Exam Details
Subject | ||
Paper | ||
Exam / Course | ||
Department | ||
Organization | Haryana Public Service Commission | |
Position | dental surgeon | |
Exam Date | 2012 | |
City, State | haryana, |
Question Paper
1 The congenital absence of many teeth is termed as
a. Hypodontia
b. Anodontia
c. Oligodontia
d. Diphyodontia
2 The abnormal loss of tooth structure due to non masticatory, non mechanical means
a. Erosion
b. Abrasion
c. Attrition
d. Abfraction
3 The Greater palatine foramen is located distal to the apex of maxillary:
a. First Molar
b. Second Premolar
c. Second Molar
d. Canine
4 Which ligament is most likely to get damaged, while giving an inferior alveolar nerve block injection?
a. Sphenomandibular Ligament
b. Temporomandibular Ligament
c. Stylomandibular Ligament
d. Pterygomandibular raphe
5 Which one of the following is not a characteristic of General Shock?
a. Incresed Vascular Resistance
b. Bradycardia
c. Myocardial Ischaemia
d. Adrenergic response
6 The nerve block is induced by local anesthetics by decreasing the permeability of ions channels to
a. Calcium ions
b. Chloride ions
c. Potassium ions
d. Sodium ions
7 How long should one wait before obtaining Biopsy of an oral ulcer?
a. 4 days
b. 7 days
c. 14 days
d. 30 days
8 The mandibular left second molar of a 14 year old boy is unerupted.. Radiographs show a small Dentigerous cyst surrounding the crown. What is the treatment of choice?
a. Surgically extract the unerupted second molar
b. Uncover the crown and keep it exposed
c. Prescribe an anti inflammatory medication and schedule a follow appointment in six months
d. No treatment is necessary at this time
9 Osteomyelitis usually begins in the medullary space involving
a. Periosteum
b. Soft tissues
c. Cortical bone
d. Cancellous bone
10 What cephalometric analysis measurement is characteristic in Class J malocclusions?
a. SNA angle of more than 84 degree
b. SNA angle of less than 78 degres
c. ANB angle of less than 4 degrees
d. SNB angle of less than 10 degrees
11 Which one of the following is not the generalized causes of failure or delayed tooth eruption
a. Hyperparathyroidism
b. Hereditary Gingival Fibromatosis
c. Down's Syndrome
d. Rickets
12 Which of the following is not a functional appliance
a. Frankel
b. Quad -helix
c. Clarks Twin Block
d. Herbst
13 A headgear appliance is used for
a. Anchorage
b. Traction
c. Both Anchorage and Traction
d. Neither Anchorage or Traction
14 Which of the following materials is not used for arch wires
a. Stainless Steel
b. Beta Titanium
c. Nickel Titanium
d. Vitalium
15 Which condition is appropriately treated at an early stage
a. Posterior crossbite 'lith a functional shift
b. Deviated midline in the absence of functional shift
c. Mild crowding of lower permanent incisors .
d. Two deciduous molars in crossbite
16 A " Poor man's" Cephalometric analysis is performed via a
a. Dental Cast Analysis
b. Facial Profile analysis
c. Photographic analysis
d. Full faceanalysis
17 Which of the following vould provide the most valuable information to the orthodontist In predicting the time of pubertal growth spurt
a. A wrist-hand radiograph
b. Height --weight tables
c. Presence of secondary sexual characteristics
d. Stage of dental development
18 During a serial extraction case, which teeth are NOT typically removed?
a. Primary canines
b. Primary first molars
c. Primary first premolars
d. Primary seco'nd molars
19 Once bone fonned. it grows by
a. Intcrstial growth only
b. Appositional growth only
c. Both appositional and interstial growth
d. Degenerative changes into bony structures
20 In vhich region the bone deposition is responsible for the Lengthening of maxillary arch
a. Palate
b. Tuherosity
c. Incisor
d. Zygomatic
21 Which of the following is the least important diagnostic aid in recognizing the early stage of gingivitis?
a. Bleeding upon probing
b. Gingival color
c. Pocket depths
d. Stippling of the gingival tissue
22 Which of the following needs to be evident in order to make a diagnosis of periodontitis?
a. Bleeding
b. Pocket depths of 5 mm or more
c. Radiographic evidence of bone loss
d. A change in tissue color and tone
23 Which of the following occlusal conditions would exert lowest amount of biting force under normal circumstances?
a. Complete denture resting on soft tissues
b. Complete dentures supported by implants
c. Fully dentate occlusion
d. Maxillary complete denture opposing natural teeth
24 Highest rate of implant failure occurs in
a. Type I bone
b. Type 2 bone
c. Type 3 bone
d. Type 4 bone
25 The greatest esthetic challenge for the restorative dentist occurs in the patient having a
a. High smile line, thick periodontal biotype
b. High smile line, thin periodontal biotype
c. Low smile line, thin periodontal biotype
d. low smile line, thick periodontal biotype
26 Which of the following conditions is not a contra-indication to dental implant placement?
a. Diminished healing capacity ofpatients tissues
b. Current chemotherapy for the treatment of cancer
c. Advanced patient age
d. History of radiation therapy to the maxillofacial complex
27 Gingival fibres consist of
a. Type I collagen
b. Type II collagen
c. Type III collagen
d. Type IV collagen
28 Cellular cementum in contrast to acellular cementum is
a. Cementum that is resorbing
b. Newly formed cementum
c. That part of the cementum that is adjacent to the enamel
d. Cementum that contain cementocytes
29 Which two bacteria are the most common bacteria in endodontic infections?
a. Porphyromonas species and Bacteroides melaninogenica
b. Eubacterium and Fusobacterium
c. Actinomycetes and Spirochetes
d. Wolinella and Veillonella species
30 Which of the following are not found in the pulp?
a. Reticulin fibres
b. Collagen fibres
c. Proprioceptor nerve fibres
d. Myelinated nerve fibres
31 The absence of which layer of dentin predisposes it to internal resorption by cells present in the pulp?
a. Mantle dentin
b. Predentin
c. Circumpulpal dentin
d. Secondary dentin
32 Which of the following is the most accurate definition of a phoenix abscess?
a. An acute apical periodontitis
b. A suppurative apical periodontitis
c. An acute exacerbation of a chronic apical periodontitis
d. A chronic state of an acute apical periodontitis
33 A patient presents with an acute periapical abscess. Which of the following tests could have a positive response?
a. Hot test
b. Electric pulp test
c. Cold test
d. Percussion
34 The ideal amount of dentin required between an amalgam restoration and the pulp for insulation is
a. 0.5mm
35 Delayed expansion of amalgam restoration is more likely to be associated with
a. Over trituration and condensation
b. High residual mercury .
c. The contamination of amalgam by moisture during trituration and condensation
d. Failure to use cavity varnish
36 Which tooth requires special attention when preparing the occlusal aspect for restoration?
a. Mandibular first bicuspid
b. Mandibular second bicuspid
c. Maxillary first molar
d. Maxillary 11rst bicuspid
37 When removing caries, which of the following layers of dentin are affected, but not infected and therefore do not need to be removed?
a. Turbid dentin
b. Transparent dentin
c. Sub-transparent dentin
d. Infected dentin
38 The initiation of dental caries requires a high proportion of
a. Lactobacillus within saliva
b. Lactobacillus within dental plaque
c. Streptococcus mutans within dental plaque
d. Streptococcus mutans within saliva
39 On your crown insertion appointment, you notice that the margins are open when you attempt to seat the crown in mouth. Which of the following should you check first?
a. The proximal contacts
b. The occlusal contacts
c. For a void on the crowns interior
d. For a nodule on crowns interior
40 A sedative often used in management of anxious pediatric dental patient IS
a. Pentobarbitol
b. Secobarbitol
c. Chloral hydrate
d. Meperidine
41 Ester type local anesthetics are metabolized in
a. Liver
b. Plasma
c. Lungs
d. Kidneys
42 Which antibiotic is not only effective against most staphylococci, aerobic and anaerobic streptococci, but is most effective in treating infections due to bacteroides species?
a. Penicillin VK
b. Erythromycin
c. Clindamycin
d. Cephalexin
43 For dry heat sterilization at a temperature of 160 how long does it take to sterilize instruments?
a. 5 minutes
b. 20 minutes
c. 40 minutes
d. 120 minutes
44 Which type of pathogens provide the ultimate test for efficacy of sterilization?
a. Bacteria
b. Spore forming
c. Virus
d. Fungi
45 The proportion of existing cases of disease in a population at one point in time or during a specified period of time is termed as
a. Incidence
b. Epidemiology
c. Prevalence
46 A curette designed to scale and root plane anterior teeth with deep pockets will have
a. Short, straight shank
b. Short, angled shank
c. Long, angled shank
d. Long, straight shank
47 Pleasure's Concept is associated with
a. Balanced occlusion
b. Organic occlusion J
c. Lingualised occlusiom
d. Articulation concepts 1
48 Discrepancies in occlusion of denture can be clearly detected from
a. Observation at denture insertion phase
b. Masticatory efficiency
c. Clicking sound at the temporomanibular joint
d. Remounting procedure of denture
49 " Squint test", is used as a guide for selecting
a. Shade of the teeth
b. Shape of the teeth
c. Length of the teeth
d. Tooth proportions
50 A functional cusp bevel in the preparation of a tooth for Full Crown or Fixed partial denture retainer ,provides for
a. Improving Retention
b. Improving Stability
c. Better Esthetics
d. Bulk of restoration for strength
51 Color temperature of light source for shade selection process should be
a. 45K
52 Post cementation I luting pain on biting is most likely due to
a. Occlusal overload
b. Sensitivity to cement
c. Periapical abscess
d. Short margins
53 Base metal casting alloys as compared to Noble metal casting alloys for cast restorations
a. Base metal alloys are softer to finish
b. Base metal alloys are less dense
c. Base metal alloys are more easily hardened
d. Base metal alloys are more resistant to corrosion
54 Which of the following is not a radiographic sign of trauma from occlusion
a. Hypercementosis
b. Root Resorption
c. Periodontal pockets
d. Widening of periodontal ligament space
55 The ideal time period from placing the Indirect Pulp cap until the reopening the tooth to remove the remaining decay is
a. 3-4 months
b. 7-10 days
c. 2-3 weeks
d. 1 year
56 Pulpal pain, either spontaneous or elicited by an irritant, that lingers for more than 10 -15 seconds suggest
a. Pulpal necrosis
b. Irreversible pulpitis
c. Pukpal hypereJnia
d. Apical periodontitis
57 The most effective and most tolerable topical fluoride is
a. 0.2 Sodium Flouride
b. Stannous fluoride
c. Acidulated phosphate fluoride
d. Sodium fluoride
58 Which is the principal hormone for calcium regulation?
a. Cacitonin
b. Parathyroid hormone
c. Thyroxin
d. Vasopressin! ADH
59 Intrinsic factor, essential for the absorption ofvitamin B12 in ileum, is secreted by the:
a. Chief cells
b. Parietal cells
c. Gastric cells
d. Mucus cells
60 Which of the following enzymes is responsible for dissolving blood clots?
a. Prothrombin
b. Thrombin
c. Fibrinogen
d. Plasmin
61 Pernicious anemia is caused by the mal-absorption of
a. Vitamin A
b. Vitamin B12
c. Vitamin C
d. Vitamin E
62 Which of the following is not the prominent toxic effect of mercury
a. Xerostomia
b. Irritability
c. Loosened teeth
d. Tremors
63 Immediate dentures should be preferably relined after:
a. 1 month and 3 months post extraction
b. 4 months and 7 months post extraction
c. 5 months and 10 months post extraction
d. 1 year and 2 years post extraction
64 The incisal edges of maxillary teeth should touch the wet/ dry line of the lower lip while creating
a. "Th" sound
b. "F" and "V" sounds
c. "P" and "B" soumds
d. "S" sound
65 Posterior Palatal Seal, for maxillary denture
a. Is placed 3 mm posterior to vibrating line
b. Is not necessary when fabricating a complete denture on a patient with flat palate
c. Is notnecessary if a metal base is used
d. Will vary in outline and depth according to the palatal form of the patient
66 A reverse 3/4th crown is most frequently fabricated for a
a. Maxillary molar
b. Mandibular molar
c. Mandibular premolar
d. Maxillary premolar
67 "Strain Hardening" or "Work hardening" are best described as
a. Hardening deformation) of a metal at room temperature
b. Hardening( Deformation) of a metal at very high temperature
c. Softening of metal by controlled heating and cooling
d. Softening a metal at room temperature
68 Burkitts Lymphoma is associated with the
a. Herpes virus
b. Epstein-Barr virus
c. Cytomegalovirus
d. Human papillomavirus
69 The most common neoplasm seen in AIDS patient is
a. Non-Hodgkins lymphoma
b. Squamous cell carcinoma
c. Basal cell carcinoma
d. Kaposi's sarcoma
70 The prime factor that initiates Myofascial pain dysfunction syndrome (MPDS) is
a. Trauma
b. Muscle spasm
c. Periodontal disease
d. Tumour
71 Which ofthese lesions are typically within soft tissue and may mimic inflammatory lesions of odontogenic origin
a. Median alveolar cyst
b. Globulomaxillary cyst
c. Nasolabial cyst
d. Nasopalatine cyst
72 MassofhistoJogically normal tissuepresentinanabnormallocation iscalleda
a. Teratoma
b. Choristoma
c. Hamartoma
d. None of the above
73 Cretinism is deficiency disease caused by the congenital absence of
a. Thyroxine
b. Insulin
c. Calcitonin
d. Epinephrine
74 The sum of the mesiodistal widths of the primary molars in anyone quadrant is
a. 5-10 mm greater than the permanent teeth that succeed them----premolars
b. 2-5 mm less than the permanent teeth that succeed them----premolars
c. 2-5 mm greater than the permanent teeth that succeed them----premolars
d. 5-10 mm less than the permanent teeth that succeed them----premolars
75 Which of the following is not the principal characteristics of'Attention deficit Hyperactivity disorder' (AOHD)
a. Inattention
b. Mental retardation
c. Hyperactivity
d. Impulsivity
76 " Koplik Spots" are associated with
a. Smallpox (Variola)
b. Gemlan measles (Rubella)
c. Mumps
d. Measles (Rubeola)
77 At age of 6 yrs a child's head is what percentage of its adult size
a. 30%
b. 50%
c. 80%
d. 90%
78 Nomlal Prothrombin time IS
a. 7 seconds ± 2 seconds
b. 11 seconds ± 2 seconds
c. 14seconds ± 2 seconds
d. 25seconds ± 2 seconds
79 In patient with LefortII fracture, common finding is paresthesia over distribution of the
a. Infraorbital nerve
b. Inferior alveolar nerve
c. Mylohyoid nerve
d. Hypoglossal nerve
80 Secretions of sub lingual gland is predominantly
a. Mucous
b. Serous
c. Mixed
d. None of the above
81 Major arterial supply to Temporomanibular joint is derived from
a. Facial artery
b. Angular anery
c. Occipital artey
d. Superficial temporal artery and maxillary artery
82 Incipient carious lesions, after sealant application
a. Progressively increase in size
b. Are arrested
c. Spread rapidly into interproximal areas
d. Remain the same
83 RPI clasp is a type of
a. Gingivally approaching clasp
b. Occlually approaching clasp
c. Mixed clasp
d. Infrabulge clasp
84 Optimum Location of finish line for a All ceramic Anterior Full Veneer Crown should be
a. Supragingival
b. Subgingival
c. Equigingival
d. Subgingival labially and supra gingival lingually or palatally
85 Which class of antibodies constitutes about 75% of the antibodies ofa nonnal human being':
a. IgA
b. IgD
c. IgE
d. IgG
86 "Spoon Denture" may be indicated for which classification of partially dentulous arch
a. Kennedy class IV
b. Kennedy class I
c. Kennedy class II
d. Kennedy class III
87 Porcelain etching for ceramic repair involves chemically which material
a. Orthophosphoric acid 37%
b. Hydrofluoric acid
c. Phosphoric acid 33%
d. Maleic acid 20%
88 Guide Planes are
a. Proximal surfaces of distal surfaces of fixed partial dentures
b. Proximal surfaces abutment teeth parallel to path of insertion and removal
c. Proximal surfaces of retainers of RPD
d. Vertical anns of RPD retainers
89 Which luting cement is not preferred for All Ceramic restorations
a. Resin cements
b. Glass inomer cements
c. Polycarboxylate cements
d. Resin reinforced Glass Ionomer cement
90 Caries activity is not directly proportional to
a. The consistency of fermentable carbohydrates ingested
b. The quantity of fermentable carbohydrates ingested
c. The frequency of ingesting fermentable carbohydrates
d. The oral retention of fermentable carbohydrates ingested
91 Which one ofthese is not a component in implant supported crown
a. Abutment
b. Analogue
c. Impression coping
d. Pontic
92 Which ofthe following is not the response of histamine release due to allergic reaction
a. Vasoldilatation (esp. arterioles)
b. Bronchoconstriction
c. Increased blood pressure
d. Secretion ofHCL
93 Which of the tooth would have two canals most of the times?
a. Tooth no. 15
b. Tooth no. 24
c. Tooth no. 35
d. Tooth no. 45
94 Persistent radiolucency in the peripical area ofendodontically treated maxillary first molar could be explained by
a. second mesibuccal canal was not located
b. second distobuccal canal was not located
c. second palatal canal was not located
d. It takes more than 12 months for the bone to heal
95 Which tooth is most likely to have a curved root?
a. Maxillary central incisor
b. Maxillary lateral incisor
c. Maxillary canine
d. Mandibular central incisor
96 Tissue conditioners are used for completely edentulous patients
a. To remodel the alveolar bone favorably
b. To bring the tissue tone to normal
c. To alleviate any signs of tissue inflammation before a new denture is fabricated
d. Showing signs of oral candidiasis
97 Diagnosis of ulceration on tongue persisting for more than 2 weeks should be based on
a. Incisional biopsy
b. Exfoliative cytology
c. Clinical signs and symptoms
d. Blood biochemistry
98 Which one ofthe materials is not used for Dental Implants in clinical use
a. Commercially pure titanium
b. Grade 5 titanium
c. Titanium-6AI-4V alloy
d. Co-Cr-Mo alloy
99 What type ofocclusion scheme is preferred for maxillary complete denture opposing Mandibular natural dentition
a. Bilaterally Balanced occlusion
b. Unilaterally balanced occlusion
c. Canine guided occlusion
d. Group function
100 Which one of following communicable diseases commonly infects dental health personnel
b. Hepatitis B
c. Hepatatis C
a. Hypodontia
b. Anodontia
c. Oligodontia
d. Diphyodontia
2 The abnormal loss of tooth structure due to non masticatory, non mechanical means
a. Erosion
b. Abrasion
c. Attrition
d. Abfraction
3 The Greater palatine foramen is located distal to the apex of maxillary:
a. First Molar
b. Second Premolar
c. Second Molar
d. Canine
4 Which ligament is most likely to get damaged, while giving an inferior alveolar nerve block injection?
a. Sphenomandibular Ligament
b. Temporomandibular Ligament
c. Stylomandibular Ligament
d. Pterygomandibular raphe
5 Which one of the following is not a characteristic of General Shock?
a. Incresed Vascular Resistance
b. Bradycardia
c. Myocardial Ischaemia
d. Adrenergic response
6 The nerve block is induced by local anesthetics by decreasing the permeability of ions channels to
a. Calcium ions
b. Chloride ions
c. Potassium ions
d. Sodium ions
7 How long should one wait before obtaining Biopsy of an oral ulcer?
a. 4 days
b. 7 days
c. 14 days
d. 30 days
8 The mandibular left second molar of a 14 year old boy is unerupted.. Radiographs show a small Dentigerous cyst surrounding the crown. What is the treatment of choice?
a. Surgically extract the unerupted second molar
b. Uncover the crown and keep it exposed
c. Prescribe an anti inflammatory medication and schedule a follow appointment in six months
d. No treatment is necessary at this time
9 Osteomyelitis usually begins in the medullary space involving
a. Periosteum
b. Soft tissues
c. Cortical bone
d. Cancellous bone
10 What cephalometric analysis measurement is characteristic in Class J malocclusions?
a. SNA angle of more than 84 degree
b. SNA angle of less than 78 degres
c. ANB angle of less than 4 degrees
d. SNB angle of less than 10 degrees
11 Which one of the following is not the generalized causes of failure or delayed tooth eruption
a. Hyperparathyroidism
b. Hereditary Gingival Fibromatosis
c. Down's Syndrome
d. Rickets
12 Which of the following is not a functional appliance
a. Frankel
b. Quad -helix
c. Clarks Twin Block
d. Herbst
13 A headgear appliance is used for
a. Anchorage
b. Traction
c. Both Anchorage and Traction
d. Neither Anchorage or Traction
14 Which of the following materials is not used for arch wires
a. Stainless Steel
b. Beta Titanium
c. Nickel Titanium
d. Vitalium
15 Which condition is appropriately treated at an early stage
a. Posterior crossbite 'lith a functional shift
b. Deviated midline in the absence of functional shift
c. Mild crowding of lower permanent incisors .
d. Two deciduous molars in crossbite
16 A " Poor man's" Cephalometric analysis is performed via a
a. Dental Cast Analysis
b. Facial Profile analysis
c. Photographic analysis
d. Full faceanalysis
17 Which of the following vould provide the most valuable information to the orthodontist In predicting the time of pubertal growth spurt
a. A wrist-hand radiograph
b. Height --weight tables
c. Presence of secondary sexual characteristics
d. Stage of dental development
18 During a serial extraction case, which teeth are NOT typically removed?
a. Primary canines
b. Primary first molars
c. Primary first premolars
d. Primary seco'nd molars
19 Once bone fonned. it grows by
a. Intcrstial growth only
b. Appositional growth only
c. Both appositional and interstial growth
d. Degenerative changes into bony structures
20 In vhich region the bone deposition is responsible for the Lengthening of maxillary arch
a. Palate
b. Tuherosity
c. Incisor
d. Zygomatic
21 Which of the following is the least important diagnostic aid in recognizing the early stage of gingivitis?
a. Bleeding upon probing
b. Gingival color
c. Pocket depths
d. Stippling of the gingival tissue
22 Which of the following needs to be evident in order to make a diagnosis of periodontitis?
a. Bleeding
b. Pocket depths of 5 mm or more
c. Radiographic evidence of bone loss
d. A change in tissue color and tone
23 Which of the following occlusal conditions would exert lowest amount of biting force under normal circumstances?
a. Complete denture resting on soft tissues
b. Complete dentures supported by implants
c. Fully dentate occlusion
d. Maxillary complete denture opposing natural teeth
24 Highest rate of implant failure occurs in
a. Type I bone
b. Type 2 bone
c. Type 3 bone
d. Type 4 bone
25 The greatest esthetic challenge for the restorative dentist occurs in the patient having a
a. High smile line, thick periodontal biotype
b. High smile line, thin periodontal biotype
c. Low smile line, thin periodontal biotype
d. low smile line, thick periodontal biotype
26 Which of the following conditions is not a contra-indication to dental implant placement?
a. Diminished healing capacity ofpatients tissues
b. Current chemotherapy for the treatment of cancer
c. Advanced patient age
d. History of radiation therapy to the maxillofacial complex
27 Gingival fibres consist of
a. Type I collagen
b. Type II collagen
c. Type III collagen
d. Type IV collagen
28 Cellular cementum in contrast to acellular cementum is
a. Cementum that is resorbing
b. Newly formed cementum
c. That part of the cementum that is adjacent to the enamel
d. Cementum that contain cementocytes
29 Which two bacteria are the most common bacteria in endodontic infections?
a. Porphyromonas species and Bacteroides melaninogenica
b. Eubacterium and Fusobacterium
c. Actinomycetes and Spirochetes
d. Wolinella and Veillonella species
30 Which of the following are not found in the pulp?
a. Reticulin fibres
b. Collagen fibres
c. Proprioceptor nerve fibres
d. Myelinated nerve fibres
31 The absence of which layer of dentin predisposes it to internal resorption by cells present in the pulp?
a. Mantle dentin
b. Predentin
c. Circumpulpal dentin
d. Secondary dentin
32 Which of the following is the most accurate definition of a phoenix abscess?
a. An acute apical periodontitis
b. A suppurative apical periodontitis
c. An acute exacerbation of a chronic apical periodontitis
d. A chronic state of an acute apical periodontitis
33 A patient presents with an acute periapical abscess. Which of the following tests could have a positive response?
a. Hot test
b. Electric pulp test
c. Cold test
d. Percussion
34 The ideal amount of dentin required between an amalgam restoration and the pulp for insulation is
a. 0.5mm
35 Delayed expansion of amalgam restoration is more likely to be associated with
a. Over trituration and condensation
b. High residual mercury .
c. The contamination of amalgam by moisture during trituration and condensation
d. Failure to use cavity varnish
36 Which tooth requires special attention when preparing the occlusal aspect for restoration?
a. Mandibular first bicuspid
b. Mandibular second bicuspid
c. Maxillary first molar
d. Maxillary 11rst bicuspid
37 When removing caries, which of the following layers of dentin are affected, but not infected and therefore do not need to be removed?
a. Turbid dentin
b. Transparent dentin
c. Sub-transparent dentin
d. Infected dentin
38 The initiation of dental caries requires a high proportion of
a. Lactobacillus within saliva
b. Lactobacillus within dental plaque
c. Streptococcus mutans within dental plaque
d. Streptococcus mutans within saliva
39 On your crown insertion appointment, you notice that the margins are open when you attempt to seat the crown in mouth. Which of the following should you check first?
a. The proximal contacts
b. The occlusal contacts
c. For a void on the crowns interior
d. For a nodule on crowns interior
40 A sedative often used in management of anxious pediatric dental patient IS
a. Pentobarbitol
b. Secobarbitol
c. Chloral hydrate
d. Meperidine
41 Ester type local anesthetics are metabolized in
a. Liver
b. Plasma
c. Lungs
d. Kidneys
42 Which antibiotic is not only effective against most staphylococci, aerobic and anaerobic streptococci, but is most effective in treating infections due to bacteroides species?
a. Penicillin VK
b. Erythromycin
c. Clindamycin
d. Cephalexin
43 For dry heat sterilization at a temperature of 160 how long does it take to sterilize instruments?
a. 5 minutes
b. 20 minutes
c. 40 minutes
d. 120 minutes
44 Which type of pathogens provide the ultimate test for efficacy of sterilization?
a. Bacteria
b. Spore forming
c. Virus
d. Fungi
45 The proportion of existing cases of disease in a population at one point in time or during a specified period of time is termed as
a. Incidence
b. Epidemiology
c. Prevalence
46 A curette designed to scale and root plane anterior teeth with deep pockets will have
a. Short, straight shank
b. Short, angled shank
c. Long, angled shank
d. Long, straight shank
47 Pleasure's Concept is associated with
a. Balanced occlusion
b. Organic occlusion J
c. Lingualised occlusiom
d. Articulation concepts 1
48 Discrepancies in occlusion of denture can be clearly detected from
a. Observation at denture insertion phase
b. Masticatory efficiency
c. Clicking sound at the temporomanibular joint
d. Remounting procedure of denture
49 " Squint test", is used as a guide for selecting
a. Shade of the teeth
b. Shape of the teeth
c. Length of the teeth
d. Tooth proportions
50 A functional cusp bevel in the preparation of a tooth for Full Crown or Fixed partial denture retainer ,provides for
a. Improving Retention
b. Improving Stability
c. Better Esthetics
d. Bulk of restoration for strength
51 Color temperature of light source for shade selection process should be
a. 45K
52 Post cementation I luting pain on biting is most likely due to
a. Occlusal overload
b. Sensitivity to cement
c. Periapical abscess
d. Short margins
53 Base metal casting alloys as compared to Noble metal casting alloys for cast restorations
a. Base metal alloys are softer to finish
b. Base metal alloys are less dense
c. Base metal alloys are more easily hardened
d. Base metal alloys are more resistant to corrosion
54 Which of the following is not a radiographic sign of trauma from occlusion
a. Hypercementosis
b. Root Resorption
c. Periodontal pockets
d. Widening of periodontal ligament space
55 The ideal time period from placing the Indirect Pulp cap until the reopening the tooth to remove the remaining decay is
a. 3-4 months
b. 7-10 days
c. 2-3 weeks
d. 1 year
56 Pulpal pain, either spontaneous or elicited by an irritant, that lingers for more than 10 -15 seconds suggest
a. Pulpal necrosis
b. Irreversible pulpitis
c. Pukpal hypereJnia
d. Apical periodontitis
57 The most effective and most tolerable topical fluoride is
a. 0.2 Sodium Flouride
b. Stannous fluoride
c. Acidulated phosphate fluoride
d. Sodium fluoride
58 Which is the principal hormone for calcium regulation?
a. Cacitonin
b. Parathyroid hormone
c. Thyroxin
d. Vasopressin! ADH
59 Intrinsic factor, essential for the absorption ofvitamin B12 in ileum, is secreted by the:
a. Chief cells
b. Parietal cells
c. Gastric cells
d. Mucus cells
60 Which of the following enzymes is responsible for dissolving blood clots?
a. Prothrombin
b. Thrombin
c. Fibrinogen
d. Plasmin
61 Pernicious anemia is caused by the mal-absorption of
a. Vitamin A
b. Vitamin B12
c. Vitamin C
d. Vitamin E
62 Which of the following is not the prominent toxic effect of mercury
a. Xerostomia
b. Irritability
c. Loosened teeth
d. Tremors
63 Immediate dentures should be preferably relined after:
a. 1 month and 3 months post extraction
b. 4 months and 7 months post extraction
c. 5 months and 10 months post extraction
d. 1 year and 2 years post extraction
64 The incisal edges of maxillary teeth should touch the wet/ dry line of the lower lip while creating
a. "Th" sound
b. "F" and "V" sounds
c. "P" and "B" soumds
d. "S" sound
65 Posterior Palatal Seal, for maxillary denture
a. Is placed 3 mm posterior to vibrating line
b. Is not necessary when fabricating a complete denture on a patient with flat palate
c. Is notnecessary if a metal base is used
d. Will vary in outline and depth according to the palatal form of the patient
66 A reverse 3/4th crown is most frequently fabricated for a
a. Maxillary molar
b. Mandibular molar
c. Mandibular premolar
d. Maxillary premolar
67 "Strain Hardening" or "Work hardening" are best described as
a. Hardening deformation) of a metal at room temperature
b. Hardening( Deformation) of a metal at very high temperature
c. Softening of metal by controlled heating and cooling
d. Softening a metal at room temperature
68 Burkitts Lymphoma is associated with the
a. Herpes virus
b. Epstein-Barr virus
c. Cytomegalovirus
d. Human papillomavirus
69 The most common neoplasm seen in AIDS patient is
a. Non-Hodgkins lymphoma
b. Squamous cell carcinoma
c. Basal cell carcinoma
d. Kaposi's sarcoma
70 The prime factor that initiates Myofascial pain dysfunction syndrome (MPDS) is
a. Trauma
b. Muscle spasm
c. Periodontal disease
d. Tumour
71 Which ofthese lesions are typically within soft tissue and may mimic inflammatory lesions of odontogenic origin
a. Median alveolar cyst
b. Globulomaxillary cyst
c. Nasolabial cyst
d. Nasopalatine cyst
72 MassofhistoJogically normal tissuepresentinanabnormallocation iscalleda
a. Teratoma
b. Choristoma
c. Hamartoma
d. None of the above
73 Cretinism is deficiency disease caused by the congenital absence of
a. Thyroxine
b. Insulin
c. Calcitonin
d. Epinephrine
74 The sum of the mesiodistal widths of the primary molars in anyone quadrant is
a. 5-10 mm greater than the permanent teeth that succeed them----premolars
b. 2-5 mm less than the permanent teeth that succeed them----premolars
c. 2-5 mm greater than the permanent teeth that succeed them----premolars
d. 5-10 mm less than the permanent teeth that succeed them----premolars
75 Which of the following is not the principal characteristics of'Attention deficit Hyperactivity disorder' (AOHD)
a. Inattention
b. Mental retardation
c. Hyperactivity
d. Impulsivity
76 " Koplik Spots" are associated with
a. Smallpox (Variola)
b. Gemlan measles (Rubella)
c. Mumps
d. Measles (Rubeola)
77 At age of 6 yrs a child's head is what percentage of its adult size
a. 30%
b. 50%
c. 80%
d. 90%
78 Nomlal Prothrombin time IS
a. 7 seconds ± 2 seconds
b. 11 seconds ± 2 seconds
c. 14seconds ± 2 seconds
d. 25seconds ± 2 seconds
79 In patient with LefortII fracture, common finding is paresthesia over distribution of the
a. Infraorbital nerve
b. Inferior alveolar nerve
c. Mylohyoid nerve
d. Hypoglossal nerve
80 Secretions of sub lingual gland is predominantly
a. Mucous
b. Serous
c. Mixed
d. None of the above
81 Major arterial supply to Temporomanibular joint is derived from
a. Facial artery
b. Angular anery
c. Occipital artey
d. Superficial temporal artery and maxillary artery
82 Incipient carious lesions, after sealant application
a. Progressively increase in size
b. Are arrested
c. Spread rapidly into interproximal areas
d. Remain the same
83 RPI clasp is a type of
a. Gingivally approaching clasp
b. Occlually approaching clasp
c. Mixed clasp
d. Infrabulge clasp
84 Optimum Location of finish line for a All ceramic Anterior Full Veneer Crown should be
a. Supragingival
b. Subgingival
c. Equigingival
d. Subgingival labially and supra gingival lingually or palatally
85 Which class of antibodies constitutes about 75% of the antibodies ofa nonnal human being':
a. IgA
b. IgD
c. IgE
d. IgG
86 "Spoon Denture" may be indicated for which classification of partially dentulous arch
a. Kennedy class IV
b. Kennedy class I
c. Kennedy class II
d. Kennedy class III
87 Porcelain etching for ceramic repair involves chemically which material
a. Orthophosphoric acid 37%
b. Hydrofluoric acid
c. Phosphoric acid 33%
d. Maleic acid 20%
88 Guide Planes are
a. Proximal surfaces of distal surfaces of fixed partial dentures
b. Proximal surfaces abutment teeth parallel to path of insertion and removal
c. Proximal surfaces of retainers of RPD
d. Vertical anns of RPD retainers
89 Which luting cement is not preferred for All Ceramic restorations
a. Resin cements
b. Glass inomer cements
c. Polycarboxylate cements
d. Resin reinforced Glass Ionomer cement
90 Caries activity is not directly proportional to
a. The consistency of fermentable carbohydrates ingested
b. The quantity of fermentable carbohydrates ingested
c. The frequency of ingesting fermentable carbohydrates
d. The oral retention of fermentable carbohydrates ingested
91 Which one ofthese is not a component in implant supported crown
a. Abutment
b. Analogue
c. Impression coping
d. Pontic
92 Which ofthe following is not the response of histamine release due to allergic reaction
a. Vasoldilatation (esp. arterioles)
b. Bronchoconstriction
c. Increased blood pressure
d. Secretion ofHCL
93 Which of the tooth would have two canals most of the times?
a. Tooth no. 15
b. Tooth no. 24
c. Tooth no. 35
d. Tooth no. 45
94 Persistent radiolucency in the peripical area ofendodontically treated maxillary first molar could be explained by
a. second mesibuccal canal was not located
b. second distobuccal canal was not located
c. second palatal canal was not located
d. It takes more than 12 months for the bone to heal
95 Which tooth is most likely to have a curved root?
a. Maxillary central incisor
b. Maxillary lateral incisor
c. Maxillary canine
d. Mandibular central incisor
96 Tissue conditioners are used for completely edentulous patients
a. To remodel the alveolar bone favorably
b. To bring the tissue tone to normal
c. To alleviate any signs of tissue inflammation before a new denture is fabricated
d. Showing signs of oral candidiasis
97 Diagnosis of ulceration on tongue persisting for more than 2 weeks should be based on
a. Incisional biopsy
b. Exfoliative cytology
c. Clinical signs and symptoms
d. Blood biochemistry
98 Which one ofthe materials is not used for Dental Implants in clinical use
a. Commercially pure titanium
b. Grade 5 titanium
c. Titanium-6AI-4V alloy
d. Co-Cr-Mo alloy
99 What type ofocclusion scheme is preferred for maxillary complete denture opposing Mandibular natural dentition
a. Bilaterally Balanced occlusion
b. Unilaterally balanced occlusion
c. Canine guided occlusion
d. Group function
100 Which one of following communicable diseases commonly infects dental health personnel
b. Hepatitis B
c. Hepatatis C