Exam Details

Subject anatomy, physiology and health education
Exam / Course b. pharmacy
Organization G. Pulla Reddy College Of Pharmacy
Exam Date April, 2018
City, State telangana, hyderabad

Question Paper

B. Pharmacy I -Year (Suppl.) Examination, April 2018
Subject Anatomy, Physiology and Health Education
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 70
Note: Answer all questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1. Define tissue classify various types of epithelial tissues and explain any two with a
neat labeled diagram 8
Explain about facilitated diffusion and active transport 6

Write a note on muscle tissue 8
Explain the following bones with a neat diagram
Sternum Scapula 6
2. Explain the physiology of nerve impulse 8
Define reflex. Explain various components of reflex arc. 6

Define Blood pressure. Describe how blood pressure is regulated 14
3. Write a note on physiology of respiration 8
Define the terms anoxia hypoxia dyspnoea. 6

Explain Mechanisms of hormone secretion 8
Discuss the disorders of Pituitary gland. 6
4. Explain how urine is formed 8
Write a note on physiology of smell 6

Discuss in detail about the anatomy of eye
Write about structure and functions of taste buds 6
5. Describe signs, symptoms and different stages of inflammation 8
Write about various temporary, methods used is family planning. 6

Explain the following edema Embolisms
Explain neoplasm and hemorrhage 6


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