Exam Details

Subject pharmacognosy - ii
Exam / Course b. pharmacy 3/4
Organization G. Pulla Reddy College Of Pharmacy
Exam Date November, 2017
City, State telangana, hyderabad

Question Paper

B. Pharmacy 3/4 I Semester (November) Examination, November 2017
Subject Pharmacognosy II
Time 3 hours Max. Marks 70
Note Answer all questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1 Write diagnostic features of
Kurchi ii) Cinchona iii) Datura 3 x 3 9
Write the Biological source, chemical tests and uses of
Rauwolfia ii) Opium 5
Give Pharmacognistic description of Ephedra. 8
Describe the microscopical features of 6
Vasaka ii) Datura iii) Nuxvomica
2 Write the pharmacognostic description of Liquorice. 8
Describe the following chemical tests and their importance 2 x 3 6
Killer-Killani test ii) Bontragers test
Write the Biological source, chemistry, therapeutic use and adulterants of 10
Diascorea ii) Digitalis
Write an informative note on Bitter glycosides. 4
3 Describe the isolation and estimation of caffeine from tea. 8
Write the biological source, chemical constituents, chemical tests and uses of 6
Capsium ii) Clove
Write the isolation and estimation of Tannic acid from myrobalan. 8
Write the Biological source, chemical constituents and uses of 6
Podophyllum ii) Artemisia
4 Write about 8
Embryogenesis ii) Clonal propagation
Write about sterilization techniques used in plant tissue culture technique. 6
Discuss the nutritional requirements of an ideal plant tissue culture medium. 10
Explain the methodology for initiation of callus culture from a seed. 4
5 Write the preparation of 9
Bhasma ii) Asawas iii) Kashayams
Discuss about the status and practice of Herbal medicine in India. 5
Write in detail about Quality Control and standardization of Raw materials. 10
Write a note on different type of herbal formulations. 4


  • bio – statistics (pharmacostatics)
  • forensic pharmacy (pharmaceutical jurisprudence)
  • medicinal chemistry - i
  • pharmaceutical chemistry (chemistry of natural products)
  • pharmaceutical technology
  • pharmaceutical technology (pharmaceutics – ii)
  • pharmacognosy - ii
  • pharmacology - i
  • pharmacology - ii
  • physical pharmacy - i
  • physical pharmacy - ii