Exam Details

Subject programming with c++
Exam / Course pg diploma in computer applications (pgdca)
Organization acharya nagarjuna university-distance education
Exam Date May, 2018
City, State new delhi, new delhi

Question Paper

Total No. of Questions 10] [Total No. of Pages 02
Programming with
Time 3 Hours Maximum Marks 70
Answer any FIVE questions x 14 70)
All questions carry equal marks
Q1) Write about variables, constants and operators in
Q2) What are the advantages of having call-by-reference over call-by-value? Write a program
to interchange two float values using call-by-reference.
Q3) Explain static data members and static member functions.
Describe the cast operators in explicit type conversion.
Q4) Define class and object, with an example explain the concept of data abstraction and message
passing mechanism.
Q5) Define a class called STUDENT with member function's to
Read name, reg_no and marks in 3 tests of a subject.
Calculate average of better 2 tests.
Print the data.
Write a program in to accept data of students and to process the data.
Q6) What are friend functions? Why are they used? Explain with an example.
Q7) Illustrate operator overloading with suitable example.
Q8) What are the different forms of inheritance? Briefly explain the different forms.
Q9) What is a virtual function? Illustrate with an example the usage of virtual functions.
Q10) Explain user-defined manipulator with an example.
Write about function templates with suitable example.

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