermodynamics
- metallurgy for non-metallurgists
- metrology and measurement
- micro processors & micro controllers
- microbiology & formulation technology of liquids & topicals
- microcontroller
- microcontroller & interfacing
- microcontroller and interfacing
- microcontroller and interfacing (ec)
- microcontroller for power electronics
- microcontrollers and embedded systems
- microcontrollers for power electronics
- microelectronics and vlsi
- microprocessor & its interfacing
- microprocessor and interfacing
- microprocessor and microcontroller
- microwave engineering
- milk & milk products technology
- mine & mineral economics
- mine hazards
- mine legislation
- mine planning
- mine plannningsurface coating technology (department elective - i)
- mine safety engg.
- mine safety engineering
- mine surface environment
- mine ventilation
- mineral processing
- mining & processing of dimensional stone
- mining machinery - ii
- mining machinery ii
- mining machinery-i
- mobile computing and wireless communication
- modelling & simulation of biological systems
- modelling & simulation of physiological systems
- modelling, simulation and operations research
- modern control systems
- modern control systems(departmental elective - ii)
- modern manufacturing practices
- modern spinning technology
- modern weaving technolgy
- modern yarn production
- modern yarn production technologies
- mold engineering
- mold manufacturing technology(departmental elective - iii)
- molecular biology and genetics
- motion control
- mould manufacturing technology
- multi component distillation
- multi component distillation(department elective - iii)
- municipal and hazardous solid waste management
- municipal and industrial solid waste management
- municipal engineering
- municipal waste & sewage management
- mutlimedia and animation(departmental elective - iii)
- nano ceramic and applications
- nano technology and advanced application of plastics
- nano technology(department elective - ii)
- nanolithography
- nanomagnetism and nanofluids
- nanopolymers and nano-composites
- nanoscience technology and pharmaceutical packaging technology(department elective – x)
- nanotechnology and medicine
- nanotechnology for advanced drug delivery systems
- nanotechnology in healthcare
- natural rubber science & technology
- new functional dyes & recent trends in dyes technology
- new separation techniques
- newer waste water treatment systems
- noise, vibration & harshness and safety
- non - ferrous extractive metallurgy
- non destructive testing
- non-conventional energy sources
- numerical and statistical methods for civil engineering
- numerical methods
- numerical techniques & statistical methods
- object oriented analysis design and uml
- object oriented and programming with c++
- object oriented concepts and programming
- object oriented programming in c++
- object oriented programming with c++
- object oriented programming with java
- occupational health and safety
- oil hydraulics & pneumatics(department elective - i)
- operating system
- operating system design
- operation & maintenance of aircraft
- operation research
- operations planning & control
- optical communication
- optimization methods
- optimization(department elective ii)
- organic chemistry
- organic chemistry and unit processes
- organic chemistry for technologists
- organic chemistry for technologists-i
- organic chemistry for technologists-ii
- parallel processing
- petroleum refining & petrochemicals
- pharmaceutical chemistry
- photonics
- physical & inorganic chemistry
- physical and inorganic chemistry
- physical ceramics
- physical chemistry
- physical metallurgy - i
- physical metallurgy - ii
- physical testing
- physical testing-i
- physical testing-ii
- physico- chemical treatment technologies
- physico-chemical processes
- physics
- physics of nanomaterials
- physiological measurement techniques
- physiological system modelling
- plant design & project engineering
- plastic charaterization techniques
- plastic deformation of metals
- plastic extrusion technology
- plastic industrial hydraulics and pneumatics
- plastic manufacturing technology
- plastic process instrumentation and process control
- plastic processing & machinery
- plastic structure, property & relationship
- plastics manufacturing technology
- plastics mold & die design ii
- plastics packaging technology
- plastics recycling & waste treatment
- pollution control & safety management
- pollution control, safety & health management
- polymer & rubber material-ii
- polymer & rubber materials-i
- polymer chemistry (elective-i)
- polymer reaction engineering and rheology
- powder metallurgy
- power electronic circuits – ii
- power electronic circuits-i
- power electronics
- power electronics - i
- power electronics - ii
- power electronics & control engineering
- power electronics – i
- power electronics – ii
- power electronics and industrial drives
- power electronics applications
- power electronics applications in power system
- power electronics design
- power electronics devices & components
- power electronics devices and circuits
- power electronics systems modelling
- power plant engineering
- power processing circuits - i
- power processing circuits - ii
- power quality and management(departmental elective - ii)
- power quality and management(departmental elective - iii)
- power system analysis
- power system analysis and simulation
- power system operation and control
- power system planning and design
- power system practice and design
- power system protection
- principles of extractive metallurgy
- principles of food engineering
- principles of materials science and physical metallurgy
- principles of power electronics
- principles of process engineering-i
- principles of process engineering-iii
- principles of textile process
- principles of textile processes
- probability and introduction to statistics
- process & quality control in spinning
- process & quality control in weaving
- process calculation
- process calculations in textile wet processing
- process control
- process control systems
- process dynamics and control
- process equipment design -i
- process equipment design -ii
- process equipment design-i
- process equipment design-ii
- process heat transfer
- process modeling, simulation & optimization
- process simulation & optimization
- process technology of drugs & intermediates(department elective - vii)
- product design & development
- product design and value engineering(department elective ii)
- product design concept: structures & additives
- product development & value engineering
- production & applications of colorants & auxiliaries
- production and operations management
- production optimization techniques
- production planning & maintenance
- production technology
- productivity engineering
- productivity improvement methods
- professional practice & valuation
- professional practices & valuation
- programmable automation controller
- programmable logic controller
- programmable logic controller for power electronics(departmental elective iii)
- programmable logic controllers
- programming for problem solving
- programming methodology using c++
- project & plant engineering
- project engineering and management
- project management
- python programming(departmental elective - iii)
- quality and reliability engineering
- quality assurance & reliability
- quality assurance and reliability
- quality control in wet processing (departmental elective - iii )
- quality engineering & management
- quality engineering(department elective iii)
- quality management & reliability engineering
- quantitative techniques in management
- radar & navigational aids
- radar & navigational aids(departmental elective - ii)
- railway , bridge & tunnel engineering
- railway, bridge & tunnel engineering
- rapid prototyping(department elective ii)
- recent advances in manufacturing
- recycling and packaging of polymer and rubber(department elective – x)
- refrigeration and air-conditioning
- regulatory standards for medical devices
- rehabiliation engineering
- rehabilitation engineering
- renewable energy
- renewable energy engineering
- renewable energy sources
- repairs & rehabilitation of concrete structures(departmental elective - iii)
- repairs & rehabilitation of structures
- resort designing, development & management
- resource optimization techniques
- rheology of rubber
- robotics programming and applications
- robotics(department elective iii)
- rock fragmentation
- rock mechanics
- rock slope engineering
- rocket & missile configurations design
- rocket & missile technology
- room division management-ii
- rooms division management-i
- rubber adhesion & adhesion science
- rubber chemistry & natural polymers
- rubber chemistry & natural polymers( department elective-ii)
- rubber compound & product testing
- rubber compounding materials
- rubber engineering
- rubber equipment design-i
- rubber euipment design-ii
- rubber plant & process engineering
- rubber product & process computer aided design
- rubber products manufacturing
- rubber recycling & waste management
- rubber technology
- safety & hygiene in chemical industries
- satellite commmunication(departmental elective - iii)
- satellite communication
- satellite communication & networking
- satellite communication(departmental elective - ii)
- selection of materials and failure analysis
- sensor networks & instrumentation
- service oriented computing (departmental elective - ii)
- signal & systems
- soft computing
- soft computing in control(departmental elective - iii)
- software engineering
- software testing and quality
- soil mechanics
- solid & hazardous wastes - characterization & treatmentmedical optics (department elective - ii)
- solid-fluid operations(department elective - iii)
- space dynamics
- special purpose vehicles
- specialty pigments & recent development in pigment technology(department elective - vii)
- spintronics
- statistical methods and quality control
- statistical quality control & textile costing
- steam and gas turbines
- steel making
- stoichiometry
- strength of materials
- structural analysis - iii
- structural analysis ii
- structural analysis-1
- structural analysis-2
- structural analysis-i
- structural design ii
- structural design-i
- sub-surface environment
- supply chain management(department elective - ii)
- surface coating technology
- surface mine production
- surface ornamentation & fashion art
- surface ornamentation & fashion art(departmental elective iii)
- surveying
- sustainable development & green chemistry (department elective - iii)
- switch gear & fault analysis
- switch gear & protection
- switch gear and protection
- switchgear
- synthesis of nanomaterials-i
- synthesis of nanomaterials-ii
- synthetic rubbers
- system programming
- technical textile-i
- technical textile-ii
- technical textiles ii
- technological advances in textile processing
- technology of denim manufacturing(departmental elective iii)
- technology of dyeing
- technology of dyeing - i
- technology of dyeing - ii
- technology of dyeing - iii
- technology of dyeing -i
- technology of finishing - ii
- technology of grains
- technology of intermediate & colorants
- technology of pigments
- technology of solid dosage forms & medicinal natural products
- telecommunication engineering
- telecommunication switching and applications
- telecommunication switching systems and networks
- testing and commissioning of electrical equipments
- testing and identification of plastic materials
- testing and installation of electrical equipments and systems
- testing and verification
- testing of metals and alloys
- textile & metal reinforcement of elastomers
- textile design & colour
- textile fibers
- textile fibres
- textile manufacturing - i
- textile manufacturing - ii
- textile manufacturing processes
- textile processing - i
- textile processing-ii
- theory of computation
- theory of electromagnetics
- theory of heat transfer
- theory of machines
- theory of vibration
- therapeutic instrumentation
- therapeutic techniques & instrumentation
- thermal engineering
- thermodynamics
- thermodynamics and thermal engineering
- thermodynamics of elastomers & polymers
- thin film technology
- tool design
- tool engineering
- total quality management
- tourism product, design & development
- transducers
- transport management & laws
- transport management and laws
- transport phenomena in materials processing
- treatment process design and drawing
- tribology(department elective iii)
- two & three wheeler technology
- tyre & tube technology
- underground coal mining
- underground metal mining
- unit operations-i
- unit processes in organic synthesis
- urban transportation system
- utilization of electrical energy and traction
- vehicle dynamics
- vehicle maintenance & garage practice
- vehicle maintenance and garage practice
- vehicle testing &homologation
- vibration and noise control
- viscoelasticity of elastomers
- visual basic application & programming
- vlsi design
- vlsi technologies
- vlsi technology & design
- vlsi technology and design
- vulcanization
- water & waste water engineering
- water pollution & control
- weaving - iii
- weaving technology-i
- weaving technology-ii
- weaving technology-iii
- weaving-i
- weaving-ii
- web application development
- web data management
- web data management(departmental elective - iii)
- web technology
- web technology and programming
- welding technology
- wireless communication
- wireless communication & mobile programming
- work system design
- yarn manufacturing - ii
- yarn manufacturing - iii
- yarn manufacturing-i
- yarn manufacturing-ii
- yarn manufacturing-iii
- yarn preparation & weaving
- yarn structure & fabric geometry