Exam Details

Subject biology
Exam / Course b. pharmacy
Organization G. Pulla Reddy College Of Pharmacy
Exam Date November, 2016
City, State telangana, hyderabad

Question Paper

B. Pharmacy I Year (Supplementary) Examination, November 2016
Subject: Biology
Time: 3 Hours Max.Marks: 70
Note: Answer All questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1 Write an outline of classification of plant kingdom. 7
ii) What is a flower and describe the floral parts. 7
Describe modifications of the root. 7
ii) What is inflorescence? Discuss various types of recemose inflorescence. 7
2 Give an account of floral characteristics of apocynaceae and add a note on
medicinal importance. 8
ii) Give an account on floral characteristics and economic importance of
scrophulariaceae. 6
Describe the floral features of leguminosae and add a note on their economic
importance. 7
ii) Give an account of the floral characters of solanaceae and mention three
medicinally important plants. 7
3 Give an account of the structure of DNA. 7
ii) What is polyploidy and discuss about aneuploidy. 7
Describe Kreb's cycle. 7
ii) Write an account on methods of absorption in plants. 7
4 Give a detailed account of reduction division. 14
Give an account on endocrine glands of rabbit. 8
ii) Describe the histology of liver. 6
5 Give an account on tapeworm. 7
ii) Give a detailed account on Trypanosoma. 7
Discuss the role of mosquitos in causing diseases in humans. 7
ii) Describe the life history of Anchylostoma. 7


  • anatomy, physiology and health education
  • basic computer applications
  • basic computer applications – i
  • biology
  • general pharmacy
  • human anatomy and physiology - i
  • pharmaceutical inorganic chemistry
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