Exam Details

Subject data structures
Exam / Course pg diploma in computer applications (pgdca)
Organization acharya nagarjuna university-distance education
Exam Date May, 2018
City, State new delhi, new delhi

Question Paper

Total No. of Questions 10] [Total No. of Pages 02
Data Structures
Time 3 Hours Maximum Marks 70
Answer any FIVE questions x 14 70)
All questions carry equal marks
Q1) Draw and explain Abstract data type model. Explain properties of ADT with suitable
Q2) Explain about various asymptotic notations to compute algorithm complexity.
Write about pattern matching graph and give algorithm for pattern match by the graph.
Q3) Write about various operations performed on linear data structures.
Write an algorithm and flow chart to find largest value given set of integers and give its
Q4) How to create node in double linked list? Write a procedure to insert a node at the end and
delete a node from the beginning of a doubly linked list.
Q5) Consider an example where the size of the queue is four elements. Initially the queue is
empty. It is required to insert symbols and Delete and and insert
and Show the trace of the contents of the queue.
Write about various operations on circular queue.
Q6) What is a binary search tree? Create a binary search tree for inserting the following data.
50, 45, 100, 25, 49, 120, 105, 46, 90, 95. Write a deletion operation in the above tree.
Q7) Explain insert and delete operations in AVL trees with suitable examples.
Q8) Illustrate tree traversing techniques with suitable example.
Q9) Write pseudo code of selection sort and tracing selection sort on following data
40, 20, 70, 11, 60, 56, 79, 33, 99, 87.
Q10) Write the Merge Sort Algorithm to sort the following numbers.
12, 14, 25, 27, 11, 34, 13, 16, 45, 23, 52.

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