Exam Details

Subject philosophy
Paper paper 1
Exam / Course mains
Organization Arunachal Pradesh Public Service Commission
Exam Date 2015
City, State arunachal pradesh,

Question Paper


Time 3 hours Full Marks 200
Note: The figures in the right-hand margin indicate full marks for the questions.

Attempt five questions in all.

Question No. 1 is compulsory.

1. Write brie(ly about any ten of the following 4x10=40

Plato's idea of the Good

Descartes' Cogito ergo sum think, therefore, I am)

Kant's distinction between Analyticjudgements and Syntheticjudgements

Atomic facts with reference to Russell

The phenomenological epoche' with reference to Husser!

Strawson's concept of person
Jaina concept of matter (Pudgala)
Nairatmyavada (No Soul theory) of Buddhism
Classification of perception in Nyaya philosophy
The nature of liberation in Samkhya philosophy
Prabhakara theory of error (Akhyativada)
The concept of Maya in Advaita Vedanta

89/DD5-2015jPHILO'::'PljSet-A 1 P.T.O.

2. Answer any eight of the following 5x8=40
Briefly explain Aristotle's account of Final cause.
Write briefly about Berkeley's critique of materialism.
Give a short account of Humean scepticism.
Write in brief about Moore's defense of common sense.
Why cannot 'the religious life' be reduced to 'the ethical An swer with
reference to Kierkegaard.
What is Carvakas' basic argument for the uncertainty of inference
What do you understand by homogenous trans formation
(Svariipaparil}ama) of gUl}as? Answer with reference to SaIbkhya
Is consciousness an essential attribute of self? Briefly explai n your answer
from the standpoint of Nyaya philosophy.
Give a brief account of atomistic theory of creation.
Write a short note on Madhava's Dvaita Vedanta.

3. Answer any five of the following 8x5=40

Explain and examine Russell's theory of Definite Description.

Elucidate the theory of Dependent Origination (PratItyasamutpada).

Make an exposition of Spinoza's pantheism.

Write a short note on invariable concomitance (Vyapti).

Explain Hegel's dialectical method.

Bring out the significance of puru$a in the metaphysics of SaIbkhya philosophy.

Explain John Locke's arguments for the rejection of innate ideas.

89/DD5-2015jPHILO-PljSet-A 2
4. Answer any four of the following lOx4=AO

Explain and examine G. E. Moore's refutation of idealism.

What are the basic characteristics of Leibnitz's monads?

State and explain lainism's SaptabhaI,lglnaya (Seven forms ofjudgement).

Explicate Sartre's notion of 'bad faith'.

Elucidate Samavaya (Inherence) as a category (Padartha) of philosophy.

5. Answer any two of the following 20x2=40

Explain and examine Plato's theory of ideas.

Critically evaluate Kant's criticism of the proofs for the existence of God.

Explicate Wittgenstein's statement, "what can be shown, cannot be said."

6. Answer any four of the following lOx4=40

Explain Aristotle's account of Form and Matter.

Write a note on Descartes' Mind-Body dualism.

Bring out the significance of adhyasa and avidya in Samkara's Advaita Vedanta.

What is meant by 'existence precedes essence'? Answer with reference to existentialism.

Critically evaluate the Nyaya theory of causation.

7. Answer any two of the following 20x2=40

What do you unde!stand by 'antinomy'? Explain Kant's four antinomies.

Explain and examine W. V. O. Quine's refutation of the dogma of reductionism and that of Analytic-Synthetic distinction.

Write an essay on sabda pramaI,la (Verbal

89/DD5-2015/PHILO-PI/set'-A 3 p.T.a.
8. Explain the metaphysical and epistemological differences on which the four
schools of Buddhism are distinguished from each other.

9. Explain and examine the logical positivists' rejection of metaphysics.
10. Write an essay on Ramanuja's Visi$ta Advaita Vedanta.


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