Exam Details

Subject basic computer applications
Exam / Course b. pharmacy
Organization G. Pulla Reddy College Of Pharmacy
Exam Date June, 2016
City, State telangana, hyderabad

Question Paper

Reddy College of Pharmacy
HyderabadOU 1701 OU 1701
Code No. 8037 M
B. Pharmacy I Year (Main) Examination, June 2016
Subject Basic Computer Applications
Time 3 hours Max. Marks 70
Note Answer all questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1 Draw block diagram of computer? Explain the components. 7
Write about the characteristics of computers. 7
Explain different types of storage devices for computers. 7
What is the importance and features of operating system? 7
2 What are the different types of operators available in C-language? Explain them. 14
Explain the control statements with examples. 14
IF ELSE ii) FOR iii) Break and Continue
3 What are different tools available in MS-Office and explain them? 7
Write the basic formatting of word document using MS-Word. 7
Explain charts and graphs with MS-Excel data. 7
Explain a spread sheet preparation and formatting the sheet using MS-Excel. 7
4 Write about the important features of MS-Power point. 7
Write notes on Transitions and Animations ii) Templates 7
What is database? Write about different data types available in MS-Access? 7
Explain about the creation of table, creation of relationships between data in MSAccess.
5 Explain the following 14 Search engine ii) HTML iii) Internet
iv) Pharmaceutical resources in WWW
Write the features of SQL. Compare MS-Access and SQL server. 7
Give overview of reserved words in SQL.


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