Exam Details

Subject data structures with c
Exam / Course m.sc. information technology
Organization acharya nagarjuna university-distance education
Exam Date May, 2018
City, State new delhi, new delhi

Question Paper

Total No. of Questions 18] [Total No. of Pages 02
First Year
Data Structures with C
Time 3 Hours Maximum Marks 70
SECTION A × 15 45)
Answer any THREE questions
Q1) What is an algorithm? Explain various components of algorithm? Write an algorithm
to largest elements of given set of elements.
Q2) What structure of record? How to represent records in computer memory? Explain
with suitable example.
Q3) Write an algorithm for the following in single linked list.
Delete a node with specified value from the list.
Reverse the links of the list i.e. the first node becomes last node.
Q4) Explain about AVL trees, B trees and red black trees with suitable example.
Q5) Write and explain the trace of selection sort on following data
42, 23, 74, 11, 65, 58, 94, 36, 99, 87
SECTION B × 4 20)
Answer any five questions
Q6) Write about various algorithm operations.
Q7) Explain about Big O notation and Theta notation θ of an algorithm.
Q8) Give any four string handling functions with syntax.
Q9) Evaluate the following postfix expression using stack
5 6 2 1 2 4
Q10) Compare circular queue with simple queue.
Q11) Explain Threaded binary trees with suitable examples.
Q12) Construct a binary search tree for the following and perform in order and post
order traversals 5 9 4 8 2 1 3 7 6
Q13) Write short notes on hashing.
Answer all questions
Q14) What is pointer?
Q15) Define recursion.
Q16) How to create node in single linked list?
Q17) Define binary tree.
Q18) What is average time complexity?

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