Exam Details
Subject | bio chemistry | |
Paper | ||
Exam / Course | ||
Department | ||
Organization | gujarat public service commission | |
Position | lecturer | |
Exam Date | 21, September, 2010 | |
City, State | gujarat, |
Question Paper
1 Cartilagenous joints present in midean plane of body they are called as Symphysis Synchondrosis Syndesmosis Schindylesis
2 Bone has following type of growth Interstitial Appositional Both of the above None of the above
3 Joint between anterior arch of atlas and dens of axis is of Ball and socket type Saddle type Hinge type Pivot type
4 Yellow clastic cartilage is present in Intervertebral disc Epiglottis Articular ends of long bones Trachea
5 Median nerve supplies following muscles of the forearm EXCEPT: Pronator teres Palmaris longus Flexor carpi radialis Flexor carpi ulnaris
6 Coracoid process of scapula belongs to following type of epiphysis: Traction Pressure Aberrant Atavistic
7 Following are the branches of medial cord of brachial plexus EXCEPT Ulnar nerve Musculocutaneous nerve Medial cutaneous nerve of ann Medial cutaneous nerve foreann
8 Following muscles from the rotator cuff of shoulder joint EXCEPT Teres minor Subscapularis Infraspinatus Long head of triceps
9 Dorsal interossei are responsible for the following movements of fingers of the hand Adduction Abduction Medial rotation Opposition
10 Winging of scapula results due to the paralysis of Rhomboideus major Levator scapulae Serratus anterior Infraspinatus
11 Following are present in the skin of palm: Eccrine sweat glands Apocrine sweat glands Sebaceous glands Hair follicles
12 Following structure is involved in the "Carpal Tunnel Syndrome" Ulnar nerve Median nerve Radial nerve Ulnar al1ery
13 Fracture of midshafl of humerus resulls. in injury to Axillary nerve Radial nerve Median nerve Ulnar nerve
14 Injury to radial nerve in the axilla causes Claw hand Wrist drop Erb's paralysis Klumpke's paralysis
15 The ligament transmilling weight from the free upper limb to clavicle is Costoclavicular Acromioclavicular Coracoclavicular Stenoclavicular
16 Following bony points are palpable in the anatomical snuff box except Styloid process if radius Base of 1st metacarpal bone Scaphoid Lunate
17 Following are the contellls of cubital fossa EXCEPT: Ulnar nerve Median nerve Brachial artery Tendon of biceps brachij muscle
18 Following is true about the superficial palmar arterial arch EXCEPT It is fomled mainly by ulnar artery Arch may be sometimes completed by median artery Arch is superficial to palmaris brevis muscle Distslly its maximum convexity is at the level of fully extended pollicial base
19 Tibial nerve gives following branches in the popliteal fossa EXCEPT: Nerve to long head of biceps femoris Nerve to lateral head of gastrocnemius Nerve to soleus Nerve to popliteus
20 Following are the cutaneus branches of femoral nerve EXCEPT: Medial cutaneous nerve of thigh Intermediate cutaneous nerve of thigh Lateral cutaneous nerve of Ihigh Saphenous nerve
21 Following muscles of legs are supplied by deep peroneal nerve EXCEPT: Peroneous tertius Tibialis anterior Extensor hallucius longus Peroneus brevis
22 Foot drop results from injury to Lateral planter nerve Deep peroneal nerve Superficial peroneal nerve Tibial nerve
23 A muscle that flexes both hip and knee joints is Rectus femoris Biceps femoris Sartorius Semitendinous
24 Inferior tibiofibular joirt belongs to the variety of Syndesmosis Pivot synovial Plane synovial Synchondrosis
25 Following are the contents of adductor canal EXCEPT: Femoral artery Saphenous nerve Nerve to vastus intermedius Nerve to vastus medialis
26 Superficial inguinal ring transmits: Iliohypogastric nerve Ilioinguinal nerve Femoral branch of genitofemoral nerve Medial cutaneous nerve of thigh
27 Iliotibial tract: Is the thickened band of fascia lata Is an aponeurosis of vastus lateralis Extends from iliac crest to medial tibial condyle Gives insertion to gluteus medius
28 Intervertebral disc between 3rd and 4th lumbar vertebrae corresponds to Tubercle of iliac crest Anterior superior iliac spine Posterior superior iliac spine Highest point of iliac crest
29 Lumbar triangle is bounded by the following EXCEPT: Obliques externus abdorninis Lastissimus dorsi Erector spinae Iliac crest
30 Following nerves give articular branches to knee joint EXCEPT: nerve to vastus medialis nerve to vastus intermedialis nerve to vastus lateralis ncrve to rectus femoris
31 The bursa involved in household's knee is Subcutaneous prepatellar Subcutaneous infrapatellar Deep illfrapatellar Suprapatellar
32 The first layer of muscles of sale includes the following EXCEPT: Abductor digiti minimi Abduclor hallucis Flexor digitorum brevis Flexor digitorum accessorius
33 Following is also called as spring ligament Talo-navicular ligament Plantar calcaneo-cuboid ligament Plantar calcanei-navicular ligament Bifurcated ligament
34 External laryngeal nerve supplies the following muscles: Sternothyroid Cricothyroid Lateral cricoarytenoid Thyroarytenoid
35 Following muscle is supplied by a branch from facial nerve: Medial pterygoid Lateral pterygoid Masseter Buccinator
36 Following muscles are supplied by ansa ccrvicalis EXCEPT:
(A) Omohyoid Geniohyoid Sternohyoid Sternothyroid
37 Following structures are related to the superficial surface or hyoglossus muscle EXCEPT: Lingual nerve Hypoglossal nerve Glossopharygeal nerve Submandibular duct
38 Following are thc branches of 1 st part of maxillary artery EXCEPT Middlc meningeal artcry Accessory meningeal artery Pharyngeal artcry Deep auricular artery
39 Carotid sheath contains following structurcs EXCEPT: Internal carotid artery External carotid artery Common carotid artcry Internal jugular vein
40 Following muscle is responsible for elevation and lateral rotation movcments of eyeball Inferior rectus Superior rectus Infcror obliquc Supcrior obliquc
41 Following nerves pass through jugular roramen EXCEPT Glossopharyngeal Accesory Vagus Hypoglossal
42 Posterior longitudinal ligament of vertebral column continues as Anterior atlanto-occipital membrane Posterior atlanto-occipital membrane Membrane tectoria Apical ligament or dens
43 Following structures pass through foramen ovale EXCEPT Mandibular nerve Accessary meningeal artcry Greater petrosal nervc Lesser petrosal nerve
44 Following paranasal sinuses open ion middle meatus or nose EXCEPT Frontal Anterior ethmoidal Middle ethmoidal Posterior ethmoidal
45 Circumvallet papillae receives their special sensory nerve supply from: Lingual nerve Glossopharyngeal nerve Chorda tympani nerve Hypoglossal nerve
46 Following are the derivatives of paramesonephric ducts in females EXCEPT: Uterus Cervix of uterus Proximal 2/3rd of vagina Fallopian tubes
47 Parasympathetic root of otic ganglion is Chorda tympani nerve Lesser petrosal nerve Greater petrosal nerve NasocilJiary nerve
48 Sphincter pupillae muscle is supplied by fibres from Edinger-westphal nucleus of 3rd nerve Motor nucleus of 3rd nerve Nasocilliary nerve Trochlear nerve
49 blood group is expressed m progeny if the antigens transmitted from parents are AB OA OB OO
50 Following vein participates in the formation of external jugular vein: Maxillary Vein Superficial temporal vein Posterior auricular vein Facial vein
51 Following structure are contents of the lateral wall of cavernous smus EXCEPT: Occulomotar nerve Trochlear nerve Maxillary nerve Mandibular nerve
52 Following structure is present inferior to the inferior constrictor muscle of pharynx Recurrent laryngeal nerve Stylopharyngeus muscle Laryngeal branch of superior thyroid artery Superior laryngeal nerve
53 Following are the cutaneous branches of mandibular nerve supplying the skin of face EXCEPT Zygomaticotemporal Auriculotemporal Buccal Mental
54 Lesions of abducent nerve cause paralysis of the following muscle of eyeball Superior rectus Inferior rectus Lateral rectus Superior oblique
55 Following foramen is present on the ridge between jugular fossa and carotid canal Mastoid canaliculus Tympanic canaliculus Cochlear canaliculus Sphenoidal emissary foramen
56 Nucleus ambiguos communicates with following cranial nerve nuclei EXCEPT: Facial Vagus Glossopharyngeal Cranial accessary
57 Stellate ganglion is Superior cervical ganglion Middle cervical ganglion Inferior cervical ganglion Inferior cervical 1st thoracic ganglion
58 Following are the cranial nerve nuclei in the midbrain EXCEPT: Oculomotor nerve nucleus Trochlear nerve nucleus Motor nucleus of trigeminal nerve Mesencephalic nucleus of trigeminal nerve
59 Following tract carries proprioceptive sensations: Lateral spinothalamic tract Anterior spinothalamic tract Anterior exlemal arcuate fibers Intemal arcuate fibres
60 Auditory area is situated in Middle frontal gyrus Inferior frontal gyrus Superior parietal gyurus Superior temporal gyrus
61 Corpus callosum consists of Association fibres Arcuate fibres Commissural fibres Projection fibres
62 Red nucleus is situated in the' Midbrain at the level of superior colliculus Midbrain at the level of inferior collieulus Pons at the level of facial colliculus Medulla oblongata at the level of inferior olivary nucleus
63 Following are the functional components of vagus lIerve EXCEPT General visceral efferent Special visceral efferent General somatic efferent Special visceral afferent
64 Following grooves meet at the 'crux of heart' EXCEPT: Posterior interatrial Posterior atrioventricular Posterior interventricular Anterior interventricular
65 Following velOS of hean drain directly, onto right atrial chamber EXCEPT: Middle cardiac vein Anterior cardiac vein Small cardiac vein occasionally Venae cordis minimae
66 Line of pleural reflection crosses the midaxil1ary line al the following level Twelth rib Tenth rib Eighth rib Sixth rib
67 Following nerve ascends in the tracheooesophageal groove: Superior laryngeal Recurrent lal)'Tlgeal Internal laryngeal External laryngeal
68 Following structures are present in the hilum of the left lung EXCEPT: Pulmonary artery Eparterial bronchus Inferior pulmonary vein Bronchial arteries
69 Following structures are related to the anterior border of the neck of first rib EXCEPT: Sympathetic tnmk Superior intercostal artery Superior intercostal vein First thoracic nerve
70 Base of the heart is formed by following chamber of heart Mainly by left atrium and only partly by posterior pan of right atrium Right ventricle Left ventricle Right and left ventricles
71 Deep inguinal ring is a defect in The aponeurosis of external oblique muscle of abdomen The aponeurosis of internal oblique muscle of abdomen The aponeurosis of transversus abdominis muscle Transversalis fascia
72 Following are the posterior relations of right kidney except Eleventh rib Twelfth rib Quadratus lumborum muscle Transversus abdominis muscle
73 Following are the branches of the coeliac trunk EXCEPT: Left gastric artery Right gastric artery Splenic artery Hepatic artery
74 Portal vcin is formed by union of Superior mesenteric vein with inferior mesenteric vein Inferior mesenteric vein with splenic vein Superior mesenteric vein with spenic vein Superior mesenteric vein with left renal vein
75 S2, S3, S4 is the root of: Femoral nerve Genitofemoral nerve Obturator nerve Pudendal nerve
76 Following structures are present at the transpyloric plane EXCEPT: Lower border of L1 vertebra Gastroduodenal junction Gastro-oesophageal junction Lower part of hilum of left kidney
77 Lymphatics from testis drain into Para-aortic group of lymph nodes Internal iliac group of lymph nodes Deep inguinal lymph nodes Superficial inguinal lymph nodes
78 Following structures are included in the stomach bed EXCEPT: Left suprarenal gland Anterior surface of pancreas Splenic artery Left ureter
79 Following are the anterior relations of the second part of duodenum EXCEPT: Right lobe of liver Transverse colon Ileocolic artery Jejunum
80 Lumen of ureter shows constrictions at the following sites EXCEPT Pclvi-urelic junction Where gonadal vessels cross the ureter Where it crosses the brim of lesser pelvis Where it traverses the vesicle wall
81 Following structures pass through aortic opening of diaphragm EXCEPT: Aona Righi vagus nerve Azygos vein Thoracic duct
82 Following arc the anterior relalions of left kidney EXCEPT: Spleen Stomach Duodenum Colon
83 Hypenrophy of the following lobe of prostate causes obSlruCiion of the internal urethral orifice in old age: Lateral lobe Posterior lobe Middle lobe Median lobe
84 Following are the true supports of uterus EXCEPT Rectovaginal ligament Ulerosacral ligament Round ligament Mackenrodt's ligament
85 Permanent longitudinal mucosal folds in anal canal are called as Anal valves Anal sinuses Anal columns Anal papillae
86 Lining epithelium of tonsils is Stralified columnar Stratified squamous nonkeralinized Stratified squamous keratinized Simple squamous
87 The epithelium lining alveolus of lung is Simple squamous epithelium Simple columnar epithelium Simple columnar ciliated epithelium Pseudostratified columnar ciliated epithelium
88 Stratified squamous keratinized epithelium lines Skin
(B) Oesophagus Urinary bladder
(D) Main duct of gland
89 Following are the peculiarities of skelatal muscle EXCEPT: Muscle fibres show cross striations Fibres show branching pattern Cells are multinucleated Nuclei are peripherally situated
90 Following organelle of a cell is responsible for protein synthesis: Mitochondria Smooth endoplasmic reticulum Rough endoplasmic reticulum Lysosomes
91 'Betz cells' are predominantly present in the following part of cerebral cortex Precentral gyrus Post central gyros Hippocampus Occipital cortex
92 Following cell types are present in the gastric glands of fundus of stomach EXCEPT: Parietal cells Chicf cells Paneth cells Enteroendocrine cells
93 Microscopically following structure is present in spleen Hassall's corpuscle Paccinian corpuscle Malpighian corpuscle Meissner's corpuscle
94 Graafian folide of just at the time of ovulation contains: Oogonium Primary oocyte Secondary oocyte Ovum
95 Head of spermatozoon is fonned by following organelle of spermatid Mitochondria Nucleus Rough endoplasmic reticulum Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
96 Nonnal site of implantation is Body of the uterus Cervix of uterus Ovary Fallopian tube
97 Following are the layers of placental barrier EXCEPT Syncytiotrophoblast Cytotrophoblast Imraembryonic mesodenn Endothelium of foetal blood vessel
98 Somites develop from: Paraxial mesoderm Intermediate mesodenn Lateral plate mesoderm Extaembryonic mesoderm
99 In a nonnal karyotype chromosome belongs to Group D Group C Group B Group A
100 "Barr body" is present at the following sites EXCEPT Attached to the nuclear membrane Auached to the cell membrane Seen as an expansion of nucleus Attached to nucleolus
2 Bone has following type of growth Interstitial Appositional Both of the above None of the above
3 Joint between anterior arch of atlas and dens of axis is of Ball and socket type Saddle type Hinge type Pivot type
4 Yellow clastic cartilage is present in Intervertebral disc Epiglottis Articular ends of long bones Trachea
5 Median nerve supplies following muscles of the forearm EXCEPT: Pronator teres Palmaris longus Flexor carpi radialis Flexor carpi ulnaris
6 Coracoid process of scapula belongs to following type of epiphysis: Traction Pressure Aberrant Atavistic
7 Following are the branches of medial cord of brachial plexus EXCEPT Ulnar nerve Musculocutaneous nerve Medial cutaneous nerve of ann Medial cutaneous nerve foreann
8 Following muscles from the rotator cuff of shoulder joint EXCEPT Teres minor Subscapularis Infraspinatus Long head of triceps
9 Dorsal interossei are responsible for the following movements of fingers of the hand Adduction Abduction Medial rotation Opposition
10 Winging of scapula results due to the paralysis of Rhomboideus major Levator scapulae Serratus anterior Infraspinatus
11 Following are present in the skin of palm: Eccrine sweat glands Apocrine sweat glands Sebaceous glands Hair follicles
12 Following structure is involved in the "Carpal Tunnel Syndrome" Ulnar nerve Median nerve Radial nerve Ulnar al1ery
13 Fracture of midshafl of humerus resulls. in injury to Axillary nerve Radial nerve Median nerve Ulnar nerve
14 Injury to radial nerve in the axilla causes Claw hand Wrist drop Erb's paralysis Klumpke's paralysis
15 The ligament transmilling weight from the free upper limb to clavicle is Costoclavicular Acromioclavicular Coracoclavicular Stenoclavicular
16 Following bony points are palpable in the anatomical snuff box except Styloid process if radius Base of 1st metacarpal bone Scaphoid Lunate
17 Following are the contellls of cubital fossa EXCEPT: Ulnar nerve Median nerve Brachial artery Tendon of biceps brachij muscle
18 Following is true about the superficial palmar arterial arch EXCEPT It is fomled mainly by ulnar artery Arch may be sometimes completed by median artery Arch is superficial to palmaris brevis muscle Distslly its maximum convexity is at the level of fully extended pollicial base
19 Tibial nerve gives following branches in the popliteal fossa EXCEPT: Nerve to long head of biceps femoris Nerve to lateral head of gastrocnemius Nerve to soleus Nerve to popliteus
20 Following are the cutaneus branches of femoral nerve EXCEPT: Medial cutaneous nerve of thigh Intermediate cutaneous nerve of thigh Lateral cutaneous nerve of Ihigh Saphenous nerve
21 Following muscles of legs are supplied by deep peroneal nerve EXCEPT: Peroneous tertius Tibialis anterior Extensor hallucius longus Peroneus brevis
22 Foot drop results from injury to Lateral planter nerve Deep peroneal nerve Superficial peroneal nerve Tibial nerve
23 A muscle that flexes both hip and knee joints is Rectus femoris Biceps femoris Sartorius Semitendinous
24 Inferior tibiofibular joirt belongs to the variety of Syndesmosis Pivot synovial Plane synovial Synchondrosis
25 Following are the contents of adductor canal EXCEPT: Femoral artery Saphenous nerve Nerve to vastus intermedius Nerve to vastus medialis
26 Superficial inguinal ring transmits: Iliohypogastric nerve Ilioinguinal nerve Femoral branch of genitofemoral nerve Medial cutaneous nerve of thigh
27 Iliotibial tract: Is the thickened band of fascia lata Is an aponeurosis of vastus lateralis Extends from iliac crest to medial tibial condyle Gives insertion to gluteus medius
28 Intervertebral disc between 3rd and 4th lumbar vertebrae corresponds to Tubercle of iliac crest Anterior superior iliac spine Posterior superior iliac spine Highest point of iliac crest
29 Lumbar triangle is bounded by the following EXCEPT: Obliques externus abdorninis Lastissimus dorsi Erector spinae Iliac crest
30 Following nerves give articular branches to knee joint EXCEPT: nerve to vastus medialis nerve to vastus intermedialis nerve to vastus lateralis ncrve to rectus femoris
31 The bursa involved in household's knee is Subcutaneous prepatellar Subcutaneous infrapatellar Deep illfrapatellar Suprapatellar
32 The first layer of muscles of sale includes the following EXCEPT: Abductor digiti minimi Abduclor hallucis Flexor digitorum brevis Flexor digitorum accessorius
33 Following is also called as spring ligament Talo-navicular ligament Plantar calcaneo-cuboid ligament Plantar calcanei-navicular ligament Bifurcated ligament
34 External laryngeal nerve supplies the following muscles: Sternothyroid Cricothyroid Lateral cricoarytenoid Thyroarytenoid
35 Following muscle is supplied by a branch from facial nerve: Medial pterygoid Lateral pterygoid Masseter Buccinator
36 Following muscles are supplied by ansa ccrvicalis EXCEPT:
(A) Omohyoid Geniohyoid Sternohyoid Sternothyroid
37 Following structures are related to the superficial surface or hyoglossus muscle EXCEPT: Lingual nerve Hypoglossal nerve Glossopharygeal nerve Submandibular duct
38 Following are thc branches of 1 st part of maxillary artery EXCEPT Middlc meningeal artcry Accessory meningeal artery Pharyngeal artcry Deep auricular artery
39 Carotid sheath contains following structurcs EXCEPT: Internal carotid artery External carotid artery Common carotid artcry Internal jugular vein
40 Following muscle is responsible for elevation and lateral rotation movcments of eyeball Inferior rectus Superior rectus Infcror obliquc Supcrior obliquc
41 Following nerves pass through jugular roramen EXCEPT Glossopharyngeal Accesory Vagus Hypoglossal
42 Posterior longitudinal ligament of vertebral column continues as Anterior atlanto-occipital membrane Posterior atlanto-occipital membrane Membrane tectoria Apical ligament or dens
43 Following structures pass through foramen ovale EXCEPT Mandibular nerve Accessary meningeal artcry Greater petrosal nervc Lesser petrosal nerve
44 Following paranasal sinuses open ion middle meatus or nose EXCEPT Frontal Anterior ethmoidal Middle ethmoidal Posterior ethmoidal
45 Circumvallet papillae receives their special sensory nerve supply from: Lingual nerve Glossopharyngeal nerve Chorda tympani nerve Hypoglossal nerve
46 Following are the derivatives of paramesonephric ducts in females EXCEPT: Uterus Cervix of uterus Proximal 2/3rd of vagina Fallopian tubes
47 Parasympathetic root of otic ganglion is Chorda tympani nerve Lesser petrosal nerve Greater petrosal nerve NasocilJiary nerve
48 Sphincter pupillae muscle is supplied by fibres from Edinger-westphal nucleus of 3rd nerve Motor nucleus of 3rd nerve Nasocilliary nerve Trochlear nerve
49 blood group is expressed m progeny if the antigens transmitted from parents are AB OA OB OO
50 Following vein participates in the formation of external jugular vein: Maxillary Vein Superficial temporal vein Posterior auricular vein Facial vein
51 Following structure are contents of the lateral wall of cavernous smus EXCEPT: Occulomotar nerve Trochlear nerve Maxillary nerve Mandibular nerve
52 Following structure is present inferior to the inferior constrictor muscle of pharynx Recurrent laryngeal nerve Stylopharyngeus muscle Laryngeal branch of superior thyroid artery Superior laryngeal nerve
53 Following are the cutaneous branches of mandibular nerve supplying the skin of face EXCEPT Zygomaticotemporal Auriculotemporal Buccal Mental
54 Lesions of abducent nerve cause paralysis of the following muscle of eyeball Superior rectus Inferior rectus Lateral rectus Superior oblique
55 Following foramen is present on the ridge between jugular fossa and carotid canal Mastoid canaliculus Tympanic canaliculus Cochlear canaliculus Sphenoidal emissary foramen
56 Nucleus ambiguos communicates with following cranial nerve nuclei EXCEPT: Facial Vagus Glossopharyngeal Cranial accessary
57 Stellate ganglion is Superior cervical ganglion Middle cervical ganglion Inferior cervical ganglion Inferior cervical 1st thoracic ganglion
58 Following are the cranial nerve nuclei in the midbrain EXCEPT: Oculomotor nerve nucleus Trochlear nerve nucleus Motor nucleus of trigeminal nerve Mesencephalic nucleus of trigeminal nerve
59 Following tract carries proprioceptive sensations: Lateral spinothalamic tract Anterior spinothalamic tract Anterior exlemal arcuate fibers Intemal arcuate fibres
60 Auditory area is situated in Middle frontal gyrus Inferior frontal gyrus Superior parietal gyurus Superior temporal gyrus
61 Corpus callosum consists of Association fibres Arcuate fibres Commissural fibres Projection fibres
62 Red nucleus is situated in the' Midbrain at the level of superior colliculus Midbrain at the level of inferior collieulus Pons at the level of facial colliculus Medulla oblongata at the level of inferior olivary nucleus
63 Following are the functional components of vagus lIerve EXCEPT General visceral efferent Special visceral efferent General somatic efferent Special visceral afferent
64 Following grooves meet at the 'crux of heart' EXCEPT: Posterior interatrial Posterior atrioventricular Posterior interventricular Anterior interventricular
65 Following velOS of hean drain directly, onto right atrial chamber EXCEPT: Middle cardiac vein Anterior cardiac vein Small cardiac vein occasionally Venae cordis minimae
66 Line of pleural reflection crosses the midaxil1ary line al the following level Twelth rib Tenth rib Eighth rib Sixth rib
67 Following nerve ascends in the tracheooesophageal groove: Superior laryngeal Recurrent lal)'Tlgeal Internal laryngeal External laryngeal
68 Following structures are present in the hilum of the left lung EXCEPT: Pulmonary artery Eparterial bronchus Inferior pulmonary vein Bronchial arteries
69 Following structures are related to the anterior border of the neck of first rib EXCEPT: Sympathetic tnmk Superior intercostal artery Superior intercostal vein First thoracic nerve
70 Base of the heart is formed by following chamber of heart Mainly by left atrium and only partly by posterior pan of right atrium Right ventricle Left ventricle Right and left ventricles
71 Deep inguinal ring is a defect in The aponeurosis of external oblique muscle of abdomen The aponeurosis of internal oblique muscle of abdomen The aponeurosis of transversus abdominis muscle Transversalis fascia
72 Following are the posterior relations of right kidney except Eleventh rib Twelfth rib Quadratus lumborum muscle Transversus abdominis muscle
73 Following are the branches of the coeliac trunk EXCEPT: Left gastric artery Right gastric artery Splenic artery Hepatic artery
74 Portal vcin is formed by union of Superior mesenteric vein with inferior mesenteric vein Inferior mesenteric vein with splenic vein Superior mesenteric vein with spenic vein Superior mesenteric vein with left renal vein
75 S2, S3, S4 is the root of: Femoral nerve Genitofemoral nerve Obturator nerve Pudendal nerve
76 Following structures are present at the transpyloric plane EXCEPT: Lower border of L1 vertebra Gastroduodenal junction Gastro-oesophageal junction Lower part of hilum of left kidney
77 Lymphatics from testis drain into Para-aortic group of lymph nodes Internal iliac group of lymph nodes Deep inguinal lymph nodes Superficial inguinal lymph nodes
78 Following structures are included in the stomach bed EXCEPT: Left suprarenal gland Anterior surface of pancreas Splenic artery Left ureter
79 Following are the anterior relations of the second part of duodenum EXCEPT: Right lobe of liver Transverse colon Ileocolic artery Jejunum
80 Lumen of ureter shows constrictions at the following sites EXCEPT Pclvi-urelic junction Where gonadal vessels cross the ureter Where it crosses the brim of lesser pelvis Where it traverses the vesicle wall
81 Following structures pass through aortic opening of diaphragm EXCEPT: Aona Righi vagus nerve Azygos vein Thoracic duct
82 Following arc the anterior relalions of left kidney EXCEPT: Spleen Stomach Duodenum Colon
83 Hypenrophy of the following lobe of prostate causes obSlruCiion of the internal urethral orifice in old age: Lateral lobe Posterior lobe Middle lobe Median lobe
84 Following are the true supports of uterus EXCEPT Rectovaginal ligament Ulerosacral ligament Round ligament Mackenrodt's ligament
85 Permanent longitudinal mucosal folds in anal canal are called as Anal valves Anal sinuses Anal columns Anal papillae
86 Lining epithelium of tonsils is Stralified columnar Stratified squamous nonkeralinized Stratified squamous keratinized Simple squamous
87 The epithelium lining alveolus of lung is Simple squamous epithelium Simple columnar epithelium Simple columnar ciliated epithelium Pseudostratified columnar ciliated epithelium
88 Stratified squamous keratinized epithelium lines Skin
(B) Oesophagus Urinary bladder
(D) Main duct of gland
89 Following are the peculiarities of skelatal muscle EXCEPT: Muscle fibres show cross striations Fibres show branching pattern Cells are multinucleated Nuclei are peripherally situated
90 Following organelle of a cell is responsible for protein synthesis: Mitochondria Smooth endoplasmic reticulum Rough endoplasmic reticulum Lysosomes
91 'Betz cells' are predominantly present in the following part of cerebral cortex Precentral gyrus Post central gyros Hippocampus Occipital cortex
92 Following cell types are present in the gastric glands of fundus of stomach EXCEPT: Parietal cells Chicf cells Paneth cells Enteroendocrine cells
93 Microscopically following structure is present in spleen Hassall's corpuscle Paccinian corpuscle Malpighian corpuscle Meissner's corpuscle
94 Graafian folide of just at the time of ovulation contains: Oogonium Primary oocyte Secondary oocyte Ovum
95 Head of spermatozoon is fonned by following organelle of spermatid Mitochondria Nucleus Rough endoplasmic reticulum Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
96 Nonnal site of implantation is Body of the uterus Cervix of uterus Ovary Fallopian tube
97 Following are the layers of placental barrier EXCEPT Syncytiotrophoblast Cytotrophoblast Imraembryonic mesodenn Endothelium of foetal blood vessel
98 Somites develop from: Paraxial mesoderm Intermediate mesodenn Lateral plate mesoderm Extaembryonic mesoderm
99 In a nonnal karyotype chromosome belongs to Group D Group C Group B Group A
100 "Barr body" is present at the following sites EXCEPT Attached to the nuclear membrane Auached to the cell membrane Seen as an expansion of nucleus Attached to nucleolus
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